diff --git a/.github/workflows/python.yaml b/.github/workflows/python.yaml
index 4aa6d6095a..1b93fc21f7 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/python.yaml
+++ b/.github/workflows/python.yaml
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ on:
- "source-gladly/**"
- "source-google-sheets-native/**"
- "source-hubspot-native/**"
+ - "source-salesforce/**"
branches: [main]
@@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ on:
- "source-gladly/**"
- "source-google-sheets-native/**"
- "source-hubspot-native/**"
+ - "source-salesforce/**"
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}
@@ -48,6 +50,9 @@ jobs:
type: capture
version: v1
usage_rate: "0.0"
+ - name: source-salesforce
+ type: capture
+ version: v2
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
diff --git a/source-salesforce/README.md b/source-salesforce/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..95eff3b589
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source-salesforce/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+# Salesforce Source
+This is the repository for the Salesforce source connector, written in Python.
+For information about how to use this connector within Airbyte, see [the documentation](https://docs.airbyte.io/integrations/sources/salesforce).
+## Local development
+### Prerequisites
+**To iterate on this connector, make sure to complete this prerequisites section.**
+#### Minimum Python version required `= 3.9.0`
+#### Build & Activate Virtual Environment and install dependencies
+From this connector directory, create a virtual environment:
+python -m venv .venv
+This will generate a virtualenv for this module in `.venv/`. Make sure this venv is active in your
+development environment of choice. To activate it from the terminal, run:
+source .venv/bin/activate
+pip install -r requirements.txt
+If you are in an IDE, follow your IDE's instructions to activate the virtualenv.
+Note that while we are installing dependencies from `requirements.txt`, you should only edit `setup.py` for your dependencies. `requirements.txt` is
+used for editable installs (`pip install -e`) to pull in Python dependencies from the monorepo and will call `setup.py`.
+If this is mumbo jumbo to you, don't worry about it, just put your deps in `setup.py` but install using `pip install -r requirements.txt` and everything
+should work as you expect.
+#### Building via Gradle
+You can also build the connector in Gradle. This is typically used in CI and not needed for your development workflow.
+To build using Gradle, from the Airbyte repository root, run:
+./gradlew :airbyte-integrations:connectors:source-salesforce:build
+#### Create credentials
+**If you are a community contributor**, follow the instructions in the [documentation](https://docs.airbyte.io/integrations/sources/salesforce)
+to generate the necessary credentials. Then create a file `secrets/config.json` conforming to the `source_salesforce/spec.yaml` file.
+Note that any directory named `secrets` is gitignored across the entire Airbyte repo, so there is no danger of accidentally checking in sensitive information.
+See `integration_tests/sample_config.json` for a sample config file.
+**If you are an Airbyte core member**, copy the credentials in Lastpass under the secret name `source salesforce test creds`
+and place them into `secrets/config.json`.
+### Locally running the connector
+python main.py spec
+python main.py check --config secrets/config.json
+python main.py discover --config secrets/config.json
+python main.py read --config secrets/config.json --catalog integration_tests/configured_catalog.json
+### Locally running the connector docker image
+#### Build
+First, make sure you build the latest Docker image:
+docker build . -t airbyte/source-salesforce:dev
+You can also build the connector image via Gradle:
+./gradlew :airbyte-integrations:connectors:source-salesforce:airbyteDocker
+When building via Gradle, the docker image name and tag, respectively, are the values of the `io.airbyte.name` and `io.airbyte.version` `LABEL`s in
+the Dockerfile.
+#### Run
+Then run any of the connector commands as follows:
+docker run --rm airbyte/source-salesforce:dev spec
+docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/secrets:/secrets airbyte/source-salesforce:dev check --config /secrets/config.json
+docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/secrets:/secrets airbyte/source-salesforce:dev discover --config /secrets/config.json
+docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/secrets:/secrets -v $(pwd)/integration_tests:/integration_tests airbyte/source-salesforce:dev read --config /secrets/config.json --catalog /integration_tests/configured_catalog.json
+## Testing
+Make sure to familiarize yourself with [pytest test discovery](https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/goodpractices.html#test-discovery) to know how your test files and methods should be named.
+First install test dependencies into your virtual environment:
+pip install ".[tests]"
+### Unit Tests
+To run unit tests locally, from the connector directory run:
+python -m pytest unit_tests
+### Integration Tests
+There are two types of integration tests: Acceptance Tests (Airbyte's test suite for all source connectors) and custom integration tests (which are specific to this connector).
+#### Custom Integration tests
+Place custom tests inside `integration_tests/` folder, then, from the connector root, run
+python -m pytest integration_tests
+#### Acceptance Tests
+Customize `acceptance-test-config.yml` file to configure tests. See [Connector Acceptance Tests](https://docs.airbyte.io/connector-development/testing-connectors/connector-acceptance-tests-reference) for more information.
+If your connector requires to create or destroy resources for use during acceptance tests create fixtures for it and place them inside integration_tests/acceptance.py.
+To run your integration tests with acceptance tests, from the connector root, run
+docker build . --no-cache -t airbyte/source-salesforce:dev \
+ && python -m pytest -p connector_acceptance_test.plugin
+To run your integration tests with docker
+### Using gradle to run tests
+All commands should be run from airbyte project root.
+To run unit tests:
+./gradlew :airbyte-integrations:connectors:source-salesforce:unitTest
+To run acceptance and custom integration tests:
+./gradlew :airbyte-integrations:connectors:source-salesforce:integrationTest
+## Dependency Management
+All of your dependencies should go in `setup.py`, NOT `requirements.txt`. The requirements file is only used to connect internal Airbyte dependencies in the monorepo for local development.
+We split dependencies between two groups, dependencies that are:
+* required for your connector to work need to go to `MAIN_REQUIREMENTS` list.
+* required for the testing need to go to `TEST_REQUIREMENTS` list
+### Publishing a new version of the connector
+You've checked out the repo, implemented a million dollar feature, and you're ready to share your changes with the world. Now what?
+1. Make sure your changes are passing unit and integration tests.
+1. Bump the connector version in `Dockerfile` -- just increment the value of the `LABEL io.airbyte.version` appropriately (we use [SemVer](https://semver.org/)).
+1. Create a Pull Request.
+1. Pat yourself on the back for being an awesome contributor.
+1. Someone from Airbyte will take a look at your PR and iterate with you to merge it into master.
diff --git a/source-salesforce/__init__.py b/source-salesforce/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
diff --git a/source-salesforce/__main__.py b/source-salesforce/__main__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..79f782cda3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source-salesforce/__main__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+import urllib
+from flow_sdk import shim_airbyte_cdk
+from .source_salesforce import SourceSalesforce
+ delegate=SourceSalesforce(),
+ oauth2={
+ "provider": "salesforce",
+ "authUrlTemplate": (
+ r"https://{{#config.is_sandbox}}test{{/config.is_sandbox}}{{^config.is_sandbox}}login{{/config.is_sandbox}}.salesforce.com/services/oauth2/authorize?client_id={{#urlencode}}{{{ client_id }}}{{/urlencode}}&redirect_uri={{#urlencode}}{{{ redirect_uri }}}{{/urlencode}}&response_type=code&state={{#urlencode}}{{{ state }}}{{/urlencode}}"
+ ),
+ "accessTokenUrlTemplate": r"https://{{#config.is_sandbox}}test{{/config.is_sandbox}}{{^config.is_sandbox}}login{{/config.is_sandbox}}.salesforce.com/services/oauth2/token",
+ "accessTokenBody": (
+ "grant_type=authorization_code"
+ r"&client_id={{#urlencode}}{{{ client_id }}}{{/urlencode}}"
+ r"&client_secret={{#urlencode}}{{{ client_secret }}}{{/urlencode}}"
+ r"&redirect_uri={{#urlencode}}{{{ redirect_uri }}}{{/urlencode}}&code={{#urlencode}}{{{ code }}}{{/urlencode}}"
+ ),
+ "accessTokenHeaders": {"content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"},
+ "accessTokenResponseMap": {"refresh_token": "/refresh_token"}
+ usesSchemaInference=False,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source-salesforce/config.yaml b/source-salesforce/config.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6eabf2b6ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source-salesforce/config.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ auth_type: Client
+ client_id_sops: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:w+QlOJj6HMkY8LXI+rhkU+WGzrC/pz70nnZMpqrYbLcLBBnd4MAvPOJrY9GCa1CazfzavL6ATXZtMO2et7IT8PH5i4OkhHmXrcRpYvoQFYqVPOsXMw==,iv:lto0AF8YNlhb9FIntaqVRcyxaEZSxhefzCcDx/2yQFw=,tag:BAIe1Yezo1mnaxz/uPfbaQ==,type:str]
+ client_secret_sops: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:MTa+Cv+YH7v8gy/LTsviFW9oocCDWp86g7aB5OVnO6OJLPChbNAuC7qtAzNKiZu2DVKof9tmrjqQcWxhdVEMJA==,iv:oZg6cFFx9Oq3AZCGsGRtusXEZKyMVMKbG6SCANxjwWg=,tag:iyHdLX2mUFKQfo3oJRCneg==,type:str]
+ refresh_token_sops: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:/TaTSN6bLz+eZxZhWPYj3ESFZrjQa7XWbzosSNc64Y3Y320n2il9OW2PUzt03rA4FcciEeFAN5IZAm3G+0VnO6ORFo4Bb2OuO7ZkEq9W1NlCen6ulRmb,iv:iWxXdwyum8STeLupLNiFDMcqOsCe/0LUMp6sUkydXHU=,tag:w4n604HbGtpo2JjbUPbIUg==,type:str]
+is_sandbox: false
+start_date: "2020-01-01"
+ kms: []
+ gcp_kms:
+ - resource_id: projects/estuary-theatre/locations/us-central1/keyRings/connector-keyring/cryptoKeys/connector-repository
+ created_at: "2024-03-08T05:31:16Z"
+ enc: CiQAdmEdwvWWci8hmYfDEI3t5/hMDMNae/7Pq6THGr3n3y+b8CwSSQCVvC1zN8IPDTYZdbVo11k7xVAeJSNRRAIOPpU+ARe73YpQtoMP92xJs0VasYa6gxjB53wWKIHiGxYJr5rYtJfvE6evYRQFkDY=
+ azure_kv: []
+ hc_vault: []
+ age: []
+ lastmodified: "2024-03-11T10:03:34Z"
+ mac: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:hbOhtVqgpp3Qjb2J5v0O16tZR7OOaRXhrx989jOWaPg/GRnmT2Wy7DIcT0OKtIR/Xz39xW7AUqYbig6uleMKMpqPKawvd6sPhox+0FfOZzcJDiNsn6P//mJ0/armwS9KnZk+tybhTjJMzHtaI4llp9IBdWJvLncvtZ2PLhA3oqE=,iv:nexmF7WR7PlN9aPVsx+VybCpfE6OY/yWaIPY/0wmbnU=,tag:3Oc35qCorGulnYggINzdPQ==,type:str]
+ pgp: []
+ encrypted_suffix: _sops
+ version: 3.8.1
diff --git a/source-salesforce/icon.svg b/source-salesforce/icon.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a116db17df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source-salesforce/icon.svg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source-salesforce/metadata.yaml b/source-salesforce/metadata.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9eba8f2a75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source-salesforce/metadata.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ allowedHosts:
+ hosts:
+ - "*.salesforce.com"
+ connectorSubtype: api
+ connectorType: source
+ definitionId: b117307c-14b6-41aa-9422-947e34922962
+ dockerImageTag: 2.0.14
+ dockerRepository: airbyte/source-salesforce
+ githubIssueLabel: source-salesforce
+ icon: salesforce.svg
+ license: MIT
+ name: Salesforce
+ registries:
+ cloud:
+ dockerImageTag: 2.0.9
+ enabled: true
+ oss:
+ enabled: true
+ releaseStage: generally_available
+ documentationUrl: https://docs.airbyte.com/integrations/sources/salesforce
+ tags:
+ - language:python
+metadataSpecVersion: "1.0"
diff --git a/source-salesforce/poetry.lock b/source-salesforce/poetry.lock
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5d7f1a71f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source-salesforce/poetry.lock
@@ -0,0 +1,1603 @@
+# This file is automatically @generated by Poetry 1.7.1 and should not be changed by hand.
+name = "airbyte-cdk"
+version = "0.51.14"
+description = "A framework for writing Airbyte Connectors."
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.8"
+files = [
+ {file = "airbyte-cdk-0.51.14.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:b5cdad2da796f8b42ab538cc7af53a531529c94f881d1fec0a8f03f745080ea5"},
+ {file = "airbyte_cdk-0.51.14-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:8e96c7cf57dfa41b1292deed756978619ad2a1d8c7d9f42df8e12b8484ef8079"},
+airbyte-protocol-models = "0.4.0"
+backoff = "*"
+cachetools = "*"
+Deprecated = ">=1.2,<2.0"
+dpath = ">=2.0.1,<2.1.0"
+genson = "1.2.2"
+isodate = ">=0.6.1,<0.7.0"
+Jinja2 = ">=3.1.2,<3.2.0"
+jsonref = ">=0.2,<1.0"
+jsonschema = ">=3.2.0,<3.3.0"
+pendulum = "*"
+pydantic = ">=1.10.8,<2.0.0"
+python-dateutil = "*"
+PyYAML = ">=6.0.1"
+requests = "*"
+requests-cache = "*"
+wcmatch = "8.4"
+dev = ["avro (>=1.11.2,<1.12.0)", "cohere (==4.21)", "fastavro (>=1.8.0,<1.9.0)", "freezegun", "langchain (==0.0.271)", "mypy", "openai[embeddings] (==0.27.9)", "pandas (==2.0.3)", "pyarrow (==12.0.1)", "pytest", "pytest-cov", "pytest-httpserver", "pytest-mock", "requests-mock", "tiktoken (==0.4.0)"]
+file-based = ["avro (>=1.11.2,<1.12.0)", "fastavro (>=1.8.0,<1.9.0)", "pyarrow (==12.0.1)"]
+sphinx-docs = ["Sphinx (>=4.2,<5.0)", "sphinx-rtd-theme (>=1.0,<2.0)"]
+vector-db-based = ["cohere (==4.21)", "langchain (==0.0.271)", "openai[embeddings] (==0.27.9)", "tiktoken (==0.4.0)"]
+name = "airbyte-protocol-models"
+version = "0.4.0"
+description = "Declares the Airbyte Protocol."
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.8"
+files = [
+ {file = "airbyte_protocol_models-0.4.0-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:e6a31fcd237504198a678d02c0040a8798f281c39203da61a5abce67842c5360"},
+ {file = "airbyte_protocol_models-0.4.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:518736015c29ac60b6b8964a1b0d9b52e40020bcbd89e2545cc781f0b37d0f2b"},
+pydantic = ">=1.9.2,<2.0.0"
+name = "attrs"
+version = "23.2.0"
+description = "Classes Without Boilerplate"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.7"
+files = [
+ {file = "attrs-23.2.0-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:99b87a485a5820b23b879f04c2305b44b951b502fd64be915879d77a7e8fc6f1"},
+ {file = "attrs-23.2.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:935dc3b529c262f6cf76e50877d35a4bd3c1de194fd41f47a2b7ae8f19971f30"},
+cov = ["attrs[tests]", "coverage[toml] (>=5.3)"]
+dev = ["attrs[tests]", "pre-commit"]
+docs = ["furo", "myst-parser", "sphinx", "sphinx-notfound-page", "sphinxcontrib-towncrier", "towncrier", "zope-interface"]
+tests = ["attrs[tests-no-zope]", "zope-interface"]
+tests-mypy = ["mypy (>=1.6)", "pytest-mypy-plugins"]
+tests-no-zope = ["attrs[tests-mypy]", "cloudpickle", "hypothesis", "pympler", "pytest (>=4.3.0)", "pytest-xdist[psutil]"]
+name = "backoff"
+version = "1.11.1"
+description = "Function decoration for backoff and retry"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*"
+files = [
+ {file = "backoff-1.11.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:61928f8fa48d52e4faa81875eecf308eccfb1016b018bb6bd21e05b5d90a96c5"},
+ {file = "backoff-1.11.1.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:ccb962a2378418c667b3c979b504fdeb7d9e0d29c0579e3b13b86467177728cb"},
+name = "bracex"
+version = "2.4"
+description = "Bash style brace expander."
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.8"
+files = [
+ {file = "bracex-2.4-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:efdc71eff95eaff5e0f8cfebe7d01adf2c8637c8c92edaf63ef348c241a82418"},
+ {file = "bracex-2.4.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:a27eaf1df42cf561fed58b7a8f3fdf129d1ea16a81e1fadd1d17989bc6384beb"},
+name = "cachetools"
+version = "5.3.3"
+description = "Extensible memoizing collections and decorators"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.7"
+files = [
+ {file = "cachetools-5.3.3-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:0abad1021d3f8325b2fc1d2e9c8b9c9d57b04c3932657a72465447332c24d945"},
+ {file = "cachetools-5.3.3.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:ba29e2dfa0b8b556606f097407ed1aa62080ee108ab0dc5ec9d6a723a007d105"},
+name = "cattrs"
+version = "23.2.3"
+description = "Composable complex class support for attrs and dataclasses."
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.8"
+files = [
+ {file = "cattrs-23.2.3-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:0341994d94971052e9ee70662542699a3162ea1e0c62f7ce1b4a57f563685108"},
+ {file = "cattrs-23.2.3.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:a934090d95abaa9e911dac357e3a8699e0b4b14f8529bcc7d2b1ad9d51672b9f"},
+attrs = ">=23.1.0"
+bson = ["pymongo (>=4.4.0)"]
+cbor2 = ["cbor2 (>=5.4.6)"]
+msgpack = ["msgpack (>=1.0.5)"]
+orjson = ["orjson (>=3.9.2)"]
+pyyaml = ["pyyaml (>=6.0)"]
+tomlkit = ["tomlkit (>=0.11.8)"]
+ujson = ["ujson (>=5.7.0)"]
+name = "certifi"
+version = "2024.2.2"
+description = "Python package for providing Mozilla's CA Bundle."
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.6"
+files = [
+ {file = "certifi-2024.2.2-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:dc383c07b76109f368f6106eee2b593b04a011ea4d55f652c6ca24a754d1cdd1"},
+ {file = "certifi-2024.2.2.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:0569859f95fc761b18b45ef421b1290a0f65f147e92a1e5eb3e635f9a5e4e66f"},
+name = "charset-normalizer"
+version = "3.3.2"
+description = "The Real First Universal Charset Detector. Open, modern and actively maintained alternative to Chardet."
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.7.0"
+files = [
+ {file = "charset-normalizer-3.3.2.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:f30c3cb33b24454a82faecaf01b19c18562b1e89558fb6c56de4d9118a032fd5"},
+ {file = "charset_normalizer-3.3.2-cp310-cp310-macosx_10_9_universal2.whl", hash = "sha256:25baf083bf6f6b341f4121c2f3c548875ee6f5339300e08be3f2b2ba1721cdd3"},
+ {file = "charset_normalizer-3.3.2-cp310-cp310-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:06435b539f889b1f6f4ac1758871aae42dc3a8c0e24ac9e60c2384973ad73027"},
+ {file = "charset_normalizer-3.3.2-cp310-cp310-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl", hash = "sha256:9063e24fdb1e498ab71cb7419e24622516c4a04476b17a2dab57e8baa30d6e03"},
+ {file = "charset_normalizer-3.3.2-cp310-cp310-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:6897af51655e3691ff853668779c7bad41579facacf5fd7253b0133308cf000d"},
+ {file = "charset_normalizer-3.3.2-cp310-cp310-manylinux_2_17_ppc64le.manylinux2014_ppc64le.whl", hash = "sha256:1d3193f4a680c64b4b6a9115943538edb896edc190f0b222e73761716519268e"},
+ {file = "charset_normalizer-3.3.2-cp310-cp310-manylinux_2_17_s390x.manylinux2014_s390x.whl", hash = "sha256:cd70574b12bb8a4d2aaa0094515df2463cb429d8536cfb6c7ce983246983e5a6"},
+ {file = "charset_normalizer-3.3.2-cp310-cp310-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:8465322196c8b4d7ab6d1e049e4c5cb460d0394da4a27d23cc242fbf0034b6b5"},
+ {file = "charset_normalizer-3.3.2-cp310-cp310-manylinux_2_5_i686.manylinux1_i686.manylinux_2_17_i686.manylinux2014_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:a9a8e9031d613fd2009c182b69c7b2c1ef8239a0efb1df3f7c8da66d5dd3d537"},
+ {file = "charset_normalizer-3.3.2-cp310-cp310-musllinux_1_1_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:beb58fe5cdb101e3a055192ac291b7a21e3b7ef4f67fa1d74e331a7f2124341c"},
+ {file = "charset_normalizer-3.3.2-cp310-cp310-musllinux_1_1_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:e06ed3eb3218bc64786f7db41917d4e686cc4856944f53d5bdf83a6884432e12"},
+ {file = "charset_normalizer-3.3.2-cp310-cp310-musllinux_1_1_ppc64le.whl", hash = "sha256:2e81c7b9c8979ce92ed306c249d46894776a909505d8f5a4ba55b14206e3222f"},
+ {file = "charset_normalizer-3.3.2-cp310-cp310-musllinux_1_1_s390x.whl", hash = "sha256:572c3763a264ba47b3cf708a44ce965d98555f618ca42c926a9c1616d8f34269"},
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+version = "1.2.2"
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+files = [
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+name = "iniconfig"
+version = "2.0.0"
+description = "brain-dead simple config-ini parsing"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.7"
+files = [
+ {file = "iniconfig-2.0.0-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:b6a85871a79d2e3b22d2d1b94ac2824226a63c6b741c88f7ae975f18b6778374"},
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+version = "0.6.1"
+description = "An ISO 8601 date/time/duration parser and formatter"
+optional = false
+python-versions = "*"
+files = [
+ {file = "isodate-0.6.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:0751eece944162659049d35f4f549ed815792b38793f07cf73381c1c87cbed96"},
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+version = "3.1.3"
+description = "A very fast and expressive template engine."
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+i18n = ["Babel (>=2.7)"]
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+version = "4.0.0"
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+version = "0.3.0"
+description = "jsonref is a library for automatic dereferencing of JSON Reference objects for Python."
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+python-versions = "*"
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+python-versions = ">=3.8"
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index 0000000000..40023320d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source-salesforce/source_salesforce/api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2023 Airbyte, Inc., all rights reserved.
+import concurrent.futures
+import logging
+from typing import Any, List, Mapping, Optional, Tuple, Dict
+import requests # type: ignore[import]
+from airbyte_cdk.models import ConfiguredAirbyteCatalog
+from requests import adapters as request_adapters
+from requests.exceptions import HTTPError, RequestException # type: ignore[import]
+from .exceptions import TypeSalesforceException
+from .rate_limiting import default_backoff_handler
+from .utils import filter_streams_by_criteria
+ "byte",
+ "combobox",
+ "complexvalue",
+ "datacategorygroupreference",
+ "email",
+ "encryptedstring",
+ "id",
+ "json",
+ "masterrecord",
+ "multipicklist",
+ "phone",
+ "picklist",
+ "reference",
+ "string",
+ "textarea",
+ "time",
+ "url",
+NUMBER_TYPES = ["currency", "double", "long", "percent"]
+DATE_TYPES = ["date", "datetime"]
+ "anyType",
+ # A calculated field's type can be any of the supported
+ # formula data types (see https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/#i1435527)
+ "calculated",
+# The following objects have certain WHERE clause restrictions so we exclude them.
+ "Announcement",
+ "AppTabMember",
+ "CollaborationGroupRecord",
+ "ColorDefinition",
+ "ContentDocumentLink",
+ "ContentFolderItem",
+ "ContentFolderMember",
+ "DataStatistics",
+ "DatacloudDandBCompany",
+ "EntityParticle",
+ "FieldDefinition",
+ "FieldHistoryArchive",
+ "FlexQueueItem",
+ "FlowVariableView",
+ "FlowVersionView",
+ "IconDefinition",
+ "IdeaComment",
+ "NetworkUserHistoryRecent",
+ "OwnerChangeOptionInfo",
+ "PicklistValueInfo",
+ "PlatformAction",
+ "RelationshipDomain",
+ "RelationshipInfo",
+ "SearchLayout",
+ "SiteDetail",
+ "UserEntityAccess",
+ "UserFieldAccess",
+ "Vote",
+# The following objects are not supported by the query method being used.
