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File metadata and controls

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Data Sharding

Incoming data samples are divided into shards, typically by the ingestion source such as Apache Kafka, where 1 shard == 1 partition. Currently the total number of shards must be a power of two, such as 128 or 256. Right now, the number of partitions in a Kafka topic should match the number of shards.

Each shard is wholly stored and contained within one FiloDB node. A central cluster coordinator running on one of the FiloDB nodes (the NodeClusterActor and ShardManager classes) allocates shards to individual FiloDB nodes.

The total number of shards for a cluster is not currently changeable, it must be configured properly when sizing a cluster initially. The number of nodes in a FiloDB cluster can come and go, and shard assignments may change when a node is introduced or fails and/or leaves the cluster. Since a shard must fit within one node, typically one would allocate many more shards than the expected cluster size. For example, we might allocate 256 shards to a cluster expected to be around 32 nodes on average. This allows for some dynamic growth in the cluster size without a huge impact on the number of shards on any node.

The Shard Key

Both the ingestion gateway and the query layer must agree on the same strategy for deriving the shards from incoming records and query requests. This is done using a "shard key" composed of specific columns and/or keys/tags from a MapColumn. For example, for Prometheus schema data, we might decide to use the keys __name__ (the metric name) and job to form the shard key.

What the above means is that

  1. On ingest, the __name__ and job are used to decide (in combination with other "partition key" fields) the specific shard / Kafka partition that data goes into
  2. On query, both __name__ and job must be present as filters and is used to form the range of shards to direct queries at.

Spread, or How to Avoid Hotspotting

The spread determines how many shards a given shard key is mapped to. The number of shards is equal to 2 to the power of the spread. It is used to manage how widely specific shard keys (such as applications, the job, or metrics) are distributed. For example, if one job or metric has a huge number of series, one can assign a higher spread to it to avoid hotspotting. Default spread can be overriden by appending spread as a parameter in the query. Spread can also be overriden for every application by specifying all non metric shard keys in the config

spread-assignment = [
      _ws_ = demo,
      _ns_ = App-0,
      _spread_ = 2
      _ws_ = demo,
      _ns_ = App-5,
      _spread_ = 0

Shard Coordination

FiloDB Clients enable users to set up new datasets as needed. Internally clients send a SetupDataset command to the NodeClusterActor. This action provisions the new dataset and adds it as a subscription users can subscribe to and receive shard change events on for that dataset. The NodeClusterActor provides the API for client interaction with the shard information per dataset.

The NodeClusterActor delegates shard coordination operations to ShardManager a synchronous helper class that is responsible for orchestrating the shard assignment events. It also is the owner for the shard assignment state within the NodeClusterActor. It manages:

  • The ShardMapper(s) for each dataset
  • The Subscription for each dataset to publish shard state events to subscribers
  • Current Subscribers for each dataset - via Deathwatch
  • Publishes ShardEvent(s) to subscribers of the shard event's dataset on behalf of Ingesters

ShardMappers internally manage

  • The mapping for a single dataset and its shards and the node those shards reside on
  • The shard status for a single dataset
  • The number of assigned and unassigned shards

And other related dataset shard state. Commands are sent by the NodeClusterActor to the right nodes upon events or changes to the cluster. For example a new node joins, StartShardIngestion might be sent.

To better understand interactions between NodeClusterActor, ShardManager, ShardAssignmentStrategy and NodeCoordinator see the documented Shard Coordination Sequence Diagram

Shard Assignment

The ShardManager delegates shard assignment decisions to a ShardAssignmentStrategy implementation. This trait has one method, that makes shard assignment recommendation for one dataset and one worker node at a time. The ShardManager is responsible for sequencing the assignment recommendations for all worker nodes whenever shards need to be assigned to nodes. It then makes the state change based on these recommendations. It is important that state change be applied for one node prior to fetching recommendations for next node. This is important since the assignment strategy is designed to be functional and stateless. The assignment state is owned by the ShardManager.

In the DefaultShardAssignmentStrategy implementation, shards are eagerly assigned to nodes after making sure that shards are evenly spread as much as possible among the nodes. If shards go down, and reassignment needs to be done, the assignment strategy will also try to find room on nodes that were incompletely filled.

The ShardManager must seek recommendations for assignment in reverse order of deployment in order to aid smooth rolling upgrades, which will be carried out by bringing up a new version node before bringing down an old version node. More recently deployed nodes are given preference for shard assignment.

