Please create an experimental directory
mkdir exp_covid19_disinfo
To better organize things please copy the data and scripts into exp_covid19_disinfo directory.
cd /your_path/exp_covid19_disinfo/
conda env create -f bin/covid_exp_env.yaml
source activate $path_to_your_env/transformers
Please check the Readme in directory data/
cd /your_path/exp_covid19_disinfo/
- All transformers scripts are here
cd /your_path/exp_covid19_disinfo/
export HOME_DIR="/your_path/exp_covid19_disinfo/bin/transformers"
bash bin/
First, download the pre-trained embeddings released by the FastText team.
Arabic: Common Crawl and Wikipedia CBOW
Bulgarian: Common Crawl and Wikipedia CBOW
English: 2 million word vectors trained with subword information on Common Crawl (600B tokens).
After downloading and extracting the embeddings, two *.vec
files will be available to be used in our experiments.
Run the following command to start an experiment for a specific question:
bash bin/
points to the pretrained vector (replace with language specific vectors when running experiments)--autotuneDuration
defines how long the tuning should run in seconds - the longer this is, the better the final model.
First, install the following packages:
- pip install requests
- pip install feature-engine
Then, go through the notebook twitter-v2.ipynb
. The notebook reads the social features in data/english/covid19_infodemic_english_data_multiclass_final_all.jsonl
, and converts them to machine learning format. This means that categorical features are converted via one-hot-encoder technique, numerical features are log scaled, and boolean features are turned to 0s and 1s. The last cell of the notebook saves the output under data/
folder with a file named feature_english.tsv
Run the following script to collect all results within a base experimental directory:
python bin/ --set test --metrics "accuracy, micro-f1, weighted-f1" experiments/exp_bert_arabic/
The script supports nested experimental setups, it will automatically find all experiments within this directory for all the questions and output one row per experiment.