Releases: folio-org/ui-data-import
Releases · folio-org/ui-data-import
Features added:
- Data Import Field Mapping Profile details: Inventory instance from MARC (UIDATIMP-15)
- Data Import Field Mapping Profile details: Inventory holdings from MARC Bib (UIDATIMP-290)
- Data Import Field Mapping Profile details: Inventory item from MARC Bib (UIDATIMP-292)
- Rearrange the match profile diagram structure (UIDATIMP-411)
- Wipe out lines from the match profile diagram (UIDATIMP-411)
- Provide a profile snapshot with childWrappers when new profile association added to a job profile (UIDATIMP-413)
- Data import settings Match Profiles: Changes for Static value Number, Date submatches (UIDATIMP-414)
- Set defaultMapping query param when data-import process is run with chosen JobProfile to false (UIDATIMP-418)
- Add "profileType" query param to request for get /profileSnapshots/{profileId} (UIDATIMP-444)
Bugs fixed:
- Fix broken Record Type Selection Tree in RTL mode (UIDATIMP-425)
- Fix broken Match criterion section in RTL mode (UIDATIMP-426)
- Mapping Profiles Form existing record type recognition behavior is wrong (UIDATIMP-456)
- Fix hardcoded tenant value for the modules retrieving (UIDATIMP-465)
Features added:
- Attach a field mapping profile to an action profile that does not have one (UIDATIMP-269)
- Attach one or more action profiles to a field mapping profile (UIDATIMP-279)
- Create ProfileTree Component (UIDATIMP-326)
- Job profile details, part 1: adding match profiles (UIDATIMP-312)
- Job profile details, part 2: adding secondary match/action profiles (UIDATIMP-313)
- Add rules for prohibited profile siblings for the ProfileTree component (UIDATIMP-314)
- Job profile details, part 4: unlinking match or action profiles (UIDATIMP-315)
- Create FOLIO records' field lists (UIDATIMP-330)
- Connect Profile Associator Component to unified data source (UIDATIMP-341)
- Update field naming for mapping profiles (UIDATIMP-349)
- Data import settings page's 4th pane for Match Profiles: Changes needed to support Static value submatches (UIDATIMP-352)
- Connect Profile Tree Component to unified data source (UIDATIMP-357)
- Rework ProfileLinker Component (UIDATIMP-358)
- Data import settings page's 4th pane for Match Profiles: Create MARC records' match-to section (UIDATIMP-373)
- Convert Match Profiles form Existing Record Field name to JSONPath format (UIDATIMP-375)
- Define API Contract for MappingProfile field mapping definitions (UIDATIMP-377)
- Remove extra action buttons in profiles Settings screens (UIDATIMP-394 - UIDATIMP-397)
- Augment RecordTypeSelector component with Incoming Record Type selection dropdown (UIDATIMP-386)
- Job profile details: suppress the delete/trash can icon (UIDATIMP-390)
- Job Profile Tree: Changes needed to support Static value submatches (UIPFIMP-11)
- Add "defaultMapping" query param to "/processFiles" path (UIDATIMP-417)
- Add caret to the incoming record select dropdown in match profile
- Upgrade Stripes and all the dependencies to version 3.0.0 (UIDATIMP-422)
- Rename renewal.json to ongoing.json (UIDATIMP-428)
Bugs fixed:
- Profile Associator lists are empty when the user reloads the page with Profile Edit Form open (UIDATIMP-338)
- ProfileTree component TreeLines re-renders are late by one tick from state updates (UIDATIMP-343)
- ProfileTree component ProfileLinker dropdown doesn't close automatically after list option has chosen (UIDATIMP-345)
- Associated profiles not clearing out after viewing, like they should (UIDATIMP-354)
- Search and Sort don't work in Profile Associator Component in view mode (UIDATIMP-374)
- Fix wording of unlink confirmation modal (UIDATIMP-378)
- Fix wording of profile create/update confirmation toast (UIDATIMP-379)
- Page unstable error when trying to save match profile (UIDATIMP-380)
- Unlink action profile from field mapping profile is not working (UIDATIMP-381)
- ProfileAssociator Component lists are empty (UIDATIMP-399)
- Fix UI tests (UIDATIMP-399)
- Fix action profiles' sequence in job profiles (UIDATIMP-412)
- Wipe out linked profiles when duplicate a profile (UIDATIMP-410)
- Fix unlinking associated profiles from job profile (UIDATIMP-420)
- Fix Match Profile regressions (UIDATIMP-421)
- Fix existing record field name displaying on match profiles (UIDATIMP-427)
- Update sorting query for jobs (UIDATIMP-346)
- Fix typo in a field mapping profile modal (UIDATIMP-336)
- Add action options to choose jobs screen (UIDATIMP-268)
- Add non-editable mode feature for RecordTypesSelect component (UIDATIMP-323)
- Add match details to the View match profile details pane (UIDATIMP-239)
- Create Match Profiles Form renderer (UIDATIMP-325)
- Increase the width of the View details pane for Match profiles (UIDATIMP-332)
- Create Associator Component (UIDATIMP-275)
- Attach a field mapping profile to an action profile that does not have one (UIDATIMP-269)
- Attach one or more action profiles to a field mapping profile (UIDATIMP-279)
- Add details section on create/edit action profile form (UIDATIMP-207)
- Add details section of action profile details pane (UIDATIMP-280)
- Update format of settings cancel/save options (UIDATIMP-238)
- Add associated job profiles search on match profile details pane (UIDATIMP-178)
- Update requests for retrieving logs and jobExecutions (UIDATIMP-304)
- Fix unstable message for job profiles (UIDATIMP-305)
- Create "view all" log screen (UIDATIMP-285)
- Add search details for the "view all" log screen (UIDATIMP-286)
