Install rbenv (or rvm but we're assuming rbenv for the sake of the guide)
(bundled with rbenv) -
Initialize rbenv:
rbenv init
then follow the directions it outputs. It will look something like:
# Load rbenv automatically by appending
# the following to ~/.zshrc:
eval "$(rbenv init -)"
Install ruby 2.5.7:
rbenv install 2.5.7
. This could take awhile. -
Update rbenv's shims:
rbenv rehash
Install rails:
gem install rails
Install the bundler:
gem install bundler
You may need to install Xcode command line tools (
xcode-select --install
) -
Install mongodb:
brew install mongodb
. You can choose to run mongodb as a background service withbrew services start mongodb
Make the database directory:
sudo mkdir -p /data/db && sudo chown -R `id -un` /data/db
Install yarn:
npm install -g yarn
(this assumes you have node and npm installed) -
Install the node packages:
Install the ruby packages:
bundle install
Start the mongodb database:
. If you ranmongodb
through brew services, you can skip this step. -
In a separate shell instance, create and setup the database:
rake db:create && rake db:setup
Start the rails server:
rails s
, or run all the dev processes in one instance withforeman start -p 3000
. -
If you don't like foreman's output (for example, it doesn't play nice with pry...) consider running
ruby ./bin/webpack-dev-server
andbundle exec guard
in separate instances.
Make sure your packages are updated:
andbundle install
Start the mongodb database:
. you can skip this if you have mongodb running as a background service (brew services start mongodb
) -
In a new instance, setup database:
rake db:setup && rake db:create_indexes
Start the rails server:
rails s
, or start rails, guard, and webpack-dev-server in one instance:foreman start -p 3000
If you don't like foreman's output (for example, it doesn't play nice with pry...) consider running
ruby ./bin/webpack-dev-server
andbundle exec guard
in separate instances