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Sprint 1: Meeting Notes 05.10.2012

Masterxilo edited this page Oct 5, 2012 · 3 revisions

Sprint 1 - Customer Meeting 05.10.2012

Product Backlog

You can find the product backlog at


Michael Kohler will create issues for all work items. The Milestone in Github is already created (

Questions regarding the Sprint-Backlog are posted directly under the backlog item.

  • As a visitor, I can register in the system with username/password, picture and a list of interests.
    • confirm password
  • As a seller, I can enter and edit items that are "inactive"
    • New items form!
  • As a non-authenticated user, I can authenticate to access restricted pages. (+0.25p)
    • Basic login form
  • As a seller, I can turn "inactive" items into "active" items to sell
  • As a seller, I can turn "active" items into "inactive" items to edit them
  • As a buyer, I can buy an active item at the fixed priced indicated.
  • As a user, I can delete my account (+0.25p)

Buyer and seller are only authenticated users! Random items on the front page?

Items have pictures too! Multiple pictures?


  • Meeting once a week => FR 16:05 Pool