diff --git a/lang/en/block_opencast.php b/lang/en/block_opencast.php
index 84ceef27..5f94c59e 100644
--- a/lang/en/block_opencast.php
+++ b/lang/en/block_opencast.php
@@ -23,19 +23,19 @@
$string['accesspolicies'] = 'Access Policies';
-$string['acl_settingcontrol'] = 'Enable visibility control';
$string['acl_settingcontrol_desc'] = 'If enabled, teachers can control the visibility of an Opencast episode on upload.';
-$string['acl_settingcontrolafter'] = 'Allow episode visibility control after processing';
+$string['acl_settingcontrol'] = 'Enable visibility control';
$string['acl_settingcontrolafter_desc'] = 'If enabled, teachers can control the visibility of an Opencast episode after the episode has been processed in Opencast.';
-$string['acl_settingcontrolgroup'] = 'Allow episode group restriction';
+$string['acl_settingcontrolafter'] = 'Allow episode visibility control after processing';
$string['acl_settingcontrolgroup_desc'] = 'If enabled, teachers can not only control the visibility of an Opencast episode for all course users but can also restrict the visibility to particular course groups.';
-$string['acl_settingcontrolwaitingtime'] = 'Waiting time for scheduled visibility change (Minutes)';
+$string['acl_settingcontrolgroup'] = 'Allow episode group restriction';
$string['acl_settingcontrolwaitingtime_desc'] = 'It defines a minimum waiting time (in minutes) that scheduled visibility change process should wait. This time span will be added to current time for the scheduled video change date filed in add video form, it will also be used to validate that field. Based on how fast the Opencast instance processes the videos, this waiting time could be configured.
NOTE: When empty or (zero) "0", the default value is used.';
+$string['acl_settingcontrolwaitingtime'] = 'Waiting time for scheduled visibility change (Minutes)';
$string['acl_settingheader'] = 'Control episode visibility';
$string['aclgroupdeleted'] = 'Access deleted for video: {$a->title}';
$string['aclnothingtobesaved'] = 'No changes to the visibility have been made.';
-$string['aclownerrole'] = 'ACL owner role';
$string['aclownerrole_desc'] = 'Name of the role that identifies the owner of a video/series. The role must also be specified in the roles table. The role must be permanent and include a user-related placeholder, e.g. ROLE_OWNER_[USER_EMAIL]. It should not include any course-related placeholders. If empty, owner-related plugin functionalities are disabled.';
+$string['aclownerrole'] = 'ACL owner role';
$string['aclrolesadded'] = 'The change of visibility has been triggered to allow all students of the course to access the video: {$a->title}
Please refresh the site after some time to see the current visibility status.';
$string['aclrolesaddedgroup'] = 'The change of visibility has been triggered to allow students of selected groups to access the video: {$a->title}
Please refresh the site after some time to see the current visibility status.';
$string['aclroleschangeerror'] = 'Error during the change of visibility of the video: {$a->title}
Some changes might have not been saved. If this occurs repeatedly, please contact your support team.';
@@ -57,18 +57,18 @@
$string['addactivity_moduleexists'] = 'There is already an Opencast series module added to this course. There is no need to add another one.';
$string['addactivity_modulenotcreated'] = 'The \'{$a}\' series module could not be created. Please try again or contact your Moodle administrator.';
$string['addactivity_noemptytitle'] = 'You have to set a title for the Opencast series module or to use the default title ("{$a}")';
-$string['addactivity_settingavailability'] = 'Set series module availability';
$string['addactivity_settingavailability_desc'] = 'If enabled, teachers can set the availability conditions when a new Opencast Video Provider activity for series is added to a course.';
$string['addactivity_settingavailability_note'] = 'Please note: This feature is only available if availability is globally enabled on the {$a} admin setting page.';
-$string['addactivity_settingdefaulttitle'] = 'Default Opencast activity series module title';
+$string['addactivity_settingavailability'] = 'Set series module availability';
$string['addactivity_settingdefaulttitle_desc'] = 'The default title to be used when a new Opencast Video Provider activity for series is added to a course.';
-$string['addactivity_settingenabled'] = 'Enable "Add Opencast activity series module"';
+$string['addactivity_settingdefaulttitle'] = 'Default Opencast activity series module title';
$string['addactivity_settingenabled_desc'] = 'If enabled, teachers can add an Opencast Activity series module to a course. This Activity series module will be pointing to the course\'s Opencast series.';
+$string['addactivity_settingenabled'] = 'Enable "Add Opencast activity series module"';
$string['addactivity_settingheader'] = 'Add Opencast Activity modules to courses';
-$string['addactivity_settingintro'] = 'Add series module intro';
$string['addactivity_settingintro_desc'] = 'If enabled, teachers can add an intro to the Opencast activity series module. This intro will be shown on the course overview page.';
-$string['addactivity_settingsection'] = 'Choose series module section';
+$string['addactivity_settingintro'] = 'Add series module intro';
$string['addactivity_settingsection_desc'] = 'If enabled, teachers can choose the section which the Opencast Activity series module will be added to.';
+$string['addactivity_settingsection'] = 'Choose series module section';
$string['addactivity_viewbuttonexplanation'] = 'An Opencast series module to provide the videos available in this course has been added to the course before.';
$string['addactivity_viewbuttontitle'] = 'View Opencast series module in course';
$string['addactivityepisode_addbuttontitlereturncourse'] = 'Add module and return to course';
@@ -84,14 +84,14 @@
$string['addactivityepisode_moduleexists'] = 'There is already an Opencast episode module added to this course. There is no need to add another one.';
$string['addactivityepisode_modulenotcreated'] = 'The \'{$a}\' episode module could not be created. Please try again or contact your Moodle administrator.';
$string['addactivityepisode_noemptytitle'] = 'You have to set a title for the Opencast episode module or to use the default title ("{$a}")';
-$string['addactivityepisode_settingavailability'] = 'Set episode module availability';
$string['addactivityepisode_settingavailability_desc'] = 'If enabled, teachers can set the availability conditions when a new Opencast Activity episode module is added to a course.';
-$string['addactivityepisode_settingenabled'] = 'Enable "Add Opencast Activity episode module"';
+$string['addactivityepisode_settingavailability'] = 'Set episode module availability';
