From 729496a07cb2dd65de7896660e553eb1cc8017a6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Rafael Fonseca <>
Date: Thu, 23 May 2019 15:18:53 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 1/4] Refactor: move repo functions to their own file

This way we can focus the solver related functions to fus.c

Signed-off-by: Rafael Fonseca <>
 fus.c       | 695 +---------------------------------------------------
 fus.h       |  26 ++
 main.c      |   4 +- |   6 +-
 repo.c      | 683 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 718 insertions(+), 696 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 fus.h
 create mode 100644 repo.c

diff --git a/fus.c b/fus.c
index d155099..930c8e1 100644
--- a/fus.c
+++ b/fus.c
@@ -1,676 +1,8 @@
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <glib.h>
+#include "fus.h"
 #include <gio/gio.h>
-#include <modulemd.h>
-#include <solv/chksum.h>
 #include <solv/policy.h>
-#include <solv/pool.h>
 #include <solv/poolarch.h>
-#include <solv/selection.h>
-#include <solv/testcase.h>
-#include <solv/transaction.h>
-#include <solv/repo_comps.h>
-#include <solv/repo_repomdxml.h>
-#include <solv/repo_rpmmd.h>
-#include <solv/solv_xfopen.h>
-#include <libsoup/soup.h>
-G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC(Solver, solver_free);
-G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC(Transaction, transaction_free);
-#define TMPL_NPROV "module(%s)"
-#define TMPL_NSPROV "module(%s:%s)"
-#define MODPKG_PROV "modular-package()"
-static inline Id
-dep_or_rel (Pool *pool, Id dep, Id rel, Id op)
-  return dep ? pool_rel2id (pool, dep, rel, op, 1) : rel;
-static Id
-parse_module_stream_requires (Pool       *pool,
-                              const char *module,
-                              GStrv       streams)
-  Id req_neg = 0, req_pos = 0;
-  for (GStrv ss = streams; *ss; ss++)
-    {
-      const char *s = *ss;
-      Id *r;
-      if (s[0] == '-')
-        {
-          r = &req_neg;
-          s++;
-        }
-      else
-        r = &req_pos;
-      g_autofree char *nsprov = g_strdup_printf (TMPL_NSPROV, module, s);
-      *r = dep_or_rel (pool, *r, pool_str2id (pool, nsprov, 1), REL_OR);
-    }
-  g_autofree char *nprov = g_strdup_printf (TMPL_NPROV, module);
-  Id req = pool_str2id (pool, nprov, 1);
-  if (req_pos)
-    req = dep_or_rel (pool, req, req_pos, REL_WITH);
-  else if (req_neg)
-    req = dep_or_rel (pool, req, req_neg, REL_WITHOUT);
-  return req;
-typedef GStrv (*module_func_t)(ModulemdDependencies *);
-typedef GStrv (*stream_func_t)(ModulemdDependencies *, const char *);
-static Id
-parse_module_requires (Pool                 *pool,
-                       ModulemdDependencies *deps,
-                       module_func_t         modules_get,
-                       stream_func_t         streams_get)
-  Id require = 0;
-  g_auto(GStrv) namesv = modules_get (deps);
-  for (GStrv n = namesv; n && *n; n++)
-    {
-      g_auto(GStrv) reqv = streams_get (deps, *n);
-      Id r = parse_module_stream_requires (pool, *n, reqv);
-      require = dep_or_rel (pool, require, r, REL_AND);
-    }
-  return require;
-const module_func_t buildtime_modules_get =
-  modulemd_dependencies_get_buildtime_modules_as_strv;
-const stream_func_t buildtime_streams_get =
-  modulemd_dependencies_get_buildtime_streams_as_strv;
-static void
-add_source_package (Repo                 *repo,
-                    ModulemdDependencies *deps,
-                    const char           *name)
-  Pool *pool = repo->pool;
-  Solvable *solvable = pool_id2solvable (pool, repo_add_solvable(repo));
-  solvable->name = pool_str2id (pool, name, 1);
-  solvable->evr = ID_EMPTY;
-  solvable->arch = ARCH_SRC;
-  Id requires = parse_module_requires (pool,
-                                       deps,
-                                       buildtime_modules_get,
-                                       buildtime_streams_get);
-  solvable_add_deparray (solvable, SOLVABLE_REQUIRES, requires, 0);
-const module_func_t runtime_modules_get =
-  modulemd_dependencies_get_runtime_modules_as_strv;
-const stream_func_t runtime_streams_get =
-  modulemd_dependencies_get_runtime_streams_as_strv;
-static void
-add_module_dependencies (Pool      *pool,
-                         Solvable  *solvable,
-                         GPtrArray *deps)
-  Id requires = 0;
-  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < deps->len; i++)
-    {
-      ModulemdDependencies *dep = g_ptr_array_index (deps, i);
-      Id require = parse_module_requires (pool,
-                                          dep,
-                                          runtime_modules_get,
-                                          runtime_streams_get);
-      requires = dep_or_rel (pool, requires, require, REL_OR);
-    }
-  solvable_add_deparray (solvable, SOLVABLE_REQUIRES, requires, 0);
-static void
-add_artifacts_dependencies (Pool  *pool,
-                            Queue *sel,
-                            Id     sdep)
-  g_auto(Queue) rpms;
-  queue_init (&rpms);
-  selection_solvables (pool, sel, &rpms);
-  for (int i = 0; i < rpms.count; i++)
-    {
-      Solvable *s = pool_id2solvable (pool, rpms.elements[i]);
-      /* Req: module:$n:$s:$v:$c . $a */
-      solvable_add_deparray (s, SOLVABLE_REQUIRES, sdep, 0);
-      /* Prv: modular-package() */
-      Id modpkg = pool_str2id (pool, MODPKG_PROV, 1);
-      solvable_add_deparray (s, SOLVABLE_PROVIDES, modpkg, 0);
-    }
-static void
-add_module_rpm_artifacts (Pool                   *pool,
-                          ModulemdModuleStreamV2 *module,
-                          Id                      sdep)
-  g_auto(GStrv) rpm_artifacts = modulemd_module_stream_v2_get_rpm_artifacts_as_strv (module);
-  g_auto(Queue) sel;
-  queue_init (&sel);
-  for (GStrv artifact = rpm_artifacts; *artifact; artifact++)
-    {
-      const char *nevra = *artifact;
-      const char *evr_delimiter = NULL;
-      const char *rel_delimiter = NULL;
-      const char *arch_delimiter = NULL;
-      const char *end;
-      for (end = nevra; *end; ++end)
-        {
-          if (*end == '-')
-            {
-              evr_delimiter = rel_delimiter;
-              rel_delimiter = end;
-            }
-          else if (*end == '.')
