Short blurb about what your project does.
List the roadmap steps; alternatively link the Confluence Wiki page where the project roadmap is published.
- Item 1
- Item 2
- ....
There are several ways to contribute to {standard name}:
- Join the next meeting: participants of the {standard name} workstream meet... {meeting cadance}.
Find the next meeting on the FINOS projects calendar and browse [past meeting minutes in GitHub]({standard slug}/labels/meeting).
Join the mailing list: Communications for the {standard name} project are conducted through the {standard name} mailing list. Please email [{standard slug}](mailto:{standard name} to join the mailing list.
Raise an issue: if you have any questions or suggestions, please [raise an issue](https://{github}.com/finos/{standard slug}/issues/new/choose)
This project uses the Community Specification License 1.0 ; you can read more in the LICENSE file.