$string['addactivityepisode_settingenabled_desc'] = 'If enabled, teachers can add an Opencast Video Provider activity for episodes to a course. This Opencast Activity episode module will be pointing to an Opencast episode.';
-$string['addactivityepisode_settingintro'] = 'Add episode module intro';
+$string['addactivityepisode_settingenabled'] = 'Enable "Add Opencast Activity episode module"';
$string['addactivityepisode_settingintro_desc'] = 'If enabled, teachers can add a intro to the Opencast Activity episode module. This intro will be shown on the course overview page.';
-$string['addactivityepisode_settingsection'] = 'Choose episode module section';
+$string['addactivityepisode_settingintro'] = 'Add episode module intro';
$string['addactivityepisode_settingsection_desc'] = 'If enabled, teachers can choose the section which the Opencast Activity episode module will be added to.';
+$string['addactivityepisode_settingsection'] = 'Choose episode module section';
$string['addactivityepisode_viewicontitle'] = 'View Opencast episode module in course';
$string['addcatalog'] = 'Add new metadata';
$string['additional_settings'] = 'Additional features';
@@ -110,21 +110,21 @@
$string['addlti_moduleexists'] = 'There is already an Opencast series module added to this course. There is no need to add another one.';
$string['addlti_modulenotcreated'] = 'The \'{$a}\' series module could not be created. Please try again or contact your Moodle administrator.';
$string['addlti_noemptytitle'] = 'You have to set a title for the Opencast series module or to use the default title ("{$a}")';
-$string['addlti_settingavailability'] = 'Set series module availability';
$string['addlti_settingavailability_desc'] = 'If enabled, teachers can set the availability conditions when a new Opencast LTI series module is added to a course.';
$string['addlti_settingavailability_note'] = 'Please note: This feature is only available if availability is globally enabled on the {$a} admin setting page.';
-$string['addlti_settingdefaulttitle'] = 'Default LTI series module title';
+$string['addlti_settingavailability'] = 'Set series module availability';
$string['addlti_settingdefaulttitle_desc'] = 'The default title to be used when a new Opencast LTI series module is added to a course.';
-$string['addlti_settingenabled'] = 'Enable "Add LTI series module"';
+$string['addlti_settingdefaulttitle'] = 'Default LTI series module title';
$string['addlti_settingenabled_desc'] = 'If enabled, teachers can add an Opencast LTI series module to a course. This LTI series module will be pointing to the course\'s Opencast series.';
+$string['addlti_settingenabled'] = 'Enable "Add LTI series module"';
$string['addlti_settingheader'] = 'Add Opencast LTI series modules to courses';
-$string['addlti_settingintro'] = 'Add series module intro';
$string['addlti_settingintro_desc'] = 'If enabled, teachers can add an intro to the Opencast LTI series module. This intro will be shown on the course overview page.';
-$string['addlti_settingpreconfiguredtool'] = 'Preconfigured LTI tool for series modules';
+$string['addlti_settingintro'] = 'Add series module intro';
$string['addlti_settingpreconfiguredtool_desc'] = 'The preconfigured LTI tool to be used when a new Opencast LTI series module is added to a course.';
$string['addlti_settingpreconfiguredtool_notools'] = 'No preconfigured LTI tools to be used found. Please create an Opencast series LTI tool first on the {$a} admin setting page.';
-$string['addlti_settingsection'] = 'Choose series module section';
+$string['addlti_settingpreconfiguredtool'] = 'Preconfigured LTI tool for series modules';
$string['addlti_settingsection_desc'] = 'If enabled, teachers can choose the section which the Opencast LTI series module will be added to.';
+$string['addlti_settingsection'] = 'Choose series module section';
$string['addlti_viewbuttonexplanation'] = 'An Opencast series module to provide the videos available in this course has been added to the course before.';
$string['addlti_viewbuttontitle'] = 'View Opencast LTI series module in course';
$string['addltiepisode_addbuttontitlereturncourse'] = 'Add module and return to course';
@@ -142,50 +142,43 @@
$string['addltiepisode_moduleexists'] = 'There is already an Opencast episode module added to this course. There is no need to add another one.';
$string['addltiepisode_modulenotcreated'] = 'The \'{$a}\' episode module could not be created. Please try again or contact your Moodle administrator.';
$string['addltiepisode_noemptytitle'] = 'You have to set a title for the Opencast episode module or to use the default title ("{$a}")';
-$string['addltiepisode_settingavailability'] = 'Set episode module availability';
$string['addltiepisode_settingavailability_desc'] = 'If enabled, teachers can set the availability conditions when a new Opencast LTI episode module is added to a course.';
-$string['addltiepisode_settingenabled'] = 'Enable "Add LTI episode module"';
+$string['addltiepisode_settingavailability'] = 'Set episode module availability';
$string['addltiepisode_settingenabled_desc'] = 'If enabled, teachers can add an Opencast LTI episode module to a course. This LTI episode module will be pointing to an Opencast episode.';
+$string['addltiepisode_settingenabled'] = 'Enable "Add LTI episode module"';
$string['addltiepisode_settingheader'] = 'Add Opencast LTI episode modules to courses';
-$string['addltiepisode_settingintro'] = 'Add episode module intro';
$string['addltiepisode_settingintro_desc'] = 'If enabled, teachers can add a intro to the Opencast LTI episode module. This intro will be shown on the course overview page.';
-$string['addltiepisode_settingpreconfiguredtool'] = 'Preconfigured LTI tool for episode modules';
+$string['addltiepisode_settingintro'] = 'Add episode module intro';
$string['addltiepisode_settingpreconfiguredtool_desc'] = 'The preconfigured LTI tool to be used when a new Opencast LTI episode module is added to a course.';
$string['addltiepisode_settingpreconfiguredtool_notools'] = 'No preconfigured LTI tools to be used found. Please create an Opencast episode LTI tool first on the {$a} admin setting page.';
-$string['addltiepisode_settingsection'] = 'Choose episode module section';
+$string['addltiepisode_settingpreconfiguredtool'] = 'Preconfigured LTI tool for episode modules';
$string['addltiepisode_settingsection_desc'] = 'If enabled, teachers can choose the section which the Opencast LTI episode module will be added to.';
+$string['addltiepisode_settingsection'] = 'Choose episode module section';
$string['addltiepisode_viewicontitle'] = 'View Opencast episode module in course';
$string['addnewcatalogfield'] = 'A new field has been added to metadata catalog.';
+$string['addnewtranscription_desc'] = 'Please select a service type in which your transcription should be represented, and then upload the file with requiured extensions.
