The data was gathered in response to the following questions:
Please tell us your postcode
The city of Edinburgh is made up of many small communities, each with their own identity. Which area of the city would you say you lived in?
Data Source
- Staff Survey — an online survey monkey survey
- General 1, General 2, General 3, General 4 — All four General categories refer to the Survey Monkey survey on the CEC website; we sent out dedicated links to different stakeholder groups so it's possible to identify the responses from each category: Community Councils; Tenants' Associations and other community group; older people.
- Older1 — handwritten returns received from an event organised by *A City for All Ages
- Schools 15 Nov — a survey monkey link was sent to CEC schools
- Making it Clear for OP — data received from a study
- Council Contact Centre — collated by CC staff by phone
- Online Consultation (Email) — a small number of responses received directly by email
Allocated NN name is a cleaned field which contains the responses to Q2
Generic Geography/Street name?
This column is a field that contains my comments. I've labelled responses along the lines of "West Edinburgh" or "South Edinburgh" as "generic". "Street Name" indicates that the respondent may have responded with their street name but we can't say for certain.