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Callbacks trigger on specific server events.

qagame execution

et_InitGame( levelTime, randomSeed, restart )

Called when qagame initializes.

  • levelTime is the current level time in milliseconds.
  • randomSeed is a number that can be used to seed random number generators.
  • restart indicates if et_InitGame() is being called due to a map_restart (1) or not (0).

et_ShutdownGame( restart )

Called when qagame shuts down.

  • restart indicates if the shutdown is being called due to a map_restart (1) or not (0).

et_RunFrame( levelTime )

Called when qagame runs a server frame.

  • levelTime is the current level time in milliseconds.


Called when Legacy unloads the mod.

The mod should close all open filedescriptors and perform all cleanup.

Client management

rejectreason = et_ClientConnect( clientNum, firstTime, isBot )

Called when a client attempts to connect to the server.

  • clientNum is the client slot id.
  • firstTime indicates if this is a new connection (1) or a reconnection (0).
  • isBot indicates if the client is a bot (1) or not (0).

If the mod accepts the connection, it returns nil. Otherwise, the mod should return a string describing the reason the client connection was rejected.

et_ClientDisconnect( clientNum )

Called when a client disconnects.

  • clientNum is the client slot id.

et_ClientBegin( clientNum )

Called when a client begins (becomes active, and enters the gameworld).

  • clientNum is the client slot id.

et_ClientUserinfoChanged( clientNum )

Called when a client's Userinfo string has changed.

  • clientNum is the client slot id.


This only gets called when the players CS_PLAYERS config string changes, rather than every time the userinfo changes. This only happens for a subset of userinfo fields.

et_ClientSpawn( clientNum, revived, teamChange, restoreHealth )

Called when a client is spawned.

  • clientNum is the client slot id.
  • revived indicates if the client was spawned by being revived (1) or not (0).
  • teamChange indicates if the client changed team (1) or not (0).
  • restoreHealth indicates if the player health bar is fully restored (1) or not (0).


intercepted = et_ClientCommand( clientNum, command )

Called when a command is received from a client.

  • clientNum is the client slot id.
  • command is the command.

Returns 1 if the command was intercepted by the mod, and 0 if the command was ignored and passed through to the server (and other mods in the chain).


The actual command can be accessed through the argument handling functions, as seen in the Sample Code.

intercepted = et_ConsoleCommand()

Called when a command is entered on the server console.

Returns 1 if the command was intercepted, and 0 if the command was ignored and passed through to the server (and other mods in the chain).


The actual command can be accessed through the argument handling functions, as seen in the Sample Code.


et_UpgradeSkill( clientNum, skill )

Called when a client gets a skill upgrade.

  • clientNum is the client slot.
  • skill is the skill number.

Returns -1 to override (abort) the qagame function, anything else to "passthrough". Callback may modify skills (or do anything else it wants) during passthrough.

et_SetPlayerSkill( clientNum, skill )

Called when a client skill is set.

  • clientNum is the client slot.
  • skill is the skill number.

Returns -1 to override (abort) the qagame function, anything else to "passthrough". Callback may modify skills (or do anything else it wants) during passthrough.


et_Print( text )

Called whenever the server or qagame prints a string to the console.



Text may contain a player name and their chat message, which makes it very easy to spoof.

et_Obituary( target, attacker, meansOfDeath )

Called whenever a player is killed.

  • target is the victim.
  • attacker is the killer.
  • meansOfDeath is the means of death.

et_Damage( target, attacker, damage, damageFlags, meansOfDeath)

Called whenever a player gets damage.

  • target is the victim.
  • attacker is the killer.
  • damage is the amount of damage.
  • damageFlags controls how damage is inflicted. See Damage bitflags for possible values.
  • meansOfDeath is the means of death. See et.MOD_* constants for possible values.

et_WeaponFire( clientNum, weapon )

Called whenever a weapon is shot.

  • clientNum is the client slot.
  • weapon is the weapon shot.

Returns 1 to override (abort) the qagame function, 0 to "passthrough". Callback may do anything it wants during passthrough.

et_FixedMGFire( clientNum )

Called whenever a fixed machine gun is shot.

  • clientNum is the client slot.

Returns 1 to override (abort) the qagame function, 0 to "passthrough". Callback may do anything it wants during passthrough.

et_MountedMGFire( clientNum )

Called whenever a mounted machine gun is shot.

  • clientNum is the client slot.

Returns 1 to override (abort) the qagame function, 0 to "passthrough". Callback may do anything it wants during passthrough.

et_AAGunFire( clientNum )

Called whenever an anti-aircraft gun is shot.

  • clientNum is the client slot.

Returns 1 to override (abort) the qagame function, 0 to "passthrough". Callback may do anything it wants during passthrough.


Called when an entity definition is parsed to spawn gentities.