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Releases: ergoplatform/ergo

Ergo Protocol Reference Client 4.0.46

22 Sep 18:16
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Ergo protocol reference client 4.0.46. It contains following PRs included:

  • #1821 - the node now shows public REST API URLs of other nodes, if own REST API URL is not set
  • #1838 - optimizations and transaction weight fixes done for chained transactions in the mempool
  • #1840 - performance optimizations for AVL tree operations validation during block processing

Ergo Protocol Reference Client 4.0.45

19 Sep 17:37
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Ergo protocol reference client 4.0.45. It fixes spam attack vector against p2p network: a peer can announce valid block section id with improper type, and then the node will try to re-download it from the peer and then random neighbours, penalizing them all on the way, and traffic spike happens as well.

Since this version, the node forget about block section with improper type asked, and also do not serve other peers asking for such block sections (helping peers of older version to avoid unnecessary traffic).

Ergo Protocol Reference Client 4.0.44

18 Sep 19:32
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Ergo protocol reference client 4.0.44. It contains two bugfixes on top of 4.0.43:

  • proper modifier type in broadcasting new block invs
  • fixed "ErgoReadersHolder got improper input" message in logs

Ergo Protocol Reference Client 4.0.43

18 Sep 08:20
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Ergo protocol reference client 4.0.43. It contains:

  • #1830 - different optimization for node bootstrapping, as well as a fix for out-of-memory issue during bootstrapping
  • #1834 - fix for REST API URL validation
  • #1825 - fix for OOM issue wrapped by Guava cache ( #1824 )

Contributors: @kushti , @pragmaxim

Ergo Protocol Reference Client 4.0.42

02 Sep 12:41
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Ergo protocol reference client 4.0.42. It contains:

  • #1819 - transaction validation cost is now considered in p2p layer, it is not sending more than some limit (12M total cost) per block while sending transactions one-by-one (so backpressure for the mempool validation is implemented in this PR). Also, default max transaction cost for the mempool lowered down to 4.9M (was 5M).

Contributors: @kushti

Ergo Protocol Reference Client 4.0.41

25 Aug 16:35
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Ergo protocol reference client 4.0.41. It contains following PRs

  • #1599 - more efficient byte operations in AVL tree proof generation
  • #1786 and #1812 - different memory pool optimizations and anti-spam protection mechanisms
  • #1814 - it is possible now to set via ergo.node.mempoolSorting setting how mempool is sorted (by fee/ transaction size or fee/ transaction cost)

Voting for 5.0 soft-fork:

This version is voting for 5.0 soft-fork automatically. To vote against it, set in the config:

ergo {
  voting {
    120 = 0 // vote against 5.0 soft-fork

you can combine vote against soft-fork with other votes , e.g.

ergo {
  voting {
    120 = 0 // vote against 5.0 soft-fork
    8 = 1000

Contributors: @ApexTheory , @knizhnik , @kushti

Ergo Protocol Reference Client 4.0.40

18 Aug 08:16
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Ergo Protocol Reference Client 4.0.40. It contains following PRs:

  • #1802 - validation errors now always have block section id and type id
  • #1808 - improvements in block section delivery checking logic

Voting for 5.0 soft-fork:

This version is voting for 5.0 soft-fork automatically. To vote against it, set in the config:

ergo {
  voting {
    120 = 0 // vote against 5.0 soft-fork

you can combine vote against soft-fork with other votes , e.g.

ergo {
  voting {
    120 = 0 // vote against 5.0 soft-fork
    8 = 1000

SHA-256 checksum: 7277e07098ffcc0a75809a05fc10f515039a73bb8210b0886450c2c9dfcd652c

Contributors: @kushti , @pragmaxim

Ergo Protocol Reference Client 4.0.39

16 Aug 08:58
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Ergo Protocol Reference Client 4.0.39. It contains following PRs:

  • #1750 - prioritize blocks downloading when better chain reported by peers by not downloading transactions during that period
  • #1800 - fixes for different issues regarding public API URL
  • #1805 - randomized mempool sorting by transaction size or execution cost. Order is decided during node startup.
  • #1806 - fixed declared address parsing for IPv6

Voting for 5.0 soft-fork:

Node now voting for 5.0 soft-fork automatically. To vote against it, set in the config:

ergo {
  voting {
    120 = 0 // vote against 5.0 soft-fork

you can combine vote against soft-fork with other votes , e.g.

ergo {
  voting {
    120 = 0 // vote against 5.0 soft-fork
    8 = 1000

SHA-256 checksum: d248ff88a83cf09f42d7209d6a1449299c98ea846da4ca9e99b6cc77aa7b5500

Contributors: @kushti , @pragmaxim , @satsen

Ergo Protocol Reference Client 4.0.38

08 Aug 20:52
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This release is identical to 4.0.37 but doing auto-voting for 5.0 soft-fork starting from block 823297.

Contributors: @kushti

SHA-256 checksum: 15d805db1c6a93d9f595ae8bbb883a9fedcee6980850a4980b72b31f4c8cd8e9

Ergo Protocol Reference Client 4.0.37

08 Aug 09:14
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Ergo Protocol Reference Client 4.0.37. It contains following PRs:

  • #1661 - by default the node is not storing proofs of correctness for UTXO state during bootstrapping, before a block which is by ergo.node.adProofsSuffixLength blocks behind blockchain tip. Default value for adProofsSuffixLength is 114688. After bootstrapping, the proofs suffix is not being pruned (thus still ever growing)
  • #1752 - after EIP-27 activation height, emission box is tracked by its NFT (which is more efficient than syntax trees comparison)
  • #1791 - the node can vote for 5.0 soft-fork now (supporting only 4.x protocol). Manual voting is required, please see details below. Voting will be started not sooner than @ 823,297 (first block of epoch #804)
  • #1792 - node is checking that a new best header is extracted from sync info network message only once, and only if it is not requested already in another way (by making a query to delivery tracker)

To vote for 5.0 soft-fork with this release, set in the config:

ergo {
  voting {
    120 = 1 // vote for 5.0 soft-fork

you can combine vote for soft-fork with other votes , e.g.

ergo {
  voting {
    120 = 1 // vote for 5.0 soft-fork
    8 = 1000

SHA-256 checksum: 3e85e904b649f598b84b55b4330fbf215e51e88387ee6e0b43cbd3daa079f191

Contributors: @jellymlg , @knizhnik , @kushti