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File metadata and controls

123 lines (95 loc) · 4.7 KB


WASSncplot is a small tool to plot NetCDF 3D data generated with WASS and wassgridsurface on top of the original image files.


WASSncplot requires a Python 3.9 and can simply be installed via pip:

$ python -m pip install wassncplot

Run wassncplot on a headless system

To use wassncplot while connected remotely via ssh, launch Xvfb first:

sudo Xvfb :1 -ac -screen 0 1280x720x24 

and then set export the DISPLAY environment variable export DISPLAY=:1 before running wassncplot.


WASSncplot is a command-line tool. You can get a description of the available program arguments with the following command:

 wassncplot v. 2.2.1
Copyright (C) Filippo Bergamasco 2023 

usage: wassncplot [-h] [-f FIRST_INDEX] [-l LAST_INDEX] [-s STEP_INDEX]
                  [-sd STEP_DATA_INDEX] [-b BASELINE] [--zmin ZMIN]
                  [--zmax ZMAX] [--alpha ALPHA] [--pxscale PXSCALE]
                  [--text_prefix TEXT_PREFIX] [--wireframe] [--upscale2x]
                  [--applymask] [--no-wireframe] [--no-textoverlay]
                  [--savexyz] [--create-texture] [--save-texture] [--saveimg]
                  [--ffmpeg] [--ffmpeg-delete-frames]
                  [--ffmpeg-fps FFMPEG_FPS]
                  ncfile out

positional arguments:
  ncfile                Input NetCDF4 file
  out                   Output directory where the produced images will be

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FIRST_INDEX, --first_index FIRST_INDEX
                        First data index to process
  -l LAST_INDEX, --last_index LAST_INDEX
                        Last data index to process (-1 to process all the
  -s STEP_INDEX, --step_index STEP_INDEX
                        Sequence step
  -sd STEP_DATA_INDEX, --step_data_index STEP_DATA_INDEX
                        Sequence data step
  -b BASELINE, --baseline BASELINE
                        Baseline of the stereo system (use this option to
                        override the baseline value stored in the NetCDF file)
  --zmin ZMIN           Minimum 3D point elevation (used for colorbar limits)
  --zmax ZMAX           Maximum 3D point elevation (used for colorbar limits)
  --alpha ALPHA         Surface transparency [0..1] (default 0.5)
  --pxscale PXSCALE     A scale factor to apply between logical and physical
                        pixels in addition to the actual scale factor
                        determined by the backend. (default 1)
  --text_prefix TEXT_PREFIX
                        Bottom overlay text prefix
  --wireframe           Render surface in wireframe (default)
  --upscale2x           Upscale the input image before rendering
  --applymask           Apply user-defined mask if available
  --no-wireframe        Render shaded surface
  --no-textoverlay      Add text overlay at the bottom of the frame
  --savexyz             Save mapping between image pixels and 3D coordinates
                        as numpy data file
  --create-texture      Compute sea surface radiance for each grid point and
                        store it into the input NetCDF file.
  --save-texture        Save each sea surface radiance texture to a png image
                        (data is also stored in the NetCDF)
  --saveimg             Save the undistorted image (without the superimposed
  --ffmpeg              Call ffmpeg to create a sequence video file
                        Delete the produced frames after running ffmpeg
  --ffmpeg-fps FFMPEG_FPS
                        Sequence framerate

For example, the command:

$ python ./wass_20140327_0910/3D/ ./out 

Will render the sequence stored in ./wass_20140327_0910/3D/ to the directory ./out.


Copyright (C) 2019-2022 Filippo Bergamasco 

wassncplot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

WASS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.