-            arch_delimiter = end;
-        }
-      if (!evr_delimiter || evr_delimiter == nevra)
-        continue;
-      size_t name_len = evr_delimiter - nevra;
-      /* Strip "0:" epoch if present */
-      if (evr_delimiter[1] == '0' && evr_delimiter[2] == ':')
-        evr_delimiter += 2;
-      if (rel_delimiter - evr_delimiter <= 1 ||
-          !arch_delimiter || arch_delimiter <= rel_delimiter + 1 || arch_delimiter == end - 1)
-        continue;
-      Id nid, evrid, aid;
-      if (!(nid = pool_strn2id (pool, nevra, name_len, 0)))
-        continue;
-      evr_delimiter++;
-      if (!(evrid = pool_strn2id (pool, evr_delimiter, arch_delimiter - evr_delimiter, 0)))
-        continue;
-      arch_delimiter++;
-      if (!(aid = pool_strn2id (pool, arch_delimiter, end - arch_delimiter, 0)))
-        continue;
-      /* $n.$a = $evr */
-      Id rid = pool_rel2id (pool, nid, aid, REL_ARCH, 1);
-      rid = pool_rel2id (pool, rid, evrid, REL_EQ, 1);
-      queue_push2 (&sel, SOLVER_SOLVABLE_NAME | SOLVER_SETEVR | SOLVER_SETARCH, rid);
-    }
-  add_artifacts_dependencies (pool, &sel, sdep);
-/* TODO: implement usage of REPO_EXTEND_SOLVABLES, but modulemd doesn't store chksums */
-static void
-add_module_solvables (Repo                 *repo,
-                      ModulemdModuleStream *module)
-  Pool *pool = repo->pool;
-  const char *n = modulemd_module_stream_get_module_name (module);
-  g_autofree char *nprov = g_strdup_printf (TMPL_NPROV, n);
-  const char *s = modulemd_module_stream_get_stream_name (module);
-  g_autofree char *nsprov = g_strdup_printf (TMPL_NSPROV, n, s);
-  const uint64_t v = modulemd_module_stream_get_version (module);
-  g_autofree char *vs = g_strdup_printf ("%" G_GUINT64_FORMAT, v);
-  const char *c = modulemd_module_stream_get_context (module);
-  const char *a = modulemd_module_stream_v2_get_arch ((ModulemdModuleStreamV2 *) module);
-  if (!a)
-    a = "noarch";
-  GPtrArray *deps = modulemd_module_stream_v2_get_dependencies ((ModulemdModuleStreamV2 *) module);
-  /* If context is defined, then it's built artefact */
-  if (c)
-    {
-      Solvable *solvable = pool_id2solvable (pool, repo_add_solvable (repo));
-      g_autofree char *name = g_strdup_printf ("module:%s:%s:%s:%s", n, s, vs, c);
-      solvable->name = pool_str2id (pool, name, 1);
-      solvable->evr = ID_EMPTY;
-      solvable->arch = pool_str2id (pool, a, 1);
-      /* Prv: module:$n:$s:$v:$c . $a */
-      Id sdep = pool_rel2id (pool, solvable->name, solvable->arch, REL_ARCH, 1);
-      solvable_add_deparray (solvable, SOLVABLE_PROVIDES, sdep, 0);
-      /* Prv: module() */
-      solvable_add_deparray (solvable, SOLVABLE_PROVIDES,
-                             pool_str2id (pool, "module()", 1),
-                             0);
-      /* Prv: module($n) */
-      solvable_add_deparray (solvable, SOLVABLE_PROVIDES,
-                             pool_str2id (pool, nprov, 1),
-                             0);
-      /* Prv: module($n:$s) = $v */
-      solvable_add_deparray (solvable, SOLVABLE_PROVIDES,
-                             pool_rel2id (pool,
-                                          pool_str2id (pool, nsprov, 1),
-                                          pool_str2id (pool, vs, 1),
-                                          REL_EQ,
-                                          1),
-                             0);
-      /* Con: module($n) */
-      solvable_add_deparray (solvable, SOLVABLE_CONFLICTS,
-                             pool_str2id (pool, nprov, 1),
-                             0);
-      add_module_dependencies (pool, solvable, deps);
-      /* This is needed when running tests because add_module_rpm_artifacts
-       * relies on provides being created
-       */
-      pool_createwhatprovides (pool);
-      add_module_rpm_artifacts (pool, (ModulemdModuleStreamV2 *) module, sdep);
-    }
-  /* Add source packages */
-  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < deps->len; i++)
-    {
-      g_autofree char *name = g_strdup_printf ("module:%s:%s:%s:%u", n, s, vs, i);
-      ModulemdDependencies *req = g_ptr_array_index (deps, i);
-      add_source_package (repo, req, name);
-    }
-static void
-_repo_add_modulemd_streams (Repo       *repo,
-                            GPtrArray  *streams,
-                            const char *language,
-                            int         flags)
-  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < streams->len; i++)
-    add_module_solvables (repo, g_ptr_array_index (streams, i));
-  pool_createwhatprovides (repo->pool);
-static void
-_repo_add_modulemd_defaults (Repo             *repo,
-                             ModulemdDefaults *defaults)
-  Pool *pool = repo->pool;
-  const char *n = modulemd_defaults_get_module_name (defaults);
-  const char *s = modulemd_defaults_v1_get_default_stream ((ModulemdDefaultsV1 *)defaults, NULL);
-  g_autofree char *mprov = g_strdup_printf ("module(%s:%s)", n, s);
-  Id dep = pool_str2id (pool, mprov, 0);
-  if (!dep)
-    return;
-  Id *pp = pool_whatprovides_ptr (pool, dep);
-  for (; *pp; pp++)
-  {
-    Solvable *s = pool_id2solvable (pool, *pp);
-    solvable_add_deparray (s, SOLVABLE_PROVIDES,
-                           pool_str2id (pool, "module-default()", 1),
-                           0);
-  }
-static gboolean
-repo_add_modulemd (Repo        *repo,
-                   FILE        *fp,
-                   const char  *language,
-                   int          flags,
-                   GError     **error)
-  g_autoptr(GPtrArray) failures = NULL;
-  g_autoptr(ModulemdModuleIndex) index = modulemd_module_index_new ();
-  if (!modulemd_module_index_update_from_stream (index, fp, TRUE, &failures, error))
-    {
-      if (*error)
-        return FALSE;
-      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < failures->len; i++)
-        {
-          ModulemdSubdocumentInfo *info = g_ptr_array_index (failures, i);
-          const GError *e = modulemd_subdocument_info_get_gerror (info);
-          g_warning ("Failed reading from stream: %s", e->message);
-        }
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  /* Make sure we are working with the expected version of modulemd documents */
-  if (!modulemd_module_index_upgrade_streams (index, MD_MODULESTREAM_VERSION_TWO, error) ||
-      !modulemd_module_index_upgrade_defaults (index, MD_DEFAULTS_VERSION_ONE, error))
-    return FALSE;
-  g_auto(GStrv) modnames = modulemd_module_index_get_module_names_as_strv (index);
-  for (GStrv names = modnames; names && *names; names++)
-    {
-      ModulemdModule *mod = modulemd_module_index_get_module (index, *names);
-      GPtrArray *streams = modulemd_module_get_all_streams (mod);
-      _repo_add_modulemd_streams (repo, streams, language, flags);
-      ModulemdDefaults *defaults = modulemd_module_get_defaults (mod);
-      if (defaults)
-        _repo_add_modulemd_defaults (repo, defaults);
-    }
-  return TRUE;
-static Repo *
-create_test_repo (Pool        *pool,
-                  const char  *name,
-                  const char  *type,
-                  const char  *path,
-                  GError     **error)
-  FILE *fp = fopen (path, "r");
-  if (!fp)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error,
-                   "Could not open %s: %s",
-                   path, g_strerror (errno));
-      return NULL;
-    }
-  Repo *repo = repo_create (pool, name);
-  /* Open a file with module metadata and load the content to the repo */
-  if (g_strcmp0 (type, "modular") == 0)
-    {
-      if (!repo_add_modulemd (repo, fp, NULL, 0, error))
-        {
-          fclose (fp);
-          return NULL;
-        }
-    }
-  else
-    testcase_add_testtags (repo, fp, REPO_LOCALPOOL | REPO_EXTEND_SOLVABLES);
-  fclose (fp);
-  return repo;
-static const char *
-repomd_find (Repo                 *repo,
-             const char           *what,
-             const unsigned char **chksump,
-             Id                   *chksumtypep)
-  Pool *pool = repo->pool;
-  Dataiterator di;
-  dataiterator_init (&di, pool, repo, SOLVID_META, REPOSITORY_REPOMD_TYPE, what, SEARCH_STRING);
-  dataiterator_prepend_keyname (&di, REPOSITORY_REPOMD);
-  const char *filename = NULL;
-  *chksump = NULL;
-  *chksumtypep = 0;
-  if (dataiterator_step (&di))
-    {
-      dataiterator_setpos_parent (&di);
