I share my Fastfetch config, this used background color and double boxes #1269
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Looks cool to me! I made some changes // FASTFETCH CONFIGURATION
// By jan-rex
// Path: $HOME/.config/fastfetch/boxes_logo.jsonc
// Execute: fastfetch --config $HOME/.config/fastfetch/boxes_logo.jsonc
"$schema": "https://github.com/fastfetch-cli/fastfetch/raw/dev/doc/json_schema.json",
"logo": {
"padding": {
"top": 2,
"general": {},
"display": {
// disableLinewrap - OBJECT - "TRUE" - Whether to disable line wrap during the run
"disableLinewrap": false,
// separator - STRING - ": " - Set the separator between key and value
"separator": "",
// color - COMBINATION - - Set the color of the keys and title
// - keys - enum (of string) - Set the color of the keys
// - title - enum (of string) - Set the color of the title
// - output - enum (of string) - Set the color of the module output
// - separator - enum (of string) - Set the color of the key-value separator
// brightColor - BOOLEAN - "TRUE" - Set if the keys, title and ASCII logo should be printed in bright color
// key - OBJECT - Set how module keys should be displayed
// - width - integer - Align the width of keys to number of characters, 0 to disable
// - type - enum (of string) - Set whether to show icon before string keys
// - paddingLeft - integer - Set the left padding of keys
"key": {
"width": 16,
// size - OBJECT - Set how a size value should be displayed
// - binaryPrefix - Combination - Set the binary prefix to used when formatting sizes
// - maxPrefix - enum (of string) - Set the largest binary prefix to use when formatting sizes
// - ndigits - integer - Set the number of digits to keep after the decimal point when formatting sizes
// constants
"constants": [
"\u001b[90m│ │\u001b[60D\u001b[39m",
// CSI n m
//<color> must be a color encoding as ANSI escape sequences. It is inserted between "ESC[" and "m".
// {# } = Escape caracters f or introduce COLOR
// {# } = \u001b[ m
// {# = \u001b[
// } = m
// {#N} ==> N = Integer Number for COLOR
// \u001b[Nm ==> N = Integer Number for COLOR
// \u001b[34m ==> 34 = COLOR 34
// {#1} is equivalent to `\u001b[1m`. {#} is equivalent to `\u001b[m`
//Infos about them can be found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#SGR_(Select_Graphic_Rendition)_parameters.
// 35: sets the color to magenta
// 38;5;38: sets the color to 38th color of ANSI 256 colors
// 4;92: sets the color to bright green with underline
// 5;104: blinking text on a blue background
//ANSI named colors are also supported:
// magenta: equivalent to `35`
// underline_bright_green: equivalent to `4;92`
// #define FF_COLOR_MODE_RESET "0;"
// #define FF_COLOR_MODE_BOLD "1;"
// #define FF_COLOR_MODE_DIM "2;"
// #define FF_COLOR_MODE_ITALIC "3;"
// #define FF_COLOR_MODE_BLINK "5;"
// #define FF_COLOR_MODE_INVERSE "7;"
// #define FF_COLOR_MODE_HIDDEN "8;"
// #define FF_COLOR_FG_BLACK "30"
// #define FF_COLOR_FG_RED "31"
// #define FF_COLOR_FG_GREEN "32"
// #define FF_COLOR_FG_YELLOW "33"
// #define FF_COLOR_FG_BLUE "34"
// #define FF_COLOR_FG_MAGENTA "35"
// #define FF_COLOR_FG_CYAN "36"