+ "AIPredictionEvent",
+ "ActivityHistory",
+ "AggregateResult",
+ "ApiAnomalyEvent",
+ "ApiEventStream",
+ "AssetTokenEvent",
+ "AsyncOperationEvent",
+ "AsyncOperationStatus",
+ "AttachedContentDocument",
+ "AttachedContentNote",
+ "BatchApexErrorEvent",
+ "BulkApiResultEvent",
+ "CombinedAttachment",
+ "ConcurLongRunApexErrEvent",
+ "ContentBody",
+ "CredentialStuffingEvent",
+ "DataType",
+ "DatacloudAddress",
+ "EmailStatus",
+ "FeedLike",
+ "FeedSignal",
+ "FeedTrackedChange",
+ "FlowExecutionErrorEvent",
+ "FolderedContentDocument",
+ "LightningUriEventStream",
+ "ListViewChartInstance",
+ "ListViewEventStream",
+ "LoginAsEventStream",
+ "LoginEventStream",
+ "LogoutEventStream",
+ "LookedUpFromActivity",
+ "Name",
+ "NoteAndAttachment",
+ "OpenActivity",
+ "OrgLifecycleNotification",
+ "OutgoingEmail",
+ "OutgoingEmailRelation",
+ "OwnedContentDocument",
+ "PlatformStatusAlertEvent",
+ "ProcessExceptionEvent",
+ "ProcessInstanceHistory",
+ "QuoteTemplateRichTextData",
+ "RemoteKeyCalloutEvent",
+ "ReportAnomalyEvent",
+ "ReportEventStream",
+ "SessionHijackingEvent",
+ "UriEventStream",
+ "UserRecordAccess",
+# The following objects are not supported by the Bulk API. Listed objects are version specific.
+ "AcceptedEventRelation",
+ "AssetTokenEvent",
+ "Attachment",
+ "AttachedContentNote",
+ "CaseStatus",
+ "ContractStatus",
+ "DeclinedEventRelation",
+ "EventWhoRelation",
+ "FieldSecurityClassification",
+ "KnowledgeArticle",
+ "KnowledgeArticleVersion",
+ "KnowledgeArticleVersionHistory",
+ "KnowledgeArticleViewStat",
+ "KnowledgeArticleVoteStat",
+ "OrderStatus",
+ "PartnerRole",
+ "QuoteTemplateRichTextData",
+ "RecentlyViewed",
+ "ServiceAppointmentStatus",
+ "ShiftStatus",
+ "SolutionStatus",
+ "TaskPriority",
+ "TaskStatus",
+ "TaskWhoRelation",
+ "UndecidedEventRelation",
+ "WorkOrderLineItemStatus",
+ "WorkOrderStatus",
+ "UserRecordAccess",
+ "OwnedContentDocument",
+ "OpenActivity",
+ "NoteAndAttachment",
+ "Name",
+ "LookedUpFromActivity",
+ "FolderedContentDocument",
+ "ContractStatus",
+ "ContentFolderItem",
+ "CombinedAttachment",
+ "CaseTeamTemplateRecord",
+ "CaseTeamTemplateMember",
+ "CaseTeamTemplate",
+ "CaseTeamRole",
+ "CaseTeamMember",
+ "AttachedContentDocument",
+ "AggregateResult",
+ "ChannelProgramLevelShare",
+ "AccountBrandShare",
+ "AccountFeed",
+ "AssetFeed",
+ "ApiEvent",
+ "BulkApiResultEventStore",
+ "EmbeddedServiceDetail",
+ "EmbeddedServiceLabel",
+ "FormulaFunction",
+ "FormulaFunctionAllowedType",
+ "FormulaFunctionCategory",
+ "IdentityProviderEventStore",
+ "IdentityVerificationEvent",
+ "LightningUriEvent",
+ "ListViewEvent",
+ "LoginAsEvent",
+ "LoginEvent",
+ "LogoutEvent",
+ "Publisher",
+ "RecordActionHistory",
+ "ReportEvent",
+ "TabDefinition",
+ "UriEvent",
+UNSUPPORTED_STREAMS = ["ActivityMetric", "ActivityMetricRollup"]
+class Salesforce:
+ logger = logging.getLogger("airbyte")
+ version = "v57.0"
+ parallel_tasks_size = 100
+ # https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.salesforce_app_limits_cheatsheet.meta/salesforce_app_limits_cheatsheet/salesforce_app_limits_platform_api.htm
+ # Request Size Limits
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ token: str = None,
+ credentials: Dict = None,
+ is_sandbox: bool = None,
+ start_date: str = None,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ) -> None:
+ self.refresh_token = credentials.get("refresh_token")
+ self.token = token
+ self.client_id = credentials.get("client_id")
+ self.client_secret = credentials.get("client_secret")
+ self.access_token = None
+ self.instance_url = ""
+ self.session = requests.Session()
+ # Change the connection pool size. Default value is not enough for parallel tasks
+ adapter = request_adapters.HTTPAdapter(pool_connections=self.parallel_tasks_size, pool_maxsize=self.parallel_tasks_size)
+ self.session.mount("https://", adapter)
+ self.is_sandbox = is_sandbox in [True, "true"]
+ if self.is_sandbox:
+ self.logger.info("using SANDBOX of Salesforce")
+ self.start_date = start_date
+ def _get_standard_headers(self) -> Mapping[str, str]:
+ return {"Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(self.access_token)}
+ def get_streams_black_list(self) -> List[str]:
+ def filter_streams(self, stream_name: str) -> bool:
+ # REST and BULK API do not support all entities that end with `ChangeEvent`.
+ if stream_name.endswith("ChangeEvent") or stream_name in self.get_streams_black_list():
+ return False
+ return True
+ def get_validated_streams(self, config: Mapping[str, Any], catalog: ConfiguredAirbyteCatalog = None) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
+ """Selects all validated streams with additional filtering:
+ 1) skip all sobjects with negative value of the flag "queryable"
+ 2) user can set search criterias of necessary streams
+ 3) selection by catalog settings
+ """
+ stream_objects = {}
+ for stream_object in self.describe()["sobjects"]:
+ if stream_object["name"] in UNSUPPORTED_STREAMS:
+ self.logger.warning(f"Stream {stream_object['name']} can not be used without object ID therefore will be ignored.")
+ continue
+ if stream_object["queryable"]:
+ stream_objects[stream_object.pop("name")] = stream_object
+ else:
+ self.logger.warning(f"Stream {stream_object['name']} is not queryable and will be ignored.")
+ if catalog:
+ return {
+ configured_stream.stream.name: stream_objects[configured_stream.stream.name]
+ for configured_stream in catalog.streams
+ if configured_stream.stream.name in stream_objects
+ }
+ stream_names = list(stream_objects.keys())
+ if config.get("streams_criteria"):
+ filtered_stream_list = []
+ for stream_criteria in config["streams_criteria"]:
+ filtered_stream_list += filter_streams_by_criteria(
+ streams_list=stream_names, search_word=stream_criteria["value"], search_criteria=stream_criteria["criteria"]
+ )
+ stream_names = list(set(filtered_stream_list))
+ validated_streams = [stream_name for stream_name in stream_names if self.filter_streams(stream_name)]
+ return {stream_name: sobject_options for stream_name, sobject_options in stream_objects.items() if stream_name in validated_streams}
+ @default_backoff_handler(max_tries=5, factor=5)
+ def _make_request(
+ self, http_method: str, url: str, headers: dict = None, body: dict = None, stream: bool = False, params: dict = None
+ ) -> requests.models.Response:
+ try:
+ if http_method == "GET":
+ resp = self.session.get(url, headers=headers, stream=stream, params=params)
+ elif http_method == "POST":
+ resp = self.session.post(url, headers=headers, data=body)
+ resp.raise_for_status()
+ except HTTPError as err:
+ self.logger.warn(f"http error body: {err.response.text}")
+ raise
+ return resp
+ def login(self):
+ login_url = f"https://{'test' if self.is_sandbox else 'login'}.salesforce.com/services/oauth2/token"
+ login_body = {
+ "grant_type": "refresh_token",
+ "client_id": self.client_id,
+ "client_secret": self.client_secret,
+ "refresh_token": self.refresh_token,
+ }
+ resp = self._make_request("POST", login_url, body=login_body, headers={"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"})
+ auth = resp.json()
+ self.access_token = auth["access_token"]
+ self.instance_url = auth["instance_url"]
+ def describe(self, sobject: str = None, sobject_options: Mapping[str, Any] = None) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
+ """Describes all objects or a specific object"""
+ headers = self._get_standard_headers()
+ endpoint = "sobjects" if not sobject else f"sobjects/{sobject}/describe"
+ url = f"{self.instance_url}/services/data/{self.version}/{endpoint}"
+ resp = self._make_request("GET", url, headers=headers)
+ if resp.status_code == 404 and sobject:
+ self.logger.error(f"not found a description for the sobject '{sobject}'. Sobject options: {sobject_options}")
+ resp_json: Mapping[str, Any] = resp.json()
+ return resp_json
+ def generate_schema(self, stream_name: str = None, stream_options: Mapping[str, Any] = None) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
+ response = self.describe(stream_name, stream_options)
+ schema = {"$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": True, "properties": {}}
+ for field in response["fields"]:
+ schema["properties"][field["name"]] = self.field_to_property_schema(field) # type: ignore[index]
+ return schema
+ def generate_schemas(self, stream_objects: Mapping[str, Any]) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
+ def load_schema(name: str, stream_options: Mapping[str, Any]) -> Tuple[str, Optional[Mapping[str, Any]], Optional[str]]:
+ try:
+ result = self.generate_schema(stream_name=name, stream_options=stream_options)
+ except RequestException as e:
+ return name, None, str(e)
+ return name, result, None
+ stream_names = list(stream_objects.keys())
+ # try to split all requests by chunks
+ stream_schemas = {}
+ for i in range(0, len(stream_names), self.parallel_tasks_size):
+ chunk_stream_names = stream_names[i : i + self.parallel_tasks_size]
+ with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
+ for stream_name, schema, err in executor.map(
+ lambda args: load_schema(*args), [(stream_name, stream_objects[stream_name]) for stream_name in chunk_stream_names]
+ ):
+ if err:
+ self.logger.error(f"Loading error of the {stream_name} schema: {err}")
+ continue
+ stream_schemas[stream_name] = schema
+ return stream_schemas
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_pk_and_replication_key(json_schema: Mapping[str, Any]) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]]:
+ fields_list = json_schema.get("properties", {}).keys()
+ pk = "Id" if "Id" in fields_list else None
+ replication_key = None
+ if "SystemModstamp" in fields_list:
+ replication_key = "SystemModstamp"
+ elif "LastModifiedDate" in fields_list:
+ replication_key = "LastModifiedDate"
+ elif "CreatedDate" in fields_list:
+ replication_key = "CreatedDate"
+ elif "LoginTime" in fields_list:
+ replication_key = "LoginTime"
+ return pk, replication_key
+ @staticmethod
+ def field_to_property_schema(field_params: Mapping[str, Any]) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
+ sf_type = field_params["type"]
+ property_schema = {}
+ if sf_type in STRING_TYPES:
+ property_schema["type"] = ["string", "null"]
+ elif sf_type in DATE_TYPES:
+ property_schema = {
+ "type": ["string", "null"],
+ "format": "date-time" if sf_type == "datetime" else "date", # type: ignore[dict-item]
+ }
+ elif sf_type in NUMBER_TYPES:
+ property_schema["type"] = ["number", "null"]
+ elif sf_type == "address":
+ property_schema = {
+ "type": ["object", "null"],
+ "properties": { # type: ignore[dict-item]
+ "street": {"type": ["null", "string"]},
+ "state": {"type": ["null", "string"]},
+ "postalCode": {"type": ["null", "string"]},
+ "city": {"type": ["null", "string"]},
+ "country": {"type": ["null", "string"]},
+ "longitude": {"type": ["null", "number"]},
+ "latitude": {"type": ["null", "number"]},
+ "geocodeAccuracy": {"type": ["null", "string"]},
+ },
+ }
+ elif sf_type == "base64":
+ property_schema = {"type": ["string", "null"], "format": "base64"} # type: ignore[dict-item]
+ elif sf_type == "int":
+ property_schema["type"] = ["integer", "null"]
+ elif sf_type == "boolean":
+ property_schema["type"] = ["boolean", "null"]
+ elif sf_type in LOOSE_TYPES:
+ """
+ LOOSE_TYPES can return data of completely different types (more than 99% of them are `strings`),
+ and in order to avoid conflicts in schemas and destinations, we cast this data to the `string` type.
+ """
+ property_schema["type"] = ["string", "null"]
+ elif sf_type == "location":
+ property_schema = {
+ "type": ["object", "null"],
+ "properties": { # type: ignore[dict-item]
+ "longitude": {"type": ["null", "number"]},
+ "latitude": {"type": ["null", "number"]},
+ },
+ }
+ else:
+ raise TypeSalesforceException("Found unsupported type: {}".format(sf_type))
+ return property_schema
diff --git a/source-salesforce/source_salesforce/availability_strategy.py b/source-salesforce/source_salesforce/availability_strategy.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..514727089c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source-salesforce/source_salesforce/availability_strategy.py
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2023 Airbyte, Inc., all rights reserved.
+import logging
+import typing
+from typing import Optional, Tuple
+from airbyte_cdk.sources.streams import Stream
+from airbyte_cdk.sources.streams.http.availability_strategy import HttpAvailabilityStrategy
+from requests import HTTPError, codes
+if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
+ from airbyte_cdk.sources import Source
+class SalesforceAvailabilityStrategy(HttpAvailabilityStrategy):
+ def handle_http_error(
+ self, stream: Stream, logger: logging.Logger, source: Optional["Source"], error: HTTPError
+ ) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[str]]:
+ """
+ There are several types of Salesforce sobjects that require additional processing:
+ 1. Sobjects for which the user, after setting up the data using Airbyte, restricted access,
+ and we will receive 403 HTTP errors.
+ 2. There are streams that do not allow you to make a sample using Salesforce `query` or `queryAll`.
+ And since we use a dynamic method of generating streams for Salesforce connector - at the stage of discover,
+ we cannot filter out these streams, so we check for them before reading from the streams.
+ """
+ if error.response.status_code in [codes.FORBIDDEN, codes.BAD_REQUEST]:
+ error_data = error.response.json()[0]
+ error_code = error_data.get("errorCode", "")
+ if error_code != "REQUEST_LIMIT_EXCEEDED" or error_code == "INVALID_TYPE_FOR_OPERATION":
+ return False, f"Cannot receive data for stream '{stream.name}', error message: '{error_data.get('message')}'"
+ return True, None
+ raise error
diff --git a/source-salesforce/source_salesforce/exceptions.py b/source-salesforce/source_salesforce/exceptions.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7e08a8a23c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source-salesforce/source_salesforce/exceptions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2023 Airbyte, Inc., all rights reserved.
+from airbyte_cdk.logger import AirbyteLogger
+class Error(Exception):
+ """Base Error class for other exceptions"""
+ # Define the instance of the Native Airbyte Logger
+ logger = AirbyteLogger()
+class SalesforceException(Exception):
+ """
+ Default Salesforce exception.
+ """
+class TypeSalesforceException(SalesforceException):
+ """
+ We use this exception for unknown input data types for Salesforce.
+ """
+class TmpFileIOError(Error):
+ def __init__(self, msg: str, err: str = None):
+ self.logger.fatal(f"{msg}. Error: {err}")
diff --git a/source-salesforce/source_salesforce/rate_limiting.py b/source-salesforce/source_salesforce/rate_limiting.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..286339fcbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source-salesforce/source_salesforce/rate_limiting.py
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2023 Airbyte, Inc., all rights reserved.
+import sys
+import backoff
+from airbyte_cdk.logger import AirbyteLogger
+from airbyte_cdk.sources.streams.http.exceptions import DefaultBackoffException
+from requests import codes, exceptions # type: ignore[import]
+ DefaultBackoffException,
+ exceptions.ConnectTimeout,
+ exceptions.ReadTimeout,
+ exceptions.ConnectionError,
+ exceptions.HTTPError,
+logger = AirbyteLogger()
+def default_backoff_handler(max_tries: int, factor: int, **kwargs):
+ def log_retry_attempt(details):
+ _, exc, _ = sys.exc_info()
+ logger.info(str(exc))
+ logger.info(f"Caught retryable error after {details['tries']} tries. Waiting {details['wait']} seconds then retrying...")
+ def should_give_up(exc):
+ give_up = exc.response is not None and exc.response.status_code != codes.too_many_requests and 400 <= exc.response.status_code < 500
+ # Salesforce can return an error with a limit using a 403 code error.
+ if exc.response is not None and exc.response.status_code == codes.forbidden:
+ error_data = exc.response.json()[0]
+ if error_data.get("errorCode", "") == "REQUEST_LIMIT_EXCEEDED":
+ give_up = True
+ if give_up:
+ logger.info(f"Giving up for returned HTTP status: {exc.response.status_code}, body: {exc.response.text}")
+ return give_up
+ return backoff.on_exception(
+ backoff.expo,
+ jitter=None,
+ on_backoff=log_retry_attempt,
+ giveup=should_give_up,
+ max_tries=max_tries,
+ factor=factor,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
diff --git a/source-salesforce/source_salesforce/source.py b/source-salesforce/source_salesforce/source.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..77243ea2b5
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+++ b/source-salesforce/source_salesforce/source.py
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+# Copyright (c) 2023 Airbyte, Inc., all rights reserved.
+import logging
+from datetime import datetime
+from typing import Any, Iterator, List, Mapping, MutableMapping, Optional, Tuple, Union
+import requests
+from airbyte_cdk import AirbyteLogger
+from airbyte_cdk.models import AirbyteMessage, AirbyteStateMessage, ConfiguredAirbyteCatalog, ConfiguredAirbyteStream
+from airbyte_cdk.sources import AbstractSource
+from airbyte_cdk.sources.connector_state_manager import ConnectorStateManager
+from airbyte_cdk.sources.streams import Stream
+from airbyte_cdk.sources.streams.http.auth import TokenAuthenticator
+from airbyte_cdk.sources.utils.schema_helpers import InternalConfig
+from airbyte_cdk.utils.traced_exception import AirbyteTracedException
+from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
+from requests import codes, exceptions # type: ignore[import]
+from .streams import BulkIncrementalSalesforceStream, BulkSalesforceStream, Describe, IncrementalRestSalesforceStream, RestSalesforceStream
+class AirbyteStopSync(AirbyteTracedException):
+ pass
+class SourceSalesforce(AbstractSource):
+ DATETIME_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.catalog = None
+ @staticmethod
+ def _get_sf_object(config: Mapping[str, Any]) -> Salesforce:
+ sf = Salesforce(**config)
+ sf.login()
+ return sf
+ def check_connection(self, logger: AirbyteLogger, config: Mapping[str, Any]) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[str]]:
+ try:
+ salesforce = self._get_sf_object(config)
+ salesforce.describe()
+ except exceptions.HTTPError as error:
+ error_msg = f"An error occurred: {error.response.text}"
+ try:
+ error_data = error.response.json()[0]
+ except (KeyError, requests.exceptions.JSONDecodeError):
+ pass
+ else:
+ error_code = error_data.get("errorCode")
+ if error.response.status_code == codes.FORBIDDEN and error_code == "REQUEST_LIMIT_EXCEEDED":
+ logger.warn(f"API Call limit is exceeded. Error message: '{error_data.get('message')}'")
+ error_msg = "API Call limit is exceeded"
+ return False, error_msg
+ return True, None
+ @classmethod
+ def _get_api_type(cls, stream_name, properties):
+ # Salesforce BULK API currently does not support loading fields with data type base64 and compound data
+ properties_not_supported_by_bulk = {
+ key: value for key, value in properties.items() if value.get("format") == "base64" or "object" in value["type"]
+ }
+ rest_required = stream_name in UNSUPPORTED_BULK_API_SALESFORCE_OBJECTS or properties_not_supported_by_bulk
+ if rest_required:
+ return "rest"
+ return "bulk"
+ @classmethod
+ def generate_streams(
+ cls,
+ config: Mapping[str, Any],
+ stream_objects: Mapping[str, Any],
+ sf_object: Salesforce,
+ ) -> List[Stream]:
+ """ "Generates a list of stream by their names. It can be used for different tests too"""
+ logger = logging.getLogger()
+ authenticator = TokenAuthenticator(sf_object.access_token)
+ stream_properties = sf_object.generate_schemas(stream_objects)
+ streams = []
+ for stream_name, sobject_options in stream_objects.items():
+ streams_kwargs = {"sobject_options": sobject_options}
+ selected_properties = stream_properties.get(stream_name, {}).get("properties", {})
+ api_type = cls._get_api_type(stream_name, selected_properties)
+ if api_type == "rest":
+ full_refresh, incremental = RestSalesforceStream, IncrementalRestSalesforceStream
+ elif api_type == "bulk":
+ full_refresh, incremental = BulkSalesforceStream, BulkIncrementalSalesforceStream
+ else:
+ raise Exception(f"Stream {stream_name} cannot be processed by REST or BULK API.")
+ json_schema = stream_properties.get(stream_name, {})
+ pk, replication_key = sf_object.get_pk_and_replication_key(json_schema)
+ streams_kwargs.update(dict(sf_api=sf_object, pk=pk, stream_name=stream_name, schema=json_schema, authenticator=authenticator))
+ if replication_key and stream_name not in UNSUPPORTED_FILTERING_STREAMS:
+ start_date = config.get(
+ "start_date", (datetime.now() - relativedelta(years=cls.START_DATE_OFFSET_IN_YEARS)).strftime(cls.DATETIME_FORMAT)
+ )
+ stream = incremental(**streams_kwargs, replication_key=replication_key, start_date=start_date)
+ else:
+ stream = full_refresh(**streams_kwargs)
+ if api_type == "rest" and not stream.primary_key and stream.too_many_properties:
+ logger.warning(
+ f"Can not instantiate stream {stream_name}. "
+ f"It is not supported by the BULK API and can not be implemented via REST because the number of its properties "
+ f"exceeds the limit and it lacks a primary key."
+ )
+ continue
+ streams.append(stream)
+ return streams
+ def streams(self, config: Mapping[str, Any]) -> List[Stream]:
+ sf = self._get_sf_object(config)
+ stream_objects = sf.get_validated_streams(config=config, catalog=self.catalog)
+ streams = self.generate_streams(config, stream_objects, sf)
+ streams.append(Describe(sf_api=sf, catalog=self.catalog))
+ return streams
+ def read(
+ self,
+ logger: logging.Logger,
+ config: Mapping[str, Any],
+ catalog: ConfiguredAirbyteCatalog,
+ state: Union[List[AirbyteStateMessage], MutableMapping[str, Any]] = None,
+ ) -> Iterator[AirbyteMessage]:
+ # save for use inside streams method
+ self.catalog = catalog
+ try:
+ yield from super().read(logger, config, catalog, state)
+ except AirbyteStopSync:
+ logger.info(f"Finished syncing {self.name}")
+ def _read_stream(
+ self,
+ logger: logging.Logger,
+ stream_instance: Stream,
+ configured_stream: ConfiguredAirbyteStream,
+ state_manager: ConnectorStateManager,
+ internal_config: InternalConfig,
+ ) -> Iterator[AirbyteMessage]:
+ try:
+ yield from super()._read_stream(logger, stream_instance, configured_stream, state_manager, internal_config)
+ except exceptions.HTTPError as error:
+ error_data = error.response.json()[0]
+ error_code = error_data.get("errorCode")
+ url = error.response.url
+ if error.response.status_code == codes.FORBIDDEN and error_code == "REQUEST_LIMIT_EXCEEDED":
+ logger.warning(f"API Call {url} limit is exceeded. Error message: '{error_data.get('message')}'")
+ raise AirbyteStopSync() # if got 403 rate limit response, finish the sync with success.