-      filename = pool_lookup_str (pool, SOLVID_POS, REPOSITORY_REPOMD_LOCATION);
-      *chksump = pool_lookup_bin_checksum (pool, SOLVID_POS, REPOSITORY_REPOMD_CHECKSUM, chksumtypep);
-    }
-  dataiterator_free (&di);
-  if (filename && !*chksumtypep)
-    {
-      g_warning ("No %s file checksum", what);
-      filename = NULL;
-    }
-  return filename;
-static gboolean
-checksum_matches (const char          *filepath,
-                  const unsigned char *chksum,
-                  Id                   chksum_type)
-  int ret = 0;
-  gsize len = 0;
-  Chksum *file_sum, *md_sum = NULL;
-  g_autoptr(GFile) file = g_file_new_for_path (filepath);
-  g_autoptr(GBytes) bytes = g_file_load_bytes (file, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-  gconstpointer bp = g_bytes_get_data (bytes, &len);
-  file_sum = solv_chksum_create (chksum_type);
-  solv_chksum_add (file_sum, bp, len);
-  md_sum = solv_chksum_create_from_bin (chksum_type, chksum);
-  ret = solv_chksum_cmp (file_sum, md_sum);
-  solv_chksum_free (file_sum, NULL);
-  solv_chksum_free (md_sum, NULL);
-  return ret == 1;
-static gboolean
-download_to_path (SoupSession  *session,
-                  const char   *url,
-                  const char   *path,
-                  GError      **error)
-  g_autoptr(SoupURI) parsed = soup_uri_new (url);
-  g_autoptr(GFile) file = g_file_new_for_path (path);
-  if (!SOUP_URI_VALID_FOR_HTTP (parsed))
-    {
-      /* Local file, so just copy to the cache */
-      g_autoptr(GFile) local = g_file_new_for_path (url);
-      return g_file_copy (local, file, G_FILE_COPY_OVERWRITE, NULL, NULL, NULL, error);
-    }
-  g_debug ("Downloading %s to %s", url, path);
-  g_autoptr(SoupMessage) msg = soup_message_new_from_uri ("GET", parsed);
-  g_autoptr(GInputStream) istream = soup_session_send (session, msg, NULL, error);
-  if (!SOUP_STATUS_IS_SUCCESSFUL (msg->status_code))
-    return FALSE;
-  g_autoptr(GFileOutputStream) ostream = g_file_replace (file,
-                                                         NULL,
-                                                         FALSE,
-                                                         G_FILE_CREATE_REPLACE_DESTINATION,
-                                                         NULL,
-                                                         error);
-  if (!ostream)
-    return FALSE;
-  if (g_output_stream_splice (G_OUTPUT_STREAM (ostream), istream, 0, NULL, error) == -1)
-    return FALSE;
-  return TRUE;
-static const char *
-download_repo_metadata (SoupSession *session,
-                        Repo        *repo,
-                        const char  *type,
-                        const char  *repo_url,
-                        const char  *cachedir)
-  Id chksumtype;
-  const char *fpath, *fname;
-  const unsigned char *chksum;
-  fname = repomd_find (repo, type, &chksum, &chksumtype);
-  if (!fname)
-    return NULL;
-  fpath = pool_tmpjoin (repo->pool, cachedir, "/", fname);
-  if (!g_file_test (fpath, G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR) ||
-      !checksum_matches (fpath, chksum, chksumtype))
-    {
-      g_autoptr(GError) error = NULL;
-      const char *furl = pool_tmpjoin (repo->pool, repo_url, "/", fname);
-      if (!download_to_path (session, furl, fpath, &error))
-        {
-          g_warning ("Could not download %s: %s", furl, error->message);
-          return NULL;
-        }
-    }
-  return fpath;
-static int
-filelist_loadcb (Pool     *pool,
-                 Repodata *data,
-                 void     *cdata)
-  FILE *fp;
-  const char *path, *type, *fname;
-  Repo *repo = data->repo;
-  SoupSession *session = (SoupSession *) cdata;
-  type = repodata_lookup_str (data, SOLVID_META, REPOSITORY_REPOMD_TYPE);
-  if (g_strcmp0 (type, "filelists") != 0)
-    return 0;
-  path = repodata_lookup_str (data, SOLVID_META, REPOSITORY_REPOMD_LOCATION);
-  if (!path)
-    return 0;
-  g_autofree gchar *cachedir = g_build_filename (g_get_user_cache_dir (),
-                                                 "fus", repo->name, NULL);
-  fname = download_repo_metadata (session, repo, type, path, cachedir);
-  fp = solv_xfopen (fname, 0);
-  if (!fp)
-    {
-      g_warning ("Could not open filelists %s: %s", fname, g_strerror (errno));
-      return 0;
-    }
-  fclose (fp);
-  return 1;
-static Repo *
-create_repo (Pool         *pool,
-             SoupSession  *session,
-             const char   *name,
-             const char   *path,
-             GError      **error)
-  FILE *fp;
-  Id chksumtype;
-  const unsigned char *chksum;
-  const char *fname, *url, *destdir;
-  g_autofree gchar *cachedir = g_build_filename (g_get_user_cache_dir (),
-                                                 "fus", name, NULL);
-  destdir = pool_tmpjoin (pool, cachedir, "/", "repodata");
-  if (g_mkdir_with_parents (destdir, 0700) == -1)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error,
-                   "Could not create cache dir %s: %s",
-                   destdir, g_strerror (errno));
-      return NULL;
-    }
-  /* We can't use `download_repo_metadata` for repomd.xml because it's a
-   * special case: it's always downloaded if the path provided is a repo URL.
-   */
-  url = pool_tmpjoin (pool, path, "/", "repodata/repomd.xml");
-  fname = pool_tmpjoin (pool, destdir, "/", "repomd.xml");
-  if (!download_to_path (session, url, fname, error))
-    return NULL;
-  fp = solv_xfopen (fname, "r");
-  if (!fp)
-    {
-      g_set_error (error,
-                   "Could not open repomd.xml for %s: %s",
-                   path, g_strerror (errno));
-      return NULL;
-    }
-  Repo *repo = repo_create (pool, name);
-  repo_add_repomdxml (repo, fp, 0);
-  fclose (fp);
-  fname = download_repo_metadata (session, repo, "primary", path, cachedir);
-  fp = solv_xfopen (fname, "r");
-  if (fp != NULL)
-    {
-      repo_add_rpmmd (repo, fp, NULL, 0);
-      fclose (fp);
-    }
-  fname = download_repo_metadata (session, repo, "group_gz", path, cachedir);
-  if (!fname)
-    fname = download_repo_metadata (session, repo, "group", path, cachedir);
-  fp = solv_xfopen (fname, "r");
-  if (fp != NULL)
-    {
-      repo_add_comps (repo, fp, 0);
-      fclose (fp);
-    }
-  /* filelists metadata will only be downloaded if/when needed */
-  fname = repomd_find (repo, "filelists", &chksum, &chksumtype);
-  if (fname)
-    {
-      Repodata *data = repo_add_repodata (repo, 0);
-      repodata_extend_block (data, repo->start, repo->end - repo->start);
-      Id handle = repodata_new_handle (data);
-      repodata_set_poolstr (data, handle, REPOSITORY_REPOMD_TYPE, "filelists");
-      repodata_set_str (data, handle, REPOSITORY_REPOMD_LOCATION, path);
-      repodata_set_bin_checksum (data, handle, REPOSITORY_REPOMD_CHECKSUM, chksumtype, chksum);
-      repodata_add_idarray (data, handle, REPOSITORY_KEYS, SOLVABLE_FILELIST);
-      repodata_add_idarray (data, handle, REPOSITORY_KEYS, REPOKEY_TYPE_DIRSTRARRAY);
-      repodata_add_flexarray (data, SOLVID_META, REPOSITORY_EXTERNAL, handle);
-      repodata_internalize (data);
-      repodata_create_stubs (repo_last_repodata (repo));
-    }
-  pool_createwhatprovides (pool);
-  fname = download_repo_metadata (session, repo, "modules", path, cachedir);
-  fp = solv_xfopen (fname, "r");
-  if (fp != NULL)
-    {
-      g_autoptr(GError) e = NULL;
-      if (!repo_add_modulemd (repo, fp, NULL, REPO_LOCALPOOL | REPO_EXTEND_SOLVABLES, &e))
-        g_warning ("Could not add modules from repo %s: %s", name, e->message);
-      fclose (fp);
-    }
-  pool_createwhatprovides (pool);
-  return repo;
 static Solver *
 solve (Pool *pool, Queue *jobs)
@@ -895,23 +227,6 @@ apply_excludes (Pool       *pool,
   return excludes;
-static void
-add_platform_module (const char *platform,
-                     const char *arch,
-                     Repo       *system)
-  g_autoptr(ModulemdModuleStream) module =
-    modulemd_module_stream_new (MD_MODULESTREAM_VERSION_TWO, "platform", platform);
-  modulemd_module_stream_set_version (module, 0);
-  modulemd_module_stream_set_context (module, "00000000");
-  modulemd_module_stream_v2_set_arch ((ModulemdModuleStreamV2 *) module, arch);
-  add_module_solvables (system, module);
-  g_autoptr(ModulemdDefaultsV1) defaults = modulemd_defaults_v1_new ("platform");