// #define FF_COLOR_FG_WHITE "37"
// #define FF_COLOR_FG_DEFAULT "39"
// #define FF_COLOR_FG_LIGHT_BLACK "90"
// #define FF_COLOR_FG_LIGHT_RED "91"
// #define FF_COLOR_FG_LIGHT_GREEN "92"
// #define FF_COLOR_FG_LIGHT_YELLOW "93"
// #define FF_COLOR_FG_LIGHT_BLUE "94"
// #define FF_COLOR_FG_LIGHT_CYAN "96"
// #define FF_COLOR_FG_LIGHT_WHITE "97"
// #define FF_COLOR_BG_BLACK "40"
// #define FF_COLOR_BG_RED "41"
// #define FF_COLOR_BG_GREEN "42"
// #define FF_COLOR_BG_YELLOW "43"
// #define FF_COLOR_BG_BLUE "44"
// #define FF_COLOR_BG_MAGENTA "45"
// #define FF_COLOR_BG_CYAN "46"
// #define FF_COLOR_BG_WHITE "47"
// #define FF_COLOR_BG_DEFAULT "49"
// #define FF_COLOR_BG_LIGHT_BLACK "100"
// #define FF_COLOR_BG_LIGHT_RED "101"
// #define FF_COLOR_BG_LIGHT_GREEN "102"
// #define FF_COLOR_BG_LIGHT_YELLOW "103"
// #define FF_COLOR_BG_LIGHT_BLUE "104"
// #define FF_COLOR_BG_LIGHT_MAGENTA "105"
// #define FF_COLOR_BG_LIGHT_CYAN "106"
// #define FF_COLOR_BG_LIGHT_WHITE "107"
// #define FF_COLOR_FG_256 "38;5;"
// #define FF_COLOR_BG_256 "48;5;"
// ESC[38;5;⟨n⟩m Select foreground color where n is a number from the table below
// ESC[48;5;⟨n⟩m Select background color
// 0- 7: standard colors (as in ESC [ 30–37 m)
// 8- 15: high intensity colors (as in ESC [ 90–97 m)
// 16-231: 6 × 6 × 6 cube (216 colors): 16 + 36 × r + 6 × g + b (0 ≤ r, g, b ≤ 5)
// 232-255: grayscale from dark to light in 24 steps
// #define FF_COLOR_FG_RGB "38;2;"
// #define FF_COLOR_BG_RGB "48;2;"
// ESC[38;2;⟨r⟩;⟨g⟩;⟨b⟩ m Select RGB foreground color
// ESC[48;2;⟨r⟩;⟨g⟩;⟨b⟩ m Select RGB background color
// \u001b[ C
// \u001b[NC
// CSI n C [CUF] Cursor Forward
// \u001b[ D
// \u001b[ND
// CSI n D [CUB] Cursor Back
"modules": [
// {
// "type": "", // -
// "key": "", //Key of the module
// "keyColor": "", //Color of the module key. Left empty to use `display.color.keys`
// "keyIcon": "", //Set the icon to be displayed by `display.keyType: "icon"`
// "keyWidth": "", //Width of the module key. Use 0 to use `display.keyWidth`
// "outputColor": "", //Output color of the module. Left empty to use `display.color.output`
// "format": "", //Output format of the module. See `-h -format` for detail. I.e: fastfetch -h disk-format
// },
// CUSTOM - Top UI bar
"type": "custom",
"key": "{#90}{$1}╭─────────────╮",
"format": "{#90}{$2}╭────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮",
"type": "title",
"key": "{#90}{$1}│ {#92}User {#90}│",
//"fqdn": false,
"format": "{$2}{$3}{user-name} {#2}[{home-dir}]",
//fastfetch -h title-format
// {1}: User name - user-name
// {3}: Home directory - home-dir
// The default is something similar to "{6}{7}{8}".
"type": "users",
"key": "{#90}{$1}│ {#92}Users {#90}│",
"myselfOnly": false,
"format": "{$2}{$3}{1}@{host-name}{/host-name}localhost{/}{?client-ip} {#2}[IP:{client-ip}]{?} {#2}[Login time: {login-time}]",
// fastfetch -h users-format
// {1}: User name - user-name
// {2}: Host name - host-name
// {3}: Session name - session
// {4}: Client IP - client-ip
// {5}: Login Time in local timezone - login-time
// The default is something similar to "{1}@{2} - login time {5}".
