Releases: flanksource/flanksource-ui
Releases · flanksource/flanksource-ui
1.0.18 (2021-11-01)
- use namespace as secondary sorting (after check's displayed name) (c06a122)
1.0.17 (2021-10-28)
- disable grouping if there's only one sub-row in a group (8c91036)
1.0.16 (2021-10-28)
Bug Fixes
- solved sorting inconsistency after removing row title prefix (cdf9981)
- use '(none)' as a name/description if it's null or empty (bd21cf3)
1.0.15 (2021-10-28)
Bug Fixes
- align namespace tag left, overflow fade effect for check column (1ccc63a)
- check endpoint not being used as individual (ungrouped)check title (93a2705)
- duplicate namespace as prefix/badge. refactor GetName util function (2d48918)
- namespace badge suffix to each table row (ac539af)
- only show namespace tags on the "all" tab OR when tabBy !== "namespace" (ea5df24)
1.0.14 (2021-10-26)
Bug Fixes
- labels list under groupBy and tabBy dropdowns sorted alphanumerically. (85b7ece)
1.0.13 (2021-10-25)
- Label filter list only including labels of checks that are present in the current tab (fa2a8e5)
1.0.12 (2021-10-22)
Bug Fixes
- "mixed" status indicator color not showing (0d3be9a)
- prevent expanded groups to collapse on refresh on Canary Table (19f9026)
1.0.11 (2021-10-21)
- pin tabs + header to the top on CanaryTable. (7aa8664)
1.0.10 (2021-10-11)
Bug Fixes
- GroupBy selections changed to 'label' instead of 'label:value' (e93a2ff)
- revert to using /api as data source (7efbad3)
- update grouping test suite to reflect recent groupBy changes (5799bd1)
- Add "grouped by" indicator on table header for better indication of grouping (f5e03ab)
- add tabBy dropdown menu to Filterform (c0f26c6)
- Canary Tabs. Check filtering based on tab selection. (bd27f65)
- remove matching namespace prefix from aggregated group's description (f321534)
1.0.9 (2021-09-22)
Bug Fixes
- add babel/eslint-parser to resolve linting false positives. (defeed2)
- cannot select "no-group" on grouping dropdown (19ca3f7)
- check if incoming values are valid before setting table/url. else, revert to defaults. (c6c5d09)
- ignore src/icons/index from eslint (b5b6c65)
- make sorting by check name case-insensitive (6226099)
- overwrite old table.js file, replacing it with new table (5f62502)
- rebase from feat/react-table-prorotyping. resolve linting issues. (1f84728)
- Remove possibility for table to be unsorted; now must be sorted by a column. Set default sort to 'check, ascending'. (4ace608)
- remove unintended eslint-disable-next-line (6ed9ecb)
- remove unnecessary & unused functions (facd0fb)
- Remove unnecessary React Form usage from Canary Table (be0a2ff)
- resolve react/display-name issue by removing anonymous components. make "name" the default selection for Canary table state. (056da13)
- revert previous linting changes (73548ea)
- TableHeader component for sorting (b9f7043)
- Enable sorting for grouped check items (f3b32b5)
- minimal React table implementation (fd6ef37)
- name/description/label Grouping for canary table (8832cae)
- sorting functions for check description and check statuses (5d0ab88)
- sorting implementation with React-Table lib, integrated with URL param state (de50585)