-  modulemd_defaults_v1_set_default_stream (defaults, platform, NULL);
-  _repo_add_modulemd_defaults (system, (ModulemdDefaults *)defaults);
 static Map
 precompute_modular_packages (Pool *pool)
@@ -1381,12 +696,8 @@ fus_depsolve (const char *arch,
   pool_setarch (pool, arch);
-  Repo *system = repo_create (pool, "@system");
+  Repo *system = create_system_repo (pool, platform, arch);
   pool_set_installed (pool, system);
-  if (platform)
-    {
-      add_platform_module (platform, arch, system);
-    }
   g_autoptr(GHashTable) lookaside_repos = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, NULL);
   g_hash_table_add (lookaside_repos, system);
diff --git a/fus.h b/fus.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6177cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fus.h
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <libsoup/soup.h>
+#include <solv/pool.h>
+#include <solv/repo.h>
+#include <solv/selection.h>
+#include <solv/solver.h>
+#include <solv/transaction.h>
+#define TMPL_NPROV "module(%s)"
+#define TMPL_NSPROV "module(%s:%s)"
+#define MODPKG_PROV "modular-package()"
+G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC(Solver, solver_free);
+G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC(Transaction, transaction_free);
+Repo *create_repo (Pool *pool, SoupSession *session, const char *name, const char *path, GError **error);
+Repo *create_test_repo (Pool *pool, const char *name, const char *type, const char *path, GError **error);
+Repo *create_system_repo (Pool *pool, const char *platform, const char *arch);
+int filelist_loadcb (Pool *pool, Repodata *data, void *cdata);
+GPtrArray *fus_depsolve (const char *arch, const char *platform, const GStrv exclude_packages, const GStrv repos, const GStrv solvables, GError **error);
diff --git a/main.c b/main.c
index 5dde8b2..119110c 100644
--- a/main.c
+++ b/main.c
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
+#include "fus.h"
 #include <locale.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <sys/utsname.h>
 #include <glib.h>
-extern GPtrArray *fus_depsolve(const char *, const char *, const GStrv, const GStrv, const GStrv, GError **);
 static inline void
 print_package (void *package, gpointer user_data)
diff --git a/ b/
index 60a2fbb..5b07bfc 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -8,8 +8,10 @@ dep_modulemd = dependency('modulemd-2.0', version : '>= 2.0')
 dep_libsoup = dependency('libsoup-2.4', version: '>= 2.4')
 add_project_arguments('-DG_LOG_DOMAIN="fus"', language : 'c')
-exe_main = executable('fus', 'fus.c', 'main.c', dependencies : [dep_glib, dep_gio, dep_libsolv, dep_libsolvext, dep_modulemd, dep_libsoup], install : true)
-exe_test = executable('tests', 'fus.c', 'tests.c',
+exe_main = executable('fus', 'repo.c', 'fus.c', 'main.c',
+    dependencies : [dep_glib, dep_gio, dep_libsolv, dep_libsolvext, dep_modulemd, dep_libsoup],
+    install : true)
+exe_test = executable('tests', 'repo.c', 'fus.c', 'tests.c',
     dependencies : [dep_glib, dep_gio, dep_libsolv, dep_libsolvext, dep_modulemd, dep_libsoup],
     install : false,
     c_args : '-DFUS_TESTING')
diff --git a/repo.c b/repo.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4775ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/repo.c
@@ -0,0 +1,683 @@
+#include "fus.h"
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <modulemd.h>
+#include <solv/chksum.h>
+#include <solv/repo_comps.h>
+#include <solv/repo_repomdxml.h>
+#include <solv/repo_rpmmd.h>
+#include <solv/repo_write.h>
+#include <solv/solv_xfopen.h>
+#include <solv/testcase.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+static inline Id
+dep_or_rel (Pool *pool, Id dep, Id rel, Id op)
+  return dep ? pool_rel2id (pool, dep, rel, op, 1) : rel;
+static Id
+parse_module_stream_requires (Pool       *pool,
+                              const char *module,
+                              GStrv       streams)
+  Id req_neg = 0, req_pos = 0;
+  for (GStrv ss = streams; *ss; ss++)
+    {
+      const char *s = *ss;
+      Id *r;
+      if (s[0] == '-')
+        {
+          r = &req_neg;
+          s++;
+        }
+      else
+        r = &req_pos;
+      g_autofree char *nsprov = g_strdup_printf (TMPL_NSPROV, module, s);
+      *r = dep_or_rel (pool, *r, pool_str2id (pool, nsprov, 1), REL_OR);
+    }
+  g_autofree char *nprov = g_strdup_printf (TMPL_NPROV, module);
+  Id req = pool_str2id (pool, nprov, 1);
+  if (req_pos)
+    req = dep_or_rel (pool, req, req_pos, REL_WITH);
+  else if (req_neg)
+    req = dep_or_rel (pool, req, req_neg, REL_WITHOUT);
+  return req;
+typedef GStrv (*module_func_t)(ModulemdDependencies *);
+typedef GStrv (*stream_func_t)(ModulemdDependencies *, const char *);
+static Id
+parse_module_requires (Pool                 *pool,
+                       ModulemdDependencies *deps,
+                       module_func_t         modules_get,
+                       stream_func_t         streams_get)
+  Id require = 0;
+  g_auto(GStrv) namesv = modules_get (deps);
+  for (GStrv n = namesv; n && *n; n++)
+    {
+      g_auto(GStrv) reqv = streams_get (deps, *n);
+      Id r = parse_module_stream_requires (pool, *n, reqv);
+      require = dep_or_rel (pool, require, r, REL_AND);
+    }
+  return require;
+const module_func_t buildtime_modules_get =
+  modulemd_dependencies_get_buildtime_modules_as_strv;
+const stream_func_t buildtime_streams_get =
+  modulemd_dependencies_get_buildtime_streams_as_strv;
+static void
+add_source_package (Repo                 *repo,
+                    ModulemdDependencies *deps,
+                    const char           *name)
+  Pool *pool = repo->pool;
+  Solvable *solvable = pool_id2solvable (pool, repo_add_solvable(repo));
+  solvable->name = pool_str2id (pool, name, 1);
+  solvable->evr = ID_EMPTY;
+  solvable->arch = ARCH_SRC;
+  Id requires = parse_module_requires (pool,
+                                       deps,
+                                       buildtime_modules_get,
+                                       buildtime_streams_get);
+  solvable_add_deparray (solvable, SOLVABLE_REQUIRES, requires, 0);
+const module_func_t runtime_modules_get =
+  modulemd_dependencies_get_runtime_modules_as_strv;
+const stream_func_t runtime_streams_get =
+  modulemd_dependencies_get_runtime_streams_as_strv;
+static void
+add_module_dependencies (Pool      *pool,
+                         Solvable  *solvable,
+                         GPtrArray *deps)
+  Id requires = 0;
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < deps->len; i++)
+    {
+      ModulemdDependencies *dep = g_ptr_array_index (deps, i);
+      Id require = parse_module_requires (pool,
+                                          dep,
+                                          runtime_modules_get,
+                                          runtime_streams_get);
+      requires = dep_or_rel (pool, requires, require, REL_OR);
+    }
+  solvable_add_deparray (solvable, SOLVABLE_REQUIRES, requires, 0);
+static void
+add_artifacts_dependencies (Pool  *pool,
+                            Queue *sel,
+                            Id     sdep)
+  g_auto(Queue) rpms;
+  queue_init (&rpms);
+  selection_solvables (pool, sel, &rpms);
+  for (int i = 0; i < rpms.count; i++)
+    {
+      Solvable *s = pool_id2solvable (pool, rpms.elements[i]);
+      /* Req: module:$n:$s:$v:$c . $a */
+      solvable_add_deparray (s, SOLVABLE_REQUIRES, sdep, 0);
+      /* Prv: modular-package() */
+      Id modpkg = pool_str2id (pool, MODPKG_PROV, 1);
+      solvable_add_deparray (s, SOLVABLE_PROVIDES, modpkg, 0);
+    }
+static void
+add_module_rpm_artifacts (Pool                   *pool,
+                          ModulemdModuleStreamV2 *module,
+                          Id                      sdep)
+  g_auto(GStrv) rpm_artifacts = modulemd_module_stream_v2_get_rpm_artifacts_as_strv (module);
+  g_auto(Queue) sel;
+  queue_init (&sel);
+  for (GStrv artifact = rpm_artifacts; *artifact; artifact++)
+    {
+      const char *nevra = *artifact;
+      const char *evr_delimiter = NULL;
+      const char *rel_delimiter = NULL;
+      const char *arch_delimiter = NULL;
+      const char *end;
+      for (end = nevra; *end; ++end)
+        {
+          if (*end == '-')
+            {
+              evr_delimiter = rel_delimiter;
+              rel_delimiter = end;
+            }
+          else if (*end == '.')