"type": "datetime",
"key": "{#90}{$1}│ {#92}Datetime {#90}│",
"format": "{$2}{$3}{year}-{month-pretty}-{day-in-month} {hour-pretty}:{minute-pretty}:{second-pretty} {#2}{weekday} {#2}[W{week}] {#2}[UTC{offset-from-utc}]",
//fastfetch -h datetime-format
// {1}: year - year
// {4}: month with leading zero - month-pretty
// {7}: week number on year - week
// {8}: weekday - weekday
// {11}: day in month - day-in-month
// {14}: hour with leading zero - hour-pretty
// {18}: minute with leading zero - minute-pretty
// {20}: second with leading zero - second-pretty
// {21}: offset from UTC in the ISO 8601 format - offset-from-utc
// The default is something similar to "{1}-{4}-{11} {14}:{18}:{20}".
"type": "title",
"key": "{#90}{$1}│ {#93}Host: {#90}│",
//"fqdn": false,
"format": "{$2}{$3}{#1}{#36}{host-name}",
//fastfetch -h title-format
// {2}: Host name - host-name
// The default is something similar to "{6}{7}{8}".
"type": "host",
"key": "{#90}{$1}│ {#93}Machine {#90}│",
"format": "{$2}{$3}{name} {#2}{version}",
// fastfetch -h host-format
// {2}: product name - name
// {3}: product version - version
// The default is something similar to "{2} {3}".
"type": "os",
"key": "{#90}{$1}│ {#93}OS {#90}│",
"format": "{$2}{$3}{pretty-name} {codename} {#2}[v{version}] {#2}[{arch}]",
// fastfetch -h os-format
// {3}: Pretty name of the OS - pretty-name
// {8}: Version of the OS - version
// {10}: Version codename of the OS - codename
// {12}: Architecture of the OS - arch
// The default is something similar to "{3} {10} {12}".
"type": "kernel",
"key": "{#90}{$1}│ {#93}Kernel {#90}│",
"format": "{$2}{$3}{sysname} {#2}[v{release}]",
// fastfetch -h kernel-format
// {1}: Sysname - sysname
// {2}: Release - release
// The default is something similar to "{1} {2}".
"type": "uptime",
"key": "{#90}{$1}│ {#93}Uptime {#90}│",
//"format": "{$2}{$3}{days} Days {hours} Hours {minutes} Mins {seconds} Secs",
"format": "{$2}{$3}{?days}{days} Days + {?}{hours}:{minutes}:{seconds}",
// fastfetch -h uptime-format
// {1}: Days - days
// {2}: Hours - hours
// {3}: Minutes - minutes
// {4}: Seconds - seconds
// The default is something similar to "{1} days {2} hours {3} mins".
// {
// "type": "board",
// "key": "{#5;104}Board",
// "format": "{2} {1}",
// //fastfetch -h board-format
// // {1}: board name - name
// // {2}: board vendor - vendor
// },
"type": "cpu",
"key": "{#90}{$1}│ {#91}CPU {#90}│",
"showPeCoreCount": true,
"temp": true,
"format": "{$2}{$3}{name} {#2}[C:{core-types}] {#2}[{freq-max}]",
// fastfetch -h cpu-format
// {1}: Name - name
// {7}: Max frequency (formatted) - freq-max
// {9}: Logical core count grouped by frequency - core-types
// The default is something similar to "{1} ({5}) @ {7} GHz".
"type": "gpu",
"key": "{#90}{$1}│ {#91}GPU {#90}│",
"detectionMethod": "auto",
"driverSpecific": true,
"format": "{$2}{$3}{name} {#2}[C:{core-count}] {#2}[{type}]",
// fastfetch -h gpu-format
// {1}: GPU vendor - vendor
// {2}: GPU name - name
// {5}: GPU core count - core-count
// {6}: GPU type - type
// The default is something similar to "{1} {2}".
// {
// "type": "physicalmemory",
// "key": "Physical Memory",
// },
"type": "memory",
"key": "{#90}{$1}│ {#91}Memory {#90}│",
"format": "{$2}{$3}{used} / {total} ({percentage}{$2})",
// fastfetch -h memory-format
// {1}: Used size - used
// {2}: Total size - total
// {3}: Percentage used (num) - percentage
// The default is something similar to "{1} / {2} ({3})".
