Releases: flyingfishflash/ledger
Releases · flyingfishflash/ledger
Continuous Integration
- a9985ae ci(drone): create buildProperties.json
- 83964ef ci(drone): remove nyx state references in release pipeline
- 0350def ci(drone): run build pipelines when branch is build-*
- 76a245b refactor(frontend): use health endpoint to check for api server
- 4c14526 refactor(backend): enable actuator /health endpoint
- d2c5cd7 refactor(frontend): load build properties from assets/buildProperties.json
- 76774ed refactor(frontend): add packages.hasInstallStript -> true
- ea6086a refactor(frontend): remove tsconfig.spec.json from tsconfig.json
- 0787d26 build(frontend): remove npm postinstall hook (ngcc)
- 731e51b refactor(frontend): 6.4.2
- 528ee97 refactor(frontend): typescript 5.0.4
- 6283cbe refactor(frontend): eslint-plugin-jsdoc 43.2.0
- 517d46a refactor(frontend): eslint 8.40.0
- fb5c303 refactor(frontend): @types/node 18.16.5
- 2543075 refactor(frontend): angular 16.0.1
- a057870 refactor(backend): com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind 2.15.0
- 6c25a7b refactor(backend): org.flywaydb:flyway-core 9.17.0
Continuous Integration
- 015726d ci: don't capture nyx new version flag in publish pipeline
Continuous Integration
- dddc6f1 ci: clean up nyx configuration
- 3b55759 ci: create tag list in publishing pipeline
- 5126673 ci: build only if on significant branch
- aa48b01 ci: temporarily disable backend build pipeline
- d88c5ab ci: temporarily run publish pipeline for ci branches
- 7a2bf56 ci: capture nyx new version during frontend build
- b19d3d5 ci: nyx no dry-run during frontend build
- d3fadb9 ci: rm .nyx-summary prior to frontend build
- 77d5fef ci: bump patch version for significant commits
- 605822b ci: deploy to dev only on significant branches
- 6eb9ef3 ci: publish only on significant branches
- 761f51c ci: calculate dist package version in frontend build pipeline
- 64e969d ci: additional patch bump expressions
- 52f2a17 ci: latest tag for commits to main branch
- 92c0826 ci: attempt to fix nyx release
- 2323274 ci: attempts to fix nyx release
- def90fa ci: refine version assigment for main
- 4737ec4 ci: include branch in .version when NYX_NEW_VERSION is false
- 4e20fa2 ci: temporarily disable pushing releases to codeberg/github
- 59790e7 ci: don't create .tags for refs/head/main
- 612dc58 ci: intermediate not sure
- 1e2aa0d ci: try resume in infer version pipeline
- e19e10a ci: add refs/heads/main trigger to infer version pipeline
- ba28e98 ci: refine trigger for publish pipeline
- 4e1e36b ci: additional pipeline efficiency
- 7b9592a ci: test release/publish/production deploy conditions
- 06fbd98 ci: caching-related changes to quicken build times
- 08c55f7 ci: infer version in each pipeline where it's needed
- 03d08e2 ci: don't bump patch version for 'build' commits
- 7b8f07c build: com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx 2.3.1
- 38803b7 refactor(frontend): prettier 2.8.8
- cda0682 refactor(frontend): karma-chrome-launcher 3.2.0
- 5943172 refactor(frontend): karma 6.4.2
- 0c05e4c refactor(frontend): eslint-plugin-jsdoc 43.0.7
- a737b3e refactor(frontend): eslint 8.39.0
- b61d107 refactor(frontend): @type/node 18.16.0
- c4b507a refactor(frontend): angular 15.2.8
- 2dc7133 refactor(backend): spring-boot 3.0.6
- 66b714b build(backend): net.ltgt.errorprone 3.0.1
Continuous Integration
- a935aff ci: output additional information when nyx is called
- eb37e1f ci: simplify trigger for 'infer version' pipeline
- 5523905 ci: remove goreleaser functionality
- 1686ec9 ci: don't bump patch version for ci or docs type commits
- 71caf06 ci: update nyx changelog template
- ce28939 ci: update nyx environment variables
Continuous Integration
- 90e08b9 ci(nyx): save generated changelog to build/
- 566ff6a ci(drone): nyx release publishing environment variables
- c26f675 ci(nyx): git remotes user/password env variables
- ec875f8 ci(nyx): remote repositories -> 'origin'
- 125ba35 ci(nyx): fix remoteRepositories configuration
- 705bd53 ci(nyx): rename/relocate changelog template
- 83629a8 ci(drone): release pipeline
- 4a70f50 ci(nyx): gitCommit -> false for mainline release type
- e13694a ci(nyx): git remotes
- 0cd67cd ci(nyx): matchBranches -> main for mainline release type
- 6027d8e ci(nyx): gitPush -> true for mainline release type
- 8a89c2b ci(drone): clean up configuration
- aa93e7e ci(drone): set frontend version in package.json
- 539cbe0 ci(drone): remove activity triggered by tags
- df00aa1 fix: create temporary directory for changelog
- 87e8c07 build(gradle): sonar projectKey and projectVersion
- a1801b3 build(gradle): replace functionality
- 569bfaa build(nyx): disable publishing to gitlab
- 1817326 build: add gitlab service to nyx configuration