+ raise error
diff --git a/source-salesforce/source_salesforce/streams.py b/source-salesforce/source_salesforce/streams.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd6475b137
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source-salesforce/source_salesforce/streams.py
@@ -0,0 +1,736 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2023 Airbyte, Inc., all rights reserved.
+import csv
+import ctypes
+import math
+import os
+import time
+import urllib.parse
+from abc import ABC
+from contextlib import closing
+from typing import Any, Callable, Iterable, List, Mapping, MutableMapping, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union
+import pandas as pd
+import pendulum
+import requests # type: ignore[import]
+from airbyte_cdk.models import ConfiguredAirbyteCatalog, SyncMode
+from airbyte_cdk.sources.streams.availability_strategy import AvailabilityStrategy
+from airbyte_cdk.sources.streams.core import Stream, StreamData
+from airbyte_cdk.sources.streams.http import HttpStream
+from airbyte_cdk.sources.utils.transform import TransformConfig, TypeTransformer
+from numpy import nan
+from pendulum import DateTime # type: ignore[attr-defined]
+from requests import codes, exceptions
+from .api import UNSUPPORTED_FILTERING_STREAMS, Salesforce
+from .availability_strategy import SalesforceAvailabilityStrategy
+from .exceptions import SalesforceException, TmpFileIOError
+from .rate_limiting import default_backoff_handler
+# https://stackoverflow.com/a/54517228
+CSV_FIELD_SIZE_LIMIT = int(ctypes.c_ulong(-1).value // 2)
+class SalesforceStream(HttpStream, ABC):
+ page_size = 2000
+ transformer = TypeTransformer(TransformConfig.DefaultSchemaNormalization)
+ def __init__(
+ self, sf_api: Salesforce, pk: str, stream_name: str, sobject_options: Mapping[str, Any] = None, schema: dict = None, **kwargs
+ ):
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
+ self.sf_api = sf_api
+ self.pk = pk
+ self.stream_name = stream_name
+ self.schema: Mapping[str, Any] = schema # type: ignore[assignment]
+ self.sobject_options = sobject_options
+ @property
+ def max_properties_length(self) -> int:
+ return Salesforce.REQUEST_SIZE_LIMITS - len(self.url_base) - 2000
+ @property
+ def name(self) -> str:
+ return self.stream_name
+ @property
+ def primary_key(self) -> Optional[Union[str, List[str], List[List[str]]]]:
+ return self.pk
+ @property
+ def url_base(self) -> str:
+ return self.sf_api.instance_url
+ @property
+ def availability_strategy(self) -> Optional["AvailabilityStrategy"]:
+ return SalesforceAvailabilityStrategy()
+ @property
+ def too_many_properties(self):
+ selected_properties = self.get_json_schema().get("properties", {})
+ properties_length = len(urllib.parse.quote(",".join(p for p in selected_properties)))
+ return properties_length > self.max_properties_length
+ def parse_response(self, response: requests.Response, **kwargs) -> Iterable[Mapping]:
+ response_data = response.json()["records"]
+ fields_to_parse = []
+ fields_to_null = []
+ for field, item in self.schema["properties"].items():
+ if item.get('format') == 'date-time':
+ fields_to_parse.append(field)
+ elif item.get("format") == 'date':
+ fields_to_null.append(field)
+ self.logger.info(fields_to_parse)
+ self.logger.info(self.schema)
+ for record in response_data:
+ if len(fields_to_parse) > 0:
+ for field in fields_to_parse:
+ if record[field] == None:
+ continue
+ else:
+ record[field] = pendulum.parse(record[field]).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
+ if len(fields_to_null) > 0:
+ for field in fields_to_null:
+ record[field] = None
+ #pendulum.parse(start_date).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
+ yield from response_data
+ def get_json_schema(self) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
+ if not self.schema:
+ self.schema = self.sf_api.generate_schema(self.name)
+ return self.schema
+ def get_error_display_message(self, exception: BaseException) -> Optional[str]:
+ if isinstance(exception, exceptions.ConnectionError):
+ return f"After {self.max_retries} retries the connector has failed with a network error. It looks like Salesforce API experienced temporary instability, please try again later."
+ return super().get_error_display_message(exception)
+class PropertyChunk:
+ """
+ Object that is used to keep track of the current state of a chunk of properties for the stream of records being synced.
+ """
+ properties: Mapping[str, Any]
+ first_time: bool
+ record_counter: int
+ next_page: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]
+ def __init__(self, properties: Mapping[str, Any]):
+ self.properties = properties
+ self.first_time = True
+ self.record_counter = 0
+ self.next_page = None
+class RestSalesforceStream(SalesforceStream):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ assert self.primary_key or not self.too_many_properties
+ def path(self, next_page_token: Mapping[str, Any] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> str:
+ if next_page_token:
+ """
+ If `next_page_token` is set, subsequent requests use `nextRecordsUrl`.
+ """
+ next_token: str = next_page_token["next_token"]
+ return next_token
+ return f"/services/data/{self.sf_api.version}/queryAll"
+ def next_page_token(self, response: requests.Response) -> Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]:
+ response_data = response.json()
+ next_token = response_data.get("nextRecordsUrl")
+ return {"next_token": next_token} if next_token else None
+ def request_params(
+ self,
+ stream_state: Mapping[str, Any],
+ stream_slice: Mapping[str, Any] = None,
+ next_page_token: Mapping[str, Any] = None,
+ property_chunk: Mapping[str, Any] = None,
+ ) -> MutableMapping[str, Any]:
+ """
+ Salesforce SOQL Query: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.232.0.api_rest.meta/api_rest/dome_queryall.htm
+ """
+ if next_page_token:
+ """
+ If `next_page_token` is set, subsequent requests use `nextRecordsUrl`, and do not include any parameters.
+ """
+ return {}
+ property_chunk = property_chunk or {}
+ query = f"SELECT {','.join(property_chunk.keys())} FROM {self.name} "
+ if self.primary_key and self.name not in UNSUPPORTED_FILTERING_STREAMS:
+ query += f"ORDER BY {self.primary_key} ASC"
+ return {"q": query}
+ def chunk_properties(self) -> Iterable[Mapping[str, Any]]:
+ selected_properties = self.get_json_schema().get("properties", {})
+ def empty_props_with_pk_if_present():
+ return {self.primary_key: selected_properties[self.primary_key]} if self.primary_key else {}
+ summary_length = 0
+ local_properties = empty_props_with_pk_if_present()
+ for property_name, value in selected_properties.items():
+ current_property_length = len(urllib.parse.quote(f"{property_name},"))
+ if current_property_length + summary_length >= self.max_properties_length:
+ yield local_properties
+ local_properties = empty_props_with_pk_if_present()
+ summary_length = 0
+ local_properties[property_name] = value
+ summary_length += current_property_length
+ if local_properties:
+ yield local_properties
+ @staticmethod
+ def _next_chunk_id(property_chunks: Mapping[int, PropertyChunk]) -> Optional[int]:
+ """
+ Figure out which chunk is going to be read next.
+ It should be the one with the least number of records read by the moment.
+ """
+ non_exhausted_chunks = {
+ # We skip chunks that have already attempted a sync before and do not have a next page
+ chunk_id: property_chunk.record_counter
+ for chunk_id, property_chunk in property_chunks.items()
+ if property_chunk.first_time or property_chunk.next_page
+ }
+ if not non_exhausted_chunks:
+ return None
+ return min(non_exhausted_chunks, key=non_exhausted_chunks.get)
+ def _read_pages(
+ self,
+ records_generator_fn: Callable[
+ [requests.PreparedRequest, requests.Response, Mapping[str, Any], Mapping[str, Any]], Iterable[StreamData]
+ ],
+ stream_slice: Mapping[str, Any] = None,
+ stream_state: Mapping[str, Any] = None,
+ ) -> Iterable[StreamData]:
+ stream_state = stream_state or {}
+ records_by_primary_key = {}
+ property_chunks: Mapping[int, PropertyChunk] = {
+ index: PropertyChunk(properties=properties) for index, properties in enumerate(self.chunk_properties())
+ }
+ while True:
+ chunk_id = self._next_chunk_id(property_chunks)
+ if chunk_id is None:
+ # pagination complete
+ break
+ property_chunk = property_chunks[chunk_id]
+ request, response = self._fetch_next_page_for_chunk(
+ stream_slice, stream_state, property_chunk.next_page, property_chunk.properties
+ )
+ # When this is the first time we're getting a chunk's records, we set this to False to be used when deciding the next chunk
+ if property_chunk.first_time:
+ property_chunk.first_time = False
+ property_chunk.next_page = self.next_page_token(response)
+ chunk_page_records = records_generator_fn(request, response, stream_state, stream_slice)
+ if not self.too_many_properties:
+ # this is the case when a stream has no primary key
+ # (it is allowed when properties length does not exceed the maximum value)
+ # so there would be a single chunk, therefore we may and should yield records immediately
+ for record in chunk_page_records:
+ property_chunk.record_counter += 1
+ yield record
+ continue
+ # stick together different parts of records by their primary key and emit if a record is complete
+ for record in chunk_page_records:
+ property_chunk.record_counter += 1
+ record_id = record[self.primary_key]
+ if record_id not in records_by_primary_key:
+ records_by_primary_key[record_id] = (record, 1)
+ continue
+ partial_record, counter = records_by_primary_key[record_id]
+ partial_record.update(record)
+ counter += 1
+ if counter == len(property_chunks):
+ yield partial_record # now it's complete
+ records_by_primary_key.pop(record_id)
+ else:
+ records_by_primary_key[record_id] = (partial_record, counter)
+ # Process what's left.
+ # Because we make multiple calls to query N records (each call to fetch X properties of all the N records),
+ # there's a chance that the number of records corresponding to the query may change between the calls.
+ # Select 'a', 'b' from table order by pk -> returns records with ids `1`, `2`
+ #
+ # Select 'c', 'd' from table order by pk -> returns records with ids `1`, `3`
+ # Then records `2` and `3` would be incomplete.
+ # This may result in data inconsistency. We skip such records for now and log a warning message.
+ incomplete_record_ids = ",".join([str(key) for key in records_by_primary_key])
+ if incomplete_record_ids:
+ self.logger.warning(f"Inconsistent record(s) with primary keys {incomplete_record_ids} found. Skipping them.")
+ # Always return an empty generator just in case no records were ever yielded
+ yield from []
+ def _fetch_next_page_for_chunk(
+ self,
+ stream_slice: Mapping[str, Any] = None,
+ stream_state: Mapping[str, Any] = None,
+ next_page_token: Mapping[str, Any] = None,
+ property_chunk: Mapping[str, Any] = None,
+ ) -> Tuple[requests.PreparedRequest, requests.Response]:
+ request_headers = self.request_headers(stream_state=stream_state, stream_slice=stream_slice, next_page_token=next_page_token)
+ request = self._create_prepared_request(
+ path=self.path(stream_state=stream_state, stream_slice=stream_slice, next_page_token=next_page_token),
+ headers=dict(request_headers, **self.authenticator.get_auth_header()),
+ params=self.request_params(
+ stream_state=stream_state, stream_slice=stream_slice, next_page_token=next_page_token, property_chunk=property_chunk
+ ),
+ json=self.request_body_json(stream_state=stream_state, stream_slice=stream_slice, next_page_token=next_page_token),
+ data=self.request_body_data(stream_state=stream_state, stream_slice=stream_slice, next_page_token=next_page_token),
+ )
+ request_kwargs = self.request_kwargs(stream_state=stream_state, stream_slice=stream_slice, next_page_token=next_page_token)
+ response = self._send_request(request, request_kwargs)
+ return request, response
+class BulkSalesforceStream(SalesforceStream):
+ page_size = 15000
+ DEFAULT_WAIT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 86400 # 24-hour bulk job running time
+ def path(self, next_page_token: Mapping[str, Any] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> str:
+ return f"/services/data/{self.sf_api.version}/jobs/query"
+ transformer = TypeTransformer(TransformConfig.CustomSchemaNormalization | TransformConfig.DefaultSchemaNormalization)
+ @default_backoff_handler(max_tries=5, factor=15)
+ def _send_http_request(self, method: str, url: str, json: dict = None, stream: bool = False):
+ headers = self.authenticator.get_auth_header()
+ response = self._session.request(method, url=url, headers=headers, json=json, stream=stream)
+ if response.status_code not in [200, 204]:
+ self.logger.error(f"error body: {response.text}, sobject options: {self.sobject_options}")
+ response.raise_for_status()
+ return response
+ def create_stream_job(self, query: str, url: str) -> Optional[str]:
+ """
+ docs: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_asynch.meta/api_asynch/create_job.html
+ """
+ json = {"operation": "queryAll", "query": query, "contentType": "CSV", "columnDelimiter": "COMMA", "lineEnding": "LF"}
+ try:
+ response = self._send_http_request("POST", url, json=json)
+ job_id: str = response.json()["id"]
+ return job_id
+ except exceptions.HTTPError as error:
+ if error.response.status_code in [codes.FORBIDDEN, codes.BAD_REQUEST]:
+ # A part of streams can't be used by BULK API. Every API version can have a custom list of
+ # these sobjects. Another part of them can be generated dynamically. That's why we can't track
+ # them preliminarily and there is only one way is to except error with necessary messages about
+ # their limitations. Now we know about 3 different reasons of similar errors:
+ # 1) some SaleForce sobjects(streams) is not supported by the BULK API simply (as is).
+ # 2) Access to a sobject(stream) is not available
+ # 3) sobject is not queryable. It means this sobject can't be called directly.
+ # We can call it as part of response from another sobject only. E.g.:
+ # initial query: "Select Id, Subject from ActivityHistory" -> error
+ # updated query: "Select Name, (Select Subject,ActivityType from ActivityHistories) from Contact"
+ # The second variant forces customisation for every case (ActivityHistory, ActivityHistories etc).
+ # And the main problem is these subqueries doesn't support CSV response format.
+ error_data = error.response.json()[0]
+ error_code = error_data.get("errorCode")
+ error_message = error_data.get("message", "")
+ if error_message == "Selecting compound data not supported in Bulk Query" or (
+ error_code == "INVALIDENTITY" and "is not supported by the Bulk API" in error_message
+ ):
+ self.logger.error(
+ f"Cannot receive data for stream '{self.name}' using BULK API, "
+ f"sobject options: {self.sobject_options}, error message: '{error_message}'"
+ )
+ elif error.response.status_code == codes.FORBIDDEN and error_code != "REQUEST_LIMIT_EXCEEDED":
+ self.logger.error(
+ f"Cannot receive data for stream '{self.name}' ,"
+ f"sobject options: {self.sobject_options}, error message: '{error_message}'"
+ )
+ elif error.response.status_code == codes.FORBIDDEN and error_code == "REQUEST_LIMIT_EXCEEDED":
+ self.logger.error(
+ f"Cannot receive data for stream '{self.name}' ,"
+ f"sobject options: {self.sobject_options}, Error message: '{error_data.get('message')}'"
+ )
+ elif error.response.status_code == codes.BAD_REQUEST and error_message.endswith("does not support query"):
+ self.logger.error(
+ f"The stream '{self.name}' is not queryable, "
+ f"sobject options: {self.sobject_options}, error message: '{error_message}'"
+ )
+ elif error.response.status_code == codes.BAD_REQUEST and error_code == "LIMIT_EXCEEDED":
+ self.logger.error(
+ f"Cannot receive data for stream '{self.name}' ,"
+ f"sobject options: {self.sobject_options}, error message: '{error_message}'"
+ )
+ else:
+ raise error
+ else:
+ raise error
+ return None
+ def wait_for_job(self, url: str) -> str:
+ expiration_time: DateTime = pendulum.now().add(seconds=self.DEFAULT_WAIT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS)
+ job_status = "InProgress"
+ delay_timeout = 0.0
+ delay_cnt = 0
+ job_info = None
+ # minimal starting delay is 0.5 seconds.
+ # this value was received empirically
+ time.sleep(0.5)
+ while pendulum.now() < expiration_time:
+ job_info = self._send_http_request("GET", url=url).json()
+ job_status = job_info["state"]
+ if job_status in ["JobComplete", "Aborted", "Failed"]:
+ if job_status != "JobComplete":
+ # this is only job metadata without payload
+ error_message = job_info.get("errorMessage")
+ if not error_message:
+ # not all failed response can have "errorMessage" and we need to show full response body
+ error_message = job_info
+ self.logger.error(f"JobStatus: {job_status}, sobject options: {self.sobject_options}, error message: '{error_message}'")
+ return job_status
+ if delay_timeout < self.MAX_CHECK_INTERVAL_SECONDS:
+ delay_timeout = 0.5 + math.exp(delay_cnt) / 1000.0
+ delay_cnt += 1
+ time.sleep(delay_timeout)
+ job_id = job_info["id"]
+ self.logger.info(
+ f"Sleeping {delay_timeout} seconds while waiting for Job: {self.name}/{job_id} to complete. Current state: {job_status}"
+ )
+ self.logger.warning(f"Not wait the {self.name} data for {self.DEFAULT_WAIT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS} seconds, data: {job_info}!!")
+ return job_status
+ def execute_job(self, query: str, url: str) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]]:
+ job_status = "Failed"
+ for i in range(0, self.MAX_RETRY_NUMBER):
+ job_id = self.create_stream_job(query=query, url=url)
+ if not job_id:
+ return None, job_status
+ job_full_url = f"{url}/{job_id}"
+ job_status = self.wait_for_job(url=job_full_url)
+ if job_status not in ["UploadComplete", "InProgress"]:
+ break
+ self.logger.error(f"Waiting error. Try to run this job again {i + 1}/{self.MAX_RETRY_NUMBER}...")
+ self.abort_job(url=job_full_url)
+ job_status = "Aborted"
+ if job_status in ["Aborted", "Failed"]:
+ self.delete_job(url=job_full_url)
+ return None, job_status
+ return job_full_url, job_status
+ def filter_null_bytes(self, b: bytes):
+ """
+ https://github.com/airbytehq/airbyte/issues/8300
+ """
+ res = b.replace(b"\x00", b"")
+ if len(res) < len(b):
+ self.logger.warning("Filter 'null' bytes from string, size reduced %d -> %d chars", len(b), len(res))
+ return res
+ def download_data(self, url: str, chunk_size: int = 1024) -> tuple[str, str]:
+ """
+ Retrieves binary data result from successfully `executed_job`, using chunks, to avoid local memory limitations.
+ @ url: string - the url of the `executed_job`
+ @ chunk_size: int - the buffer size for each chunk to fetch from stream, in bytes, default: 1024 bytes
+ Return the tuple containing string with file path of downloaded binary data (Saved temporarily) and file encoding.
+ """
+ # set filepath for binary data from response
+ tmp_file = os.path.realpath(os.path.basename(url))
+ with closing(self._send_http_request("GET", f"{url}/results", stream=True)) as response, open(tmp_file, "wb") as data_file:
+ response_encoding = response.encoding or self.encoding
+ for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=chunk_size):
+ data_file.write(self.filter_null_bytes(chunk))
+ # check the file exists
+ if os.path.isfile(tmp_file):
+ return tmp_file, response_encoding
+ else:
+ raise TmpFileIOError(f"The IO/Error occured while verifying binary data. Stream: {self.name}, file {tmp_file} doesn't exist.")
+ def read_with_chunks(self, path: str, file_encoding: str, chunk_size: int = 100) -> Iterable[Tuple[int, Mapping[str, Any]]]:
+ """
+ Reads the downloaded binary data, using lines chunks, set by `chunk_size`.
+ @ path: string - the path to the downloaded temporarily binary data.
+ @ file_encoding: string - encoding for binary data file according to Standard Encodings from codecs module
+ @ chunk_size: int - the number of lines to read at a time, default: 100 lines / time.
+ """
+ try:
+ with open(path, "r", encoding=file_encoding) as data:
+ chunks = pd.read_csv(data, chunksize=chunk_size, iterator=True, dialect="unix", dtype=object)
+ for chunk in chunks:
+ chunk = chunk.replace({nan: None}).to_dict(orient="records")
+ for row in chunk:
+ yield row
+ except pd.errors.EmptyDataError as e:
+ self.logger.info(f"Empty data received. {e}")
+ yield from []
+ except IOError as ioe:
+ raise TmpFileIOError(f"The IO/Error occured while reading tmp data. Called: {path}. Stream: {self.name}", ioe)
+ finally:
+ # remove binary tmp file, after data is read
+ os.remove(path)
+ def abort_job(self, url: str):
+ data = {"state": "Aborted"}
+ self._send_http_request("PATCH", url=url, json=data)
+ self.logger.warning("Broken job was aborted")
+ def delete_job(self, url: str):
+ self._send_http_request("DELETE", url=url)
+ @property
+ def availability_strategy(self) -> Optional["AvailabilityStrategy"]:
+ return None
+ def next_page_token(self, last_record: Mapping[str, Any]) -> Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]:
+ if self.primary_key and self.name not in UNSUPPORTED_FILTERING_STREAMS:
+ return {"next_token": f"WHERE {self.primary_key} >= '{last_record[self.primary_key]}' "} # type: ignore[index]
+ return None
+ def request_params(
+ self, stream_state: Mapping[str, Any], stream_slice: Mapping[str, Any] = None, next_page_token: Mapping[str, Any] = None
+ ) -> MutableMapping[str, Any]:
+ """
+ Salesforce SOQL Query: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.232.0.api_rest.meta/api_rest/dome_queryall.htm
+ """
+ selected_properties = self.get_json_schema().get("properties", {})
+ query = f"SELECT {','.join(selected_properties.keys())} FROM {self.name} "
+ if next_page_token:
+ query += next_page_token["next_token"]
+ if self.primary_key and self.name not in UNSUPPORTED_FILTERING_STREAMS:
+ query += f"ORDER BY {self.primary_key} ASC LIMIT {self.page_size}"
+ return {"q": query}
+ def read_records(
+ self,
+ sync_mode: SyncMode,
+ cursor_field: List[str] = None,
+ stream_slice: Mapping[str, Any] = None,
+ stream_state: Mapping[str, Any] = None,
+ ) -> Iterable[Mapping[str, Any]]:
+ stream_state = stream_state or {}
+ next_page_token = None
+ while True:
+ params = self.request_params(stream_state=stream_state, stream_slice=stream_slice, next_page_token=next_page_token)
+ path = self.path(stream_state=stream_state, stream_slice=stream_slice, next_page_token=next_page_token)
+ job_full_url, job_status = self.execute_job(query=params["q"], url=f"{self.url_base}{path}")
+ if not job_full_url:
+ if job_status == "Failed":
+ # As rule as BULK logic returns unhandled error. For instance:
+ # error message: 'Unexpected exception encountered in query processing.
+ # Please contact support with the following id: 326566388-63578 (-436445966)'"
+ # Thus we can try to switch to GET sync request because its response returns obvious error message
+ standard_instance = self.get_standard_instance()
+ self.logger.warning("switch to STANDARD(non-BULK) sync. Because the SalesForce BULK job has returned a failed status")
+ stream_is_available, error = standard_instance.check_availability(self.logger, None)
+ if not stream_is_available:
+ self.logger.warning(f"Skipped syncing stream '{standard_instance.name}' because it was unavailable. Error: {error}")
+ return
+ yield from standard_instance.read_records(
+ sync_mode=sync_mode, cursor_field=cursor_field, stream_slice=stream_slice, stream_state=stream_state
+ )
+ return
+ raise SalesforceException(f"Job for {self.name} stream using BULK API was failed.")
+ count = 0
+ record: Mapping[str, Any] = {}
+ for record in self.read_with_chunks(*self.download_data(url=job_full_url)):
+ count += 1
+ yield record
+ self.delete_job(url=job_full_url)
+ if count < self.page_size:
+ # Salesforce doesn't give a next token or something to know the request was
+ # the last page. The connectors will sync batches in `page_size` and
+ # considers that batch is smaller than the `page_size` it must be the last page.
+ break
+ next_page_token = self.next_page_token(record)
+ if not next_page_token:
+ # not found a next page data.
