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kidhab edited this page Jun 21, 2022 · 17 revisions

So you're using Foodsoft. You're having a question? Or, perhaps, a remark, an complaint, or you're just curious to know more.

Foodcoop members

When you're a member of a foodcoop that uses Foodsoft, your first contact point is your very own foodcoop. If your foodcoop has an IT, systems or ordering workgroup, you could try them. When you want to find out more on your own, please feel free to continue reading. Or send us a message at the mailing-list or to a developer.

Foodcoop groups

When you're using Foodsoft in your foodcoop, or interested to do so, you can read more at:

System administrators

If you're running a Foodsoft installation, you may find this useful:

Foodsoft developers

You'll know your way around on this wiki, I suppose. A good starting point is the README :)

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