Shard Event Subscriptions

It is possible to subscribe to shard events for any user-defined datasets, for example to know when an ingestion stream has started for a dataset, is down, encountered an error, is recovering or has stopped. This functionality allows several things including:

  • Dynamic awareness of the health of all dataset shard streams
  • QueryActors to receive updated status of every shard so it knows where to route queries to (or to fail)
  • Clients sending records in (via pushing IngestRows into NodeCoordinator) to receive events or status updates to know when it can start sending
  • Ingestors (Ingesters) to publish status updates (e.g. ERROR, or ingestion started)
  • Ingestors (Ingesters) to receive shard commands and know when to stop ingestion, or when to start ingesting

Subscribe to Shard Status Events

To subscribe to shard events, a client sends a SubscribeShardUpdates(ref: DatasetRef) to the NodeClusterActor (a cluster singleton). The ShardManager acks the subscriber request with a CurrentShardSnapshot(ref: DatasetRef, latestMap: ShardMapper). CurrentShardSnapshot is sent once to newly-subscribed subscribers to initialize their local ShardMapper.

clusterActor ! SubscribeShardUpdates(dataset)

The subscriber will receive shard events as they occur, for any datasets they subscribe to per SubscribeShardUpdates.

The association of ShardEvents to ShardStatus (api in progress) starting with ShardStatusUnassigned:

  case ShardAssignmentStarted(dataset, shard, node) => // ShardStatusAssigned
  case IngestionStarted(dataset, shard, node)       => // ShardStatusNormal
  case IngestionError(dataset, shard, ex)           => // ShardStatusError
  case IngestionStopped(dataset, shard)             => // ShardStatusStopped
  case RecoveryStarted(dataset, shard, node)        => // ShardStatusRecovery
  case ShardDown(dataset, shard, node)              => // ShardStatusDown (changing, breaking out to more granular)
  case ShardMemberRemoved(dataset, shard, node)     => // ShardMemberRemoved (also changing)
Shard Status and Shard Status Events

The Shard Ingestion Events(s) are sent per dataset stream Ingester actors when the ingestion stream starts, errors, or by the NodeClusterActor singleton upon detection of node failure / disconnect via Akka Cluster events. These events are subscribed to by QueryActors, etc. For example in Spark, executors waiting to know when they can start sending records.

Each ShardMapper maps each shard to the ActorRef of the NodeCoordinatorActor of the FiloDB node holding that shard. The Shard Status of the shards are updated internally by FiloDB via ShardManager. Subscribers can maintain their own local copy for a dataset if needed, and leverage the events:

def receive: Actor.Receive = {
  case CurrentShardSnapshot(_, shardMap) =>
    localMap = shardMap
  case e: ShardEvent                     =>
    // now you can leverage the current state of all nodes, all shards for a given dataset
    // via the `ShardMapper` API
Automatic Reassignment of Shards

The Cluster Singleton assumes that the IngestionActor and the Ingest stream handles all recoverable errors. If an exception is thrown, the error is not recoverable.

When an unrecoverable exception occurs in the ingestion stream, the IngestionActor releases resources for the shard, and an IngestionError event is sent to the singleton.

The ShardManager then attempts to reassign the shard to another node. This reassignment is done only if the shard was not previously reassigned within 2 hours (configurable). This is to prevent errors arising from data or load causing shard to be continuously reassigned.

Unsubscribe to Shard Status Events

A subscriber can unsubscribe at any time by sending the NodeClusterActor a Unsubscribe(self) command, which will unsubscribe from all the subscriber's subscriptions. Unsubscribe happens automatically when a subscriber actor is terminated for any reason. This is also true for all NodeCoordinatorActors.

Auto Unsubscribe

Any subscriber that has terminated is automatically removed.

Cluster/Shard State Recovery

The NodeClusterActor and ShardManager are both singletons and only one instance lives in the Akka/FiloDB Cluster at any one time. They contain important state such as shard maps and current subscriptions to shard status updates. What if the node containing the singleton dies?

Here is what happens:

  1. When each node starts up, its NodeGuardian subscribes to all shard status and subscription updates from the singletons.
  2. As the shard status updates and new subscribers come online, the ShardManager sends updates to all the NodeGuardian subscribers.
  3. The node containing the singletons goes down. Akka sends Unreachable and other cluster membership events, though this won't be noticed because the node is down.
  4. Eventually, Akka's ClusterSingletonManager notices the node is down and restarts the singletons on a different node. When it is restarted, it has none of the previous state.
  5. The NodeClusterActor first recovers previous streaming ingestion configs from the MetaStore, which is probably Cassandra.
  6. The NodeClusterActor next recovers the current shard maps and subscribers from the new node's NodeGuardian, which should have been subscribing to updates due to the first step.
  7. Next, the NodeClusterActor replays a summary of all cluster membership events, including any new node failure events, and thus updates shard status accordingly.