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Version: 0.0.5 Type: application

PoW Faucet for EVM chains


Source Code

Example Configuration

Upstream docs

faucetTitle: "PoW Faucet"
faucetPrivkey: "feedbeef12340000feedbeef12340000feedbeef12340000feedbeef12340000"
faucetRpcUrl: "http://your-el-node:8545"
faucetExplorerLink: "{txid}"
faucetHomeHtml: ""

faucetMaxDropWei: 50000000000000000000 # 50 ETH
faucetPowEnabled: true
faucetPowRewardPerHash: 500000000000000000 # 0.5 ETH


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {} Affinity configuration for pods
annotations object {} Annotations for the StatefulSet
config string See values.yaml Config file
containerSecurityContext object See values.yaml The security context for containers
customArgs list ["--datadir=/data"] Custom args for the powfaucet container
customCommand list [] Command replacement for the powfaucet container
extraContainers list [] Additional containers
extraEnv list [] Additional env variables
extraPorts list [] Additional ports. Useful when using extraContainers
extraVolumeMounts list [] Additional volume mounts
extraVolumes list [] Additional volumes
faucetCaptchaEnabled bool false Enable captcha module
faucetCaptchaProvider string "hcaptcha" Captcha module: provider (hcaptcha / recaptcha)
faucetCaptchaSecret string "0xCensoredHCaptchaSecretKey" Captcha module: provider secret
faucetCaptchaSitekey string "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" Captcha module: provider site key
faucetEnsEnabled bool true Enable ENS module
faucetEnsRequired bool false ENS module: enforce ens name to use the faucet
faucetEnsRpcUrl string "" ENS module: rpc url (mainnet)
faucetEthinfoDenyContract bool true Ethinfo module: deny contract addresses
faucetEthinfoEnabled bool true Enable ethinfo module (check target wallet balance / type)
faucetEthinfoMaxbalanceWei float 100000000000000000000 Ethinfo module: check balance and deny session if balance exceeds the limit (in wei)
faucetExplorerLink string "{txid}" Link to el block explorer ({txid} as placeholder for transaction hash)
faucetGithubClientid string "" Github module: github app client id
faucetGithubEnabled bool false Enable github module (require login to github)
faucetGithubLimitAmountWei float 100000000000000000000 Github module: max amount each github user is allowed to request in total
faucetGithubLimitDuration int 86400 Github module: aggregation duration for the max request amount check
faucetGithubMinAge int 604800 Github module: minimum account age (in seconds)
faucetGithubMinFollowers int 5 Github module: minimum number of followers
faucetGithubMinRepos int 5 Github module: minimum number of repositories
faucetGithubSecret string "" Github module: github app client secret
faucetHomeHtml string "" Additional html to show on the faucet page
faucetIpinfoEnabled bool true Enable ipinfo module (resolve ip infos from
faucetIpinfoHostingRewards int 10 Ipinfo module: reward rate if ip is in a hosting range (in %)
faucetIpinfoProxyRewards int 10 Ipinfo module: reward rate if ip is in a proxy range (in %)
faucetMainnetEnabled bool false Enable mainnet module (check mainnet wallet balance / nonce)
faucetMainnetMinBalanceWei int 10000000000000000 Mainnet module: min balance the user needs to hold in his mainnet wallet to use the faucet
faucetMainnetMinTxCount int 5 Mainnet module: min number of transactions the user needs to have sent from the mainnet wallet to use the faucet
faucetMainnetRpcUrl string "" Mainnet module: rpc url (mainnet)
faucetMaxDropWei float 50000000000000000000 Default/Maximum drop amount in wei
faucetMinDropWei int 1000000000000000000 Minimum drop amount in wei
faucetOutflowAmountWei float 1e+21 Outflow module: allowed amount of ETH (amount/duration) (in wei)
faucetOutflowBufferWei float 500000000000000000000 Outflow module: amount overflow buffer (in wei)
faucetOutflowDuration int 86400 Outflow module: duration for the allowed amouunt (amount/duration) (in wei)
faucetOutflowEnabled bool false Enable outflow module (limit global faucet outflow)
faucetPowDifficulty int 12 PoW module: mining difficulty (see
faucetPowEnabled bool false Enable PoW module (require mining)
faucetPowMaxDuration int 18000 PoW module: max mining time (in seconds)
faucetPowPingInterval int 45 PoW module: ping interval for websocket connection
faucetPowPingTimeout int 90 PoW module: ping timeout for websocket connection
faucetPowRewardPerHash int 500000000000000000 PoW module: drop amount per eligible hash
faucetPrivkey string "feedbeef12340000feedbeef12340000feedbeef12340000feedbeef12340000" Faucet wallet private key
faucetRecurringLimitsAmountWei float 100000000000000000000 Recurring module: max amount a recurring user is allowed to request in total
faucetRecurringLimitsDuration int 86400 Recurring module: aggregation duration for the max request amount check
faucetRecurringLimitsEnabled bool true Enable recurring module (enforce limits for recurring users)
faucetRpcUrl string "http://your-el-node:8545" Faucet el node rpc
faucetTitle string "PoW Faucet" Faucet title
faucetTxGasLimit int 21000 Transaction gas limit
faucetTxMaxFee int 100000000000 Max transaction gas fee (in wei)
faucetTxMaxPrioFee int 2000000000 Max transaction priority fee (in wei)
fullnameOverride string "" Overrides the chart's computed fullname
httpPort int 8080 HTTP port for faucet interface
httpProxyCount int 1 number of HTTP proxies in front of the faucet
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" powfaucet container pull policy
image.repository string "pk910/powfaucet" powfaucet container image repository
image.tag string "v2-stable" powfaucet container image tag
ingress.annotations object {} Annotations for Ingress
ingress.enabled bool false Ingress resource for the HTTP API
ingress.hosts[0].host string "chart-example.local"
ingress.hosts[0].paths list []
ingress.tls list [] Ingress TLS
initContainers list [] Additional init containers
nameOverride string "" Overrides the chart's name
nodeSelector object {} Node selector for pods
persistence.accessModes list ["ReadWriteOnce"] Access mode for the volume claim template
persistence.annotations object {} Annotations for volume claim template
persistence.enabled bool false Uses an EmptyDir when not enabled
persistence.existingClaim string nil Use an existing PVC when persistence.enabled
persistence.selector object {} Selector for volume claim template
persistence.size string "5Gi" Requested size for volume claim template
persistence.storageClassName string nil Use a specific storage class E.g 'local-path' for local storage to achieve best performance Read more (
podAnnotations object {} Pod annotations
podDisruptionBudget object {} Define the PodDisruptionBudget spec If not set then a PodDisruptionBudget will not be created
podLabels object {} Pod labels
podManagementPolicy string "OrderedReady" Pod management policy
priorityClassName string nil Pod priority class
resources object {} Resource requests and limits
securityContext object See values.yaml The security context for pods
service.type string "ClusterIP" Service type
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the service account
serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies whether a service account should be created string "" The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
terminationGracePeriodSeconds int 30 How long to wait until the pod is forcefully terminated
tolerations list [] Tolerations for pods
topologySpreadConstraints list [] Topology Spread Constraints for pods
updateStrategy object {"type":"RollingUpdate"} Update strategy for the Statefulset
updateStrategy.type string "RollingUpdate" Update strategy type