+ break
+ def get_standard_instance(self) -> SalesforceStream:
+ """Returns a instance of standard logic(non-BULK) with same settings"""
+ stream_kwargs = dict(
+ sf_api=self.sf_api,
+ pk=self.pk,
+ stream_name=self.stream_name,
+ schema=self.schema,
+ sobject_options=self.sobject_options,
+ authenticator=self.authenticator,
+ )
+ new_cls: Type[SalesforceStream] = RestSalesforceStream
+ if isinstance(self, BulkIncrementalSalesforceStream):
+ stream_kwargs.update({"replication_key": self.replication_key, "start_date": self.start_date})
+ new_cls = IncrementalRestSalesforceStream
+ return new_cls(**stream_kwargs)
+def transform_empty_string_to_none(instance: Any, schema: Any):
+ """
+ BULK API returns a `csv` file, where all values are initially as string type.
+ This custom transformer replaces empty lines with `None` value.
+ """
+ if isinstance(instance, str) and not instance.strip():
+ instance = None
+ return instance
+class IncrementalRestSalesforceStream(RestSalesforceStream, ABC):
+ state_checkpoint_interval = 500
+ def __init__(self, replication_key: str, start_date: Optional[str], **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
+ self.replication_key = replication_key
+ self.start_date = self.format_start_date(start_date)
+ @staticmethod
+ def format_start_date(start_date: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]:
+ """Transform the format `2021-07-25` into the format `2021-07-25T00:00:00Z`"""
+ if start_date:
+ return pendulum.parse(start_date).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") # type: ignore[attr-defined,no-any-return]
+ return None
+ def stream_slices(
+ self, *, sync_mode: SyncMode, cursor_field: List[str] = None, stream_state: Mapping[str, Any] = None
+ ) -> Iterable[Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]]:
+ start, end = (None, None)
+ now = pendulum.now(tz="UTC")
+ initial_date = pendulum.parse((stream_state or {}).get(self.cursor_field, self.start_date), tz="UTC")
+ slice_number = 1
+ while not end == now:
+ start = initial_date.add(days=(slice_number - 1) * self.STREAM_SLICE_STEP)
+ end = min(now, initial_date.add(days=slice_number * self.STREAM_SLICE_STEP))
+ yield {"start_date": start.isoformat(timespec="milliseconds"), "end_date": end.isoformat(timespec="milliseconds")}
+ slice_number = slice_number + 1
+ def request_params(
+ self,
+ stream_state: Mapping[str, Any],
+ stream_slice: Mapping[str, Any] = None,
+ next_page_token: Mapping[str, Any] = None,
+ property_chunk: Mapping[str, Any] = None,
+ ) -> MutableMapping[str, Any]:
+ if next_page_token:
+ """
+ If `next_page_token` is set, subsequent requests use `nextRecordsUrl`, and do not include any parameters.
+ """
+ return {}
+ property_chunk = property_chunk or {}
+ start_date = max(
+ (stream_state or {}).get(self.cursor_field, self.start_date),
+ (stream_slice or {}).get("start_date", ""),
+ (next_page_token or {}).get("start_date", ""),
+ )
+ end_date = (stream_slice or {}).get("end_date", pendulum.now(tz="UTC").isoformat(timespec="milliseconds"))
+ select_fields = ",".join(property_chunk.keys())
+ table_name = self.name
+ where_conditions = []
+ order_by_clause = ""
+ if start_date:
+ where_conditions.append(f"{self.cursor_field} >= {start_date}")
+ if end_date:
+ where_conditions.append(f"{self.cursor_field} < {end_date}")
+ order_by_clause = f"ORDER BY {self.cursor_field} ASC"
+ where_clause = f"WHERE {' AND '.join(where_conditions)}"
+ query = f"SELECT {select_fields} FROM {table_name} {where_clause} {order_by_clause}"
+ return {"q": query}
+ @property
+ def cursor_field(self) -> str:
+ return self.replication_key
+ def get_updated_state(self, current_stream_state: MutableMapping[str, Any], latest_record: Mapping[str, Any]) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
+ """
+ Return the latest state by comparing the cursor value in the latest record with the stream's most recent state
+ object and returning an updated state object.
+ """
+ latest_benchmark = latest_record[self.cursor_field]
+ if current_stream_state.get(self.cursor_field):
+ return {self.cursor_field: max(latest_benchmark, current_stream_state[self.cursor_field])}
+ return {self.cursor_field: latest_benchmark}
+class BulkIncrementalSalesforceStream(BulkSalesforceStream, IncrementalRestSalesforceStream):
+ def next_page_token(self, last_record: Mapping[str, Any]) -> Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]:
+ return None
+ def request_params(
+ self, stream_state: Mapping[str, Any], stream_slice: Mapping[str, Any] = None, next_page_token: Mapping[str, Any] = None
+ ) -> MutableMapping[str, Any]:
+ start_date = max(
+ (stream_state or {}).get(self.cursor_field, ""),
+ (stream_slice or {}).get("start_date", ""),
+ (next_page_token or {}).get("start_date", ""),
+ )
+ end_date = stream_slice["end_date"]
+ select_fields = ", ".join(self.get_json_schema().get("properties", {}).keys())
+ table_name = self.name
+ where_conditions = [f"{self.cursor_field} >= {start_date}", f"{self.cursor_field} < {end_date}"]
+ order_by_clause = ""
+ order_by_fields = ", ".join([self.cursor_field, self.primary_key] if self.primary_key else [self.cursor_field])
+ order_by_clause = f"ORDER BY {order_by_fields} ASC"
+ where_clause = f"WHERE {' AND '.join(where_conditions)}"
+ query = f"SELECT {select_fields} FROM {table_name} {where_clause} {order_by_clause}"
+ return {"q": query}
+class Describe(Stream):
+ """
+ Stream of sObjects' (Salesforce Objects) describe:
+ https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_rest.meta/api_rest/resources_sobject_describe.htm
+ """
+ name = "Describe"
+ primary_key = "name"
+ def __init__(self, sf_api: Salesforce, catalog: ConfiguredAirbyteCatalog = None, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
+ self.sf_api = sf_api
+ if catalog:
+ self.sobjects_to_describe = [s.stream.name for s in catalog.streams if s.stream.name != self.name]
+ def read_records(self, **kwargs) -> Iterable[Mapping[str, Any]]:
+ """
+ Yield describe response of SObjects defined in catalog as streams only.
+ """
+ for sobject in self.sobjects_to_describe:
+ yield self.sf_api.describe(sobject=sobject)
diff --git a/source-salesforce/source_salesforce/utils.py b/source-salesforce/source_salesforce/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7d328faef1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source-salesforce/source_salesforce/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2023 Airbyte, Inc., all rights reserved.
+def filter_streams_by_criteria(streams_list: list, search_word: str, search_criteria: str):
+ search_word = search_word.lower()
+ criteria_mapping = {
+ "starts with": lambda stream_name: stream_name.startswith(search_word),
+ "starts not with": lambda stream_name: not stream_name.startswith(search_word),
+ "ends with": lambda stream_name: stream_name.endswith(search_word),
+ "ends not with": lambda stream_name: not stream_name.endswith(search_word),
+ "contains": lambda stream_name: search_word in stream_name,
+ "not contains": lambda stream_name: search_word not in stream_name,
+ "exacts": lambda stream_name: search_word == stream_name,
+ "not exacts": lambda stream_name: search_word != stream_name,
+ }
+ new_streams_list = []
+ for stream in streams_list:
+ if criteria_mapping[search_criteria](stream.lower()):
+ new_streams_list.append(stream)
+ return new_streams_list
diff --git a/source-salesforce/spec.yaml b/source-salesforce/spec.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f06ca9e98f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source-salesforce/spec.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+documentationUrl: https://go.estuary.dev/AyWXIh
+ $schema: http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#
+ title: Salesforce Source Spec
+ type: object
+ required:
+ - credentials
+ - start_date
+ additionalProperties: true
+ properties:
+ credentials:
+ properties:
+ is_sandbox:
+ title: Sandbox
+ description: >-
+ Toggle if you're using a Salesforce Sandbox
+ type: boolean
+ default: false
+ order: 1
+ auth_type:
+ type: string
+ const: Client
+ client_id:
+ title: Client ID
+ description: Enter your Salesforce developer application's Client ID
+ type: string
+ order: 2
+ client_secret:
+ title: Client Secret
+ description: Enter your Salesforce developer application's Client secret
+ type: string
+ airbyte_secret: true
+ order: 3
+ refresh_token:
+ title: Refresh Token
+ description: >-
+ Enter your application's Salesforce Refresh Token used to access your Salesforce account.
+ type: string
+ airbyte_secret: true
+ order: 4
+ start_date:
+ title: Start Date
+ description: >-
+ Enter the date in the YYYY-MM-DD format. We will replicate the data added on and after this date. If this field is blank, We will replicate the data for last two years.
+ type: string
+ pattern: >-
+ ^([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}(T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z)?)$
+ examples:
+ - "2021-07-25"
+ - "2021-07-25T00:00:00Z"
+ format: date-time
+ order: 5
+ streams_criteria:
+ type: array
+ order: 6
+ items:
+ type: object
+ required:
+ - criteria
+ - value
+ properties:
+ criteria:
+ type: string
+ title: Search criteria
+ enum:
+ - starts with
+ - ends with
+ - contains
+ - exacts
+ - starts not with
+ - ends not with
+ - not contains
+ - not exacts
+ order: 1
+ default: contains
+ value:
+ type: string
+ title: Search value
+ order: 2
+ title: Filter Salesforce Objects
+ description: >-
+ Filter streams relevant to you
+ auth_flow_type: oauth2.0
+ predicate_key:
+ - auth_type
+ predicate_value: Client
+ oauth_config_specification:
+ oauth_user_input_from_connector_config_specification:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ is_sandbox:
+ type: boolean
+ path_in_connector_config:
+ - is_sandbox
+ complete_oauth_output_specification:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ refresh_token:
+ type: string
+ path_in_connector_config:
+ - refresh_token
+ complete_oauth_server_input_specification:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ client_id:
+ type: string
+ client_secret:
+ type: string
+ complete_oauth_server_output_specification:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ client_id:
+ type: string
+ path_in_connector_config:
+ - client_id
+ client_secret:
+ type: string
+ path_in_connector_config:
+ - client_secret
diff --git a/source-salesforce/test.flow.yaml b/source-salesforce/test.flow.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0ff58a592b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source-salesforce/test.flow.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,4819 @@
+ acmeCo/source-salesforce:
+ endpoint:
+ local:
+ command:
+ - python
+ # - "-Xfrozen_modules=off"
+ # - "-m"
+ # - debugpy
+ # - "--listen"
+ # - ""
+ # - "--wait-for-client"
+ - "-m"
+ - source-salesforce
+ config: config.yaml
+ bindings:
+ - resource:
+ stream: AIApplication
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/AIApplication
+ - resource:
+ stream: AIApplicationConfig
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/AIApplicationConfig
+ - resource:
+ stream: AIInsightAction
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/AIInsightAction
+ - resource:
+ stream: AIInsightFeedback
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/AIInsightFeedback
+ - resource:
+ stream: AIInsightReason
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/AIInsightReason
+ - resource:
+ stream: AIInsightValue
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/AIInsightValue
+ - resource:
+ stream: AIRecordInsight
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/AIRecordInsight
+ - resource:
+ stream: AcceptedEventRelation
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/AcceptedEventRelation
+ - resource:
+ stream: Account
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Account
+ - resource:
+ stream: AccountCleanInfo
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/AccountCleanInfo
+ - resource:
+ stream: AccountContactRole
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/AccountContactRole
+ - resource:
+ stream: AccountFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/AccountFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: AccountHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/AccountHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: AccountPartner
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/AccountPartner
+ - resource:
+ stream: AccountShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/AccountShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: ActionLinkGroupTemplate
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ActionLinkGroupTemplate
+ - resource:
+ stream: ActionLinkTemplate
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ActionLinkTemplate
+ - resource:
+ stream: ActiveFeatureLicenseMetric
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ActiveFeatureLicenseMetric
+ - resource:
+ stream: ActivePermSetLicenseMetric
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ActivePermSetLicenseMetric
+ - resource:
+ stream: ActiveProfileMetric
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ActiveProfileMetric
+ - resource:
+ stream: ActiveScratchOrg
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ActiveScratchOrg
+ - resource:
+ stream: ActiveScratchOrgFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ActiveScratchOrgFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: ActiveScratchOrgHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ActiveScratchOrgHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: ActiveScratchOrgShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ActiveScratchOrgShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: AdditionalNumber
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/AdditionalNumber
+ - resource:
+ stream: Address
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Address
+ - resource:
+ stream: AlternativePaymentMethod
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/AlternativePaymentMethod
+ - resource:
+ stream: AlternativePaymentMethodShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/AlternativePaymentMethodShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: ApexClass
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ApexClass
+ - resource:
+ stream: ApexComponent
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ApexComponent
+ - resource:
+ stream: ApexEmailNotification
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ApexEmailNotification
+ - resource:
+ stream: ApexLog
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ApexLog
+ - resource:
+ stream: ApexPage
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ApexPage
+ - resource:
+ stream: ApexPageInfo
+ syncMode: full_refresh
+ cursorField:
+ - Id
+ target: acmeCo/ApexPageInfo
+ - resource:
+ stream: ApexTestQueueItem
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ApexTestQueueItem
+ - resource:
+ stream: ApexTestResult
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ApexTestResult
+ - resource:
+ stream: ApexTestResultLimits
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ApexTestResultLimits
+ - resource:
+ stream: ApexTestRunResult
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ApexTestRunResult
+ - resource:
+ stream: ApexTestSuite
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ApexTestSuite
+ - resource:
+ stream: ApexTrigger
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ApexTrigger
+ - resource:
+ stream: ApiAnomalyEventStore
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ApiAnomalyEventStore
+ - resource:
+ stream: ApiAnomalyEventStoreFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ApiAnomalyEventStoreFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: ApiEvent
+ syncMode: full_refresh
+ cursorField:
+ - Id
+ target: acmeCo/ApiEvent
+ - resource:
+ stream: AppAnalyticsQueryRequest
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/AppAnalyticsQueryRequest
+ - resource:
+ stream: AppDefinition
+ syncMode: full_refresh
+ cursorField:
+ - Id
+ target: acmeCo/AppDefinition
+ - resource:
+ stream: AppMenuItem
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/AppMenuItem
+ - resource:
+ stream: AppUsageAssignment
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/AppUsageAssignment
+ - resource:
+ stream: AppointmentAssignmentPolicy
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/AppointmentAssignmentPolicy
+ - resource:
+ stream: AppointmentScheduleAggr
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/AppointmentScheduleAggr
+ - resource:
+ stream: AppointmentScheduleLog
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/AppointmentScheduleLog
+ - resource:
+ stream: AppointmentSchedulingPolicy
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/AppointmentSchedulingPolicy
+ - resource:
+ stream: AppointmentTopicTimeSlot
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/AppointmentTopicTimeSlot
+ - resource:
+ stream: AppointmentTopicTimeSlotFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/AppointmentTopicTimeSlotFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: AppointmentTopicTimeSlotHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/AppointmentTopicTimeSlotHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: Asset
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Asset
+ - resource:
+ stream: AssetAction
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/AssetAction
+ - resource:
+ stream: AssetActionSource
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/AssetActionSource
+ - resource:
+ stream: AssetFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/AssetFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: AssetHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/AssetHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: AssetRelationship
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/AssetRelationship
+ - resource:
+ stream: AssetRelationshipFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/AssetRelationshipFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: AssetRelationshipHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/AssetRelationshipHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: AssetShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/AssetShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: AssetStatePeriod
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/AssetStatePeriod
+ - resource:
+ stream: AssignedResource
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/AssignedResource
+ - resource:
+ stream: AssignedResourceFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/AssignedResourceFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: AssignmentRule
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/AssignmentRule
+ - resource:
+ stream: AssociatedLocation
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/AssociatedLocation
+ - resource:
+ stream: AssociatedLocationHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/AssociatedLocationHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: AsyncApexJob
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/AsyncApexJob
+ - resource:
+ stream: AsyncOperationLog
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/AsyncOperationLog
+ - resource:
+ stream: Attachment
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Attachment
+ - resource:
+ stream: AuraDefinition
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/AuraDefinition
+ - resource:
+ stream: AuraDefinitionBundle
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/AuraDefinitionBundle
+ - resource:
+ stream: AuraDefinitionBundleInfo
+ syncMode: full_refresh
+ cursorField:
+ - Id
+ target: acmeCo/AuraDefinitionBundleInfo
+ - resource:
+ stream: AuraDefinitionInfo
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/AuraDefinitionInfo
+ - resource:
+ stream: AuthConfig
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/AuthConfig
+ - resource:
+ stream: AuthConfigProviders
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/AuthConfigProviders
+ - resource:
+ stream: AuthProvider
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/AuthProvider
+ - resource:
+ stream: AuthSession
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/AuthSession
+ - resource:
+ stream: AuthorizationForm
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/AuthorizationForm
+ - resource:
+ stream: AuthorizationFormConsent
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/AuthorizationFormConsent
+ - resource:
+ stream: AuthorizationFormConsentHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/AuthorizationFormConsentHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: AuthorizationFormConsentShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/AuthorizationFormConsentShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: AuthorizationFormDataUse
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/AuthorizationFormDataUse
+ - resource:
+ stream: AuthorizationFormDataUseHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/AuthorizationFormDataUseHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: AuthorizationFormDataUseShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/AuthorizationFormDataUseShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: AuthorizationFormHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/AuthorizationFormHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: AuthorizationFormShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/AuthorizationFormShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: AuthorizationFormText
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/AuthorizationFormText
+ - resource:
+ stream: AuthorizationFormTextFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/AuthorizationFormTextFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: AuthorizationFormTextHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/AuthorizationFormTextHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: BackgroundOperation
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/BackgroundOperation
+ - resource:
+ stream: BrandTemplate
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/BrandTemplate
+ - resource:
+ stream: BrandingSet
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/BrandingSet
+ - resource:
+ stream: BrandingSetProperty
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/BrandingSetProperty
+ - resource:
+ stream: BriefcaseAssignment
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/BriefcaseAssignment
+ - resource:
+ stream: BriefcaseDefinition
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/BriefcaseDefinition
+ - resource:
+ stream: BriefcaseRule
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/BriefcaseRule
+ - resource:
+ stream: BriefcaseRuleFilter
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/BriefcaseRuleFilter
+ - resource:
+ stream: BulkApiResultEventStore
+ syncMode: full_refresh
+ cursorField:
+ - Id
+ target: acmeCo/BulkApiResultEventStore
+ - resource:
+ stream: BusinessHours
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/BusinessHours
+ - resource:
+ stream: BusinessProcess
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/BusinessProcess
+ - resource:
+ stream: BuyerGroup
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/BuyerGroup
+ - resource:
+ stream: BuyerGroupFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/BuyerGroupFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: BuyerGroupHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/BuyerGroupHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: BuyerGroupShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/BuyerGroupShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: Calendar
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Calendar
+ - resource:
+ stream: CalendarView
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CalendarView
+ - resource:
+ stream: CalendarViewShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/CalendarViewShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: CallCenter
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CallCenter
+ - resource:
+ stream: CallCenterRoutingMap
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CallCenterRoutingMap
+ - resource:
+ stream: CallCoachingMediaProvider
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CallCoachingMediaProvider
+ - resource:
+ stream: Campaign
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Campaign
+ - resource:
+ stream: CampaignFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CampaignFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: CampaignHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/CampaignHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: CampaignMember
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CampaignMember
+ - resource:
+ stream: CampaignMemberStatus
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CampaignMemberStatus
+ - resource:
+ stream: CampaignShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/CampaignShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: CardPaymentMethod
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CardPaymentMethod
+ - resource:
+ stream: CartCheckoutSession
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CartCheckoutSession
+ - resource:
+ stream: CartDeliveryGroup
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CartDeliveryGroup
+ - resource:
+ stream: CartDeliveryGroupMethod
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CartDeliveryGroupMethod
+ - resource:
+ stream: CartItem
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CartItem
+ - resource:
+ stream: CartItemPriceAdjustment
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CartItemPriceAdjustment
+ - resource:
+ stream: CartRelatedItem
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CartRelatedItem
+ - resource:
+ stream: CartTax
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CartTax
+ - resource:
+ stream: CartValidationOutput
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CartValidationOutput
+ - resource:
+ stream: Case
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Case
+ - resource:
+ stream: CaseComment
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CaseComment
+ - resource:
+ stream: CaseContactRole
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CaseContactRole
+ - resource:
+ stream: CaseFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CaseFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: CaseHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/CaseHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: CaseMilestone
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CaseMilestone
+ - resource:
+ stream: CaseShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/CaseShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: CaseSolution
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CaseSolution
+ - resource:
+ stream: CaseStatus
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CaseStatus
+ - resource:
+ stream: CaseTeamMember
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CaseTeamMember
+ - resource:
+ stream: CaseTeamRole
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CaseTeamRole
+ - resource:
+ stream: CaseTeamTemplate
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CaseTeamTemplate
+ - resource:
+ stream: CaseTeamTemplateMember
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CaseTeamTemplateMember
+ - resource:
+ stream: CaseTeamTemplateRecord
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CaseTeamTemplateRecord
+ - resource:
+ stream: CategoryData
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CategoryData
+ - resource:
+ stream: CategoryNode
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CategoryNode
+ - resource:
+ stream: ChatterActivity
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ChatterActivity
+ - resource:
+ stream: ChatterExtension
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ChatterExtension
+ - resource:
+ stream: ChatterExtensionConfig
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ChatterExtensionConfig
+ - resource:
+ stream: ClientBrowser
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ClientBrowser
+ - resource:
+ stream: CollaborationGroup
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CollaborationGroup
+ - resource:
+ stream: CollaborationGroupFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CollaborationGroupFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: CollaborationGroupMember
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CollaborationGroupMember
+ - resource:
+ stream: CollaborationGroupMemberRequest
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CollaborationGroupMemberRequest
+ - resource:
+ stream: CollaborationInvitation
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CollaborationInvitation
+ - resource:
+ stream: CommSubscription
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CommSubscription
+ - resource:
+ stream: CommSubscriptionChannelType
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CommSubscriptionChannelType
+ - resource:
+ stream: CommSubscriptionChannelTypeFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CommSubscriptionChannelTypeFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: CommSubscriptionChannelTypeHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/CommSubscriptionChannelTypeHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: CommSubscriptionChannelTypeShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/CommSubscriptionChannelTypeShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: CommSubscriptionConsent
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CommSubscriptionConsent
+ - resource:
+ stream: CommSubscriptionConsentFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CommSubscriptionConsentFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: CommSubscriptionConsentHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/CommSubscriptionConsentHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: CommSubscriptionConsentShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/CommSubscriptionConsentShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: CommSubscriptionFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CommSubscriptionFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: CommSubscriptionHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/CommSubscriptionHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: CommSubscriptionShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/CommSubscriptionShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: CommSubscriptionTiming
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CommSubscriptionTiming
+ - resource:
+ stream: CommSubscriptionTimingFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CommSubscriptionTimingFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: CommSubscriptionTimingHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/CommSubscriptionTimingHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: Community
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Community
+ - resource:
+ stream: ConferenceNumber
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ConferenceNumber
+ - resource:
+ stream: ConnectedApplication
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ConnectedApplication
+ - resource:
+ stream: ConsumptionRate
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ConsumptionRate
+ - resource:
+ stream: ConsumptionRateHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ConsumptionRateHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: ConsumptionSchedule
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ConsumptionSchedule
+ - resource:
+ stream: ConsumptionScheduleFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ConsumptionScheduleFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: ConsumptionScheduleHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ConsumptionScheduleHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: ConsumptionScheduleShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ConsumptionScheduleShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: Contact
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Contact
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContactCleanInfo
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ContactCleanInfo
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContactFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ContactFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContactHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ContactHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContactPointAddress
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ContactPointAddress
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContactPointAddressHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ContactPointAddressHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContactPointAddressShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ContactPointAddressShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContactPointConsent
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ContactPointConsent
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContactPointConsentHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ContactPointConsentHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContactPointConsentShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ContactPointConsentShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContactPointEmail
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ContactPointEmail
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContactPointEmailHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ContactPointEmailHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContactPointEmailShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ContactPointEmailShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContactPointPhone
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ContactPointPhone
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContactPointPhoneHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ContactPointPhoneHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContactPointPhoneShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ContactPointPhoneShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContactPointTypeConsent
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ContactPointTypeConsent
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContactPointTypeConsentHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ContactPointTypeConsentHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContactPointTypeConsentShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ContactPointTypeConsentShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContactRequest
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ContactRequest
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContactRequestShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ContactRequestShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContactShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ContactShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContentAsset
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ContentAsset
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContentDistribution
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ContentDistribution
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContentDistributionView
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ContentDistributionView
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContentDocument
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ContentDocument
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContentDocumentFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ContentDocumentFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContentDocumentHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ContentDocumentHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContentDocumentSubscription
+ syncMode: full_refresh
+ cursorField:
+ - Id
+ target: acmeCo/ContentDocumentSubscription
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContentFolder
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ContentFolder
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContentFolderLink
+ syncMode: full_refresh
+ cursorField:
+ - Id
+ target: acmeCo/ContentFolderLink
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContentNotification
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ContentNotification
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContentTagSubscription
+ syncMode: full_refresh
+ cursorField:
+ - Id
+ target: acmeCo/ContentTagSubscription
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContentUserSubscription
+ syncMode: full_refresh
+ cursorField:
+ - Id
+ target: acmeCo/ContentUserSubscription
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContentVersion
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ContentVersion
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContentVersionComment
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ContentVersionComment