// {
// "type": "swap",
// "key": "Swap",
// },
"type": "disk",
"key": "{#90}{$1}│ {#91}Disk {#90}│",
"format": "{$2}{$3}{size-used} / {size-used} ({size-percentage}{$2})",
// fastfetch -h disk-format
// {1}: Size used - size-used
// {2}: Size total - size-total
// {3}: Size percentage num - size-percentage
// The default is something similar to "{1} / {2} ({3}) - {9}".
// {
// "type": "battery",
// "key": "Battery",
// "temp": true,
// },
"type": "poweradapter",
"key": "{#90}{$1}│ {#91}Power {#90}│",
"format": "{$2}{$3}{name}",
// fastfetch -h poweradapter-format
// {2}: PowerAdapter name - name
// The default is something similar to "{1}W".
"type": "terminal",
"key": "{#90}{$1}│ {#95}Terminal {#90}│",
"format": "{$2}{$3}{pretty-name} {#2}[{version}] [PID:{pid}]",
// fastfetch -h terminal-format
// {5}: Terminal pretty name - pretty-name
// {6}: Terminal version - version
// The default is something similar to "{5} {6}".
"type": "terminalfont",
"key": "{#90}{$1}│ {#95}Font {#90}│",
"format": "{$2}{$3}{name} {#2}[{size}]",
// fastfetch -h terminalfont-format
// {2}: Terminal font name - name
// {3}: Terminal font size - size
// The default is something similar to "{1}".
"type": "shell",
"key": "{#90}{$1}│ {#95}Shell {#90}│",
"format": "{$2}{$3}{pretty-name} {#2}[v{version}] [PID:{pid}]",
// fastfetch -h shell-format
// {3}: Shell base name of arg0 - exe-name
// {4}: Shell version - version
// {5}: Shell pid - pid
// {7}: Shell full exe path - exe-path
// The default is something similar to "{3} {4}".
// localip IPv4
"type": "localip",
"key": "{#90}{$1}│ {#94}Local IPv4 {#90}│",
"showPrefixLen": true,
"showIpv4": true,
"showIpv6": false,
"showMtu": true,
"format": "{$2}{$3}{ifname}: {ipv4} {#2}[MTU:{mtu}]",
// fastfetch -h localip-format
// {1}: Local IPv4 address - ipv4
// {4}: Interface name - ifname
// {6}: MTU size in bytes - mtu
// The default is something similar to "{1}".
// localip IPv6
"type": "localip",
"key": "{#90}{$1}│ {#94}Local IPv6 {#90}│",
"showPrefixLen": true,
"showIpv4": false,
"showIpv6": true,
"showMtu": true,
"format": "{$2}{$3}{ifname}: {ipv6} {#2}[MTU:{mtu}]",
// fastfetch -h localip-format
// {2}: Local IPv6 address - ipv6
// {4}: Interface name - ifname
// {6}: MTU size in bytes - mtu
// The default is something similar to "{1}".
// {
// "type": "dns",
// "key": "DNS",
// },
"type": "publicip",
"key": "{#90}{$1}│ {#94}Public IPv4 {#90}│",
"format": "{$2}{$3}{ip} {#2}[{location}]",
"ipv6": false,
// fastfetch -h publicip-format
// {1}: Public IP address - ip
// {2}: Location - location
// The default is something similar to "{1} ({2})".
"type": "publicip",
"key": "{#90}{$1}│ {#94}Public IPv6 {#90}│",
"ipv6": true,
"format": "{$2}{$3}{ip} {#2}[{location}]",
// fastfetch -h publicip-format
// {1}: Public IP address - ip
// {2}: Location - location
// The default is something similar to "{1} ({2})".
// {
// "type": "colors",
// "symbol": "background",
// },
// CUSTOM - Button UI bar
"type": "custom",
"key": "{#90}{$1}╰─────────────╯",
"format": "{#90}{$2}╰────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯",
} |
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Hello everyone!
I’m here to share my Fastfetch configuration. I wanted to create one with background colors and double boxes. In addition, I included logos with text in ASCII art format
This is my repo:
I hope you like it.
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