NOTE: Uploading a new transcription with an already uploaded service type results in replacing that transcription, which might be useful for editing the current ones.';
$string['addnewtranscription'] = 'Add new transcription';
-$string['addnewtranscription_desc'] = 'Please select a service type in which your transcription should be represented, and then upload the file with requiured extensions.
- NOTE: Uploading a new transcription with an already uploaded service type results in replacing that transcription, which might be useful for editing the current ones.';
$string['addrole'] = 'Add new role';
$string['addtranscriptionflavor'] = 'Add new flavor option';
$string['addvideo'] = 'Add video';
$string['addvideonotallowed'] = 'You are not allowed to upload a video to this series.';
$string['adhocfiledeletion'] = 'Delete videofile from moodle';
-$string['adhocfiledeletiondesc'] = 'If activated the plugin tries to delete the videofile from moodle\'s filessystem right after it was uploaded to opencast server.
- Please note that the file will still remain in the file system, if it is used within other places in moodle.';
+$string['adhocfiledeletiondesc'] = 'If activated the plugin tries to delete the videofile from moodle\'s filessystem right after it was uploaded to opencast server. Please note that the file will still remain in the file system, if it is used within other places in moodle.';
$string['adminchoice_noconnection'] = "-- Workflows could not be retrieved --";
$string['adminchoice_noworkflow'] = "-- No workflow --";
+$string['allowdownloadtranscriptionsetting_desc'] = 'When enabled, the transcription download button will be displayed in the manage transcriptions page, by which teachers are able to download the transcription\'s file.
Notice: In case you are using Opencast 13 or later, you need to make sure that all prerequisites including LTI features and permissions to access /assets/ endpoint for LTI users, are set correctly as it is mandatory to perform LTI call.';
$string['allowdownloadtranscriptionsetting'] = 'Allow download transcriptions';
-$string['allowdownloadtranscriptionsetting_desc'] = 'When enabled, the transcription download button will be displayed in the manage transcriptions page, by which teachers are able to download the transcription\'s file.
- Notice: In case you are using Opencast 13 or later, you need to make sure that all prerequisites including LTI features and permissions to access /assets/ endpoint for LTI users, are set correctly as it is mandatory to perform LTI call.';
$string['allowunassign'] = 'Allow unassign from course';
-$string['allowunassigndesc'] = 'Delete the assignment of a course series to control visibility in filepicker and course lists. This feature is only available,
- when it is possible to have events without series in opencast. Please ask the admistrator of the opencast system before activating this.';
+$string['allowunassigndesc'] = 'Delete the assignment of a course series to control visibility in filepicker and course lists. This feature is only available, when it is possible to have events without series in opencast. Please ask the admistrator of the opencast system before activating this.';
$string['appearance_overview_settingheader'] = 'Overview page';
-$string['appearance_overview_settingshowenddate'] = 'Show end date';
$string['appearance_overview_settingshowenddate_desc'] = 'If enabled, the table of available videos on the overview page will contain a column which shows the end date of the Opencast episode.';
-$string['appearance_overview_settingshowlocation'] = 'Show location';
+$string['appearance_overview_settingshowenddate'] = 'Show end date';
$string['appearance_overview_settingshowlocation_desc'] = 'If enabled, the table of available videos on the overview page will contain a column which shows the location of the Opencast episode.';
-$string['appearance_overview_settingshowpublicationchannels'] = 'Show publication channels';
+$string['appearance_overview_settingshowlocation'] = 'Show location';
$string['appearance_overview_settingshowpublicationchannels_desc'] = 'If enabled, the table of available videos on the overview page will contain a column which shows the publication channel of the Opencast episode. The same information will also be given on the Opencast episode deletion page.';
+$string['appearance_overview_settingshowpublicationchannels'] = 'Show publication channels';
$string['appearance_settings'] = 'Appearance';
$string['backupopencastvideos'] = 'Include videos from Opencast instance {$a} in this course';
-$string['batchupload'] = 'Add videos (batch)';
$string['batchupload_emptyvideosuploaderror'] = 'You must upload at least one presenter video file.';
$string['batchupload_errornotenabled'] = 'Unfortunately the batch video upload feature is unavailable for this Opencast instance, please try to contanct your system administrator.';
$string['batchupload_errorsaveuploadjobs'] = 'There were errors uploading {$a->count} out of {$a->total} video(s).';
@@ -195,39 +188,34 @@
$string['batchupload_jobssaved'] = 'Batch of {$a} Video(s) successfully uploaded.
The videos are queued for transferring to Opencast. Therefore, you do not need to wait on this page for them to finish.';
$string['batchupload_metadata_desc'] = 'By uploading a batch of videos to Opencast at once, the following metadata will be set for each video.';
$string['batchupload_metadata_header'] = 'Batch Metadata';
-$string['batchupload_setting'] = 'Enable batch video upload';
$string['batchupload_setting_desc'] = 'By enabling this option, the Opencast instance will provide a separate page to the users to upload videos in batch at once. Please note that the local_chunkupload plugin does not work in this upload mode. This means that the file size is limited based on your settings.
To avoid cluttering the upload job queue up as well as decreasing the upload process time, it is recommended to increase the "Limit upload job by cron".
To avoid any timeout error during video uploads, it is recommended to adjust timeout options in the following settings according to your needs:
{$a->toolopencastinstancelink} ';
+$string['batchupload_setting'] = 'Enable batch video upload';
$string['batchupload_visibility_desc'] = 'The batch visibility setting will be applied for each uploaded video in the batch.';
$string['batchupload_visibility_header'] = 'Batch Visibility';
+$string['batchupload'] = 'Add videos (batch)';
$string['batchuploadexplanation'] = 'In this section you are able to upload multiple files at once.