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContentVersionHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ContentVersionHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContentVersionRating
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ContentVersionRating
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContentWorkspace
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ContentWorkspace
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContentWorkspaceDoc
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ContentWorkspaceDoc
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContentWorkspaceMember
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ContentWorkspaceMember
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContentWorkspacePermission
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ContentWorkspacePermission
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContentWorkspaceSubscription
+ syncMode: full_refresh
+ cursorField:
+ - Id
+ target: acmeCo/ContentWorkspaceSubscription
+ - resource:
+ stream: Contract
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Contract
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContractContactRole
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ContractContactRole
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContractFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ContractFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContractHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ContractHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContractLineItem
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ContractLineItem
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContractLineItemHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ContractLineItemHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: ContractStatus
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ContractStatus
+ - resource:
+ stream: Conversation
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/Conversation
+ - resource:
+ stream: ConversationEntry
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ConversationEntry
+ - resource:
+ stream: ConversationParticipant
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ConversationParticipant
+ - resource:
+ stream: ConversationVendorInfo
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ConversationVendorInfo
+ - resource:
+ stream: CorsWhitelistEntry
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CorsWhitelistEntry
+ - resource:
+ stream: Coupon
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Coupon
+ - resource:
+ stream: CouponHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/CouponHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: CouponShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/CouponShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: CredentialStuffingEventStore
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CredentialStuffingEventStore
+ - resource:
+ stream: CredentialStuffingEventStoreFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CredentialStuffingEventStoreFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: CreditMemo
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CreditMemo
+ - resource:
+ stream: CreditMemoFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CreditMemoFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: CreditMemoHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/CreditMemoHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: CreditMemoInvApplication
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CreditMemoInvApplication
+ - resource:
+ stream: CreditMemoInvApplicationFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CreditMemoInvApplicationFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: CreditMemoInvApplicationHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/CreditMemoInvApplicationHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: CreditMemoLine
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CreditMemoLine
+ - resource:
+ stream: CreditMemoLineFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CreditMemoLineFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: CreditMemoLineHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/CreditMemoLineHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: CreditMemoShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/CreditMemoShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: CronJobDetail
+ syncMode: full_refresh
+ cursorField:
+ - Id
+ target: acmeCo/CronJobDetail
+ - resource:
+ stream: CronTrigger
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/CronTrigger
+ - resource:
+ stream: CspTrustedSite
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CspTrustedSite
+ - resource:
+ stream: CustomBrand
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/CustomBrand
+ - resource:
+ stream: CustomBrandAsset
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/CustomBrandAsset
+ - resource:
+ stream: CustomHelpMenuItem
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CustomHelpMenuItem
+ - resource:
+ stream: CustomHelpMenuSection
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CustomHelpMenuSection
+ - resource:
+ stream: CustomHttpHeader
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CustomHttpHeader
+ - resource:
+ stream: CustomNotificationType
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CustomNotificationType
+ - resource:
+ stream: CustomObjectUserLicenseMetrics
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CustomObjectUserLicenseMetrics
+ - resource:
+ stream: CustomPermission
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CustomPermission
+ - resource:
+ stream: CustomPermissionDependency
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/CustomPermissionDependency
+ - resource:
+ stream: DandBCompany
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/DandBCompany
+ - resource:
+ stream: Dashboard
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Dashboard
+ - resource:
+ stream: DashboardComponent
+ syncMode: full_refresh
+ cursorField:
+ - Id
+ target: acmeCo/DashboardComponent
+ - resource:
+ stream: DashboardComponentFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/DashboardComponentFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: DashboardFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/DashboardFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: DataAssessmentFieldMetric
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/DataAssessmentFieldMetric
+ - resource:
+ stream: DataAssessmentMetric
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/DataAssessmentMetric
+ - resource:
+ stream: DataAssessmentValueMetric
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/DataAssessmentValueMetric
+ - resource:
+ stream: DataUseLegalBasis
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/DataUseLegalBasis
+ - resource:
+ stream: DataUseLegalBasisHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/DataUseLegalBasisHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: DataUseLegalBasisShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/DataUseLegalBasisShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: DataUsePurpose
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/DataUsePurpose
+ - resource:
+ stream: DataUsePurposeHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/DataUsePurposeHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: DataUsePurposeShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/DataUsePurposeShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: DatacloudCompany
+ syncMode: full_refresh
+ cursorField:
+ - Id
+ target: acmeCo/DatacloudCompany
+ - resource:
+ stream: DatacloudContact
+ syncMode: full_refresh
+ cursorField:
+ - Id
+ target: acmeCo/DatacloudContact
+ - resource:
+ stream: DatacloudOwnedEntity
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/DatacloudOwnedEntity
+ - resource:
+ stream: DatacloudPurchaseUsage
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/DatacloudPurchaseUsage
+ - resource:
+ stream: DeclinedEventRelation
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/DeclinedEventRelation
+ - resource:
+ stream: DeleteEvent
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/DeleteEvent
+ - resource:
+ stream: DigitalWallet
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/DigitalWallet
+ - resource:
+ stream: Document
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Document
+ - resource:
+ stream: DocumentAttachmentMap
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/DocumentAttachmentMap
+ - resource:
+ stream: Domain
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Domain
+ - resource:
+ stream: DomainSite
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/DomainSite
+ - resource:
+ stream: DuplicateRecordItem
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/DuplicateRecordItem
+ - resource:
+ stream: DuplicateRecordSet
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/DuplicateRecordSet
+ - resource:
+ stream: DuplicateRule
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/DuplicateRule
+ - resource:
+ stream: EmailCapture
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/EmailCapture
+ - resource:
+ stream: EmailDomainFilter
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/EmailDomainFilter
+ - resource:
+ stream: EmailDomainKey
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/EmailDomainKey
+ - resource:
+ stream: EmailMessage
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/EmailMessage
+ - resource:
+ stream: EmailMessageRelation
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/EmailMessageRelation
+ - resource:
+ stream: EmailRelay
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/EmailRelay
+ - resource:
+ stream: EmailServicesAddress
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/EmailServicesAddress
+ - resource:
+ stream: EmailServicesFunction
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/EmailServicesFunction
+ - resource:
+ stream: EmailTemplate
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/EmailTemplate
+ - resource:
+ stream: EmbeddedServiceDetail
+ syncMode: full_refresh
+ cursorField:
+ - Id
+ target: acmeCo/EmbeddedServiceDetail
+ - resource:
+ stream: EmbeddedServiceLabel
+ syncMode: full_refresh
+ cursorField:
+ - Id
+ target: acmeCo/EmbeddedServiceLabel
+ - resource:
+ stream: EngagementChannelType
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/EngagementChannelType
+ - resource:
+ stream: EngagementChannelTypeFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/EngagementChannelTypeFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: EngagementChannelTypeHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/EngagementChannelTypeHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: EngagementChannelTypeShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/EngagementChannelTypeShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: EnhancedLetterhead
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/EnhancedLetterhead
+ - resource:
+ stream: EnhancedLetterheadFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/EnhancedLetterheadFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: Entitlement
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Entitlement
+ - resource:
+ stream: EntitlementContact
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/EntitlementContact
+ - resource:
+ stream: EntitlementFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/EntitlementFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: EntitlementHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/EntitlementHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: EntitlementTemplate
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/EntitlementTemplate
+ - resource:
+ stream: EntityDefinition
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/EntityDefinition
+ - resource:
+ stream: EntityMilestone
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/EntityMilestone
+ - resource:
+ stream: EntityMilestoneFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/EntityMilestoneFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: EntityMilestoneHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/EntityMilestoneHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: EntitySubscription
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/EntitySubscription
+ - resource:
+ stream: Event
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Event
+ - resource:
+ stream: EventBusSubscriber
+ syncMode: full_refresh
+ cursorField:
+ - Id
+ target: acmeCo/EventBusSubscriber
+ - resource:
+ stream: EventFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/EventFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: EventLogFile
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/EventLogFile
+ - resource:
+ stream: EventRelation
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/EventRelation
+ - resource:
+ stream: ExpressionFilter
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ExpressionFilter
+ - resource:
+ stream: ExpressionFilterCriteria
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ExpressionFilterCriteria
+ - resource:
+ stream: ExternalDataSource
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ExternalDataSource
+ - resource:
+ stream: ExternalDataUserAuth
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ExternalDataUserAuth
+ - resource:
+ stream: ExternalEvent
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ExternalEvent
+ - resource:
+ stream: ExternalEventMapping
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ExternalEventMapping
+ - resource:
+ stream: ExternalEventMappingShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ExternalEventMappingShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: FeedAttachment
+ syncMode: full_refresh
+ cursorField:
+ - Id
+ target: acmeCo/FeedAttachment
+ - resource:
+ stream: FeedComment
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/FeedComment
+ - resource:
+ stream: FeedItem
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/FeedItem
+ - resource:
+ stream: FeedPollChoice
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/FeedPollChoice
+ - resource:
+ stream: FeedPollVote
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/FeedPollVote
+ - resource:
+ stream: FeedRevision
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/FeedRevision
+ - resource:
+ stream: FieldPermissions
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/FieldPermissions
+ - resource:
+ stream: FieldSecurityClassification
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/FieldSecurityClassification
+ - resource:
+ stream: FileSearchActivity
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/FileSearchActivity
+ - resource:
+ stream: FinanceBalanceSnapshot
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/FinanceBalanceSnapshot
+ - resource:
+ stream: FinanceBalanceSnapshotShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/FinanceBalanceSnapshotShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: FinanceTransaction
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/FinanceTransaction
+ - resource:
+ stream: FinanceTransactionShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/FinanceTransactionShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: FiscalYearSettings
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/FiscalYearSettings
+ - resource:
+ stream: FlowDefinitionView
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/FlowDefinitionView
+ - resource:
+ stream: FlowInterview
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/FlowInterview
+ - resource:
+ stream: FlowInterviewLog
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/FlowInterviewLog
+ - resource:
+ stream: FlowInterviewLogEntry
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/FlowInterviewLogEntry
+ - resource:
+ stream: FlowInterviewLogShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/FlowInterviewLogShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: FlowInterviewShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/FlowInterviewShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: FlowRecordRelation
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/FlowRecordRelation
+ - resource:
+ stream: FlowStageRelation
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/FlowStageRelation
+ - resource:
+ stream: Folder
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Folder
+ - resource:
+ stream: FormulaFunction
+ syncMode: full_refresh
+ cursorField:
+ - Id
+ target: acmeCo/FormulaFunction
+ - resource:
+ stream: FormulaFunctionAllowedType
+ syncMode: full_refresh
+ cursorField:
+ - Id
+ target: acmeCo/FormulaFunctionAllowedType
+ - resource:
+ stream: FormulaFunctionCategory
+ syncMode: full_refresh
+ cursorField:
+ - Id
+ target: acmeCo/FormulaFunctionCategory
+ - resource:
+ stream: FulfillmentOrder
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/FulfillmentOrder
+ - resource:
+ stream: FulfillmentOrderFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/FulfillmentOrderFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: FulfillmentOrderItemAdjustment
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/FulfillmentOrderItemAdjustment
+ - resource:
+ stream: FulfillmentOrderItemAdjustmentFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/FulfillmentOrderItemAdjustmentFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: FulfillmentOrderItemTax
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/FulfillmentOrderItemTax
+ - resource:
+ stream: FulfillmentOrderItemTaxFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/FulfillmentOrderItemTaxFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: FulfillmentOrderLineItem
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/FulfillmentOrderLineItem
+ - resource:
+ stream: FulfillmentOrderLineItemFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/FulfillmentOrderLineItemFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: FulfillmentOrderShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/FulfillmentOrderShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: GrantedByLicense
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/GrantedByLicense
+ - resource:
+ stream: Group
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Group
+ - resource:
+ stream: GroupMember
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/GroupMember
+ - resource:
+ stream: GtwyProvPaymentMethodType
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/GtwyProvPaymentMethodType
+ - resource:
+ stream: Holiday
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Holiday
+ - resource:
+ stream: IPAddressRange
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/IPAddressRange
+ - resource:
+ stream: Idea
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Idea
+ - resource:
+ stream: IdentityProviderEventStore
+ syncMode: full_refresh
+ cursorField:
+ - Id
+ target: acmeCo/IdentityProviderEventStore
+ - resource:
+ stream: IdentityVerificationEvent
+ syncMode: full_refresh
+ cursorField:
+ - Id
+ target: acmeCo/IdentityVerificationEvent
+ - resource:
+ stream: IdpEventLog
+ syncMode: full_refresh
+ cursorField:
+ - Id
+ target: acmeCo/IdpEventLog
+ - resource:
+ stream: IframeWhiteListUrl
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/IframeWhiteListUrl
+ - resource:
+ stream: Image
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Image
+ - resource:
+ stream: ImageFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ImageFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: ImageHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ImageHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: ImageShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ImageShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: Individual
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Individual
+ - resource:
+ stream: IndividualHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/IndividualHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: IndividualShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/IndividualShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: InstalledMobileApp
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/InstalledMobileApp
+ - resource:
+ stream: Invoice
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Invoice
+ - resource:
+ stream: InvoiceFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/InvoiceFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: InvoiceHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/InvoiceHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: InvoiceLine
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/InvoiceLine
+ - resource:
+ stream: InvoiceLineFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/InvoiceLineFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: InvoiceLineHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/InvoiceLineHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: InvoiceShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/InvoiceShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: KnowledgeableUser
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/KnowledgeableUser
+ - resource:
+ stream: Lead
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Lead
+ - resource:
+ stream: LeadCleanInfo
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/LeadCleanInfo
+ - resource:
+ stream: LeadFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/LeadFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: LeadHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/LeadHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: LeadShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/LeadShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: LeadStatus
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/LeadStatus
+ - resource:
+ stream: LegalEntity
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/LegalEntity
+ - resource:
+ stream: LegalEntityFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/LegalEntityFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: LegalEntityHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/LegalEntityHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: LegalEntityShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/LegalEntityShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: LightningExitByPageMetrics
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/LightningExitByPageMetrics
+ - resource:
+ stream: LightningExperienceTheme
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/LightningExperienceTheme
+ - resource:
+ stream: LightningOnboardingConfig
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/LightningOnboardingConfig
+ - resource:
+ stream: LightningToggleMetrics
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/LightningToggleMetrics
+ - resource:
+ stream: LightningUriEvent
+ syncMode: full_refresh
+ cursorField:
+ - Id
+ target: acmeCo/LightningUriEvent
+ - resource:
+ stream: LightningUsageByAppTypeMetrics
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/LightningUsageByAppTypeMetrics
+ - resource:
+ stream: LightningUsageByBrowserMetrics
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/LightningUsageByBrowserMetrics
+ - resource:
+ stream: LightningUsageByFlexiPageMetrics
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/LightningUsageByFlexiPageMetrics
+ - resource:
+ stream: LightningUsageByPageMetrics
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/LightningUsageByPageMetrics
+ - resource:
+ stream: ListEmail
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ListEmail
+ - resource:
+ stream: ListEmailIndividualRecipient
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ListEmailIndividualRecipient
+ - resource:
+ stream: ListEmailRecipientSource
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ListEmailRecipientSource
+ - resource:
+ stream: ListEmailShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ListEmailShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: ListView
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ListView
+ - resource:
+ stream: ListViewChart
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ListViewChart
+ - resource:
+ stream: ListViewEvent
+ syncMode: full_refresh
+ cursorField:
+ - Id
+ target: acmeCo/ListViewEvent
+ - resource:
+ stream: LiveChatSensitiveDataRule
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/LiveChatSensitiveDataRule
+ - resource:
+ stream: Location
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Location
+ - resource:
+ stream: LocationFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/LocationFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: LocationGroup
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/LocationGroup
+ - resource:
+ stream: LocationGroupAssignment
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/LocationGroupAssignment
+ - resource:
+ stream: LocationGroupFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/LocationGroupFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: LocationGroupHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/LocationGroupHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: LocationGroupShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/LocationGroupShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: LocationHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/LocationHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: LocationShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/LocationShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: LoginAsEvent
+ syncMode: full_refresh
+ cursorField:
+ - Id
+ target: acmeCo/LoginAsEvent
+ - resource:
+ stream: LoginEvent
+ syncMode: full_refresh
+ cursorField:
+ - Id
+ target: acmeCo/LoginEvent
+ - resource:
+ stream: LoginGeo
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/LoginGeo
+ - resource:
+ stream: LoginHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LoginTime
+ target: acmeCo/LoginHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: LoginIp
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/LoginIp
+ - resource:
+ stream: LogoutEvent
+ syncMode: full_refresh
+ cursorField:
+ - Id
+ target: acmeCo/LogoutEvent
+ - resource:
+ stream: MLPredictionDefinition
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/MLPredictionDefinition
+ - resource:
+ stream: Macro
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Macro
+ - resource:
+ stream: MacroHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/MacroHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: MacroInstruction
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/MacroInstruction
+ - resource:
+ stream: MacroShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/MacroShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: MacroUsage
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/MacroUsage
+ - resource:
+ stream: MacroUsageShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/MacroUsageShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: MailmergeTemplate
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/MailmergeTemplate
+ - resource:
+ stream: MatchingInformation
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/MatchingInformation
+ - resource:
+ stream: MatchingRule
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/MatchingRule
+ - resource:
+ stream: MatchingRuleItem
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/MatchingRuleItem
+ - resource:
+ stream: MessagingChannel
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/MessagingChannel
+ - resource:
+ stream: MessagingChannelSkill
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/MessagingChannelSkill
+ - resource:
+ stream: MessagingConfiguration
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/MessagingConfiguration
+ - resource:
+ stream: MessagingDeliveryError
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/MessagingDeliveryError
+ - resource:
+ stream: MessagingEndUser
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/MessagingEndUser
+ - resource:
+ stream: MessagingEndUserHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/MessagingEndUserHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: MessagingEndUserShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/MessagingEndUserShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: MessagingLink
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/MessagingLink
+ - resource:
+ stream: MessagingSession
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/MessagingSession
+ - resource:
+ stream: MessagingSessionFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/MessagingSessionFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: MessagingSessionHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/MessagingSessionHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: MessagingSessionShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/MessagingSessionShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: MessagingTemplate
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/MessagingTemplate
+ - resource:
+ stream: MilestoneType
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/MilestoneType
+ - resource:
+ stream: MobileApplicationDetail
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/MobileApplicationDetail
+ - resource:
+ stream: MsgChannelLanguageKeyword
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/MsgChannelLanguageKeyword
+ - resource:
+ stream: MutingPermissionSet
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/MutingPermissionSet
+ - resource:
+ stream: MyDomainDiscoverableLogin
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/MyDomainDiscoverableLogin
+ - resource:
+ stream: NamedCredential
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/NamedCredential
+ - resource:
+ stream: NamespaceRegistry
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/NamespaceRegistry
+ - resource:
+ stream: NamespaceRegistryFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/NamespaceRegistryFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: NamespaceRegistryHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/NamespaceRegistryHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: Note
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Note
+ - resource:
+ stream: OauthCustomScope
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/OauthCustomScope
+ - resource:
+ stream: OauthCustomScopeApp
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/OauthCustomScopeApp
+ - resource:
+ stream: OauthToken
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/OauthToken
+ - resource:
+ stream: ObjectPermissions
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ObjectPermissions
+ - resource:
+ stream: OnboardingMetrics
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/OnboardingMetrics
+ - resource:
+ stream: OperatingHours
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/OperatingHours
+ - resource:
+ stream: OperatingHoursFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/OperatingHoursFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: OperatingHoursHoliday
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/OperatingHoursHoliday
+ - resource:
+ stream: OperatingHoursHolidayFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/OperatingHoursHolidayFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: OperatingHoursShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/OperatingHoursShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: Opportunity
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Opportunity
+ - resource:
+ stream: OpportunityCompetitor
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/OpportunityCompetitor
+ - resource:
+ stream: OpportunityContactRole
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/OpportunityContactRole
+ - resource:
+ stream: OpportunityFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/OpportunityFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: OpportunityFieldHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/OpportunityFieldHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: OpportunityHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/OpportunityHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: OpportunityLineItem
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/OpportunityLineItem
+ - resource:
+ stream: OpportunityPartner
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/OpportunityPartner
+ - resource:
+ stream: OpportunityShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/OpportunityShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: OpportunityStage
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/OpportunityStage
+ - resource:
+ stream: Order
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Order
+ - resource:
+ stream: OrderFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/OrderFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: OrderHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/OrderHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: OrderItem
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/OrderItem
+ - resource:
+ stream: OrderItemFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/OrderItemFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: OrderItemHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/OrderItemHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: OrderShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/OrderShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: OrderStatus
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/OrderStatus
+ - resource:
+ stream: OrgDeleteRequest
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/OrgDeleteRequest
+ - resource:
+ stream: OrgDeleteRequestShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/OrgDeleteRequestShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: OrgMetric
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/OrgMetric
+ - resource:
+ stream: OrgMetricScanResult
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/OrgMetricScanResult
+ - resource:
+ stream: OrgMetricScanSummary
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/OrgMetricScanSummary
+ - resource:
+ stream: OrgWideEmailAddress
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/OrgWideEmailAddress
+ - resource:
+ stream: Organization
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Organization
+ - resource:
+ stream: PackageLicense
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/PackageLicense
+ - resource:
+ stream: Partner
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Partner
+ - resource:
+ stream: PartnerRole
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/PartnerRole
+ - resource:
+ stream: PartyConsent
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/PartyConsent
+ - resource:
+ stream: PartyConsentFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/PartyConsentFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: PartyConsentHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/PartyConsentHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: PartyConsentShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/PartyConsentShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: Payment
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Payment
+ - resource:
+ stream: PaymentAuthAdjustment
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/PaymentAuthAdjustment
+ - resource:
+ stream: PaymentAuthorization
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/PaymentAuthorization
+ - resource:
+ stream: PaymentGateway
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/PaymentGateway
+ - resource:
+ stream: PaymentGatewayLog
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/PaymentGatewayLog
+ - resource:
+ stream: PaymentGatewayProvider
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/PaymentGatewayProvider
+ - resource:
+ stream: PaymentGroup
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/PaymentGroup
+ - resource:
+ stream: PaymentLineInvoice
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/PaymentLineInvoice
+ - resource:
+ stream: PaymentMethod
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/PaymentMethod
+ - resource:
+ stream: Period
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Period
+ - resource:
+ stream: PermissionSet
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/PermissionSet
+ - resource:
+ stream: PermissionSetAssignment
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/PermissionSetAssignment
+ - resource:
+ stream: PermissionSetEventStore
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/PermissionSetEventStore
+ - resource:
+ stream: PermissionSetGroup
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/PermissionSetGroup
+ - resource:
+ stream: PermissionSetGroupComponent
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/PermissionSetGroupComponent
+ - resource:
+ stream: PermissionSetLicense
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/PermissionSetLicense
+ - resource:
+ stream: PermissionSetLicenseAssign
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/PermissionSetLicenseAssign
+ - resource:
+ stream: PermissionSetTabSetting
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/PermissionSetTabSetting
