diff --git a/systemd_units.sh b/systemd_units.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..426235a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/systemd_units.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# PRTG Advanced Sensor script for systemd units
+# Monitor whether systemd services and other systemd units are active.
+# Each unit to be monitored will be a channel under the sensor.
+# Unit types other than "service" must have a type suffix specified;
+# mount points (without a suffix) may also work to identify mount units.
+# Requires: bash, systemctl
+# Static list of unit names, for example: units=(sshd httpd firewalld)
+# Expand the units list with unit names received on the command line
+ printf "1%s\n" "$1"
+ exit 1
+# Make sure we have all dependencies and at least one unit
+(which systemctl) > /dev/null 2>&1 || exit_error "Cannot find systemctl."
+[[ ${#units[@]} -gt 0 ]] || exit_error "No systemd units specified."
+# Define XML format string for unit status
+read -r -d '' UNIT_XML_FMT << 'EOF_UNIT_XML'
+ %s: %s
+ %d
+ prtg.standardlookups.activeinactive.stateactiveok
+# Make readings and print the XML-formatted results
+echo ""
+for u in "${units[@]}"; do
+ utype="${u##*.}"
+ [[ "${u:0:1}" == "/" ]] && utype="mount"
+ [[ "${u}" == "${utype}" ]] && utype="service"
+ systemctl --quiet is-active "${u}" && v=1 || v=2
+ printf "${UNIT_XML_FMT}\n" "${utype^}" "${u%.${utype}}" "${v}"
+echo ""
+exit 0