NOTE: Please keep in mind that the batch video upload is only available for presenter flavors.';
$string['blocksettings'] = 'Settings for a block instance';
$string['cachedef_videodata'] = 'Caches the result of the opencast api for the opencast-block.';
-$string['cachevalidtime'] = 'Cache valid time';
$string['cachevalidtime_desc'] = 'Time in seconds, before the cache for the video data of each course is refreshed.';
+$string['cachevalidtime'] = 'Cache valid time';
$string['cantdeletedefaultseries'] = 'You cannot delete the default series. Please choose another default series before deleting this series.';
$string['catalog_params_noarray'] = "Parameters have to be either empty or a JSON representation of an array or an object.";
$string['catalog_static_params_empty'] = "Read only fields need to define a text in the parameters field.";
+$string['catalogparam_help'] = 'JSON format: {"param1":"value1", "param2":"value2"}
String (text), Long Text (textarea): Parameters will be defined as attributes of the element. i.e. {"style":"min-width: 27ch;"} which defines the element´s style attribute
Drop Down (select): Parameters will be defined as options of the select element. i.e. {"en": "English", "de": "German"} which takes the left side as value and right side as text to show.(Multi-Language filters) In order for each value of Drop Down (select) to get translated using filters such as Multi-Language Content (v2), each value should contain the placeholder, defined by that filter i.e. "{mlang en}No option selected{mlang}{mlang de}Keine Option ausgewählt{mlang}" or "{mlang en}English{mlang}{mlang de}Englisch{mlang}"
Arrays (autocomplete): Parameters will be defined as suggestions. i.e. {"1": "Dr. Doe", "2": "Johnson"} which shows (Dr. Doe and Johnson) as suggestions
Date Time Selector (datetime): Parameters will be defined as date_selector variables . i.e. {"startyear": "1990", "stopyear": "2020"} which defines date range to be selected between 1990 - 2020';
$string['catalogparam'] = 'Parameters in JSON-Format';
-$string['catalogparam_help'] = 'JSON format: {"param1":"value1", "param2":"value2"}
- String (text), Long Text (textarea): Parameters will be defined as attributes of the element. i.e. {"style":"min-width: 27ch;"} which defines the element´s style attribute
- Drop Down (select): Parameters will be defined as options of the select element. i.e. {"en": "English", "de": "German"} which takes the left side as value and right side as text to show.
- (Multi-Language filters) In order for each value of Drop Down (select) to get translated using filters such as Multi-Language Content (v2), each value should contain the placeholder, defined by that filter i.e. "{mlang en}No option selected{mlang}{mlang de}Keine Option ausgewählt{mlang}" or "{mlang en}English{mlang}{mlang de}Englisch{mlang}"
- Arrays (autocomplete): Parameters will be defined as suggestions. i.e. {"1": "Dr. Doe", "2": "Johnson"} which shows (Dr. Doe and Johnson) as suggestions
- Date Time Selector (datetime): Parameters will be defined as date_selector variables . i.e. {"startyear": "1990", "stopyear": "2020"} which defines date range to be selected between 1990 - 2020';
-$string['changeowner'] = 'Change owner';
$string['changeowner_explanation'] = 'Currently, you are the owner of the video {$a}.
You can transfer the ownership to another person.
Notice: You might loose the right to access the video.';
+$string['changeowner'] = 'Change owner';
$string['changeownerseries_explanation'] = 'Currently, you are the owner of the series {$a}.
You can transfer the ownership to another person.
Notice: You might loose the right to access the series.';
$string['changescheduledvisibility'] = 'Change scheduled visibility for {$a}';
$string['changescheduledvisibilityfailed'] = 'Unabale to change scheduled visibility';
$string['changescheduledvisibilityheader'] = 'Scheduled visibility change';
$string['changescheduledvisibilitysuccess'] = 'Scheduled visibility successfully changed';
-$string['changevisibility'] = 'Alter visibility';
$string['changevisibility_group'] = 'The video is visible to all student belonging to selected groups. Click to alter visibility.';
$string['changevisibility_header'] = 'Change visibility for {$a->title}';
$string['changevisibility_hidden'] = 'The video is visible to no student. Click to alter visibility.';
$string['changevisibility_mixed'] = 'The visibility of the video is in an invalid status. Click to choose the correct visibility.';
$string['changevisibility_visible'] = 'The video is visible to all students of the course. Click to alter visibility.';
+$string['changevisibility'] = 'Alter visibility';
$string['changingownerfailed'] = 'An error occured. The ownership could not be transferred.';
$string['changingownersuccess'] = 'The ownership was successfully transferred.';
$string['claimowner_explanation'] = 'Currently, nobody owns the video {$a}.
You can claim the ownership or set another person as owner.
Notice: You might loose the right to access the video if you do not claim the ownership yourself.';
@@ -241,9 +229,7 @@
$string['creator'] = 'Presenter(s)';
$string['cronsettings'] = 'Settings for upload jobs';
$string['date'] = 'Start Date';
-$string['dcmitermsnotice'] = '
IMPORTANT: Opencast supports standardized Dublin Core metadata set, therefore all metadata fields should follow DCMI terms,
- otherwise attempting to add unknown metadata field will result in error.
- You can check the list of all available terms to use in DCMI Metadata Terms.';
+$string['dcmitermsnotice'] = '
IMPORTANT: Opencast supports standardized Dublin Core metadata set, therefore all metadata fields should follow DCMI terms, otherwise attempting to add unknown metadata field will result in error.
You can check the list of all available terms to use in DCMI Metadata Terms.';
$string['default'] = 'Default';
$string['defaultssaved'] = 'Default values are saved.';
$string['delete_block_and_mapping'] = 'Delete block and series mapping';
@@ -253,8 +239,8 @@
$string['delete_mapping_explanation'] = 'The Opencast Block tracks which Opencast Series is mapped to the course.
You can choose whether to delete the mapping.
If you delete it, the series will no longer appear when you create the opencast block again.';
$string['delete_metadata'] = 'Delete metadata field';
$string['delete_role'] = 'Delete role';
-$string['delete_series'] = 'Delete series';
$string['delete_series_failed'] = 'Deleting the series failed. Please try again later or contact an administrator.';
+$string['delete_series'] = 'Delete series';
$string['deleteaclgroup'] = 'Delete video from this list.';
$string['deletecheck_title_modal'] = 'Remove Opencast Block?';
$string['deletedraft'] = 'Delete a video before transfer to Opencast';
@@ -262,25 +248,25 @@
$string['deleteevent'] = 'Delete an event in Opencast';
$string['deleteeventdesc'] = 'You are about to delete this video permanently and irreversibly from Opencast.
All embedded links to it will become invalid. Please do not continue unless you are absolutely sure.';
$string['deletegroupacldesc'] = 'You are about to delete the access to this video from this course.
If the access is deleted, the video is not displayed in filepicker and in the list of available videos. This does not affect videos, which are already embedded.
The video will not be deleted in Opencast.';
-$string['deletetranscription'] = 'Delete transcription';
$string['deletetranscription_desc'] = 'You are about to delete the transcription.
