- Adjust server version api response (no more isPm2 or isNodemon flags)
- Delete files on printer details (sidenav) should be protected by a confirmation dialog.
- Emergency commands: server restart does not work - broken button removed
- Printer tile: clicking on an empty tile should not enable grid mode
- Settings: redesign settings layout
- Tooltip: improve tooltip legibility
- Printer tile: re-implement compact tile, the opposite of large tile mode
- Printer list: add tooltips to printer list actions
- Printer list - quick stop action: quick stop showed delete in alert, typo fixed
- YAML dialog wouldn't reset error after re-opening
- Print grid: floor toggle would de-synchronize with store
- Print grid: thumbnails query was disabled on page load, enabled value will now cause re-evaluation
- UI: printer list action buttons, fix alert grid toolbar, reduce dialog store usage and replace with useDialog composable where possible
- Printer state / tile: pausing will now present as paused state instead of printing
- First-time setup has errors: dialogs would load at app start which can cause authentication or permission errors
- File delete/download: Deleting or downloading a file path is now encoded in url path
- Printer tile: Add ability to swap out quick stop for cancel on printer tiles
- Printer tile: redesign with thumbnail support
- Theme: switch to light blue for primary colors
- Printer grid: make toolbar smoother
- UI: make navigation uncolored
- Dialog avatar: undefined would sometimes appear in avatar (once or twice)
- File sidenav: avatar had awkward offset
- First-time setup: background was appearing above first-time-setup, not fixed and below
- Remove whitelist settings from UI
- Introduce new grid layout
- Introduce grid settings dialog on home page
- PrinterStore: when deleting a printer, an error is often presented that the PrinterStore contains no printer with such id
- AddOrUpdatePrinterDialog: auto-append https if this is missing in URL before submitting
- User settings: create user dialog for an admin to conveniently share a new verified account with roles.
- Account settings - cant change password
- Account settings - apply user id number to string coercion
- User settings: add user roles dropdown to change verified users from GUEST role to OPERATOR or ADMIN.
- Printer dialog: api key of 43 length should be allowed since OctoPrint 1.10.3
- Printer state: Sometimes empty flags can be passed (regressions backend...) prevent errors
- Settings page: improve UI / UX for emergency commands settings page, prevent action when no active printers are available.
- Settings page: OctoPrint settings improve UI / UX - better layout and btn disabled loading props + spinner usage
- Hide octoprint Sync Name button for moonraker type printer
- Printer dialog: do not require api key for moonraker type and send empty one on moonraker printer submission
- Printer dialog: adapt form label based on requirement of api key (octoprint: yes, moonraker: no)
- Batch reprint dialog mentions OctoPrint, should be type dependent
- Settings page: experimental settings - improve visual confirmation by introducing save spinners and checkboxes
- Support klipper in printer create/update dialog, if backend is able to provide said feature (feature flags).
- Show klipper/octoprint on tile
- Add moonraker/mainsail redirects in side panel
- Show klipper/octoprint in printer list
- Setting: adapt to new naming experiment client support
- Workflows: upgrade github actions to node 20
- Removes unnecessary -api suffix from methods across all methods.
- Update types of print statistics and completions
- Fix type issues PrintersView
- Refactor FileControlList component with setup
- Remove validation observer from AddOrUpdateFloorDialog
- Revamp all action FAB-style buttons to setup style
- Settings: load and set experiment moonraker support setting
- Switch to "next" UI support (beta)
- Settings for OctoPrint page icon wrong compared to settings nav
- Settings page: Improve the layout of navigation and content. Now it wont wrap and its vertically stretched.
- Fix: print jobs menu printTime is unavailable because progress is unset
- Fix: error handling in reprint dialog was throwing an error
- Fix: add helpful button with tooltip about what is happening in the reprint dialog
- Cleanup API caller services
- Printing a file will not send select/print parameters anymore. This is assumed always true.
- Add support for two printer service types Moonraker & OctoPrint in the frontend
- Fix: Printer dialog reset validation error before pressing test connection
- Fix: Printer list - show current printer count presented vs total present
- Fix: replaced "Emergency Stop" terminology with "Quick Stop"
- Bugfix: could not resume print job after pausing.
- Bugfix: printer control dialog was empty after opening the second time, now it will load again.
- fix: current MonsterPi version would be hidden on the Software Upgrade page.
- fix: ZIP download would be corrupt sometimes. Ensure file downloaded as ArrayBuffer (instead of blob) and written as text/plain instead of text.
- Printer Create/Update: add URL and apiKey validation with feedback. When wanted force save can be used in case of failures.
- Settings: software upgrade page for client upgrades would not calculate ability to upgrade correctly (again). Now fixed.
- Settings: pre-upload file cleaning settings could not be saved and no message was shown. Now both those things are fixed.
- Settings: Software Upgrade - the GitHub API limit will be tested and shown in the software upgrade UI before attempting to load releases
- Settings Use a feature flag to determine if server can provide GitHub rate limit information
- Settings: The settings toolbars have been refactored: consistent icon, simpler titles and dark color
- Settings: The settings navigation has been re-ordered and given separations
- GIF added to OctoFarm Import Printers dialog showing how the JSON can be retrieved from OctoFarm
- yaml import dialog: convert to setup script
- OctoFarm Import dialog has been completely redesigned
- OctoFarm import validation added (client side only)
- Only known properties will be imported, preventing import errors
- A PrintersDB.json structure is accepted, directly from OctoFarm
- Dialog has been renamed from Batch Import to Import OctoFarm Printers
- yaml import: clear import file field when closing dialog
- yaml import: also clear import file field when an error has occurred during import
- yaml import: show an error message to provide context about why import has failed
- OctoFarm import: Only known properties will be imported, preventing import errors