+ - resource:
+ stream: PlatformCachePartition
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/PlatformCachePartition
+ - resource:
+ stream: PlatformCachePartitionType
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/PlatformCachePartitionType
+ - resource:
+ stream: PlatformEventUsageMetric
+ syncMode: full_refresh
+ cursorField:
+ - Id
+ target: acmeCo/PlatformEventUsageMetric
+ - resource:
+ stream: Pricebook2
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Pricebook2
+ - resource:
+ stream: Pricebook2History
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/Pricebook2History
+ - resource:
+ stream: PricebookEntry
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/PricebookEntry
+ - resource:
+ stream: PricebookEntryHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/PricebookEntryHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: ProcessDefinition
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ProcessDefinition
+ - resource:
+ stream: ProcessException
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ProcessException
+ - resource:
+ stream: ProcessExceptionShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ProcessExceptionShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: ProcessInstance
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ProcessInstance
+ - resource:
+ stream: ProcessInstanceNode
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ProcessInstanceNode
+ - resource:
+ stream: ProcessInstanceStep
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ProcessInstanceStep
+ - resource:
+ stream: ProcessInstanceWorkitem
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ProcessInstanceWorkitem
+ - resource:
+ stream: ProcessNode
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ProcessNode
+ - resource:
+ stream: Product2
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Product2
+ - resource:
+ stream: Product2Feed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Product2Feed
+ - resource:
+ stream: Product2History
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/Product2History
+ - resource:
+ stream: ProductAttribute
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ProductAttribute
+ - resource:
+ stream: ProductAttributeSet
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ProductAttributeSet
+ - resource:
+ stream: ProductAttributeSetItem
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ProductAttributeSetItem
+ - resource:
+ stream: ProductAttributeSetProduct
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ProductAttributeSetProduct
+ - resource:
+ stream: ProductCatalog
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ProductCatalog
+ - resource:
+ stream: ProductCatalogFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ProductCatalogFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: ProductCatalogHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ProductCatalogHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: ProductCatalogShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ProductCatalogShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: ProductCategory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ProductCategory
+ - resource:
+ stream: ProductCategoryFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ProductCategoryFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: ProductCategoryHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ProductCategoryHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: ProductCategoryProduct
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ProductCategoryProduct
+ - resource:
+ stream: ProductCategoryProductHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ProductCategoryProductHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: ProductConsumptionSchedule
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ProductConsumptionSchedule
+ - resource:
+ stream: ProductEntitlementTemplate
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ProductEntitlementTemplate
+ - resource:
+ stream: Profile
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Profile
+ - resource:
+ stream: Promotion
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Promotion
+ - resource:
+ stream: PromotionFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/PromotionFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: PromotionHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/PromotionHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: PromotionMarketSegment
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/PromotionMarketSegment
+ - resource:
+ stream: PromotionMarketSegmentFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/PromotionMarketSegmentFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: PromotionMarketSegmentHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/PromotionMarketSegmentHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: PromotionQualifier
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/PromotionQualifier
+ - resource:
+ stream: PromotionQualifierHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/PromotionQualifierHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: PromotionSegment
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/PromotionSegment
+ - resource:
+ stream: PromotionSegmentBuyerGroup
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/PromotionSegmentBuyerGroup
+ - resource:
+ stream: PromotionSegmentBuyerGroupHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/PromotionSegmentBuyerGroupHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: PromotionSegmentHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/PromotionSegmentHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: PromotionSegmentSalesStore
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/PromotionSegmentSalesStore
+ - resource:
+ stream: PromotionSegmentSalesStoreHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/PromotionSegmentSalesStoreHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: PromotionSegmentShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/PromotionSegmentShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: PromotionShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/PromotionShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: PromotionTarget
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/PromotionTarget
+ - resource:
+ stream: PromotionTargetHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/PromotionTargetHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: Prompt
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Prompt
+ - resource:
+ stream: PromptAction
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/PromptAction
+ - resource:
+ stream: PromptActionShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/PromptActionShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: PromptError
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/PromptError
+ - resource:
+ stream: PromptErrorShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/PromptErrorShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: PromptVersion
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/PromptVersion
+ - resource:
+ stream: Publisher
+ syncMode: full_refresh
+ cursorField:
+ - Id
+ target: acmeCo/Publisher
+ - resource:
+ stream: PushTopic
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/PushTopic
+ - resource:
+ stream: QueueSobject
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/QueueSobject
+ - resource:
+ stream: QuickText
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/QuickText
+ - resource:
+ stream: QuickTextHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/QuickTextHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: QuickTextShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/QuickTextShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: QuickTextUsage
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/QuickTextUsage
+ - resource:
+ stream: QuickTextUsageShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/QuickTextUsageShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: RecentlyViewed
+ syncMode: full_refresh
+ cursorField:
+ - Id
+ target: acmeCo/RecentlyViewed
+ - resource:
+ stream: Recommendation
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Recommendation
+ - resource:
+ stream: RecommendationResponse
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/RecommendationResponse
+ - resource:
+ stream: RecordAction
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/RecordAction
+ - resource:
+ stream: RecordActionHistory
+ syncMode: full_refresh
+ cursorField:
+ - Id
+ target: acmeCo/RecordActionHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: RecordType
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/RecordType
+ - resource:
+ stream: RedirectWhitelistUrl
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/RedirectWhitelistUrl
+ - resource:
+ stream: Refund
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Refund
+ - resource:
+ stream: RefundLinePayment
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/RefundLinePayment
+ - resource:
+ stream: Report
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Report
+ - resource:
+ stream: ReportAnomalyEventStore
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ReportAnomalyEventStore
+ - resource:
+ stream: ReportAnomalyEventStoreFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ReportAnomalyEventStoreFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: ReportEvent
+ syncMode: full_refresh
+ cursorField:
+ - Id
+ target: acmeCo/ReportEvent
+ - resource:
+ stream: ReportFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ReportFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: ResourceAbsence
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ResourceAbsence
+ - resource:
+ stream: ResourceAbsenceFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ResourceAbsenceFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: ResourceAbsenceHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ResourceAbsenceHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: ResourcePreference
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ResourcePreference
+ - resource:
+ stream: ResourcePreferenceFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ResourcePreferenceFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: ResourcePreferenceHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ResourcePreferenceHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: ReturnOrder
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ReturnOrder
+ - resource:
+ stream: ReturnOrderFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ReturnOrderFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: ReturnOrderHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ReturnOrderHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: ReturnOrderItemAdjustment
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ReturnOrderItemAdjustment
+ - resource:
+ stream: ReturnOrderItemTax
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ReturnOrderItemTax
+ - resource:
+ stream: ReturnOrderLineItem
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ReturnOrderLineItem
+ - resource:
+ stream: ReturnOrderLineItemFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ReturnOrderLineItemFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: ReturnOrderLineItemHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ReturnOrderLineItemHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: ReturnOrderShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ReturnOrderShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: SPSamlAttributes
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/SPSamlAttributes
+ - resource:
+ stream: SalesStore
+ syncMode: full_refresh
+ cursorField:
+ - Id
+ target: acmeCo/SalesStore
+ - resource:
+ stream: SamlSsoConfig
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/SamlSsoConfig
+ - resource:
+ stream: Scontrol
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Scontrol
+ - resource:
+ stream: ScratchOrgInfo
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ScratchOrgInfo
+ - resource:
+ stream: ScratchOrgInfoFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ScratchOrgInfoFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: ScratchOrgInfoHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ScratchOrgInfoHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: ScratchOrgInfoShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ScratchOrgInfoShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: SearchPromotionRule
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/SearchPromotionRule
+ - resource:
+ stream: SecurityCustomBaseline
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/SecurityCustomBaseline
+ - resource:
+ stream: ServiceAppointment
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ServiceAppointment
+ - resource:
+ stream: ServiceAppointmentFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ServiceAppointmentFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: ServiceAppointmentHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ServiceAppointmentHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: ServiceAppointmentShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ServiceAppointmentShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: ServiceAppointmentStatus
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ServiceAppointmentStatus
+ - resource:
+ stream: ServiceContract
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ServiceContract
+ - resource:
+ stream: ServiceContractFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ServiceContractFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: ServiceContractHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ServiceContractHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: ServiceContractShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ServiceContractShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: ServiceResource
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ServiceResource
+ - resource:
+ stream: ServiceResourceFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ServiceResourceFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: ServiceResourceHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ServiceResourceHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: ServiceResourceShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ServiceResourceShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: ServiceResourceSkill
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ServiceResourceSkill
+ - resource:
+ stream: ServiceResourceSkillFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ServiceResourceSkillFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: ServiceResourceSkillHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ServiceResourceSkillHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: ServiceSetupProvisioning
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ServiceSetupProvisioning
+ - resource:
+ stream: ServiceTerritory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ServiceTerritory
+ - resource:
+ stream: ServiceTerritoryFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ServiceTerritoryFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: ServiceTerritoryHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ServiceTerritoryHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: ServiceTerritoryMember
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ServiceTerritoryMember
+ - resource:
+ stream: ServiceTerritoryMemberFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ServiceTerritoryMemberFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: ServiceTerritoryMemberHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ServiceTerritoryMemberHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: ServiceTerritoryShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ServiceTerritoryShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: ServiceTerritoryWorkType
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ServiceTerritoryWorkType
+ - resource:
+ stream: ServiceTerritoryWorkTypeFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ServiceTerritoryWorkTypeFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: ServiceTerritoryWorkTypeHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ServiceTerritoryWorkTypeHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: SessionHijackingEventStore
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/SessionHijackingEventStore
+ - resource:
+ stream: SessionHijackingEventStoreFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/SessionHijackingEventStoreFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: SessionPermSetActivation
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/SessionPermSetActivation
+ - resource:
+ stream: SetupAssistantStep
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/SetupAssistantStep
+ - resource:
+ stream: SetupAuditTrail
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/SetupAuditTrail
+ - resource:
+ stream: SetupEntityAccess
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/SetupEntityAccess
+ - resource:
+ stream: Shift
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Shift
+ - resource:
+ stream: ShiftFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ShiftFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: ShiftHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ShiftHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: ShiftShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ShiftShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: ShiftStatus
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ShiftStatus
+ - resource:
+ stream: Shipment
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Shipment
+ - resource:
+ stream: ShipmentFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ShipmentFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: ShipmentHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ShipmentHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: ShipmentItem
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ShipmentItem
+ - resource:
+ stream: ShipmentItemFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ShipmentItemFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: ShipmentItemHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ShipmentItemHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: ShipmentShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/ShipmentShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: Site
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Site
+ - resource:
+ stream: SiteFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/SiteFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: SiteHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/SiteHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: SiteIframeWhiteListUrl
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/SiteIframeWhiteListUrl
+ - resource:
+ stream: SiteRedirectMapping
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/SiteRedirectMapping
+ - resource:
+ stream: Skill
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Skill
+ - resource:
+ stream: SkillRequirement
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/SkillRequirement
+ - resource:
+ stream: SkillRequirementFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/SkillRequirementFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: SkillRequirementHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/SkillRequirementHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: SlaProcess
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/SlaProcess
+ - resource:
+ stream: Solution
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Solution
+ - resource:
+ stream: SolutionFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/SolutionFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: SolutionHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/SolutionHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: SolutionStatus
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/SolutionStatus
+ - resource:
+ stream: Stamp
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Stamp
+ - resource:
+ stream: StampAssignment
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/StampAssignment
+ - resource:
+ stream: StaticResource
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/StaticResource
+ - resource:
+ stream: StreamingChannel
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/StreamingChannel
+ - resource:
+ stream: StreamingChannelShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/StreamingChannelShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: TabDefinition
+ syncMode: full_refresh
+ cursorField:
+ - Id
+ target: acmeCo/TabDefinition
+ - resource:
+ stream: Task
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Task
+ - resource:
+ stream: TaskFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/TaskFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: TaskPriority
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/TaskPriority
+ - resource:
+ stream: TaskStatus
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/TaskStatus
+ - resource:
+ stream: TenantUsageEntitlement
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/TenantUsageEntitlement
+ - resource:
+ stream: TestSuiteMembership
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/TestSuiteMembership
+ - resource:
+ stream: ThirdPartyAccountLink
+ syncMode: full_refresh
+ cursorField:
+ - Id
+ target: acmeCo/ThirdPartyAccountLink
+ - resource:
+ stream: ThreatDetectionFeedback
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ThreatDetectionFeedback
+ - resource:
+ stream: ThreatDetectionFeedbackFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/ThreatDetectionFeedbackFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: TimeSlot
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/TimeSlot
+ - resource:
+ stream: TodayGoal
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/TodayGoal
+ - resource:
+ stream: TodayGoalShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/TodayGoalShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: Topic
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Topic
+ - resource:
+ stream: TopicAssignment
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/TopicAssignment
+ - resource:
+ stream: TopicFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/TopicFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: TopicUserEvent
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/TopicUserEvent
+ - resource:
+ stream: TransactionSecurityPolicy
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/TransactionSecurityPolicy
+ - resource:
+ stream: Translation
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/Translation
+ - resource:
+ stream: UiFormulaCriterion
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/UiFormulaCriterion
+ - resource:
+ stream: UiFormulaRule
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/UiFormulaRule
+ - resource:
+ stream: UndecidedEventRelation
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/UndecidedEventRelation
+ - resource:
+ stream: UriEvent
+ syncMode: full_refresh
+ cursorField:
+ - Id
+ target: acmeCo/UriEvent
+ - resource:
+ stream: User
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/User
+ - resource:
+ stream: UserAppInfo
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/UserAppInfo
+ - resource:
+ stream: UserAppMenuCustomization
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/UserAppMenuCustomization
+ - resource:
+ stream: UserAppMenuCustomizationShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/UserAppMenuCustomizationShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: UserAppMenuItem
+ syncMode: full_refresh
+ cursorField:
+ - Id
+ target: acmeCo/UserAppMenuItem
+ - resource:
+ stream: UserEmailPreferredPerson
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/UserEmailPreferredPerson
+ - resource:
+ stream: UserEmailPreferredPersonShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/UserEmailPreferredPersonShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: UserFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/UserFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: UserLicense
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/UserLicense
+ - resource:
+ stream: UserListView
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/UserListView
+ - resource:
+ stream: UserListViewCriterion
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/UserListViewCriterion
+ - resource:
+ stream: UserLogin
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/UserLogin
+ - resource:
+ stream: UserPackageLicense
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/UserPackageLicense
+ - resource:
+ stream: UserPermissionAccess
+ syncMode: full_refresh
+ cursorField:
+ - Id
+ target: acmeCo/UserPermissionAccess
+ - resource:
+ stream: UserPreference
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/UserPreference
+ - resource:
+ stream: UserProvAccount
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/UserProvAccount
+ - resource:
+ stream: UserProvAccountStaging
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/UserProvAccountStaging
+ - resource:
+ stream: UserProvMockTarget
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/UserProvMockTarget
+ - resource:
+ stream: UserProvisioningConfig
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/UserProvisioningConfig
+ - resource:
+ stream: UserProvisioningLog
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/UserProvisioningLog
+ - resource:
+ stream: UserProvisioningRequest
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/UserProvisioningRequest
+ - resource:
+ stream: UserProvisioningRequestShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/UserProvisioningRequestShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: UserRole
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/UserRole
+ - resource:
+ stream: UserSetupEntityAccess
+ syncMode: full_refresh
+ cursorField:
+ - Id
+ target: acmeCo/UserSetupEntityAccess
+ - resource:
+ stream: UserShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/UserShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: VerificationHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/VerificationHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: VisualforceAccessMetrics
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/VisualforceAccessMetrics
+ - resource:
+ stream: VoiceCall
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/VoiceCall
+ - resource:
+ stream: VoiceCallFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/VoiceCallFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: VoiceCallRecording
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/VoiceCallRecording
+ - resource:
+ stream: VoiceCallShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/VoiceCallShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: VoiceVendorInfo
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/VoiceVendorInfo
+ - resource:
+ stream: WaveAutoInstallRequest
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/WaveAutoInstallRequest
+ - resource:
+ stream: WaveCompatibilityCheckItem
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/WaveCompatibilityCheckItem
+ - resource:
+ stream: WebCart
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/WebCart
+ - resource:
+ stream: WebCartAdjustmentGroup
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/WebCartAdjustmentGroup
+ - resource:
+ stream: WebCartHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/WebCartHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: WebCartShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/WebCartShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: WebLink
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/WebLink
+ - resource:
+ stream: WebStore
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/WebStore
+ - resource:
+ stream: WebStoreBuyerGroup
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/WebStoreBuyerGroup
+ - resource:
+ stream: WebStoreCatalog
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/WebStoreCatalog
+ - resource:
+ stream: WebStoreCatalogHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/WebStoreCatalogHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: WebStoreShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/WebStoreShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: WorkOrder
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/WorkOrder
+ - resource:
+ stream: WorkOrderFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/WorkOrderFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: WorkOrderHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/WorkOrderHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: WorkOrderLineItem
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/WorkOrderLineItem
+ - resource:
+ stream: WorkOrderLineItemFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/WorkOrderLineItemFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: WorkOrderLineItemHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/WorkOrderLineItemHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: WorkOrderLineItemStatus
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/WorkOrderLineItemStatus
+ - resource:
+ stream: WorkOrderShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/WorkOrderShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: WorkOrderStatus
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/WorkOrderStatus
+ - resource:
+ stream: WorkPlan
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/WorkPlan
+ - resource:
+ stream: WorkPlanFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/WorkPlanFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: WorkPlanHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/WorkPlanHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: WorkPlanShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/WorkPlanShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: WorkPlanTemplate
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/WorkPlanTemplate
+ - resource:
+ stream: WorkPlanTemplateEntry
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/WorkPlanTemplateEntry
+ - resource:
+ stream: WorkPlanTemplateEntryFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/WorkPlanTemplateEntryFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: WorkPlanTemplateEntryHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/WorkPlanTemplateEntryHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: WorkPlanTemplateFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/WorkPlanTemplateFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: WorkPlanTemplateHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/WorkPlanTemplateHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: WorkPlanTemplateShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/WorkPlanTemplateShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: WorkStep
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/WorkStep
+ - resource:
+ stream: WorkStepFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/WorkStepFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: WorkStepHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/WorkStepHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: WorkStepStatus
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/WorkStepStatus
+ - resource:
+ stream: WorkStepTemplate
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/WorkStepTemplate
+ - resource:
+ stream: WorkStepTemplateFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/WorkStepTemplateFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: WorkStepTemplateHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/WorkStepTemplateHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: WorkStepTemplateShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/WorkStepTemplateShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: WorkType
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/WorkType
+ - resource:
+ stream: WorkTypeFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/WorkTypeFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: WorkTypeGroup
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/WorkTypeGroup
+ - resource:
+ stream: WorkTypeGroupFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/WorkTypeGroupFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: WorkTypeGroupHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/WorkTypeGroupHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: WorkTypeGroupMember
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/WorkTypeGroupMember
+ - resource:
+ stream: WorkTypeGroupMemberFeed
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - SystemModstamp
+ target: acmeCo/WorkTypeGroupMemberFeed
+ - resource:
+ stream: WorkTypeGroupMemberHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/WorkTypeGroupMemberHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: WorkTypeGroupShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/WorkTypeGroupShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: WorkTypeHistory
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - CreatedDate
+ target: acmeCo/WorkTypeHistory
+ - resource:
+ stream: WorkTypeShare
+ syncMode: incremental
+ cursorField:
+ - LastModifiedDate
+ target: acmeCo/WorkTypeShare
+ - resource:
+ stream: Describe
+ syncMode: full_refresh
+ cursorField:
+ - name
+ target: acmeCo/Describe
+ shards:
+ disable: true
diff --git a/source-salesforce/tests/__init__.py b/source-salesforce/tests/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
diff --git a/source-salesforce/tests/api_test.py b/source-salesforce/tests/api_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6359446705
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source-salesforce/tests/api_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,663 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2023 Airbyte, Inc., all rights reserved.
+import csv
+import io
+import logging
+import re
+from datetime import datetime
+from unittest.mock import Mock
+import pytest
+import requests_mock
+from airbyte_cdk.models import AirbyteStream, ConfiguredAirbyteCatalog, ConfiguredAirbyteStream, DestinationSyncMode, SyncMode, Type
+from .conftest import encoding_symbols_parameters, generate_stream
+from requests.exceptions import HTTPError
+from source_salesforce.api import Salesforce
+from source_salesforce.source import SourceSalesforce
+from source_salesforce.streams import (
+ BulkIncrementalSalesforceStream,
+ BulkSalesforceStream,
+ IncrementalRestSalesforceStream,
+ RestSalesforceStream,
+def test_bulk_sync_creation_failed(stream_config, stream_api):
+ stream: BulkIncrementalSalesforceStream = generate_stream("Account", stream_config, stream_api)
+ with requests_mock.Mocker() as m:
+ m.register_uri("POST", stream.path(), status_code=400, json=[{"message": "test_error"}])
+ with pytest.raises(HTTPError) as err:
+ stream_slices = next(iter(stream.stream_slices(sync_mode=SyncMode.incremental)))
+ next(stream.read_records(sync_mode=SyncMode.full_refresh, stream_slice=stream_slices))
+ assert err.value.response.json()[0]["message"] == "test_error"
+def test_bulk_stream_fallback_to_rest(mocker, requests_mock, stream_config, stream_api):
+ """
+ Here we mock BULK API with response returning error, saying BULK is not supported for this kind of entity.
+ On the other hand, we mock REST API for this same entity with a successful response.
+ After having instantiated a BulkStream, sync should succeed in case it falls back to REST API. Otherwise it would throw an error.
+ """
+ stream = generate_stream("CustomEntity", stream_config, stream_api)
+ # mock a BULK API
+ requests_mock.register_uri(
+ "POST",
+ "https://fase-account.salesforce.com/services/data/v57.0/jobs/query",
+ status_code=400,
+ json=[{"errorCode": "INVALIDENTITY", "message": "CustomEntity is not supported by the Bulk API"}],
+ )
+ rest_stream_records = [
+ {"id": 1, "name": "custom entity", "created": "2010-11-11"},
+ {"id": 11, "name": "custom entity", "created": "2020-01-02"},
+ ]
+ # mock REST API
+ mocker.patch("source_salesforce.source.RestSalesforceStream.read_records", lambda *args, **kwargs: iter(rest_stream_records))
+ assert type(stream) is BulkIncrementalSalesforceStream
+ stream_slices = next(iter(stream.stream_slices(sync_mode=SyncMode.incremental)))
+ assert list(stream.read_records(sync_mode=SyncMode.full_refresh, stream_slice=stream_slices)) == rest_stream_records
+def test_stream_unsupported_by_bulk(stream_config, stream_api, caplog):
+ """
+ Stream `AcceptedEventRelation` is not supported by BULK API, so that REST API stream will be used for it.
+ """
+ stream_name = "AcceptedEventRelation"
+ stream = generate_stream(stream_name, stream_config, stream_api)
+ assert not isinstance(stream, BulkSalesforceStream)
+def test_stream_contains_unsupported_properties_by_bulk(stream_config, stream_api_v2):
+ """
+ Stream `Account` contains compound field such as BillingAddress, which is not supported by BULK API (csv),
+ in that case REST API stream will be used for it.