Are you sure you would like to delete it?';
-$string['deletetranscriptionworkflow'] = 'Workflow for delete transcription';
+$string['deletetranscription'] = 'Delete transcription';
$string['deletetranscriptionworkflow_desc'] = 'This workflow is triggered when a transcription is deleted, it is required to provide deletion feature in order for event to be processed correctly.
NOTE: If empty, the feature will be disabled.';
+$string['deletetranscriptionworkflow'] = 'Workflow for delete transcription';
$string['deleteworkflow'] = 'Workflow to start before event is be deleted';
$string['deleteworkflowdesc'] = 'Before deleting a video, a workflow can be defined, which is called to retract the event from all publication channels.';
$string['deleting'] = 'Going to be deleted';
$string['description'] = 'Description';
-$string['descriptionmdbatchable'] = 'Batchable';
$string['descriptionmdbatchable_help'] = 'When enabled, the metadata field can be set for batch video upload.';
-$string['descriptionmddefaultable'] = 'Defaultable';
+$string['descriptionmdbatchable'] = 'Batchable';
$string['descriptionmddefaultable_help'] = 'When enabled, users can add default value for this field.';
-$string['descriptionmdfd'] = 'Field Description';
+$string['descriptionmddefaultable'] = 'Defaultable';
$string['descriptionmdfd_help'] = 'The content of this field is presented as a help icon near the metadata field.';
-$string['descriptionmdfn'] = 'Field name';
+$string['descriptionmdfd'] = 'Field Description';
$string['descriptionmdfn_help'] = 'This is the actual field name passing as metadata (id); the presented name according to this field name should be set in language string.';
+$string['descriptionmdfn'] = 'Field name';
$string['descriptionmdpj'] = 'The value should be JSON string format and it is used to define parameters for the field!';
-$string['descriptionmdreadonly'] = 'Readonly';
$string['descriptionmdreadonly_help'] = 'Please note that, if a field is set to be required, the readonly option will be disabled. That means a field can only be readonly or required at a time.';
+$string['descriptionmdreadonly'] = 'Readonly';
$string['directaccess_copy_no_link'] = 'Invalid direct access link';
$string['directaccess_copy_success'] = 'The direct access link has been successfully copied to clipboard.';
$string['directaccess_copytoclipboard_unavialable'] = 'It seems that your browser does not support the copy to clipboard functionality, try to copy the link manually from the dropdown item.';
@@ -299,10 +285,10 @@
$string['duplicateworkflow'] = 'Workflow for duplicating events';
$string['duplicateworkflowdesc'] = 'This workflow is needed for importing opencast events from one course into another. If not set, it is not possible to import Opencast events.';
$string['duration'] = 'Duration';
-$string['editorbaseurl'] = 'Opencast Editor Base URL';
$string['editorbaseurl_desc'] = 'The base URL to be used to call the Opencast Editor, the base url of the opencast instance is used if empty.';
-$string['editorendpointurl'] = 'Opencast Editor Endpoint';
+$string['editorbaseurl'] = 'Opencast Editor Base URL';
$string['editorendpointurl_desc'] = 'The editor endpoint to access the editor. The mediapackage ID will be added at the end of the url.';
+$string['editorendpointurl'] = 'Opencast Editor Endpoint';
$string['editseries'] = 'Edit series';
$string['embeddedasactivity'] = 'Embedded as activity';
$string['embeddedasactivitywolink'] = 'Embedded as activity without linked series';
@@ -310,83 +296,59 @@
$string['emptyflavoroption'] = 'Please select a service type';
$string['emptyvideouploaderror'] = 'You must either upload a presenter video or a presentation video file.';
$string['emptyvisibilitygroups'] = 'At least one group must be selected.';
-$string['enablechunkupload'] = 'Enable Chunkupload';
$string['enablechunkupload_desc'] = 'If Chunkupload is enabled it will be possible to upload videos using the chunkupload plugin';
+$string['enablechunkupload'] = 'Enable Chunkupload';
+$string['enableopencasteditorlink_desc'] = 'This option renders a button to opencast editor in the block content and the block overview. The following settings as well lti credentials have to be configured as well.';
$string['enableopencasteditorlink'] = 'Show the link to opencast Editor in action menu';
-$string['enableopencasteditorlink_desc'] = 'This option renders a button to opencast editor in the block content and the block overview.
- The following settings as well lti credentials have to be configured as well.';
+$string['enableopencaststudiolink_desc'] = 'This option renders a button to opencast studio in the block content and the block overview. Opencast studio has to run on your opencast admin node and the following lti settings have to be configured as well.';
$string['enableopencaststudiolink'] = 'Show the link to opencast studio';
-$string['enableopencaststudiolink_desc'] = 'This option renders a button to opencast studio in the block content and the block overview.
-Opencast studio has to run on your opencast admin node and the following lti settings have to be configured as well.';
-$string['enableopencaststudioreturnbtn'] = 'Show a redirect back button in Studio';
$string['enableopencaststudioreturnbtn_desc'] = 'When enabled, Studio then renders an additional button "Exit and go back" after up- or downloading the recording.';
+$string['enableopencaststudioreturnbtn'] = 'Show a redirect back button in Studio';
$string['enableschedulingchangevisibility'] = 'Schedule a visibility change';
$string['enableschedulingchangevisibilitydesc'] = 'Set a date and a visibility status for the event in future, which will be performed using a scheduled task.';
$string['engageplayerintegration'] = 'Engage player integration';
$string['engageredirect'] = 'Redirect to engage player';
-$string['engageurl'] = 'URL of the Opencast Engage server';
$string['engageurl_desc'] = 'If empty, the video titles in the overview are not linked to the engage player.';
+$string['engageurl'] = 'URL of the Opencast Engage server';
$string['error_block_delete_seriesmapping'] = 'Unfortunately, there was an error during course series mapping deletion, please contact the system administrator.';
-$string['error_duplicated_event_acl_change'] = 'The visibility change for the duplicated event failed.
- Opencast duplicated event visibility change task ({$a->taskid}) for course {$a->coursefullname} (ID: {$a->courseid}).';
-$string['error_duplicated_event_id_not_ready'] = 'The duplicated event is not available yet.
- Opencast duplicated event visibility change task ({$a->taskid}) for course {$a->coursefullname} (ID: {$a->courseid}).';
-$string['error_eventid_taskdata_missing'] = 'The task data contains no event id.
