- Write a program to search an element from a list. Give user the option to perform Linear or Binary search. Use Template functions.
- WAP using templates to sort a list of elements. Give user the option to perform sorting using Insertion sort, Bubble sort or Selection sort.
- Implement Linked List using templates. Include functions for insertion, deletion and search of a number, reverse the list and concatenate two linked lists (include a function and also overload operator +).
- Implement Doubly Linked List using templates. Include functions for insertion, deletion and search of a number, reverse the list.
- Implement Circular Linked List using templates. Include functions for insertion, deletion and search of a number, reverse the list.
- Perform Stack operations using Linked List implementation.
- Perform Stack operations using Array implementation. Use Templates.
- Perform Queues operations using Circular Array implementation. Use Templates.
- Create and perform different operations on Double-ended Queues using Linked List implementation.
- WAP to scan a polynomial using linked list and add two polynomial.
- WAP to calculate factorial and to compute the factors of a given no. (i)using recursion, (ii) using iteration
- (ii) WAP to display fibonacci series (i)using recursion, (ii) using iteration
- WAP to calculate GCD of 2 number (i) with recursion (ii) without recursion
- WAP to create a Binary Search Tree and include following operations in tree: (a) Insertion (Recursive and Iterative Implementation) (b) Deletion by copying (c) Deletion by Merging (d) Search a no. in BST (e) Display its preorder, postorder and inorder traversals Recursively (f) Display its preorder, postorder and inorder traversals Iteratively (g) Display its level-by-level traversals (h) Count the non-leaf nodes and leaf nodes (i) Display height of tree (j) Create a mirror image of tree (k) Check whether two BSTs are equal or not
- WAP to convert the Sparse Matrix into non-zero form and vice-versa.
- WAP to reverse the order of the elements in the stack using additional stack.
- WAP to reverse the order of the elements in the stack using additional Queue.
- WAP to implement Diagonal Matrix using one-dimensional array.
- WAP to implement Lower Triangular Matrix using one-dimensional array.
- WAP to implement Upper Triangular Matrix using one-dimensional array.
- WAP to implement Symmetric Matrix using one-dimensional array.
- WAP to create a Threaded Binary Tree as per inorder traversal, and implement operations like finding the successor / predecessor of an element, insert an element, inorder traversal.
- WAP to implement various operations on AVL Tree.