+ """
+ stream_name = "Account"
+ stream = generate_stream(stream_name, stream_config, stream_api_v2)
+ assert not isinstance(stream, BulkSalesforceStream)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("item_number", [0, 15, 2000, 2324, 3000])
+def test_bulk_sync_pagination(item_number, stream_config, stream_api):
+ stream: BulkIncrementalSalesforceStream = generate_stream("Account", stream_config, stream_api)
+ test_ids = [i for i in range(1, item_number)]
+ pages = [test_ids[i : i + stream.page_size] for i in range(0, len(test_ids), stream.page_size)]
+ if not pages:
+ pages = [[]]
+ with requests_mock.Mocker() as m:
+ creation_responses = []
+ for page in range(len(pages)):
+ job_id = f"fake_job_{page}"
+ creation_responses.append({"json": {"id": job_id}})
+ m.register_uri("GET", stream.path() + f"/{job_id}", json={"state": "JobComplete"})
+ resp = ["Field1,LastModifiedDate,ID"] + [f"test,2021-11-16,{i}" for i in pages[page]]
+ m.register_uri("GET", stream.path() + f"/{job_id}/results", text="\n".join(resp))
+ m.register_uri("DELETE", stream.path() + f"/{job_id}")
+ m.register_uri("POST", stream.path(), creation_responses)
+ stream_slices = next(iter(stream.stream_slices(sync_mode=SyncMode.incremental)))
+ loaded_ids = [int(record["ID"]) for record in stream.read_records(sync_mode=SyncMode.full_refresh, stream_slice=stream_slices)]
+ assert not set(test_ids).symmetric_difference(set(loaded_ids))
+ post_request_count = len([r for r in m.request_history if r.method == "POST"])
+ assert post_request_count == len(pages)
+def _prepare_mock(m, stream):
+ job_id = "fake_job_1"
+ m.register_uri("POST", stream.path(), json={"id": job_id})
+ m.register_uri("DELETE", stream.path() + f"/{job_id}")
+ m.register_uri("GET", stream.path() + f"/{job_id}/results", text="Field1,LastModifiedDate,ID\ntest,2021-11-16,1")
+ m.register_uri("PATCH", stream.path() + f"/{job_id}", text="")
+ return job_id
+def _get_result_id(stream):
+ stream_slices = next(iter(stream.stream_slices(sync_mode=SyncMode.incremental)))
+ return int(list(stream.read_records(sync_mode=SyncMode.full_refresh, stream_slice=stream_slices))[0]["ID"])
+def test_bulk_sync_successful(stream_config, stream_api):
+ stream: BulkIncrementalSalesforceStream = generate_stream("Account", stream_config, stream_api)
+ with requests_mock.Mocker() as m:
+ job_id = _prepare_mock(m, stream)
+ m.register_uri("GET", stream.path() + f"/{job_id}", [{"json": {"state": "JobComplete"}}])
+ assert _get_result_id(stream) == 1
+def test_bulk_sync_successful_long_response(stream_config, stream_api):
+ stream: BulkIncrementalSalesforceStream = generate_stream("Account", stream_config, stream_api)
+ with requests_mock.Mocker() as m:
+ job_id = _prepare_mock(m, stream)
+ m.register_uri(
+ "GET",
+ stream.path() + f"/{job_id}",
+ [
+ {"json": {"state": "UploadComplete", "id": job_id}},
+ {"json": {"state": "InProgress", "id": job_id}},
+ {"json": {"state": "JobComplete", "id": job_id}},
+ ],
+ )
+ assert _get_result_id(stream) == 1
+# maximum timeout is wait_timeout * max_retry_attempt
+# this test tries to check a job state 17 times with +-1second for very one
+def test_bulk_sync_successful_retry(stream_config, stream_api):
+ stream: BulkIncrementalSalesforceStream = generate_stream("Account", stream_config, stream_api)
+ stream.DEFAULT_WAIT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 6 # maximum wait timeout will be 6 seconds
+ with requests_mock.Mocker() as m:
+ job_id = _prepare_mock(m, stream)
+ # 2 failed attempts, 3rd one should be successful
+ states = [{"json": {"state": "InProgress", "id": job_id}}] * 17
+ states.append({"json": {"state": "JobComplete", "id": job_id}})
+ # raise Exception(states)
+ m.register_uri("GET", stream.path() + f"/{job_id}", states)
+ assert _get_result_id(stream) == 1
+def test_bulk_sync_failed_retry(stream_config, stream_api):
+ stream: BulkIncrementalSalesforceStream = generate_stream("Account", stream_config, stream_api)
+ stream.DEFAULT_WAIT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 6 # maximum wait timeout will be 6 seconds
+ with requests_mock.Mocker() as m:
+ job_id = _prepare_mock(m, stream)
+ m.register_uri("GET", stream.path() + f"/{job_id}", json={"state": "InProgress", "id": job_id})
+ with pytest.raises(Exception) as err:
+ stream_slices = next(iter(stream.stream_slices(sync_mode=SyncMode.incremental)))
+ next(stream.read_records(sync_mode=SyncMode.full_refresh, stream_slice=stream_slices))
+ assert "stream using BULK API was failed" in str(err.value)
+ "start_date_provided,stream_name,expected_start_date",
+ [
+ (True, "Account", "2010-01-18T21:18:20Z"),
+ (False, "Account", None),
+ (True, "ActiveFeatureLicenseMetric", "2010-01-18T21:18:20Z"),
+ (False, "ActiveFeatureLicenseMetric", None),
+ ],
+def test_stream_start_date(
+ start_date_provided,
+ stream_name,
+ expected_start_date,
+ stream_config,
+ stream_api,
+ stream_config_without_start_date,
+ if start_date_provided:
+ stream = generate_stream(stream_name, stream_config, stream_api)
+ assert stream.start_date == expected_start_date
+ else:
+ stream = generate_stream(stream_name, stream_config_without_start_date, stream_api)
+ assert datetime.strptime(stream.start_date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ").year == datetime.now().year - 2
+def test_stream_start_date_should_be_converted_to_datetime_format(stream_config_date_format, stream_api):
+ stream: IncrementalRestSalesforceStream = generate_stream("ActiveFeatureLicenseMetric", stream_config_date_format, stream_api)
+ assert stream.start_date == "2010-01-18T00:00:00Z"
+def test_stream_start_datetime_format_should_not_changed(stream_config, stream_api):
+ stream: IncrementalRestSalesforceStream = generate_stream("ActiveFeatureLicenseMetric", stream_config, stream_api)
+ assert stream.start_date == "2010-01-18T21:18:20Z"
+def test_download_data_filter_null_bytes(stream_config, stream_api):
+ job_full_url: str = "https://fase-account.salesforce.com/services/data/v57.0/jobs/query/7504W00000bkgnpQAA"
+ stream: BulkIncrementalSalesforceStream = generate_stream("Account", stream_config, stream_api)
+ with requests_mock.Mocker() as m:
+ m.register_uri("GET", f"{job_full_url}/results", content=b"\x00")
+ res = list(stream.read_with_chunks(*stream.download_data(url=job_full_url)))
+ assert res == []
+ m.register_uri("GET", f"{job_full_url}/results", content=b'"Id","IsDeleted"\n\x00"0014W000027f6UwQAI","false"\n\x00\x00')
+ res = list(stream.read_with_chunks(*stream.download_data(url=job_full_url)))
+ assert res == [{"Id": "0014W000027f6UwQAI", "IsDeleted": "false"}]
+def test_read_with_chunks_should_return_only_object_data_type(stream_config, stream_api):
+ job_full_url: str = "https://fase-account.salesforce.com/services/data/v57.0/jobs/query/7504W00000bkgnpQAA"
+ stream: BulkIncrementalSalesforceStream = generate_stream("Account", stream_config, stream_api)
+ with requests_mock.Mocker() as m:
+ m.register_uri("GET", f"{job_full_url}/results", content=b'"IsDeleted","Age"\n"false",24\n')
+ res = list(stream.read_with_chunks(*stream.download_data(url=job_full_url)))
+ assert res == [{"IsDeleted": "false", "Age": "24"}]
+def test_read_with_chunks_should_return_a_string_when_a_string_with_only_digits_is_provided(stream_config, stream_api):
+ job_full_url: str = "https://fase-account.salesforce.com/services/data/v57.0/jobs/query/7504W00000bkgnpQAA"
+ stream: BulkIncrementalSalesforceStream = generate_stream("Account", stream_config, stream_api)
+ with requests_mock.Mocker() as m:
+ m.register_uri("GET", f"{job_full_url}/results", content=b'"ZipCode"\n"01234"\n')
+ res = list(stream.read_with_chunks(*stream.download_data(url=job_full_url)))
+ assert res == [{"ZipCode": "01234"}]
+def test_read_with_chunks_should_return_null_value_when_no_data_is_provided(stream_config, stream_api):
+ job_full_url: str = "https://fase-account.salesforce.com/services/data/v57.0/jobs/query/7504W00000bkgnpQAA"
+ stream: BulkIncrementalSalesforceStream = generate_stream("Account", stream_config, stream_api)
+ with requests_mock.Mocker() as m:
+ m.register_uri("GET", f"{job_full_url}/results", content=b'"IsDeleted","Age","Name"\n"false",,"Airbyte"\n')
+ res = list(stream.read_with_chunks(*stream.download_data(url=job_full_url)))
+ assert res == [{"IsDeleted": "false", "Age": None, "Name": "Airbyte"}]
+ "chunk_size, content_type, content, expected_result",
+ encoding_symbols_parameters(),
+ ids=[f"charset: {x[1]}, chunk_size: {x[0]}" for x in encoding_symbols_parameters()],
+def test_encoding_symbols(stream_config, stream_api, chunk_size, content_type, content, expected_result):
+ job_full_url: str = "https://fase-account.salesforce.com/services/data/v57.0/jobs/query/7504W00000bkgnpQAA"
+ stream: BulkIncrementalSalesforceStream = generate_stream("Account", stream_config, stream_api)
+ with requests_mock.Mocker() as m:
+ m.register_uri("GET", f"{job_full_url}/results", headers={"Content-Type": f"text/html; charset={content_type}"}, content=content)
+ res = list(stream.read_with_chunks(*stream.download_data(url=job_full_url, chunk_size=chunk_size)))
+ assert res == expected_result
+ "login_status_code, login_json_resp, discovery_status_code, discovery_resp_json, expected_error_msg",
+ (
+ (403, [{"errorCode": "REQUEST_LIMIT_EXCEEDED", "message": "TotalRequests Limit exceeded."}], 200, {}, "API Call limit is exceeded"),
+ (
+ 200,
+ {"access_token": "access_token", "instance_url": "https://instance_url"},
+ 403,
+ [{"errorCode": "FORBIDDEN", "message": "You do not have enough permissions"}],
+ 'An error occurred: [{"errorCode": "FORBIDDEN", "message": "You do not have enough permissions"}]',
+ ),
+ ),
+def test_check_connection_rate_limit(
+ stream_config, login_status_code, login_json_resp, discovery_status_code, discovery_resp_json, expected_error_msg
+ source = SourceSalesforce()
+ logger = logging.getLogger("airbyte")
+ with requests_mock.Mocker() as m:
+ m.register_uri("POST", "https://login.salesforce.com/services/oauth2/token", json=login_json_resp, status_code=login_status_code)
+ m.register_uri(
+ "GET", "https://instance_url/services/data/v57.0/sobjects", json=discovery_resp_json, status_code=discovery_status_code
+ )
+ result, msg = source.check_connection(logger, stream_config)
+ assert result is False
+ assert msg == expected_error_msg
+def configure_request_params_mock(stream_1, stream_2):
+ stream_1.request_params = Mock()
+ stream_1.request_params.return_value = {"q": "query"}
+ stream_2.request_params = Mock()
+ stream_2.request_params.return_value = {"q": "query"}
+def test_rate_limit_bulk(stream_config, stream_api, bulk_catalog, state):
+ """
+ Connector should stop the sync if one stream reached rate limit
+ stream_1, stream_2, stream_3, ...
+ While reading `stream_1` if 403 (Rate Limit) is received, it should finish that stream with success and stop the sync process.
+ Next streams should not be executed.
+ """
+ stream_1: BulkIncrementalSalesforceStream = generate_stream("Account", stream_config, stream_api)
+ stream_2: BulkIncrementalSalesforceStream = generate_stream("Asset", stream_config, stream_api)
+ streams = [stream_1, stream_2]
+ configure_request_params_mock(stream_1, stream_2)
+ stream_1.page_size = 6
+ stream_1.state_checkpoint_interval = 5
+ source = SourceSalesforce()
+ source.streams = Mock()
+ source.streams.return_value = streams
+ logger = logging.getLogger("airbyte")
+ json_response = [{"errorCode": "REQUEST_LIMIT_EXCEEDED", "message": "TotalRequests Limit exceeded."}]
+ with requests_mock.Mocker() as m:
+ for stream in streams:
+ creation_responses = []
+ for page in [1, 2]:
+ job_id = f"fake_job_{page}_{stream.name}"
+ creation_responses.append({"json": {"id": job_id}})
+ m.register_uri("GET", stream.path() + f"/{job_id}", json={"state": "JobComplete"})
+ resp = ["Field1,LastModifiedDate,Id"] + [f"test,2021-11-0{i},{i}" for i in range(1, 7)] # 6 records per page
+ if page == 1:
+ # Read the first page successfully
+ m.register_uri("GET", stream.path() + f"/{job_id}/results", text="\n".join(resp))
+ else:
+ # Requesting for results when reading second page should fail with 403 (Rate Limit error)
+ m.register_uri("GET", stream.path() + f"/{job_id}/results", status_code=403, json=json_response)
+ m.register_uri("DELETE", stream.path() + f"/{job_id}")
+ m.register_uri("POST", stream.path(), creation_responses)
+ result = [i for i in source.read(logger=logger, config=stream_config, catalog=bulk_catalog, state=state)]
+ assert stream_1.request_params.called
+ assert (
+ not stream_2.request_params.called
+ ), "The second stream should not be executed, because the first stream finished with Rate Limit."
+ records = [item for item in result if item.type == Type.RECORD]
+ assert len(records) == 6 # stream page size: 6
+ state_record = [item for item in result if item.type == Type.STATE][0]
+ assert state_record.state.data["Account"]["LastModifiedDate"] == "2021-11-05" # state checkpoint interval is 5.
+def test_rate_limit_rest(stream_config, stream_api, rest_catalog, state):
+ """
+ Connector should stop the sync if one stream reached rate limit
+ stream_1, stream_2, stream_3, ...
+ While reading `stream_1` if 403 (Rate Limit) is received, it should finish that stream with success and stop the sync process.
+ Next streams should not be executed.
+ """
+ stream_1: IncrementalRestSalesforceStream = generate_stream("KnowledgeArticle", stream_config, stream_api)
+ stream_2: IncrementalRestSalesforceStream = generate_stream("AcceptedEventRelation", stream_config, stream_api)
+ stream_1.state_checkpoint_interval = 3
+ configure_request_params_mock(stream_1, stream_2)
+ source = SourceSalesforce()
+ source.streams = Mock()
+ source.streams.return_value = [stream_1, stream_2]
+ logger = logging.getLogger("airbyte")
+ next_page_url = "/services/data/v57.0/query/012345"
+ response_1 = {
+ "done": False,
+ "totalSize": 10,
+ "nextRecordsUrl": next_page_url,
+ "records": [
+ {
+ "ID": 1,
+ "LastModifiedDate": "2021-11-15",
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 2,
+ "LastModifiedDate": "2021-11-16",
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 3,
+ "LastModifiedDate": "2021-11-17", # check point interval
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 4,
+ "LastModifiedDate": "2021-11-18",
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 5,
+ "LastModifiedDate": "2021-11-19",
+ },
+ ],
+ }
+ response_2 = [{"errorCode": "REQUEST_LIMIT_EXCEEDED", "message": "TotalRequests Limit exceeded."}]
+ with requests_mock.Mocker() as m:
+ m.register_uri("GET", stream_1.path(), json=response_1, status_code=200)
+ m.register_uri("GET", next_page_url, json=response_2, status_code=403)
+ result = [i for i in source.read(logger=logger, config=stream_config, catalog=rest_catalog, state=state)]
+ assert stream_1.request_params.called
+ assert (
+ not stream_2.request_params.called
+ ), "The second stream should not be executed, because the first stream finished with Rate Limit."
+ records = [item for item in result if item.type == Type.RECORD]
+ assert len(records) == 5
+ state_record = [item for item in result if item.type == Type.STATE][0]
+ assert state_record.state.data["KnowledgeArticle"]["LastModifiedDate"] == "2021-11-17"
+def test_pagination_rest(stream_config, stream_api):
+ stream_name = "AcceptedEventRelation"
+ stream: RestSalesforceStream = generate_stream(stream_name, stream_config, stream_api)
+ stream.DEFAULT_WAIT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 6 # maximum wait timeout will be 6 seconds
+ next_page_url = "/services/data/v57.0/query/012345"
+ with requests_mock.Mocker() as m:
+ resp_1 = {
+ "done": False,
+ "totalSize": 4,
+ "nextRecordsUrl": next_page_url,
+ "records": [
+ {
+ "ID": 1,
+ "LastModifiedDate": "2021-11-15",
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 2,
+ "LastModifiedDate": "2021-11-16",
+ },
+ ],
+ }
+ resp_2 = {
+ "done": True,
+ "totalSize": 4,
+ "records": [
+ {
+ "ID": 3,
+ "LastModifiedDate": "2021-11-17",
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 4,
+ "LastModifiedDate": "2021-11-18",
+ },
+ ],
+ }
+ m.register_uri("GET", stream.path(), json=resp_1)
+ m.register_uri("GET", next_page_url, json=resp_2)
+ records = [record for record in stream.read_records(sync_mode=SyncMode.full_refresh)]
+ assert len(records) == 4
+def test_csv_reader_dialect_unix():
+ stream: BulkSalesforceStream = BulkSalesforceStream(stream_name=None, sf_api=None, pk=None)
+ url = "https://fake-account.salesforce.com/services/data/v57.0/jobs/query/7504W00000bkgnpQAA"
+ data = [
+ {"Id": "1", "Name": '"first_name" "last_name"'},
+ {"Id": "2", "Name": "'" + 'first_name"\n' + "'" + 'last_name\n"'},
+ {"Id": "3", "Name": "first_name last_name"},
+ ]
+ with io.StringIO("", newline="") as csvfile:
+ writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=["Id", "Name"], dialect="unix")
+ writer.writeheader()
+ for line in data:
+ writer.writerow(line)
+ text = csvfile.getvalue()
+ with requests_mock.Mocker() as m:
+ m.register_uri("GET", url + "/results", text=text)
+ result = [i for i in stream.read_with_chunks(*stream.download_data(url))]
+ assert result == data
+ "stream_names,catalog_stream_names,",
+ (
+ (
+ ["stream_1", "stream_2", "Describe"],
+ None,
+ ),
+ (
+ ["stream_1", "stream_2"],
+ ["stream_1", "stream_2", "Describe"],
+ ),
+ (
+ ["stream_1", "stream_2", "stream_3", "Describe"],
+ ["stream_1", "Describe"],
+ ),
+ ),
+def test_forwarding_sobject_options(stream_config, stream_names, catalog_stream_names) -> None:
+ sobjects_matcher = re.compile("/sobjects$")
+ token_matcher = re.compile("/token$")
+ describe_matcher = re.compile("/describe$")
+ catalog = None
+ if catalog_stream_names:
+ catalog = ConfiguredAirbyteCatalog(
+ streams=[
+ ConfiguredAirbyteStream(
+ stream=AirbyteStream(
+ name=catalog_stream_name, supported_sync_modes=[SyncMode.full_refresh], json_schema={"type": "object"}
+ ),
+ sync_mode=SyncMode.full_refresh,
+ destination_sync_mode=DestinationSyncMode.overwrite,
+ )
+ for catalog_stream_name in catalog_stream_names
+ ]
+ )
+ with requests_mock.Mocker() as m:
+ m.register_uri("POST", token_matcher, json={"instance_url": "https://fake-url.com", "access_token": "fake-token"})
+ m.register_uri(
+ "GET",
+ describe_matcher,
+ json={
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "name": "field",
+ "type": "string",
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ )
+ m.register_uri(
+ "GET",
+ sobjects_matcher,
+ json={
+ "sobjects": [
+ {
+ "name": stream_name,
+ "flag1": True,
+ "queryable": True,
+ }
+ for stream_name in stream_names
+ if stream_name != "Describe"
+ ],
+ },
+ )
+ source = SourceSalesforce()
+ source.catalog = catalog
+ streams = source.streams(config=stream_config)
+ expected_names = catalog_stream_names if catalog else stream_names
+ assert not set(expected_names).symmetric_difference(set(stream.name for stream in streams)), "doesn't match excepted streams"
+ for stream in streams:
+ if stream.name != "Describe":
+ assert stream.sobject_options == {"flag1": True, "queryable": True}
+ return
+def test_csv_field_size_limit():
+ field_size = 1024 * 1024
+ text = '"Id","Name"\n"1","' + field_size * "a" + '"\n'
+ csv.field_size_limit(DEFAULT_CSV_FIELD_SIZE_LIMIT)
+ reader = csv.reader(io.StringIO(text))
+ with pytest.raises(csv.Error):
+ for _ in reader:
+ pass
+ csv.field_size_limit(CSV_FIELD_SIZE_LIMIT)
+ reader = csv.reader(io.StringIO(text))
+ for _ in reader:
+ pass
+def test_convert_to_standard_instance(stream_config, stream_api):
+ bulk_stream = generate_stream("Account", stream_config, stream_api)
+ rest_stream = bulk_stream.get_standard_instance()
+ assert isinstance(rest_stream, IncrementalRestSalesforceStream)
+def test_rest_stream_init_with_too_many_properties(stream_config, stream_api_v2_too_many_properties):
+ with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
+ # v2 means the stream is going to be a REST stream.
+ # A missing primary key is not allowed
+ generate_stream("Account", stream_config, stream_api_v2_too_many_properties)
+def test_too_many_properties(stream_config, stream_api_v2_pk_too_many_properties, requests_mock):
+ stream = generate_stream("Account", stream_config, stream_api_v2_pk_too_many_properties)
+ chunks = list(stream.chunk_properties())
+ for chunk in chunks:
+ assert stream.primary_key in chunk
+ chunks_len = len(chunks)
+ assert stream.too_many_properties
+ assert stream.primary_key
+ assert type(stream) == RestSalesforceStream
+ url = next_page_url = "https://fase-account.salesforce.com/services/data/v57.0/queryAll"
+ requests_mock.get(
+ url,
+ [
+ {
+ "json": {
+ "records": [
+ {"Id": 1, "propertyA": "A"},
+ {"Id": 2, "propertyA": "A"},
+ {"Id": 3, "propertyA": "A"},
+ {"Id": 4, "propertyA": "A"},
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {"json": {"nextRecordsUrl": next_page_url, "records": [{"Id": 1, "propertyB": "B"}, {"Id": 2, "propertyB": "B"}]}},
+ # 2 for 2 chunks above
+ *[{"json": {"records": [{"Id": 1}, {"Id": 2}], "nextRecordsUrl": next_page_url}} for _ in range(chunks_len - 2)],
+ {"json": {"records": [{"Id": 3, "propertyB": "B"}, {"Id": 4, "propertyB": "B"}]}},
+ # 2 for 1 chunk above and 1 chunk had no next page
+ *[{"json": {"records": [{"Id": 3}, {"Id": 4}]}} for _ in range(chunks_len - 2)],
+ ],
+ )
+ records = list(stream.read_records(sync_mode=SyncMode.full_refresh))
+ assert records == [
+ {"Id": 1, "propertyA": "A", "propertyB": "B"},
+ {"Id": 2, "propertyA": "A", "propertyB": "B"},
+ {"Id": 3, "propertyA": "A", "propertyB": "B"},
+ {"Id": 4, "propertyA": "A", "propertyB": "B"},
+ ]
+ for call in requests_mock.request_history:
+ assert len(call.url) < Salesforce.REQUEST_SIZE_LIMITS
+def test_stream_with_no_records_in_response(stream_config, stream_api_v2_pk_too_many_properties, requests_mock):
+ stream = generate_stream("Account", stream_config, stream_api_v2_pk_too_many_properties)
+ chunks = list(stream.chunk_properties())
+ for chunk in chunks:
+ assert stream.primary_key in chunk
+ assert stream.too_many_properties
+ assert stream.primary_key
+ assert type(stream) == RestSalesforceStream
+ url = "https://fase-account.salesforce.com/services/data/v57.0/queryAll"
+ requests_mock.get(
+ url,
+ [
+ {"json": {"records": []}},
+ ],
+ )
+ records = list(stream.read_records(sync_mode=SyncMode.full_refresh))
+ assert records == []
diff --git a/source-salesforce/tests/bulk_catalog.json b/source-salesforce/tests/bulk_catalog.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..647831c8b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source-salesforce/tests/bulk_catalog.json
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ "streams": [
+ {
+ "stream": {
+ "name": "Account",
+ "json_schema": {},
+ "supported_sync_modes": ["full_refresh", "incremental"],
+ "source_defined_cursor": true,
+ "default_cursor_field": ["LastModifiedDate"],
+ "source_defined_primary_key": [["Id"]]
+ },
+ "sync_mode": "incremental",
+ "destination_sync_mode": "append"
+ },
+ {
+ "stream": {
+ "name": "Asset",
+ "json_schema": {},
+ "supported_sync_modes": ["full_refresh", "incremental"],
+ "source_defined_cursor": true,
+ "default_cursor_field": ["SystemModstamp"],
+ "source_defined_primary_key": [["Id"]]
+ },
+ "sync_mode": "incremental",
+ "destination_sync_mode": "append"
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/source-salesforce/tests/conftest.py b/source-salesforce/tests/conftest.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ba56eb38e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source-salesforce/tests/conftest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2023 Airbyte, Inc., all rights reserved.