- 2795fed build: nyx configuration
- 63fefcf build(backend): gradle 8.1
- 2f1f9af build(gradle): error-prone 2.12.1
- f759105 build(gradle): flyway 8.5.6
- ff18e8a build(gradle): java bytecode target version 17
- e2129e4 build(gradle): com.diffplug.spotless 6.4.2
- bafd259 build(gradle): diffplug.spotless 6.4.1
- 38f7b07 build(gradle): project description
- 120b616 build(gradle): sonarqube 3.3
- 44cc51f ci(drone): sonarqube pipeline
- c182703 docs: codecov badge
- fbc494c docs: pipeline status url
- 05673c4 fix(backend): delete account and descendents
- 2205449 fix(backend): resolve error-prone findings
- e0f883b fix(backend): resolve or suppress sonarlint findings
- f10f389 fix(backend): resolve sonarlint findings in unit tests
- 7438cd0 fix(backend): sonarlint - account adapter
- 026c74c fix(backend): sonarlint - account controller
- cb29465 fix(backend): sonarlint - account dto
- f4aeb49 fix(backend): sonarlint - application configuration
- 8499001 fix(backend): sonarlint - enum interface
- 294d1b0 fix(backend): sonarlint - error response body item
- 35968b8 fix(backend): sonarlint - error response structure
- 8c631a0 fix(backend): sonarlint - gnc xml account handler
- 1d09cf3 fix(backend): sonarlint - gnc xml commodity handler
- f2e4cb5 fix(backend): sonarlint - gnc xml helper
- 360dcfd fix(backend): sonarlint - gnc xml price handler
- 781d11d fix(backend): sonarlint - gnc xml transaction handler
- 234576e fix(backend): sonarlint - gnucash file import service
- 9e2fe97 fix(backend): sonarlint - success response structure
- db97b1d fix(backend): sonarlint - tenant connection provider
- ba91300 fix(backend): sonarlint - transaction adapter
- a4a8e01 fix(backend): sonarlint - web socket configuration
- 9c4f4d1 refactor(backend): flyway-core 8.5.5
- 096ec1f refactor(backend): flyway-core 8.5.7
- bed2e25 refactor(backend): h2database:h2 2.1.212
- d2d6691 refactor(backend): jackson-databind
- 3b4e6af refactor(backend): spring-boot 2.6.6
- 0ac6cda refactor(backend): springdoc-openapi 1.6.7
- 23bb92b refactor(build): gradle 7.4.2
- 1ec0d5e refactor(dev-infra): replace references to master with main
- 7a9e5db refactor(frontend): angular 13.3.2
- 20d4de1 refactor(frontend): npm audit fix
- dbbba7b refactor(frontend): target es2018
- 9ca1154 build(*): git ignore angular cache
- abc613e build(*): gradle 7.4.1 / jdk 17
- 04c99ac build(gradle): ben-manes.version plugin 0.42.0
- 5de77b9 build(gradle): copy to correct path
- 3b9f8fc build(gradle): correctly set compileJava option.release property
- 9ceb3ec build(gradle): diffplug.spotless plugin 6.3.0
- 5ddb206 build(gradle): fix buildInfo task
- 26a9a5a build(gradle): remove springBoot.buildInfo from spotless block
- d1a7468 build(gradle): springframework.boot plugin 2.6.5
- 5192e83 build(gradle): use spotless to format xml files
- 721641e ci(*): allow 'fix-' prefix for non-tagged/non master branch builds
- e89a98b ci(dev-infra): gorelease configuration for codeberg
- 047e3cc ci(drone): fix deploy step in dev/prod deployment pipeline
- c6608f5 feat(*): introduce pmd (static code analyzer) rules
- 2b4cdfa fix(backend): address relevant sonarlint findings
- d7f3ea8 fix(backend): unknown finding #1
- 5622721 fix(backend): unknown finding #2
- db9673a fix(backend): unknown finding #3
- 399bbda fix(backend): unknown finding #4
- 2651508 fix(frontend): nginx client_max_body_size to 100M
- de81b5c refactor(backend): flyway-core 8.5.4
- 88c2b9f refactor(backend): jackson-databind 2.13.2
- 292f199 refactor(backend): jackson-datatype-money 1.3.0
- 0ad9cd1 refactor(backend): postgresql 42.3.3
- e7ac90f refactor(backend): spring boot 2.6.5
- b53e411 refactor(backend): spring session 2.6.2
- 65fa94e refactor(backend): spring-security-test 5.6.2
- bf6177c refactor(backend): springdoc-openapi-ui 1.6.6
- ea6c370 refactor(dev-infra): git ignored files
- 35ab3a3 refactor(dev-infra): intellij run configurations
- 5b5b6ca refactor(frontend): angular 13.3
- 96451ca style(*): apply spotless formatting
6168d13 build(gradle): ben.manes.versions plugin 0.39.0
77f2cb5 feat(frontend): error component
ce2f46a fix(frontend): resolve 2/3 commonjs dependency compilation warnings
c680abc refactor(*): restructure runtime configuration
ec3210f refactor(backend): add management.endpoints cors properties
0d676c5 refactor(backend): flyway-core 7.9.2
0a90ef8 refactor(backend): nestedj 5.0.4
afe532f refactor(backend): springdoc-openapi-ui 1.5.9
44b11ff refactor(frontend): angular 12.0.2
fa15843 refactor(frontend): dependency updates via npm update
be9b15b refactor(frontend): global error handler clean up
e6e2099 refactor(frontend): heading component logger prefix correction
228cc6d refactor(frontend): remove logging from equal-objects.service