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Releases: ergoplatform/ergo

Ergo Protocol Reference Client

20 Jan 11:27
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It was considered in p2p layer that any block section is no more than some limit, namely, 2MB. While this is true for transactions (where limit can be changed by miners though and so exceed 2MB) and extension section (10 KB max), there is no check for UTXO set transformations proofs (most of the nodes generating and not downloading).

It was the case that one transaction made 5K UTXOs . Then a light client (working in "digest" mode) caused problems for public nodes storing UTXO set, as they did not considered violation of the rule and so stuck in endless loop.

This release relaxing the issue by making full nodes not stuck if they some have a block section more than allowed block section size. In this case the node is still sending it. On client side, there is some relaxation of the limit. However, to protect light clients fully we need to introduce consensus-level checks for UTXO set transformation proofs in a next soft-fork, or miners can vote on raising cost of an output.

Also, too much of syncing traffic appeared in the logs. This release tries to cool down syncing.

Ergo Protocol Reference Client 4.0.21

17 Jan 17:16
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Ergo Protocol Reference Client 4.0.21. It contains following PRs merged:

  • #1506 - transaction cost in mempool now limited (default limits are 800K for the testnet, 5M for the mainnet)
  • #1563 - no global LaunchParameters used around the codebase anymore
  • #1573 - node is now checking itself periodically for being stuck, printing debug information if so and also tries to repair db from one known issue
  • #1574 - fixing logback oversized logfile issue
  • #1575 - fixing errors in openapi.yaml
  • #1580 - akka max uri length increased

Contributors: @kushti, @pragmaxim , @ross-weir

SHA-256 sum (if built with Java 8): 2025b61b2a2c1b02a9c5db0694abae4f2d22f9b92c7258070697491928549448

Ergo Protocol Reference Client

11 Jan 13:44
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Ergo Protocol Reference Client it contains:

  • #1570 : randomized re-broadcasting, rebroadcasting transactions only if all the inputs are in UTXO set, decline but do not invalidate transactions if inputs are not in UTXO set

SHA-256 sum: 25c5448522cfb04a68f5b8c85afa09ec55328e8d829c93ff5838ca554e88a748
Contributors: @kushti

Ergo Protocol Reference Client

10 Jan 11:54
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Ergo Protocol Reference Client It contains:

  • fix for inconsistent mempools #1565

SHA-256 sum: b8ab744cd29caa25e24f9327b20b94e5f4dd53216057b2a6e4a8eb152ffbb70b
Contributors: @pragmaxim

Ergo Protocol Reference Client 4.0.20

07 Jan 08:23
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Ergo Protocol Reference Client 4.0.20. It contains:

  • new /utxo/getBoxesBinaryProof API method to get proofs of membership (or non-memberhip) for a sequence of boxes against current UTXO set ( #1532)
  • optimizations in transactions application ( #1549 & #1553)
  • p2p layer optimizations for 4.0.20 (#1561)

SHA-256 sum: a90a302e0f90f62f0e9236bfe66f2efb6aa0148cb01bbc955b0c1c305cfc6848
Contributors: @knizhnik , @kushti , @pragmaxim

Ergo Protocol Reference Client 4.0.19

28 Dec 22:13
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Ergo Protocol Reference Client 4.0.19. It contains:

SHA-256 sum: 142f9af0172124266330fb8263594a5334cb9ca8c36103ab9d7f69ae6d0ee6f9
Contributors: @kushti

Thanks to WoolyPooly and GetBlock mining pools providing logs and testing on the testnet.

Ergo Protocol Reference Client 4.0.18

28 Dec 02:45
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Ergo protocol reference client 4.0.18. Recommended for miners. It contains:

  • new ergo.node.blacklistedTransactions setting to ban transactions from getting into the mempool
  • to avoid possible problems with AOT costing differences for different versions of the ErgoTree interpreter, this version is introducing a safe gap for block cost, avoiding creating blocks near block cost limit. Safe gap value is hardcoded and equal to 150K

SHA-256 sum: a4a0fb562315aada38ffff5efcf97e29bd41d10f2b6deeeb9b93a6691ec5ac75

Contributors: @kushti

Ergo Protocol Reference Client 4.0.17

27 Dec 18:05
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Ergo Protocol Reference Client version 4.0.17. It includes following PRs :

  • #1332 - A flag to make removal of spent-offchain boxes optional added
  • #1464 - Ignore already applied transactions from peers
  • #1483 - Rework of processRemoteModifiers in ErgoNodeViewHolder
  • #1492 - Avoid block sections serialization/deserialization on p2p transfer
  • #1493 - After-Scorex refactoring
  • #1494 - Remove on node restart a header somehow made invalid
  • #1497 & #1538 - use SecretString for wallet secrets
  • #1499 - Unify FileUtils
  • #1501 - Java 7 runtime compatibility for ergo-wallet
  • #1507 - Periodic random peer eviction
  • #1508 - Fix misspelling in openapi.yaml
  • #1512 - Reflect token access cost during transaction signing
  • #1515 - headers limit in /blocks API methods
  • #1522 - Using interpreter during candidate generation like in verification, more logging on tx verification
  • #1530 - Fixing negative number of modifiers to download while syncing
  • #1537 - Fixing "spam attempts" and "double application" issues during blockchain sync

SHA-256 checksum : 133ffbc13efee2938f624ee6797dda9ae6b6d01d8cf84b04c94760f2929b24c9

Contributors: @ApexTheory , @ccellado, @chriswill, @knizhnik , @kushti , @MrStahlfelge, @pragmaxim , @taikatytto

Ergo Protocol Reference Client

07 Dec 21:25
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Another miner update, for miners, contains improvements towards making block generation and block verification processes to be as close as possible.

Ergo Protocol Reference Client

06 Dec 20:07
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This minor release is for miners, and based on #1522 . It contains:

  • candidate generation now using interpreter in the same way as block verification
  • more logging on tx verification failures, to make verification easily reproducible with logs given