+            arch_delimiter = end;
+        }
+      if (!evr_delimiter || evr_delimiter == nevra)
+        continue;
+      size_t name_len = evr_delimiter - nevra;
+      /* Strip "0:" epoch if present */
+      if (evr_delimiter[1] == '0' && evr_delimiter[2] == ':')
+        evr_delimiter += 2;
+      if (rel_delimiter - evr_delimiter <= 1 ||
+          !arch_delimiter || arch_delimiter <= rel_delimiter + 1 || arch_delimiter == end - 1)
+        continue;
+      Id nid, evrid, aid;
+      if (!(nid = pool_strn2id (pool, nevra, name_len, 0)))
+        continue;
+      evr_delimiter++;
+      if (!(evrid = pool_strn2id (pool, evr_delimiter, arch_delimiter - evr_delimiter, 0)))
+        continue;
+      arch_delimiter++;
+      if (!(aid = pool_strn2id (pool, arch_delimiter, end - arch_delimiter, 0)))
+        continue;
+      /* $n.$a = $evr */
+      Id rid = pool_rel2id (pool, nid, aid, REL_ARCH, 1);
+      rid = pool_rel2id (pool, rid, evrid, REL_EQ, 1);
+      queue_push2 (&sel, SOLVER_SOLVABLE_NAME | SOLVER_SETEVR | SOLVER_SETARCH, rid);
+    }
+  add_artifacts_dependencies (pool, &sel, sdep);
+/* TODO: implement usage of REPO_EXTEND_SOLVABLES, but modulemd doesn't store chksums */
+static void
+add_module_solvables (Repo                 *repo,
+                      ModulemdModuleStream *module)
+  Pool *pool = repo->pool;
+  const char *n = modulemd_module_stream_get_module_name (module);
+  g_autofree char *nprov = g_strdup_printf (TMPL_NPROV, n);
+  const char *s = modulemd_module_stream_get_stream_name (module);
+  g_autofree char *nsprov = g_strdup_printf (TMPL_NSPROV, n, s);
+  const uint64_t v = modulemd_module_stream_get_version (module);
+  g_autofree char *vs = g_strdup_printf ("%" G_GUINT64_FORMAT, v);
+  const char *c = modulemd_module_stream_get_context (module);
+  const char *a = modulemd_module_stream_v2_get_arch ((ModulemdModuleStreamV2 *) module);
+  if (!a)
+    a = "noarch";
+  GPtrArray *deps = modulemd_module_stream_v2_get_dependencies ((ModulemdModuleStreamV2 *) module);
+  /* If context is defined, then it's built artefact */
+  if (c)
+    {
+      Solvable *solvable = pool_id2solvable (pool, repo_add_solvable (repo));
+      g_autofree char *name = g_strdup_printf ("module:%s:%s:%s:%s", n, s, vs, c);
+      solvable->name = pool_str2id (pool, name, 1);
+      solvable->evr = ID_EMPTY;
+      solvable->arch = pool_str2id (pool, a, 1);
+      /* Prv: module:$n:$s:$v:$c . $a */
+      Id sdep = pool_rel2id (pool, solvable->name, solvable->arch, REL_ARCH, 1);
+      solvable_add_deparray (solvable, SOLVABLE_PROVIDES, sdep, 0);
+      /* Prv: module() */
+      solvable_add_deparray (solvable, SOLVABLE_PROVIDES,
+                             pool_str2id (pool, "module()", 1),
+                             0);
+      /* Prv: module($n) */
+      solvable_add_deparray (solvable, SOLVABLE_PROVIDES,
+                             pool_str2id (pool, nprov, 1),
+                             0);
+      /* Prv: module($n:$s) = $v */
+      solvable_add_deparray (solvable, SOLVABLE_PROVIDES,
+                             pool_rel2id (pool,
+                                          pool_str2id (pool, nsprov, 1),
+                                          pool_str2id (pool, vs, 1),
+                                          REL_EQ,
+                                          1),
+                             0);
+      /* Con: module($n) */
+      solvable_add_deparray (solvable, SOLVABLE_CONFLICTS,
+                             pool_str2id (pool, nprov, 1),
+                             0);
+      add_module_dependencies (pool, solvable, deps);
+      /* This is needed when running tests because add_module_rpm_artifacts
+       * relies on provides being created
+       */
+      pool_createwhatprovides (pool);
+      add_module_rpm_artifacts (pool, (ModulemdModuleStreamV2 *) module, sdep);
+    }
+  /* Add source packages */
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < deps->len; i++)
+    {
+      g_autofree char *name = g_strdup_printf ("module:%s:%s:%s:%u", n, s, vs, i);
+      ModulemdDependencies *req = g_ptr_array_index (deps, i);
+      add_source_package (repo, req, name);
+    }
+static void
+_repo_add_modulemd_streams (Repo       *repo,
+                            GPtrArray  *streams,
+                            const char *language,
+                            int         flags)
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < streams->len; i++)
+    add_module_solvables (repo, g_ptr_array_index (streams, i));
+  pool_createwhatprovides (repo->pool);
+static void
+_repo_add_modulemd_defaults (Repo             *repo,
+                             ModulemdDefaults *defaults)
+  Pool *pool = repo->pool;
+  const char *n = modulemd_defaults_get_module_name (defaults);
+  const char *s = modulemd_defaults_v1_get_default_stream ((ModulemdDefaultsV1 *)defaults, NULL);
+  g_autofree char *mprov = g_strdup_printf ("module(%s:%s)", n, s);
+  Id dep = pool_str2id (pool, mprov, 0);
+  if (!dep)
+    return;
+  Id *pp = pool_whatprovides_ptr (pool, dep);
+  for (; *pp; pp++)
+  {
+    Solvable *s = pool_id2solvable (pool, *pp);
+    solvable_add_deparray (s, SOLVABLE_PROVIDES,
+                           pool_str2id (pool, "module-default()", 1),
+                           0);
+  }
+static gboolean
+repo_add_modulemd (Repo        *repo,
+                   FILE        *fp,
+                   const char  *language,
+                   int          flags,
+                   GError     **error)
+  g_autoptr(GPtrArray) failures = NULL;
+  g_autoptr(ModulemdModuleIndex) index = modulemd_module_index_new ();
+  if (!modulemd_module_index_update_from_stream (index, fp, TRUE, &failures, error))
+    {
+      if (*error)
+        return FALSE;
+      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < failures->len; i++)
+        {
+          ModulemdSubdocumentInfo *info = g_ptr_array_index (failures, i);
+          const GError *e = modulemd_subdocument_info_get_gerror (info);
+          g_warning ("Failed reading from stream: %s", e->message);
+        }
+      return FALSE;
+    }
+  /* Make sure we are working with the expected version of modulemd documents */
+  if (!modulemd_module_index_upgrade_streams (index, MD_MODULESTREAM_VERSION_TWO, error) ||
+      !modulemd_module_index_upgrade_defaults (index, MD_DEFAULTS_VERSION_ONE, error))
+    return FALSE;
+  g_auto(GStrv) modnames = modulemd_module_index_get_module_names_as_strv (index);
+  for (GStrv names = modnames; names && *names; names++)
+    {
+      ModulemdModule *mod = modulemd_module_index_get_module (index, *names);
+      GPtrArray *streams = modulemd_module_get_all_streams (mod);
+      _repo_add_modulemd_streams (repo, streams, language, flags);