- Opencast duplicate event task ({$a->taskid}) for course {$a->coursefullname} (ID: {$a->courseid}).';
-$string['error_no_duplicate_origin_event_id'] = 'The origin event id is missing.
- Opencast duplicated event visibility change task ({$a->taskid}) for course {$a->coursefullname} (ID: {$a->courseid}).';
-$string['error_no_duplicate_workflow_id'] = 'The duplicate workflow id is missing.
- Opencast duplicated event visibility change task ({$a->taskid}) for course {$a->coursefullname} (ID: {$a->courseid}).';
+$string['error_duplicated_event_acl_change'] = 'The visibility change for the duplicated event failed. Opencast duplicated event visibility change task ({$a->taskid}) for course {$a->coursefullname} (ID: {$a->courseid}).';
+$string['error_duplicated_event_id_not_ready'] = 'The duplicated event is not available yet. Opencast duplicated event visibility change task ({$a->taskid}) for course {$a->coursefullname} (ID: {$a->courseid}).';
+$string['error_eventid_taskdata_missing'] = 'The task data contains no event id. Opencast duplicate event task ({$a->taskid}) for course {$a->coursefullname} (ID: {$a->courseid}).';
+$string['error_no_duplicate_origin_event_id'] = 'The origin event id is missing. Opencast duplicated event visibility change task ({$a->taskid}) for course {$a->coursefullname} (ID: {$a->courseid}).';
+$string['error_no_duplicate_workflow_id'] = 'The duplicate workflow id is missing. Opencast duplicated event visibility change task ({$a->taskid}) for course {$a->coursefullname} (ID: {$a->courseid}).';
$string['error_seriesid_missing_course'] = 'The course {$a->coursefullname} (ID: {$a->courseid}) has no course series. The event ({$a->eventid}) could not be restored.';
-$string['error_seriesid_missing_opencast'] = 'The series of course {$a->coursefullname} (ID: {$a->courseid}) can not be found in the opencast system.
- The event ({$a->eventid}) could not be restored.';
-$string['error_seriesid_not_matching'] = 'The course {$a->coursefullname} (ID: {$a->courseid}) has a course series, that does not match the seriesid of the task.
- The event ({$a->eventid}) could not be restored.';
-$string['error_seriesid_taskdata_missing'] = 'The task data contains no series id.
- Opencast duplicate event task ({$a->taskid}) for course {$a->coursefullname} (ID: {$a->courseid}).';
-$string['error_workflow_not_exists'] = 'The workflow {$a->duplicateworkflow} can not be found in the opencast system.
- The event ({$a->eventid}) could not be restored for course {$a->coursefullname} (ID: {$a->courseid}).';
+$string['error_seriesid_missing_opencast'] = 'The series of course {$a->coursefullname} (ID: {$a->courseid}) can not be found in the opencast system. The event ({$a->eventid}) could not be restored.';
+$string['error_seriesid_not_matching'] = 'The course {$a->coursefullname} (ID: {$a->courseid}) has a course series, that does not match the seriesid of the task. The event ({$a->eventid}) could not be restored.';
+$string['error_seriesid_taskdata_missing'] = 'The task data contains no series id. Opencast duplicate event task ({$a->taskid}) for course {$a->coursefullname} (ID: {$a->courseid}).';
+$string['error_workflow_not_exists'] = 'The workflow {$a->duplicateworkflow} can not be found in the opencast system. The event ({$a->eventid}) could not be restored for course {$a->coursefullname} (ID: {$a->courseid}).';
$string['error_workflow_not_started'] = 'The workflow to copy the video ({$a->eventid}) assigned to course {$a->coursefullname} (ID: {$a->courseid}) could not be started.';
$string['error_workflow_setup_missing'] = 'The plugin block_opencast is not properly configurated. The duplication workflow is missing!';
$string['errorduplicatedeventvisibilitytaskretry'] = 'An error occured by executing a task for setting the duplicated event\'s visibility: {$a} Will try to start the workflow again by the next cron job.';
-$string['errorduplicatedeventvisibilitytaskterminated'] = 'An error occured by executing a task for setting the duplicated event\'s visibility: {$a}
- After trying serveral time the task will be terminated now.';
+$string['errorduplicatedeventvisibilitytaskterminated'] = 'An error occured by executing a task for setting the duplicated event\'s visibility: {$a} After trying serveral time the task will be terminated now.';
$string['errorduplicatetaskretry'] = 'An error occured by executing a task for duplication of an event: {$a} Will try to start the workflow again by the next cron job.';
-$string['errorduplicatetaskterminate'] = 'An error occured by executing a task for duplication of an event: {$a}
- After trying serveral time the task will be terminated now.';
+$string['errorduplicatetaskterminate'] = 'An error occured by executing a task for duplication of an event: {$a} After trying serveral time the task will be terminated now.';
$string['erroremailbody'] = '{$a->errorstr} Details: {$a->message}.';
$string['erroremailsubj'] = 'Error while executing opencast process duplicate task';
$string['errorgetblockvideos'] = 'List cannot be loaded (Error: {$a})';
-$string['errorrestorefailedeventsaclchange_body'] = 'There was a problem in the restore process of the course {$a->coursefullname} (ID: {$a->courseid}).
- The visibility of the video(s) with the following identifier(s) could not be changed. This video(s) will not be accessible in the new course:';
+$string['errorrestorefailedeventsaclchange_body'] = 'There was a problem in the restore process of the course {$a->coursefullname} (ID: {$a->courseid}). The visibility of the video(s) with the following identifier(s) could not be changed. This video(s) will not be accessible in the new course:';
$string['errorrestorefailedeventsaclchange_subj'] = 'Opencast error during restore process';
-$string['errorrestorefailedseriesaclchange_body'] = 'There was a problem in the restore process of the course {$a->coursefullname} (ID: {$a->courseid}).
- The series ACL could not be changed (series: {$a->seriesid}).';
+$string['errorrestorefailedseriesaclchange_body'] = 'There was a problem in the restore process of the course {$a->coursefullname} (ID: {$a->courseid}). The series ACL could not be changed (series: {$a->seriesid}).';
$string['errorrestorefailedseriesaclchange_subj'] = 'Opencast error during restore process';
-$string['errorrestorefailedseriesmapping_body'] = 'There was a problem in the restore process of the course {$a->coursefullname} (ID: {$a->courseid}).
