- Fixed issue with error format returned from mite
- Fixed issue with activeresource 4: always include json root
- Removed not needed method from Base class
- Fixed issue with activeresource 3.2 when creating time entry
- Fixed Mite::Tracker for activeresource >= 3.1.0 [#5]
- From now on only support activeresource >= 3.1.0
- Fixed support for activesupport > 3.0.9 [#4]
- Fixed some ruby warnings
- The mite.api can only be accessed over HTTPS from now on
- Fixed require issue with Mite::VERSION
- Fixed Mite.version
- Default to https
- Removed jeweler release dependency; now using bundler
- Depends now on activeresource >= 2.3.14; fixed issue with Ruby 1.9
- Added User-Agent
- Added new resource Mite::TimeEntry::Bookmark (read only)
- Some cleanup.
- Fixed bug when using Project#name_with_customer on project without customer.
- Added Project#name_with_customer for best practice/convenience
- Added archived and active collection-methods to Customer, Project, Service and User
- Added singleton resources account and myself (current authenticated user)
- Removed depreciated undo method
- Do not require rubygems
- Added Method to validate the connection to mite
- Use absolute classes to prevent collision with other classes
- Fixed wrong domain name (old one for testing removed)
- Added tracker-resource and methods on time_entry
- Fixed tiny datetimebug
- Dependency of activeresource 2.3.2 and activesupport 2.3.2
- Initial Version