+      ModulemdDefaults *defaults = modulemd_module_get_defaults (mod);
+      if (defaults)
+        _repo_add_modulemd_defaults (repo, defaults);
+    }
+  return TRUE;
+Repo *
+create_test_repo (Pool        *pool,
+                  const char  *name,
+                  const char  *type,
+                  const char  *path,
+                  GError     **error)
+  FILE *fp = fopen (path, "r");
+  if (!fp)
+    {
+      g_set_error (error,
+                   "Could not open %s: %s",
+                   path, g_strerror (errno));
+      return NULL;
+    }
+  Repo *repo = repo_create (pool, name);
+  /* Open a file with module metadata and load the content to the repo */
+  if (g_strcmp0 (type, "modular") == 0)
+    {
+      if (!repo_add_modulemd (repo, fp, NULL, 0, error))
+        {
+          fclose (fp);
+          return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+  else
+    testcase_add_testtags (repo, fp, REPO_LOCALPOOL | REPO_EXTEND_SOLVABLES);
+  fclose (fp);
+  return repo;
+static const char *
+repomd_find (Repo                 *repo,
+             const char           *what,
+             const unsigned char **chksump,
+             Id                   *chksumtypep)
+  Pool *pool = repo->pool;
+  Dataiterator di;
+  dataiterator_init (&di, pool, repo, SOLVID_META, REPOSITORY_REPOMD_TYPE, what, SEARCH_STRING);
+  dataiterator_prepend_keyname (&di, REPOSITORY_REPOMD);
+  const char *filename = NULL;
+  *chksump = NULL;
+  *chksumtypep = 0;
+  if (dataiterator_step (&di))
+    {
+      dataiterator_setpos_parent (&di);
+      filename = pool_lookup_str (pool, SOLVID_POS, REPOSITORY_REPOMD_LOCATION);
+      *chksump = pool_lookup_bin_checksum (pool, SOLVID_POS, REPOSITORY_REPOMD_CHECKSUM, chksumtypep);
+    }
+  dataiterator_free (&di);
+  if (filename && !*chksumtypep)
+    {
+      g_warning ("No %s file checksum", what);
+      filename = NULL;
+    }
+  return filename;
+static gboolean
+checksum_matches (const char          *filepath,
+                  const unsigned char *chksum,
+                  Id                   chksum_type)
+  int ret = 0;
+  gsize len = 0;
+  Chksum *file_sum, *md_sum = NULL;
+  g_autoptr(GFile) file = g_file_new_for_path (filepath);
+  g_autoptr(GBytes) bytes = g_file_load_bytes (file, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+  gconstpointer bp = g_bytes_get_data (bytes, &len);
+  file_sum = solv_chksum_create (chksum_type);
+  solv_chksum_add (file_sum, bp, len);
+  md_sum = solv_chksum_create_from_bin (chksum_type, chksum);
+  ret = solv_chksum_cmp (file_sum, md_sum);
+  solv_chksum_free (file_sum, NULL);
+  solv_chksum_free (md_sum, NULL);
+  return ret == 1;
+static gboolean
+download_to_path (SoupSession  *session,
+                  const char   *url,
+                  const char   *path,
+                  GError      **error)
+  g_autoptr(SoupURI) parsed = soup_uri_new (url);
+  g_autoptr(GFile) file = g_file_new_for_path (path);
+  if (!SOUP_URI_VALID_FOR_HTTP (parsed))
+    {
+      g_autoptr(GFile) local = g_file_new_for_path (url);
+      return g_file_copy (local, file, G_FILE_COPY_OVERWRITE, NULL, NULL, NULL, error);
+    }
+  g_debug ("Downloading %s to %s", url, path);
+  g_autoptr(SoupMessage) msg = soup_message_new_from_uri ("GET", parsed);
+  g_autoptr(GInputStream) istream = soup_session_send (session, msg, NULL, error);
+  if (!SOUP_STATUS_IS_SUCCESSFUL (msg->status_code))
+    return FALSE;
+  g_autoptr(GFileOutputStream) ostream = g_file_replace (file,
+                                                         NULL,
+                                                         FALSE,
+                                                         G_FILE_CREATE_REPLACE_DESTINATION,
+                                                         NULL,
+                                                         error);
+  if (!ostream)
+    return FALSE;
+  if (g_output_stream_splice (G_OUTPUT_STREAM (ostream), istream, 0, NULL, error) == -1)
+    return FALSE;
+  return TRUE;
+static const char *
+download_repo_metadata (SoupSession *session,
+                        Repo        *repo,
+                        const char  *type,
+                        const char  *repo_url,
+                        const char  *cachedir)
+  Id chksumtype;
+  const char *fpath, *fname;
+  const unsigned char *chksum;
+  fname = repomd_find (repo, type, &chksum, &chksumtype);
+  if (!fname)
+    return NULL;
+  fpath = pool_tmpjoin (repo->pool, cachedir, "/", fname);
+  if (!g_file_test (fpath, G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR) ||
+      !checksum_matches (fpath, chksum, chksumtype))
+    {
+      g_autoptr(GError) error = NULL;
+      const char *furl = pool_tmpjoin (repo->pool, repo_url, "/", fname);
+      if (!download_to_path (session, furl, fpath, &error))
+        {
+          g_warning ("Could not download %s: %s", furl, error->message);
+          return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+  return fpath;
+filelist_loadcb (Pool     *pool,
+                 Repodata *data,
+                 void     *cdata)
+  FILE *fp;
+  const char *path, *type, *fname;
+  Repo *repo = data->repo;
+  SoupSession *session = (SoupSession *) cdata;
+  type = repodata_lookup_str (data, SOLVID_META, REPOSITORY_REPOMD_TYPE);
+  if (g_strcmp0 (type, "filelists") != 0)
+    return 0;
+  path = repodata_lookup_str (data, SOLVID_META, REPOSITORY_REPOMD_LOCATION);
+  if (!path)
+    return 0;
+  g_autofree gchar *cachedir = g_build_filename (g_get_user_cache_dir (),
+                                                 "fus", repo->name, NULL);
+  fname = download_repo_metadata (session, repo, type, path, cachedir);
+  fp = solv_xfopen (fname, 0);
+  if (!fp)
+    {
+      g_warning ("Could not open filelists %s: %s", fname, g_strerror (errno));
+      return 0;
+    }
+  fclose (fp);
+  return 1;
+Repo *
+create_repo (Pool         *pool,
+             SoupSession  *session,
+             const char   *name,
+             const char   *path,
+             GError      **error)
+  FILE *fp;
+  Id chksumtype;
+  const unsigned char *chksum;
+  const char *fname, *url, *destdir;
+  g_autofree gchar *cachedir = g_build_filename (g_get_user_cache_dir (),
+                                                 "fus", name, NULL);
+  destdir = pool_tmpjoin (pool, cachedir, "/", "repodata");
+  if (g_mkdir_with_parents (destdir, 0700) == -1)
+    {
+      g_set_error (error,
+                   "Could not create cache dir %s: %s",
+                   destdir, g_strerror (errno));
+      return NULL;
+    }
+  /* We can't use `download_repo_metadata` for repomd.xml because it's a
+   * special case: it's always downloaded if the path provided is a repo URL.