- Mapping the series {$a->seriesid} to the new course failed.';
+$string['errorrestorefailedseriesmapping_body'] = 'There was a problem in the restore process of the course {$a->coursefullname} (ID: {$a->courseid}). Mapping the series {$a->seriesid} to the new course failed.';
$string['errorrestorefailedseriesmapping_subj'] = 'Opencast error during restore process';
-$string['errorrestoreincompletedimportmapping_body'] = 'There was a problem in the restore process of the course {$a->coursefullname} (ID: {$a->courseid}).
- The following events could not get the completion flag for the restore session, therefore they will not be processed later to fix the modules if any:';
-$string['errorrestoremissingevents_body'] = 'There was a problem in the restore process of the course {$a->coursefullname} (ID: {$a->courseid}).
- The video(s) with the following identifier(s) could not be found in opencast system. This video(s) will not be restored:';
+$string['errorrestoreincompletedimportmapping_body'] = 'There was a problem in the restore process of the course {$a->coursefullname} (ID: {$a->courseid}). The following events could not get the completion flag for the restore session, therefore they will not be processed later to fix the modules if any:';
+$string['errorrestoremissingevents_body'] = 'There was a problem in the restore process of the course {$a->coursefullname} (ID: {$a->courseid}). The video(s) with the following identifier(s) could not be found in opencast system. This video(s) will not be restored:';
$string['errorrestoremissingevents_subj'] = 'Opencast error during restore process';
$string['errorrestoremissingimportmapping_subj'] = 'Opencast error during restore process (Import mapping)';
-$string['errorrestoremissingimportmappingevents_body'] = 'There was a problem in the restore process of the course {$a->coursefullname} (ID: {$a->courseid}).
- The following events have no import mapping record, therefore, module fixing process might not be performed if exists:';
-$string['errorrestoremissingimportmappingseries_body'] = 'There was a problem in the restore process of the course {$a->coursefullname} (ID: {$a->courseid}).
- The following series have no import mapping record, therefore, module fixing process might not be performed if exists:';
-$string['errorrestoremissingimportmode_body'] = 'There was a problem in the restore process of the course {$a->coursefullname} (ID: {$a->courseid}).
- Import mode could not be identified, therefore restore task has failed.';
+$string['errorrestoremissingimportmappingevents_body'] = 'There was a problem in the restore process of the course {$a->coursefullname} (ID: {$a->courseid}). The following events have no import mapping record, therefore, module fixing process might not be performed if exists:';
+$string['errorrestoremissingimportmappingseries_body'] = 'There was a problem in the restore process of the course {$a->coursefullname} (ID: {$a->courseid}). The following series have no import mapping record, therefore, module fixing process might not be performed if exists:';
+$string['errorrestoremissingimportmode_body'] = 'There was a problem in the restore process of the course {$a->coursefullname} (ID: {$a->courseid}). Import mode could not be identified, therefore restore task has failed.';
$string['errorrestoremissingimportmode_subj'] = 'Opencast error during restore process';
-$string['errorrestoremissingseries_body'] = 'There was a problem in the restore process of the course {$a->coursefullname} (ID: {$a->courseid}).
- No opencast series could be created. Therefore, the following eventIDs could not be duplicated:';
+$string['errorrestoremissingseries_body'] = 'There was a problem in the restore process of the course {$a->coursefullname} (ID: {$a->courseid}). No opencast series could be created. Therefore, the following eventIDs could not be duplicated:';
$string['errorrestoremissingseries_subj'] = 'Opencast error during restore process';
-$string['errorrestoremissingseriesid_body'] = 'There was a problem in the restore process of the course {$a->coursefullname} (ID: {$a->courseid}).
- Series id could not be found.';
+$string['errorrestoremissingseriesid_body'] = 'There was a problem in the restore process of the course {$a->coursefullname} (ID: {$a->courseid}). Series id could not be found.';
$string['errorrestoremissingseriesid_subj'] = 'Opencast error during restore process';
-$string['errorrestoremissingsourcecourseid_body'] = 'There was a problem in the restore process of the course {$a->coursefullname} (ID: {$a->courseid}).
- Source course id could not be found.';
+$string['errorrestoremissingsourcecourseid_body'] = 'There was a problem in the restore process of the course {$a->coursefullname} (ID: {$a->courseid}). Source course id could not be found.';
$string['errorrestoremissingsourcecourseid_subj'] = 'Opencast error during restore process';
$string['eventdeleted'] = 'The video has been deleted.';
$string['eventdeletedfailed'] = 'Failed to delete the event';
@@ -436,10 +398,8 @@
$string['hworkflow_state'] = 'Status';
$string['identifier'] = 'Identifier';
$string['importfailed'] = 'The series could not be imported.';
-$string['importmapping_modulesfixtaskretry'] = 'An error occured by executing a task for fixing the duplicated event\'s modules: {$a}
- The task will be processed again later.';
-$string['importmapping_modulesfixtasktermination'] = 'An error occured by executing a task for fixing the duplicated event\'s modules: {$a}
- After trying serveral time the task will be terminated now.';
+$string['importmapping_modulesfixtaskretry'] = 'An error occured by executing a task for fixing the duplicated event\'s modules: {$a} The task will be processed again later.';
+$string['importmapping_modulesfixtasktermination'] = 'An error occured by executing a task for fixing the duplicated event\'s modules: {$a} After trying serveral time the task will be terminated now.';
$string['importmapping_no_duplicated_event_id_yet'] = 'The duplicated event is not available yet, therefore duplicated event modules fix task ({$a->taskid}) for course {$a->coursefullname} (ID: {$a->courseid}) has been postponed.';
$string['importmapping_restore_still_in_progress'] = 'The restore process is still in progress, therefore duplicated event modules fix task ({$a->taskid}) for course {$a->coursefullname} (ID: {$a->courseid}) has been postponed.';
$string['importmode'] = 'Import mode';
@@ -461,21 +421,21 @@
$string['importvideos_processingexplanation'] = 'These video files will be duplicated in Opencast and then made available in this course.';
$string['importvideos_progressbarstep'] = 'Step {$a->current} of {$a->last}';
$string['importvideos_sectionexplanation'] = 'In this section, you can import existing video files from other Moodle courses to this Moodle course.';
-$string['importvideos_settingcoredefaultvalue'] = 'Default value for opencast import videos\' checkbox';
$string['importvideos_settingcoredefaultvalue_desc'] = 'Selecting a default value for the checkbox to include opencast videos in Moodle core import wizard which at the end will be used to whether include or not to include videos. This option is meant to help teachers who prefer to use "Jump to final step" button and skip the Moodle core import wizard steps.';
$string['importvideos_settingcoredefaultvalue_false'] = 'Unchecked';
$string['importvideos_settingcoredefaultvalue_true'] = 'Checked';
-$string['importvideos_settingcoreenabled'] = 'Allow video import within Moodle core course import wizard';
+$string['importvideos_settingcoredefaultvalue'] = 'Default value for opencast import videos\' checkbox';
$string['importvideos_settingcoreenabled_desc'] = 'If enabled, teachers can import existing video files from other Moodle courses to their Moodle course by using the Moodle core course import wizard. Within the wizard, there is an additional option shown to import the videos which have been uploaded within the Opencast block in the other course. Using this feature, the teacher can import all videos from another course as bulk, but he cannot select individual videos.
