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A credit spread curve matching tenors against par spread quotes


Name Type Description Notes
base_date datetime EffectiveAt date of the quoted rates
dom_ccy str Domestic currency of the curve
tenors List[str] The tenors for which the rates apply For more information on tenors, see knowledge base article KA-02097
spreads List[float] Par spread quotes corresponding to the tenors.
recovery_rate float The recovery rate in default.
reference_date datetime If tenors are provided, this is the date against which the tenors will be resolved. This is of importance to CDX spread quotes, which are usually quoted in tenors relative to the CDX start date. In this case, the ReferenceDate would be equal to the CDX start date, and the BaseDate would be the date for which the spreads are valid. If not provided, this defaults to the BaseDate of the curve. [optional]
maturities List[datetime] The maturity dates for which the rates apply. Either tenors or maturities should be provided, not both. [optional]
lineage str Description of the complex market data's lineage e.g. 'FundAccountant_GreenQuality'. [optional]
market_data_options MarketDataOptions [optional]
market_data_type str The available values are: DiscountFactorCurveData, EquityVolSurfaceData, FxVolSurfaceData, IrVolCubeData, OpaqueMarketData, YieldCurveData, FxForwardCurveData, FxForwardPipsCurveData, FxForwardTenorCurveData, FxForwardTenorPipsCurveData, FxForwardCurveByQuoteReference, CreditSpreadCurveData, EquityCurveByPricesData, ConstantVolatilitySurface


from lusid.models.credit_spread_curve_data import CreditSpreadCurveData

# TODO update the JSON string below
json = "{}"
# create an instance of CreditSpreadCurveData from a JSON string
credit_spread_curve_data_instance = CreditSpreadCurveData.from_json(json)
# print the JSON string representation of the object
print CreditSpreadCurveData.to_json()

# convert the object into a dict
credit_spread_curve_data_dict = credit_spread_curve_data_instance.to_dict()
# create an instance of CreditSpreadCurveData from a dict
credit_spread_curve_data_form_dict = credit_spread_curve_data.from_dict(credit_spread_curve_data_dict)

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