+   */
+  url = pool_tmpjoin (pool, path, "/", "repodata/repomd.xml");
+  fname = pool_tmpjoin (pool, destdir, "/", "repomd.xml");
+  if (!download_to_path (session, url, fname, error))
+    return NULL;
+  fp = solv_xfopen (fname, "r");
+  if (!fp)
+    {
+      g_set_error (error,
+                   "Could not open repomd.xml for %s: %s",
+                   path, g_strerror (errno));
+      return NULL;
+    }
+  Repo *repo = repo_create (pool, name);
+  repo_add_repomdxml (repo, fp, 0);
+  fclose (fp);
+  fname = download_repo_metadata (session, repo, "primary", path, cachedir);
+  fp = solv_xfopen (fname, "r");
+  if (fp != NULL)
+    {
+      repo_add_rpmmd (repo, fp, NULL, 0);
+      fclose (fp);
+    }
+  fname = download_repo_metadata (session, repo, "group_gz", path, cachedir);
+  if (!fname)
+    fname = download_repo_metadata (session, repo, "group", path, cachedir);
+  fp = solv_xfopen (fname, "r");
+  if (fp != NULL)
+    {
+      repo_add_comps (repo, fp, 0);
+      fclose (fp);
+    }
+  /* filelists metadata will only be downloaded if/when needed */
+  fname = repomd_find (repo, "filelists", &chksum, &chksumtype);
+  if (fname)
+    {
+      Repodata *data = repo_add_repodata (repo, 0);
+      repodata_extend_block (data, repo->start, repo->end - repo->start);
+      Id handle = repodata_new_handle (data);
+      repodata_set_poolstr (data, handle, REPOSITORY_REPOMD_TYPE, "filelists");
+      repodata_set_str (data, handle, REPOSITORY_REPOMD_LOCATION, path);
+      repodata_set_bin_checksum (data, handle, REPOSITORY_REPOMD_CHECKSUM, chksumtype, chksum);
+      repodata_add_idarray (data, handle, REPOSITORY_KEYS, SOLVABLE_FILELIST);
+      repodata_add_idarray (data, handle, REPOSITORY_KEYS, REPOKEY_TYPE_DIRSTRARRAY);
+      repodata_add_flexarray (data, SOLVID_META, REPOSITORY_EXTERNAL, handle);
+      repodata_internalize (data);
+      repodata_create_stubs (repo_last_repodata (repo));
+    }
+  pool_createwhatprovides (pool);
+  fname = download_repo_metadata (session, repo, "modules", path, cachedir);
+  fp = solv_xfopen (fname, "r");
+  if (fp != NULL)
+    {
+      g_autoptr(GError) e = NULL;
+      if (!repo_add_modulemd (repo, fp, NULL, REPO_LOCALPOOL | REPO_EXTEND_SOLVABLES, &e))
+        g_warning ("Could not add modules from repo %s: %s", name, e->message);
+      fclose (fp);
+    }
+  pool_createwhatprovides (pool);
+  return repo;
+#endif /* FUS_TESTING */
+static void
+add_platform_module (const char *platform,
+                     const char *arch,
+                     Repo       *system)
+  g_autoptr(ModulemdModuleStream) module =
+    modulemd_module_stream_new (MD_MODULESTREAM_VERSION_TWO, "platform", platform);
+  modulemd_module_stream_set_version (module, 0);
+  modulemd_module_stream_set_context (module, "00000000");
+  modulemd_module_stream_v2_set_arch ((ModulemdModuleStreamV2 *) module, arch);
+  add_module_solvables (system, module);
+  g_autoptr(ModulemdDefaultsV1) defaults = modulemd_defaults_v1_new ("platform");
+  modulemd_defaults_v1_set_default_stream (defaults, platform, NULL);
+  _repo_add_modulemd_defaults (system, (ModulemdDefaults *)defaults);
+Repo *
+create_system_repo (Pool *pool, const char *platform, const char *arch)
+  Repo *system = repo_create (pool, "@system");
+  if (platform)
+    add_platform_module (platform, arch, system);
+  return system;

From 234eff16748d8dee6d275828f6752a60854c5bc9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Rafael Fonseca <>
Date: Fri, 24 May 2019 00:05:41 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 2/4] Refactor: move cachedir definition to a function

Signed-off-by: Rafael Fonseca <>
 repo.c | 12 ++++++++----
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/repo.c b/repo.c
index e4775ab..f9892ae 100644
--- a/repo.c
+++ b/repo.c
@@ -522,6 +522,12 @@ download_repo_metadata (SoupSession *session,
   return fpath;
+static inline gchar *
+get_repo_cachedir (const char *name)
+  return g_build_filename (g_get_user_cache_dir (), "fus", name, NULL);
 filelist_loadcb (Pool     *pool,
                  Repodata *data,
@@ -540,8 +546,7 @@ filelist_loadcb (Pool     *pool,
   if (!path)
     return 0;
-  g_autofree gchar *cachedir = g_build_filename (g_get_user_cache_dir (),
-                                                 "fus", repo->name, NULL);
+  g_autofree gchar *cachedir = get_repo_cachedir (repo->name);
   fname = download_repo_metadata (session, repo, type, path, cachedir);
   fp = solv_xfopen (fname, 0);
@@ -568,8 +573,7 @@ create_repo (Pool         *pool,
   const unsigned char *chksum;
   const char *fname, *url, *destdir;
-  g_autofree gchar *cachedir = g_build_filename (g_get_user_cache_dir (),
-                                                 "fus", name, NULL);
+  g_autofree gchar *cachedir = get_repo_cachedir (name);
   destdir = pool_tmpjoin (pool, cachedir, "/", "repodata");
   if (g_mkdir_with_parents (destdir, 0700) == -1)

From a638ad4b0ffe79665987261d2580ccf0c50eac70 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Rafael Fonseca <>
Date: Fri, 24 May 2019 21:57:17 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 3/4] Refactor: simplify checksum-related functions

Avoid doing unnecessary allocations and use memcmp directly to compare
the checksums

Signed-off-by: Rafael Fonseca <>
 repo.c | 28 +++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/repo.c b/repo.c
index f9892ae..b5f24ad 100644
--- a/repo.c
+++ b/repo.c
@@ -432,26 +432,24 @@ repomd_find (Repo                 *repo,
 static gboolean
 checksum_matches (const char          *filepath,
                   const unsigned char *chksum,
-                  Id                   chksum_type)
+                  Id                   chksumtype)
-  int ret = 0;
   gsize len = 0;
-  Chksum *file_sum, *md_sum = NULL;
-  g_autoptr(GFile) file = g_file_new_for_path (filepath);
-  g_autoptr(GBytes) bytes = g_file_load_bytes (file, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-  gconstpointer bp = g_bytes_get_data (bytes, &len);
-  file_sum = solv_chksum_create (chksum_type);
-  solv_chksum_add (file_sum, bp, len);
-  md_sum = solv_chksum_create_from_bin (chksum_type, chksum);
+  g_autofree gchar *contents = NULL;
+  if (!g_file_get_contents (filepath, &contents, &len, NULL))
+    return FALSE;
-  ret = solv_chksum_cmp (file_sum, md_sum);
+  Chksum *filechksum = solv_chksum_create (chksumtype);
+  if (!filechksum)
+    return FALSE;
+  solv_chksum_add (filechksum, contents, len);
-  solv_chksum_free (file_sum, NULL);
-  solv_chksum_free (md_sum, NULL);
+  int clen;
+  const unsigned char *binsum = solv_chksum_get (filechksum, &clen);
+  int ret = memcmp (chksum, binsum, clen);
+  solv_chksum_free (filechksum, NULL);
-  return ret == 1;
+  return ret == 0;
 static gboolean

From 3552c670bf6a864c98055d5f83e0422d0c45ac60 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Rafael Fonseca <>
Date: Fri, 24 May 2019 23:05:08 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 4/4] Use libsolv caches to speed things up

This can be specially helpful when doing multiple queries on the same
repo metadata.

