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NeCSTGen: An approach For Realistic Network Traffic Generation Using Deep Learning


NeCSTGen (Network Clustering Sequential Traffic Generation) is an approach composed of multiple models based on Deep Learning architecture for network traffic generation. The model reproduces the original behavior at the packet, flow and aggregate levels. This work is published in IEEE GLOBECOM 2022 <>.


The folder scripts/processing/ includes all the files that have allowed to process the data and to transform them to make the modeling.

Il y a trois étapes lors du traitement des données :

  • Data extraction from .pcap files, contained in the folder scripts/processing/packets/ ;
  • Flows identification, contained in the folder scripts/processing/flows/ ;
  • Features enginnering, contained in the folder scripts/processing/features_engineering/ .

Script allows the analysis of some protocols not supported by Scapy such as: IRC, IMAP, SMTP, POP, SIP, SSH, Telnet, FTP.

Data extraction

The files, present in the folder scripts/processing/packets/, as well as their order of use is the following:

  • script_extraction_*.py loads a .pcap file and retrieves information about each packet (size, headers, arrival time, ...). The data is then exported as several .csv files named ````. The "Google Home" version is specific to Google Home data. This version allows to browse several files in the same folder.
  • script_reducer_*.py: aggregates all the .csv files formed after using the script The "Google Home" version is specific to Google Home data. Les fichiers, une fois renommé, sont appellé df_week{1, 3}_DAY.csv.

After this step we get files like, for example: df_week3_thursday.csv. Each file contains all the packets with their characteristics for each day and each week.

Flows identification

Script, in the folder scripts/processing/flows/, identifies the flows. Protocols that have no flow (no source or destination port) are identified from their source and destination MAC address. In this case, the purpose is to be able to identify communications between different devices.

Features engineering

The features engineering step consists of two sub-steps:

  • Feature extraction: new features are extracted from the data such as: packet size, header size, throughput in bytes/s, ... .
  • Feature processing: the data are transformed to facilitate learning and modeling.

The files, present in the folder scripts/processing/features_engineering/, as well as their order of use is the following:

  • In a first step, the script extracts new features such as the flow on a jumping or sliding window, the time difference between two successive packets, ... . The "Google Home" and LoRaWAN version are specific to these data.
  • Transform the feature for the modeeling. The categorical values are transformed into numerical values. A log10 transformation is applied on the time features. All the feature are standardize between 0 and 1. The "Google Home" and LoRaWAN version are specific to these data.


The files are present in the scripts/modeling/*/training/ folder for each associated level. The levels and associated path are as follows:

  • scripts/modeling/packet/training/: packet level training ;
  • scripts/modeling/flows/training/: Flow level training ;
  • scripts/modeling/aggregate/training/ Aggregate level training.

Packet level

We sample a cluster identified in the latent space thanks to the GMM (Gaussian Mixture Model) and we use the VAE (Variational AutoEncoder) decoder to reconstruct the parameters of the packet. The following scripts, in the folder scripts/modeling/packet/training/, are used:

  • allows the learning of the VAE (Variational AutoEncoder).
  • shows how to train the GMM (Gaussian Mixture Model).

Flow level

The files used to trained the LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) model for flow generation are the following, in the folder scripts/modeling/flow/training/:

  • allows the learning of the LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) model for the generation of a flow in connected mode. For example, applications using TCP (Transport Control Protocol), the start and end structure of the flow will be taken into account.
  • allows the learning of the LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) model for the generation of a flow in unconnected mode. For example, a communication between two devices in UDP (User Datagram Protocol) mode.
  • script_lstm_scapy_no_flow_* allows the learning of the LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) model for the generation of a set of packets without flow information. The "LoRaWAN" version is specific to LoRaWAN data.

Aggregate level

The files used for training the model used for aggregate generation are in the folder scripts/modeling/aggregate/training/:

  • shows how to train the GMM (Gaussian Mixure Model) allowing the generation of the characteristics of a flow.


The files are present in the scripts/modeling/*/inference/ folder for each associated level. The levels and associated path are as follows:

  • scripts/modeling/packet/inference/: packet level training ;
  • scripts/modeling/flows/inference/: Flow level training ;
  • scripts/modeling/aggregate/inference/ Aggregate level training.

Packet level

We sample a cluster identified in the latent space thanks to the GMM (Gaussian Mixture Model) and we use the VAE (Variational AutoEncoder) model decoder to reconstruct the parameters of the packet. The following scripts, in the folder scripts/modeling/packet/inference/, are used:

  • shows how to generate a packet with the GMM (Gaussian Mixture Model) and the VAE (Variational Auto-Encoder).

Flow level

Each file contains a function gen_pcap(...) within this function the pieces of code allowing the generation of the .pcap file are commented. The files are in the folder scripts/modeling/flows/inference/:

  • script_packet_generation_scapy_flow_connect_*.py: allows the generation of flows in connected mode. For example, applications using TCP (Transport Control Protocol), the start and end structure of the flow will be taken into account. The "Google Home" version is specific to Google Home data.
  • script_packet_generation_scapy_flow_no_connect_*.py: allows the generation of a flow in unconnected mode. For example, a communication between two devices in UDP (User Datagram Protocol) mode. The "Google Home" version is specific to Google Home data.
  • script_packet_generation_scapy_no_flow_*py: allows the generation of a set of packets without flow information. The "LoRaWAN" version is specific to LoRaWAN data.

The generation of a set of flows can be done by following the dynamics present in the original data (a dynamic present over a particular period) or by using an aggregate of generated flows.

Agregate level

The files used for aggregate generation are in the folder scripts/modeling/aggregate/inference/:

  • allows the generation of a set of flows but not the associated packets. A flow level generation will have to be used to be able to generate a set of packets.


The notebook in the directory is the one used to generate the graphs to analyze the traffic generated. The data used for plotting are in the data/ folder.


This folder contains the models used for generation. The models are named as follows:

  • LSTM: Long Short-Term Memory.
  • GMM: Gaussian Mixture Model.
  • VAE: Variational AutoEncoder.


The folder contains samples data used as input to scripts or obtained as output. We can find three folders:

  • data/output/: samples of results used for the generation of PCAP with Scapy. This samples are generated by NeCSTGen and can be used to recreate a complete PCAP file with Scapy.
  • data/process/: sample of processed data used. This is the data used as input of each model.
  • data/raw/: samples of raw data used.

The files contained in data/ named df_week1_friday.csv represent the data extracted from each .pcap file for each day and each associated week.


  • Python 3.6.0
  • TensorFlow 2.4.1
  • Numpy 1.14.3
  • Pandas 0.22.0
  • Scapy 2.4.3
  • Scapy_ssl_tls 2.0.0


  • Version 0.0.1


  • Fabien Meslet-Millet



See the file "LICENSE" for information.