+import json
+from unittest.mock import Mock
+import pytest
+from airbyte_cdk.models import ConfiguredAirbyteCatalog
+from source_salesforce.api import Salesforce
+from source_salesforce.source import SourceSalesforce
+def time_sleep_mock(mocker):
+ time_mock = mocker.patch("time.sleep", lambda x: None)
+ yield time_mock
+def bulk_catalog():
+ with open("source-salesforce/tests/bulk_catalog.json") as f:
+ data = json.loads(f.read())
+ return ConfiguredAirbyteCatalog.parse_obj(data)
+def rest_catalog():
+ with open("source-salesforce/tests/rest_catalog.json") as f:
+ data = json.loads(f.read())
+ return ConfiguredAirbyteCatalog.parse_obj(data)
+def state():
+ state = {"Account": {"LastModifiedDate": "2021-10-01T21:18:20.000Z"}, "Asset": {"SystemModstamp": "2021-10-02T05:08:29.000Z"}}
+ return state
+def stream_config():
+ """Generates streams settings for BULK logic"""
+ return {
+ "credentials": {
+ "client_id": "fake_client_id",
+ "client_secret": "fake_client_secret",
+ "refresh_token": "fake_refresh_token",},
+ "start_date": "2010-01-18T21:18:20Z",
+ "is_sandbox": False,
+ "wait_timeout": 15,
+ }
+def stream_config_date_format():
+ """Generates streams settings with `start_date` in format YYYY-MM-DD"""
+ return {
+ "credentials": {
+ "client_id": "fake_client_id",
+ "client_secret": "fake_client_secret",
+ "refresh_token": "fake_refresh_token",
+ },
+ "start_date": "2010-01-18",
+ "is_sandbox": False,
+ "wait_timeout": 15,
+ }
+def stream_config_without_start_date():
+ """Generates streams settings for REST logic without start_date"""
+ return {
+ "credentials": {
+ "client_id": "fake_client_id",
+ "client_secret": "fake_client_secret",
+ "refresh_token": "fake_refresh_token",
+ },
+ "is_sandbox": False,
+ "wait_timeout": 15,
+ }
+def _stream_api(stream_config, describe_response_data=None):
+ sf_object = Salesforce(**stream_config)
+ sf_object.login = Mock()
+ sf_object.access_token = Mock()
+ sf_object.instance_url = "https://fase-account.salesforce.com"
+ response_data = {"fields": [{"name": "LastModifiedDate", "type": "string"}, {"name": "Id", "type": "string"}]}
+ if describe_response_data:
+ response_data = describe_response_data
+ sf_object.describe = Mock(return_value=response_data)
+ return sf_object
+def stream_api(stream_config):
+ return _stream_api(stream_config)
+def stream_api_v2(stream_config):
+ describe_response_data = {"fields": [{"name": "LastModifiedDate", "type": "string"}, {"name": "BillingAddress", "type": "address"}]}
+ return _stream_api(stream_config, describe_response_data=describe_response_data)
+def stream_api_pk(stream_config):
+ describe_response_data = {"fields": [{"name": "LastModifiedDate", "type": "string"}, {"name": "Id", "type": "string"}]}
+ return _stream_api(stream_config, describe_response_data=describe_response_data)
+def stream_api_v2_too_many_properties(stream_config):
+ describe_response_data = {
+ "fields": [{"name": f"Property{str(i)}", "type": "string"} for i in range(Salesforce.REQUEST_SIZE_LIMITS)]
+ }
+ describe_response_data["fields"].extend([{"name": "BillingAddress", "type": "address"}])
+ return _stream_api(stream_config, describe_response_data=describe_response_data)
+def stream_api_v2_pk_too_many_properties(stream_config):
+ describe_response_data = {
+ "fields": [{"name": f"Property{str(i)}", "type": "string"} for i in range(Salesforce.REQUEST_SIZE_LIMITS)]
+ }
+ describe_response_data["fields"].extend([
+ {"name": "BillingAddress", "type": "address"}, {"name": "Id", "type": "string"}
+ ])
+ return _stream_api(stream_config, describe_response_data=describe_response_data)
+def generate_stream(stream_name, stream_config, stream_api):
+ return SourceSalesforce.generate_streams(stream_config, {stream_name: None}, stream_api)[0]
+def encoding_symbols_parameters():
+ return [(x, "ISO-8859-1", b'"\xc4"\n,"4"\n\x00,"\xca \xfc"', [{"Ä": "4"}, {"Ä": "Ê ü"}]) for x in range(1, 11)] + [
+ (
+ x,
+ "utf-8",
+ b'"\xd5\x80"\n "\xd5\xaf","\xd5\xaf"\n\x00,"\xe3\x82\x82 \xe3\x83\xa4 \xe3\x83\xa4 \xf0\x9d\x9c\xb5"',
+ [{"Հ": "կ"}, {"Հ": "も ヤ ヤ 𝜵"}],
+ )
+ for x in range(1, 11)
+ ]
diff --git a/source-salesforce/tests/discovery_test.py b/source-salesforce/tests/discovery_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f0151e97b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source-salesforce/tests/discovery_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2023 Airbyte, Inc., all rights reserved.
+from unittest.mock import Mock
+import pytest
+from source_salesforce.api import DATE_TYPES, LOOSE_TYPES, NUMBER_TYPES, STRING_TYPES, Salesforce
+from source_salesforce.exceptions import TypeSalesforceException
+ "streams_criteria,predicted_filtered_streams",
+ [
+ ([{"criteria": "exacts", "value": "Account"}], ["Account"]),
+ (
+ [{"criteria": "not exacts", "value": "CustomStreamHistory"}],
+ ["Account", "AIApplications", "Leads", "LeadHistory", "Orders", "OrderHistory", "CustomStream"],
+ ),
+ ([{"criteria": "starts with", "value": "lead"}], ["Leads", "LeadHistory"]),
+ (
+ [{"criteria": "starts not with", "value": "custom"}],
+ ["Account", "AIApplications", "Leads", "LeadHistory", "Orders", "OrderHistory"],
+ ),
+ ([{"criteria": "ends with", "value": "story"}], ["LeadHistory", "OrderHistory", "CustomStreamHistory"]),
+ ([{"criteria": "ends not with", "value": "s"}], ["Account", "LeadHistory", "OrderHistory", "CustomStream", "CustomStreamHistory"]),
+ ([{"criteria": "contains", "value": "applicat"}], ["AIApplications"]),
+ ([{"criteria": "contains", "value": "hist"}], ["LeadHistory", "OrderHistory", "CustomStreamHistory"]),
+ (
+ [{"criteria": "not contains", "value": "stream"}],
+ ["Account", "AIApplications", "Leads", "LeadHistory", "Orders", "OrderHistory"],
+ ),
+ (
+ [{"criteria": "not contains", "value": "Account"}],
+ ["AIApplications", "Leads", "LeadHistory", "Orders", "OrderHistory", "CustomStream", "CustomStreamHistory"],
+ ),
+ ],
+def test_discover_with_streams_criteria_param(streams_criteria, predicted_filtered_streams, stream_config):
+ updated_config = {**stream_config, **{"streams_criteria": streams_criteria}}
+ sf_object = Salesforce(**stream_config)
+ sf_object.login = Mock()
+ sf_object.access_token = Mock()
+ sf_object.instance_url = "https://fase-account.salesforce.com"
+ sf_object.describe = Mock(
+ return_value={
+ "sobjects": [
+ {"name": "Account", "queryable": True},
+ {"name": "AIApplications", "queryable": True},
+ {"name": "Leads", "queryable": True},
+ {"name": "LeadHistory", "queryable": True},
+ {"name": "Orders", "queryable": True},
+ {"name": "OrderHistory", "queryable": True},
+ {"name": "CustomStream", "queryable": True},
+ {"name": "CustomStreamHistory", "queryable": True},
+ ]
+ }
+ )
+ filtered_streams = sf_object.get_validated_streams(config=updated_config)
+ assert sorted(filtered_streams.keys()) == sorted(predicted_filtered_streams)
+def test_discovery_filter(stream_config):
+ sf_object = Salesforce(**stream_config)
+ sf_object.login = Mock()
+ sf_object.access_token = Mock()
+ sf_object.instance_url = "https://fase-account.salesforce.com"
+ sf_object.describe = Mock(
+ return_value={
+ "sobjects": [
+ {"name": "Account", "queryable": True},
+ {"name": "ActivityMetric", "queryable": True},
+ {"name": "ActivityMetricRollup", "queryable": True},
+ {"name": "Leads", "queryable": False},
+ ]
+ }
+ )
+ filtered_streams = sf_object.get_validated_streams(config=stream_config)
+ assert list(filtered_streams.keys()) == ["Account"]
+ "sf_types,json_type,with_raise",
+ (
+ (STRING_TYPES, "string", False),
+ (NUMBER_TYPES, "number", False),
+ (DATE_TYPES, "string", False),
+ (LOOSE_TYPES, "string", False),
+ (["fake_type"], None, True),
+ ),
+def test_convert_sf_types(sf_types, json_type, with_raise):
+ for sf_type in sf_types:
+ if with_raise:
+ with pytest.raises(TypeSalesforceException):
+ Salesforce.field_to_property_schema({"type": sf_type})
+ else:
+ assert json_type in Salesforce.field_to_property_schema({"type": sf_type})["type"]
diff --git a/source-salesforce/tests/rest_catalog.json b/source-salesforce/tests/rest_catalog.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..25e05ac7f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source-salesforce/tests/rest_catalog.json
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ "streams": [
+ {
+ "stream": {
+ "name": "KnowledgeArticle",
+ "json_schema": {},
+ "supported_sync_modes": ["full_refresh", "incremental"],
+ "source_defined_cursor": true,
+ "default_cursor_field": ["LastModifiedDate"],
+ "source_defined_primary_key": [["Id"]]
+ },
+ "sync_mode": "incremental",
+ "destination_sync_mode": "append"
+ },
+ {
+ "stream": {
+ "name": "AcceptedEventRelation",
+ "json_schema": {},
+ "supported_sync_modes": ["full_refresh", "incremental"],
+ "source_defined_cursor": true,
+ "default_cursor_field": ["SystemModstamp"],
+ "source_defined_primary_key": [["Id"]]
+ },
+ "sync_mode": "incremental",
+ "destination_sync_mode": "append"
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/source-salesforce/tests/snapshots/snapshots__discover__capture.stdout.json b/source-salesforce/tests/snapshots/snapshots__discover__capture.stdout.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bf45368f05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source-salesforce/tests/snapshots/snapshots__discover__capture.stdout.json
@@ -0,0 +1,128793 @@
+ {
+ "documentSchema": {
+ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
+ "additionalProperties": true,
+ "properties": {
+ "CreatedById": {
+ "type": [
+ "string",
+ "null"
+ ]
+ },
+ "CreatedDate": {
+ "format": "date-time",
+ "type": [
+ "string",
+ "null"
+ ]
+ },
+ "DeveloperName": {
+ "type": [
+ "string",
+ "null"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Id": {
+ "type": [
+ "string",
+ "null"
+ ]
+ },
+ "IsDeleted": {
+ "type": [
+ "boolean",
+ "null"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Language": {
+ "type": [
+ "string",
+ "null"
+ ]
+ },
+ "LastModifiedById": {
+ "type": [
+ "string",
+ "null"
+ ]
+ },
+ "LastModifiedDate": {
+ "format": "date-time",
+ "type": [
+ "string",
+ "null"
+ ]
+ },
+ "MasterLabel": {
+ "type": [
+ "string",
+ "null"
+ ]
+ },
+ "NamespacePrefix": {
+ "type": [
+ "string",
+ "null"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Status": {
+ "type": [
+ "string",
+ "null"
+ ]
+ },
+ "SystemModstamp": {
+ "format": "date-time",
+ "type": [
+ "string",
+ "null"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Type": {
+ "type": [
+ "string",
+ "null"
+ ]
+ },
+ "_meta": {
+ "properties": {
+ "row_id": {
+ "type": "integer"
+ }
+ },
+ "required": [
+ "row_id"
+ ],
+ "type": "object"
+ }
+ },
+ "type": "object"
+ },
+ "key": [
+ "/Id"
+ ],
+ "recommendedName": "AIApplication",
+ "resourceConfig": {
+ "cursorField": [
+ "SystemModstamp"
+ ],
+ "stream": "AIApplication",
+ "syncMode": "incremental"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "documentSchema": {
+ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
+ "additionalProperties": true,
+ "properties": {
+ "CreatedById": {
+ "type": [
+ "string",
+ "null"
+ ]
+ },
+ "CreatedDate": {
+ "format": "date-time",
+ "type": [
+ "string",
+ "null"
+ ]
+ },
+ "DeveloperName": {
+ "type": [
+ "string",
+ "null"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Id": {
+ "type": [
+ "string",
+ "null"
+ ]
+ },
+ "IsDeleted": {
+ "type": [
+ "boolean",
+ "null"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Language": {
+ "type": [
+ "string",
+ "null"
+ ]
+ },
+ "LastModifiedById": {
+ "type": [
+ "string",
+ "null"
+ ]
+ },
+ "LastModifiedDate": {
+ "format": "date-time",
+ "type": [
+ "string",
+ "null"
+ ]
+ },
+ "MasterLabel": {
+ "type": [
+ "string",
+ "null"
+ ]
+ },
+ "NamespacePrefix": {
+ "type": [
+ "string",
+ "null"
+ ]
+ },
+ "SystemModstamp": {
+ "format": "date-time",
+ "type": [
+ "string",
+ "null"
+ ]
+ },
+ "_meta": {
+ "properties": {
+ "row_id": {
+ "type": "integer"
+ }
+ },
+ "required": [
+ "row_id"
+ ],
+ "type": "object"
+ }
+ },
+ "type": "object"
+ },
+ "key": [
+ "/Id"
+ ],
+ "recommendedName": "AIApplicationConfig",
+ "resourceConfig": {
+ "cursorField": [
+ "SystemModstamp"
+ ],
+ "stream": "AIApplicationConfig",
+ "syncMode": "incremental"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "documentSchema": {
+ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
+ "additionalProperties": true,
+ "properties": {
+ "ActionId": {
+ "type": [
+ "string",
+ "null"
+ ]
+ },
+ "ActionName": {
+ "type": [
+ "string",
+ "null"
+ ]
+ },
+ "AiRecordInsightId": {
+ "type": [
+ "string",
+ "null"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Confidence": {
+ "type": [
+ "number",
+ "null"
+ ]
+ },
+ "CreatedById": {
+ "type": [
+ "string",
+ "null"
+ ]
+ },
+ "CreatedDate": {
+ "format": "date-time",
+ "type": [
+ "string",
+ "null"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Id": {
+ "type": [
+ "string",
+ "null"
+ ]
+ },
+ "IsDeleted": {
+ "type": [
+ "boolean",
+ "null"
+ ]
+ },
+ "LastModifiedById": {
+ "type": [
+ "string",
+ "null"
+ ]
+ },
+ "LastModifiedDate": {
+ "format": "date-time",
+ "type": [
+ "string",
+ "null"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Name": {
+ "type": [
+ "string",
+ "null"
+ ]
+ },
+ "SystemModstamp": {
+ "format": "date-time",
+ "type": [
+ "string",
+ "null"
+ ]
+ },
+ "Type": {
+ "type": [
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+ "null"
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+ ]
+ },
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+ "null"
+ ]
+ },
+ "PermissionsLightningExperienceUser": {
+ "type": [
+ "boolean",
+ "null"
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+ },
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+ "type": [
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+ "null"
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+ "PermissionsListEmailSend": {
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+ "PermissionsLiveMessageAgent": {
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+ },
+ "PermissionsLtngPromoReserved01UserPerm": {
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+ "boolean",
+ "null"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "PermissionsManagePropositions": {
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+ "PermissionsManagePvtRptsAndDashbds": {
+ "type": [
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+ "PermissionsManageRecommendationStrategies": {
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+ "PermissionsManageReportsInPubFolders": {
+ "type": [
+ "boolean",
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+ },
+ "PermissionsManageRoles": {
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/source-salesforce/tests/snapshots/snapshots__spec__capture.stdout.json
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
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+ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
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+ "credentials": {
+ "properties": {
+ "auth_type": {
+ "const": "Client",
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "client_id": {
+ "description": "Enter your Salesforce developer application's Client ID",
+ "order": 2,
+ "title": "Client ID",
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "client_secret": {
+ "airbyte_secret": true,
+ "description": "Enter your Salesforce developer application's Client secret",
+ "order": 3,
+ "title": "Client Secret",
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "is_sandbox": {
+ "default": false,
+ "description": "Toggle if you're using a Salesforce Sandbox",
+ "order": 1,
+ "title": "Sandbox",
+ "type": "boolean"
+ },
+ "refresh_token": {
+ "airbyte_secret": true,
+ "description": "Enter your application's Salesforce Refresh Token used to access your Salesforce account.",
+ "order": 4,
+ "title": "Refresh Token",
+ "type": "string"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "start_date": {
+ "description": "Enter the date in the YYYY-MM-DD format. We will replicate the data added on and after this date. If this field is blank, We will replicate the data for last two years.",
+ "examples": [
+ "2021-07-25",
+ "2021-07-25T00:00:00Z"
+ ],
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+ "order": 5,
+ "pattern": "^([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}(T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z)?)$",
+ "title": "Start Date",
+ "type": "string"
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+ },
+ "order": 6,
+ "title": "Filter Salesforce Objects",
+ "type": "array"
+ }
+ },
+ "required": [
+ "credentials",
+ "start_date"
+ ],
+ "title": "Salesforce Source Spec",
+ "type": "object"
+ },
+ "documentationUrl": "https://go.estuary.dev/AyWXIh",
+ "oauth2": {
+ "accessTokenBody": "grant_type=authorization_code&client_id={{#urlencode}}{{{ client_id }}}{{/urlencode}}&client_secret={{#urlencode}}{{{ client_secret }}}{{/urlencode}}&redirect_uri={{#urlencode}}{{{ redirect_uri }}}{{/urlencode}}&code={{#urlencode}}{{{ code }}}{{/urlencode}}",
+ "accessTokenHeaders": {
+ "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
+ },
+ "accessTokenResponseMap": {
+ "refresh_token": "/refresh_token"
+ },
+ "accessTokenUrlTemplate": "https://{{#config.is_sandbox}}test{{/config.is_sandbox}}{{^config.is_sandbox}}login{{/config.is_sandbox}}.salesforce.com/services/oauth2/token",
+ "authUrlTemplate": "https://{{#config.is_sandbox}}test{{/config.is_sandbox}}{{^config.is_sandbox}}login{{/config.is_sandbox}}.salesforce.com/services/oauth2/authorize?client_id={{#urlencode}}{{{ client_id }}}{{/urlencode}}&redirect_uri={{#urlencode}}{{{ redirect_uri }}}{{/urlencode}}&response_type=code&state={{#urlencode}}{{{ state }}}{{/urlencode}}",
+ "provider": "salesforce"
+ },
+ "protocol": 3032023,
+ "resourceConfigSchema": {
+ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
+ "properties": {
+ "cursorField": {
+ "items": {
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "type": [
+ "array",
+ "null"
+ ]
+ },
+ "namespace": {
+ "type": [
+ "string",
+ "null"
+ ]
+ },
+ "stream": {
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "syncMode": {
+ "enum": [
+ "incremental",
+ "full_refresh"
+ ],
+ "type": "string"
+ }
+ },
+ "required": [
+ "stream",
+ "syncMode"
+ ],
+ "title": "ResourceSpec",
+ "type": "object"
+ },
+ "resourcePathPointers": [
+ "/namespace",
+ "/stream"
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/source-salesforce/tests/test_memory.py b/source-salesforce/tests/test_memory.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f7ba69cc8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source-salesforce/tests/test_memory.py
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2023 Airbyte, Inc., all rights reserved.
+import tracemalloc
+import pytest
+import requests_mock
+from .conftest import generate_stream
+from source_salesforce.streams import BulkIncrementalSalesforceStream
+ "n_records, first_size, first_peak",
+ (
+ (1000, 0.4, 1),
+ (10000, 1, 2),
+ (100000, 4, 9),
+ (200000, 7, 19),
+ ),
+ ids=[
+ "1k recods",
+ "10k records",
+ "100k records",
+ "200k records",
+ ],
+def test_memory_download_data(stream_config, stream_api, n_records, first_size, first_peak):
+ job_full_url: str = "https://fase-account.salesforce.com/services/data/v57.0/jobs/query/7504W00000bkgnpQAA"
+ stream: BulkIncrementalSalesforceStream = generate_stream("Account", stream_config, stream_api)
+ content = b'"Id","IsDeleted"'
+ for _ in range(n_records):
+ content += b'"0014W000027f6UwQAI","false"\n'
+ with requests_mock.Mocker() as m:
+ m.register_uri("GET", f"{job_full_url}/results", content=content)
+ tracemalloc.start()
+ for x in stream.read_with_chunks(*stream.download_data(url=job_full_url)):
+ pass
+ fs, fp = tracemalloc.get_traced_memory()
+ first_size_in_mb, first_peak_in_mb = fs / 1024**2, fp / 1024**2
+ assert first_size_in_mb < first_size
+ assert first_peak_in_mb < first_peak
diff --git a/source-salesforce/tests/test_snapshots.py b/source-salesforce/tests/test_snapshots.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..05354c2a3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source-salesforce/tests/test_snapshots.py
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+import json
+import subprocess
+import pytest_insta.format as insta_format
+insta_format.FmtJson.dump = lambda _self, path, value: path.write_text(json.dumps(value, sort_keys=True, indent=2) + "\n", "utf-8")
+# def test_capture(request, snapshot):
+# result = subprocess.run(
+# [
+# "flowctl",
+# "preview",
+# "--source",
+# request.config.rootdir + "/source-hubspot/test.flow.yaml",
+# ],
+# stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+# text=True,
+# )
+# assert result.returncode == 0
+# lines = [json.loads(l) for l in result.stdout.splitlines()]
+# assert snapshot("capture.stdout.json") == lines
+def test_discover(request, snapshot):
+ result = subprocess.run(
+ [
+ "flowctl",
+ "raw",
+ "discover",
+ "--source",
+ request.config.rootdir + "/source-salesforce/test.flow.yaml",
+ "-o",
+ "json",
+ "--emit-raw"
+ ],
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ text=True,
+ )
+ assert result.returncode == 0
+ lines = [json.loads(l) for l in result.stdout.splitlines()]
+ assert snapshot("capture.stdout.json") == lines
+def test_spec(request, snapshot):
+ result = subprocess.run(
+ [
+ "flowctl",
+ "raw",
+ "spec",
+ "--source",
+ request.config.rootdir + "/source-salesforce/test.flow.yaml"
+ ],
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ text=True,
+ )
+ assert result.returncode == 0
+ lines = [json.loads(l) for l in result.stdout.splitlines()]
+ assert snapshot("capture.stdout.json") == lines