When Dupliacting Events is selected as the Import mode then the videos are duplicated in Opencast by an ad-hoc task in Moodle and will show up in the course\'s video list with a short delay.
In case of ACL Change as Import mode, the seriesid of the course being imported is used but the ACL of the series and its videos will be changed in order to grant access within the new course.
NOTE: With "ACL Change" import mode, the selection of videos in the wizard is not provided.';
-$string['importvideos_settingenabled'] = 'Allow video import';
+$string['importvideos_settingcoreenabled'] = 'Allow video import within Moodle core course import wizard';
$string['importvideos_settingenabled_desc'] = 'If enabled, teachers can import existing video files from other Moodle courses to their Moodle course. You have to further select an import mode between Duplicating Events or ACL Change approach. In both modes, you need to enable one or both of the two following settings to manually import videos or to import videos within the Moodle core course import wizard. If you don\'t enable any of these, this setting will have no effect.
In Duplicating Events mode, you need to further set a duplication workflow.';
-$string['importvideos_settinghandleepisodeenabled'] = 'Handle Opencast episode modules during manual video import';
+$string['importvideos_settingenabled'] = 'Allow video import';
$string['importvideos_settinghandleepisodeenabled_desc'] = 'If enabled, teachers can handle Opencast episode modules which were created with the "Add LTI episode module" feature and which relate to the videos which are imported. This especially cleans up modules which have been imported from one course to another course but which still link to videos in the old course. The episode modules are handled by an ad-hoc task in Moodle and will be fixed in the course with a short delay.
Please note that this mechanism relies on the fact that the Opencast duplication workflow sets a workflow instance configuration field \'duplicate_media_package_1_id\' which contains the episode ID of the duplicated episode. If the workflow does not set this configuration field, this feature will always fail.';
-$string['importvideos_settinghandleseriesenabled'] = 'Handle Opencast series modules during manual video import';
+$string['importvideos_settinghandleepisodeenabled'] = 'Handle Opencast episode modules during manual video import';
$string['importvideos_settinghandleseriesenabled_desc'] = 'If enabled, teachers can handle Opencast series modules which were created with the "Add LTI series module" feature and which relate to the videos which are imported. This especially cleans up modules which have been imported from one course to another course but which still link to the course series of the old course. The series module is instantly handled after the import wizard is finished.';
+$string['importvideos_settinghandleseriesenabled'] = 'Handle Opencast series modules during manual video import';
$string['importvideos_settingheader'] = 'Import videos from other courses';
-$string['importvideos_settingmanualenabled'] = 'Allow manual video import';
$string['importvideos_settingmanualenabled_desc'] = 'If enabled, teachers can import existing video files from other Moodle courses to their Moodle course by using a dedicated Opencast video import wizard. This feature is offered on the Opencast block overview page.
In Duplicating Events import mode, the teacher can import all or a subset of videos from another course as bulk. The videos which are selected within the import wizard are duplicated in Opencast by an ad-hoc task in Moodle and will show up in the course\'s video list with a short delay.
In ACL Change import mode, the seriesid of the the target course will be used in the new course. Additionally, the ACLs of the series itself and all of its videos will be changed in order to grant access to them within the new course.
Unlike in Duplicating Events Mode, there is no manual selection of videos available within the provided wizard.
Please note that there are corresponding capabilities block/opencast:manualimporttarget and block/opencast:manualimportsource for this feature which control who can import which courses to which courses. By default, managers and editing teachers have this capability and can use the feature as soon as it is enabled here.
NOTE: With "ACL Change" import mode, the selection of videos in the wizard is not provided.';
+$string['importvideos_settingmanualenabled'] = 'Allow manual video import';
$string['importvideos_settingmodeacl'] = 'ACL Change';
$string['importvideos_settingmodeduplication'] = 'Duplicating Events';
$string['importvideos_settings'] = 'Import videos features';
@@ -483,8 +443,8 @@
$string['importvideos_wizard_event_cb_title'] = '{$a->title} (ID: {$a->identifier})';
$string['importvideos_wizard_series_cb_title'] = 'Series: {$a->title} (ID: {$a->identifier})';
$string['importvideos_wizard_seriesimported'] = 'Series to be imported';
-$string['importvideos_wizard_unselectableeventreason'] = 'video selection';
$string['importvideos_wizard_unselectableeventreason_help'] = 'The import mode for the opencast instance is set to "ACL Change", which does not provide single video selection, therefore, by selecting this series, all of its videos will be automatically imported.';
+$string['importvideos_wizard_unselectableeventreason'] = 'video selection';
$string['importvideos_wizardstep1coursevideos'] = 'Videos to be imported';
$string['importvideos_wizardstep1heading'] = 'Select source course';
$string['importvideos_wizardstep1intro'] = 'Select the source course from where the videos should be imported from the following list of courses.
You can pick from all courses which you are allowed to import videos from.';
@@ -546,8 +506,6 @@
$string['legendvisibility_mixeddesc'] = 'The visibility of the video is in an invalid status.';
$string['legendvisibility_visible'] = 'Visible';
$string['legendvisibility_visibledesc'] = 'The video is visible to all students of the course.';
$string['license'] = 'License';
$string['limituploadjobs'] = 'Limit upload job by cron';
$string['limituploadjobsdesc'] = 'Limit the count of uploadjobs done by one cronjob. The cronjob can be scheduled here: {$a}';
@@ -555,36 +513,34 @@
$string['limitvideosdesc'] = 'Maximum number of videos to display in block';
$string['linkedinblock'] = 'Linked in block';
$string['liveupdate_fail_notification_message'] = 'Unable to perform live status update for the following event(s):