- Add filter details for the "view all" log screen (UIDATIMP-287)
- Update query for sorting by numeric field (UIDATIMP-310)
- Update dependency on source-record-manager (UIDATIMP-318)
- Create Section component (UIDATIMP-278)
- Create and integrate RecordTypesSelect component (UIDATIMP-244)
- Add a Records column to a job logs table, rename Import ID column to ID, swap columns and change width of panes (UIDATIMP-260)
- Fix save match profile (UIDATIMP-282)
- Implement mapping profile duplication feature (UIDATIMP-228)
- Implement mapping profile deletion feature (UIDATIMP-229)
- Make mapping profile name a hotlink in action profile details (UIDATIMP-214)
- Add tags accordion for match profiles (UIDATIMP-18)
- Create TreeView component (UIDATIMP-243)
- Add choose jobs screen 2nd pane (UIDATIMP-257)
- Add job profile details pane on choose job profile page (UIDATIMP-258)
- Fix file extension validation by making it case insensitive (UIDATIMP-252)
- Add associated job profiles search on action profile details pane (UIDATIMP-217)
- Integrate updated MultiColumnList component (UIDATIMP-276)
- Create data import settings page's 3rd pane for action profiles (UIDATIMP-8)
- Implement header caret actions for action profiles (UIDATIMP-14)
- Add form for new action profile action (UIDATIMP-144)
- Implement save the new action profile feature (UIDATIMP-145)
- Implement details view for action profiles (UIDATIMP-146)
- Add search box for 3rd pane of action profiles (UIDATIMP-167)
- Create edit action profile form (UIDATIMP-149)
- Add saving of edited action profile feature (UIDATIMP-220)
- Implement action profile deletion feature (UIDATIMP-215)
- Implement action profile duplication feature (UIDATIMP-148)
- Make job profile name a hotlink in action profile details (UIDATIMP-213)
- Add tags accordion for match profiles (UIDATIMP-16)
- Add tags accordion for action profiles (UIDATIMP-17)
- Create data import settings page's 3rd pane for Field Mapping Profiles (UIDATIMP-9)
- Implement details view for mapping profiles (UIDATIMP-219)
- Implement create mapping profile feature (UIDATIMP-227)
- Implement edit mapping profile feature (UIDATIMP-230)
- Generalize and modularize Modals and Toasts templates, create common Callout renderer (UIDATIMP-210)
- Generalize and modularize Entity List View templates, create common ListView component (UIDATIMP-211)
- Add fields to edit mapping profile screen (UIDATIMP-247)
- Create data import settings page's 3rd pane for action profiles (UIDATIMP-8)
- Implement header caret actions for action profiles (UIDATIMP-14)
- Add form for new action profile action (UIDATIMP-144)
- Implement save the new action profile feature (UIDATIMP-145)
- Implement details view for action profiles (UIDATIMP-146)
- Add search box for 3rd pane of action profiles (UIDATIMP-167)
- Create edit action profile form (UIDATIMP-149)
- Add saving of edited action profile feature (UIDATIMP-220)
- Implement action profile deletion feature (UIDATIMP-215)
- Implement action profile duplication feature (UIDATIMP-148)
- Make job profile name a hotlink in action profile details (UIDATIMP-213)
- Add tags accordion for match profiles (UIDATIMP-16)
- Add tags accordion for action profiles (UIDATIMP-17)
- Create data import settings page's 3rd pane for Field Mapping Profiles (UIDATIMP-9)
- Implement details view for mapping profiles (UIDATIMP-219)
- Implement create mapping profile feature (UIDATIMP-227)
- Implement edit mapping profile feature (UIDATIMP-230)
- Generalize and modularize Modals and Toasts templates, create common Callout rederer (UIDATIMP-210)
- Generalize and modularize Entity List View templates, create common ListView component (UIDATIMP-211)
- Create data import settings page's 3rd pane for Match Profiles. Add string capitalization (capitalize) and HTML special chars decoding (htmlDecode) utils (UIDATIMP-6)
- Create temporary MARC Bib files load option on Choose jobs pane (UIDATIMP-185)
- Add Search box for 3rd pane of Match Profiles (UIDATIMP-166)
- Implement landing page changes when temporary MARC Bib Load option button pushed (UIDATIMP-186)
- Create the form for a new match profile creation (UIDATIMP-138)
- Reorganize testing folder structure and code improvements (UIDATIMP-200)
- Implement details view for match profiles (UIDATIMP-140)
- Save the new match profile (UIDATIMP-139)
- Create edit match profile form (UIDATIMP-143)
- Implement saving of edited match profile (UIDATIMP-182)
- Make job profile name a hotlink in match profile details (UIDATIMP-184)
- Implement match profile duplication feature (UIDATIMP-142)
- Implement match profile deletion feature (UIDATIMP-144)
- Refactor all the profile list views to generalise them and move common parts to separate components (UIDATIMP-201)
- Create ListTemplate and ColumnTemplate components for declarative definition of EntityList (UIDATIMP-201)
- Create MenuTemplate and ItemTemplate components for declarative definition of ActionMenu, create ActionMenu component (UIDATIMP-201)
- Create Spinner and LastMenu components (UIDATIMP-201)
- Create LogColorizer and modular CodeHighlight componens among with modular language definitions (langJSON and langRAW for now) and 2 highlight themes (light - Coy and dark - Stalker) (UIDATIMP-209)
- Refine ViewJobLog page component with a new endpoint to show all the log including error ones through LogColorizer component (UIDATIMP-209)
- Add missing icons for Match Profiles record types (UIDATIMP-194)
- Implement match profile deletion feature (UIDATIMP-176)