Cheatcodes give you powerful assertions, the ability to alter the state of the EVM, mock data, and more.
Cheatcodes are made available through use of the cheatcode address (0x7109709ECfa91a80626fF3989D68f67F5b1DD12D
ℹ️ Note
If you encounter errors for this address when using fuzzed addresses in your tests, you may wish to exclude it from your fuzz tests by using the following line:
vm.assume(address_ != 0x7109709ECfa91a80626fF3989D68f67F5b1DD12D);
You can also access cheatcodes easily via vm
available in Forge Standard Library's Test
Forge Std implements wrappers around cheatcodes, which combine multiple standard cheatcodes to improve development experience. These are not technically cheatcodes, but rather compositions of Forge's cheatcodes.
You can view the list of Forge Standard Library's cheatcode wrappers in the references section. You can reference the Forge Std source code to learn more about how the wrappers work under the hood.
Below are some subsections for the different Forge cheatcodes.
- Environment: Cheatcodes that alter the state of the EVM.
- Assertions: Cheatcodes that are powerful assertions
- Fuzzer: Cheatcodes that configure the fuzzer
- External: Cheatcodes that interact with external state (files, commands, ...)
- Signing: Cheatcodes for signing
- Utilities: Smaller utility cheatcodes
- Forking: Forking mode cheatcodes
- Snapshots: Snapshot cheatcodes
- RPC: RPC related cheatcodes
- File: Cheatcodes for working with files
If you need a new feature, consider contributing to the Foundry's codebase to add the cheatcode.
This is a Solidity interface for all of the cheatcodes present in Forge.
{{#include ../output/vm/Vm.sol:3:}}