Solves #65

Signed-off-by: Rafael Fonseca <>
 fus.c  |   7 +++
 repo.c | 155 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 2 files changed, 159 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/fus.c b/fus.c
index 930c8e1..cfaa56c 100644
--- a/fus.c
+++ b/fus.c
@@ -770,5 +770,12 @@ fus_depsolve (const char *arch,
       g_ptr_array_add (output, name);
+  /* We need to free the repomd checksum we saved in repo->appdata */
+  int id;
+  Repo *r;
+  FOR_REPOS(id, r)
+    if (r->appdata)
+      g_free (r->appdata);
   return output;
diff --git a/repo.c b/repo.c
index b5f24ad..b3f3ec4 100644
--- a/repo.c
+++ b/repo.c
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 #include <solv/repo_comps.h>
 #include <solv/repo_repomdxml.h>
 #include <solv/repo_rpmmd.h>
+#include <solv/repo_solv.h>
 #include <solv/repo_write.h>
 #include <solv/solv_xfopen.h>
 #include <solv/testcase.h>
@@ -429,6 +430,18 @@ repomd_find (Repo                 *repo,
   return filename;
+/* Returns checksum as a hexadecimal string which we can use as filename */
+static gchar *
+chksum_string_for_filepath (GChecksumType type, const char *filepath)
+  gsize len = 0;
+  g_autofree gchar *data = NULL;
+  if (!g_file_get_contents (filepath, &data, &len, NULL))
+    return NULL;
+  return g_compute_checksum_for_string (type, data, len);
 static gboolean
 checksum_matches (const char          *filepath,
                   const unsigned char *chksum,
@@ -520,6 +533,110 @@ download_repo_metadata (SoupSession *session,
   return fpath;
+static void
+switch_to_cached_repo (Repo        *repo,
+                       Repodata    *repodata,
+                       const char  *repoext,
+                       const char  *cachepath)
+  int i;
+  FILE *fp;
+  if (!repoext && repodata)
+    return;
+  for (i = repo->start; i < repo->end; i++)
+    if (repo->pool->solvables[i].repo != repo)
+      break;
+  if (i < repo->end)
+    return; /* not a simple block */
+  fp = g_fopen (cachepath, "rb");
+  if (!fp)
+    return;
+  /* main repo */
+  if (!repoext)
+    {
+      repo_empty (repo, 1);
+      if (repo_add_solv (repo, fp, SOLV_ADD_NO_STUBS))
+        {
+          g_warning ("Could not add solvables from cache file");
+          return;
+        }
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      /* make sure repodata contains complete repo */
+      /* (this is how repodata_write saves it) */
+      repodata_extend_block (repodata, repo->start, repo->end - repo->start);
+      repodata->state = REPODATA_LOADING;
+      repo_add_solv (repo, fp, flags);
+      repodata->state = REPODATA_AVAILABLE; /* in case the load failed */
+    }
+  fclose (fp);
+static gboolean
+write_repo_cache (Repo         *repo,
+                  Repodata     *repodata,
+                  const char   *repoext,
+                  const gchar  *cachename)
+  FILE *fp = g_fopen (cachename, "wb");
+  if (!fp)
+    {
+      g_warning ("Could not open cache file %s: %s", cachename, g_strerror (errno));
+      return FALSE;
+    }
+  if (!repodata)
+    repo_write (repo, fp); /* main repo */
+  else
+    repodata_write (repodata, fp);
+  if (fclose (fp))
+    {
+      g_warning ("Error when closing %s: %s", cachename, g_strerror (errno));
+      g_unlink (cachename);
+      return FALSE;
+    }
+  /* Switch to just saved repo to activate paging and save memory */
+  switch_to_cached_repo (repo, repodata, repoext, cachename);
+  return TRUE;
+static gboolean
+load_cached_repo (Repo       *repo,
+                  const char *cachefn,
+                  const char *repoext)
+  int ret, flags = 0;
+  if (!g_file_test (cachefn, G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR))
+    {
+      g_debug ("Cache %s for repo %s not found", cachefn, repo->name);
+      return FALSE;
+    }
+  FILE *fp = g_fopen (cachefn, "rb");
+  if (!fp)
+    return FALSE;
+  if (repoext)
+  ret = repo_add_solv (repo, fp, flags);
+  fclose (fp);
+  return ret == 0;
 static inline gchar *
 get_repo_cachedir (const char *name)
@@ -540,12 +657,21 @@ filelist_loadcb (Pool     *pool,
   if (g_strcmp0 (type, "filelists") != 0)
     return 0;
+  g_autofree gchar *cachedir = get_repo_cachedir (repo->name);
+  /* repo ext cache name is $(CHECKSUM(REPOMD)).solvx */
+  const char *cachefn = pool_tmpjoin (pool, cachedir, "/", repo->appdata);
+  cachefn = pool_tmpappend (pool, cachefn, ".solvx", 0);
+  if (load_cached_repo (repo, cachefn, type))
+    {
+      g_debug ("Using cached repo for \"%s\" filelists", repo->name);
+      return 1;
+    }
   path = repodata_lookup_str (data, SOLVID_META, REPOSITORY_REPOMD_LOCATION);
   if (!path)
     return 0;
-  g_autofree gchar *cachedir = get_repo_cachedir (repo->name);
   fname = download_repo_metadata (session, repo, type, path, cachedir);
   fp = solv_xfopen (fname, 0);
   if (!fp)
@@ -556,6 +682,9 @@ filelist_loadcb (Pool     *pool,
   fclose (fp);
+  if (write_repo_cache (repo, data, type, cachefn))
+    g_debug ("Wrote cache file %s for repo \"%s\"", cachefn, repo->name);
   return 1;
@@ -591,6 +720,10 @@ create_repo (Pool         *pool,
   if (!download_to_path (session, url, fname, error))
     return NULL;
+  gchar *mdchksum = chksum_string_for_filepath (G_CHECKSUM_SHA256, fname);
+  if (!mdchksum)
+    return NULL;
   fp = solv_xfopen (fname, "r");
   if (!fp)
@@ -602,6 +735,18 @@ create_repo (Pool         *pool,
   Repo *repo = repo_create (pool, name);
+  /* Save repomd checksum to the repo's appdata so we just calculate it once */
+  repo->appdata = mdchksum;
+  /* repo main cache name is $(CHECKSUM(REPOMD)).solv */
+  const char *cachefn = pool_tmpjoin (pool, cachedir, "/", mdchksum);
+  cachefn = pool_tmpappend (pool, cachefn, ".solv", 0);
+  if (load_cached_repo (repo, cachefn, NULL))
+    {
+      g_debug ("Using cached repo for \"%s\"", name);
+      return repo;
+    }
   repo_add_repomdxml (repo, fp, 0);
   fclose (fp);
@@ -637,7 +782,6 @@ create_repo (Pool         *pool,
       repodata_add_idarray (data, handle, REPOSITORY_KEYS, REPOKEY_TYPE_DIRSTRARRAY);
       repodata_add_flexarray (data, SOLVID_META, REPOSITORY_EXTERNAL, handle);
       repodata_internalize (data);
-      repodata_create_stubs (repo_last_repodata (repo));
   pool_createwhatprovides (pool);
@@ -654,6 +798,11 @@ create_repo (Pool         *pool,
   pool_createwhatprovides (pool);
+  if (write_repo_cache (repo, NULL, NULL, cachefn))
+    g_debug ("Wrote cache file %s for repo \"%s\" filelists", cachefn, repo->name);
+  repodata_create_stubs (repo_last_repodata (repo));
   return repo;
 #endif /* FUS_TESTING */