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Configuration Options

Configuring package.json

Device Configuration

configurations holds all the device configurations, if there is only one configuration in configurations detox build and detox test will default to it, to choose a specific configuration use --configuration param

Configuration Params Details
binaryPath Relative path to the ipa/app due to be tested (make sure you build the app in a project relative path)
testBinaryPath (optional, Android only): relative path to the test app (apk)
type Device type, available options are ios.simulator, ios.none, android.emulator, and android.attached.
name Device name, aligns to the device list avaliable through xcrun simctl list for example, this is one line of the output of xcrun simctl list: A3C93900-6D17-4830-8FBE-E102E4BBCBB9 iPhone 7 Shutdown iPhone 7 iOS 10.2, ir order to choose the first iPhone 7 regardless of OS version, use iPhone 7.
To be OS specific use iPhone 7, iOS 10.2
build [optional] Build command (either xcodebuild, react-native run-ios, etc...), will be later available through detox CLI tool.


  "detox": {
    "configurations": {
      "ios.sim.debug": {
        "binaryPath": "ios/build/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/",
        "build": "xcodebuild -project ios/example.xcodeproj -scheme example -configuration Debug -sdk iphonesimulator -derivedDataPath ios/build",
        "type": "ios.simulator",
        "name": "iPhone 7 Plus"

Server Configuration

Detox can either initialize a server using a generated configuration, or can be overriden with a manual configuration:

	"detox": {
	  "session": {
		"server": "ws://localhost:8099",
		"sessionId": "YourProjectSessionId"

Session can also be set per configuration:

  "detox": {
    "configurations": {
      "ios.sim.debug": {
	"session": {
          "server": "ws://localhost:8099",
          "sessionId": "YourProjectSessionId"

Test Runner Configuration

Optional: setting a test runner (Mocha as default, Jest is supported)
	"detox": {
	  "test-runner": "mocha"
	  "runner-config": "path/to/mocha.opts"
	  "specs": "path/to/tests/root"

mocha.opts refers to --opts in

	"detox": {
	  "test-runner": "jest"
	  "runner-config": "path/to/config.json"

config.json refers to --config in

NOTE: jest tests will run in band, as Detox does not currently supports parallelization.


Build Configuration

In your detox config (in package.json) paste your build command into the configuration's build field. The build command will be triggered when running detox build.
This is only a convience method, to help you manage building multiple configurations of your app and couple them to your tests. You can also choose not to use it and provide a compiled app by yourself.

You can choose to build your project in any of these ways...

  • If there's only one configuration, you can simply use:

     detox build
  • To choose a specific configuration:

     detox build --configuration yourConfiguration
  • Building with xcodebuild:

     xcodebuild -project ios/YourProject.xcodeproj -scheme YourProject -sdk iphonesimulator -derivedDataPath ios/build
  • Building using React Native, this is the least suggested way of running your build, since it also starts a random simulator and installs the app on it.

    react-native run-ios

Note: remember to update the app path in your package.json.

Test Configuration

  • If there's only one configuration, you can simply use:

     detox test
  • For multiple configurations, choose your configuration by passing --configuration param:

     detox test --configuration yourConfiguration

Faster test runs with app reuse

By default the app is removed, reinstalled and launched before each run. Starting fresh is critical in CI but in dev you might be able to save time between test runs and reuse the app that was previously installed in the simulator. To do so use the reuse flag and run your tests like this:

detox test --reuse

This is especially useful with React Native DEV mode when making Javascript code changes that are getting picked up by the packager (and thus no reinstall is needed). This can save up to 7 seconds per run! You should not use this option if you made native code changes or if your app relies on local ("disk") storage.