- changes
- ...
- changes
- add Regex.email_nonascii for validation of emails w/unicode (@rchekaluk)
- allow scrypt 2.x (@jaredbeck)
- changes
- security-hardening fix and cleanup in persistence_token lookup
- security-hardening fix in perishable_token lookup (thx @tomekr)
- changes
- extract rw_config into an Authlogic::Config module
- improved the way config changes are made in tests
- fix for Rails 4.2 by extending ActiveModel
- changes
- backfill CHANGELOG
- better compatibility with jruby (thx @petergoldstein)
- added scrypt as a dependency
- cleanup some code (thx @roryokane)
- reference 'bcrypt' gem instead of 'bcrypt-ruby' (thx @roryokane)
- fixed typo (thx @chamini2)
- fixed magic column validations for Rails 4.2 (thx @tom-kuca)
- changes
- fixed the missing scrypt/bcrypt gem errors introduced in 3.4.1
- implemented autoloading for providers
- added longer subdomain support in email regex
- changes
- undid an accidental revert of some code
- added cookie signing
- added request store for better concurency for threaded environments
- BREAKING CHANGE: made scrypt the default crypto provider from SHA512 (https://github.com/binarylogic/authlogic#upgrading-to-authlogic-340)
- ditched appraisal
- officially support rails 4 (still supporting rails 3)
- improved find_with_case default performance
- added a rack adapter for Rack middleware support
- added travis ci support
- changes
- added safeguard against a sqli that was also fixed in rails 3.2.10/3.1.9/3.0.18
- imposed the bcrypt gem's mincost
- removed shoulda macros
- scrypt support
- moved back to LOWER for find_with_case ci lookups
- changes
- removed jeweler
- changes
- mostly test fixes
- changes
- mostly doc fixes
- changes
- mostly small bug fixes
- rails 3.1 support
- http auth support
- changes
- doc fixes
- changes
- switch from LOWER to LIKE for find_with_case ci lookups
- ssl cookie support
- httponly cookie support
- added a session generator
- rails 3 support
- ruby 1.9.2 support