Simple toolset to generate metadata.
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FYI , I have forked the HashLips Art Engine and made some extra features on it
Go check it out, maybe it can help you also.
- Setup
- The tools
You can download the latest release at
or you can clone this on your machine :
git clone
Some commands need some unix commands. The Windows terminal don't support them. In order to make it work you could use Git Bash as your terminal (as a replacement of PowerShell). Download it at
So use Git Bash instead of Windows PowerShell!
Without this, the scripts won't work!
This tool was tested with nodejs version v14.19.1. You need to download and install it from
Open your terminal and navigate to the project root folder and type :
npm install
The config file is located in /src/config.js
. This is where you configure the tools.
Let's say you have some images, but don't have any metadata json files.
Put your images in the /assets/tool1/
Next you can setup the default metadata that will be used in your metadata json.
You can find this in the config.js
namePrefix: 'Your Collection',
description: 'Remember to replace this description',
baseUri: "ipfs://NewUriToReplace/",
You can configure the attributes and extra metadata in the config.js
file :
extraMetadata : {
author : "Fransjo Leihitu"
extraAttributes : [
"trait_type": "color",
"value": "black"
then run the command
npm run generate:fromImages
this will generate the json files in /build/json
and rename & copy your source images files to /build/images/
So it will look something like this
"name": "Your Collection #1",
"description": "Remember to replace this description",
"image": "ipfs://NewUriToReplace/1.png",
"dna": "55d323fe03e5f28360dbf1b75f1a87ef09d0b6a2",
"edition": 1,
"date": 1651319815313,
"compiler": "Metadata generator NFT by fransyozef",
"attributes": [
"trait_type": "color",
"value": "black"
"author": "Fransjo Leihitu"
If you want to generate metadata for your collection witht only 1 media (png,mp4) , you can use the command
npm run generate:fixedMedia
In the config file you can set the filename and the editions to generate :
fixedMedia : {
filename : 'test.png',
editions : 10
Don't forget to update the following in your config.js
namePrefix: 'Your Collection',
description: 'Remember to replace this description',
baseUri: "ipfs://NewUriToReplace/",
This will generate 10 metadata with all pointing to the same filename in the folder /build/json/
For example:
"name": "Your Collection #1",
"description": "Remember to replace this description",
"image": "ipfs://NewUriToReplace/test.png",
"dna": "f24ec0656aa4e8706480d46b7655fd07e9d293fe",
"edition": 1,
"date": 1651600070254,
"compiler": "Metadata generator NFT by fransyozef",
"attributes": [
"trait_type": "color",
"value": "black"
"author": "Fransjo Leihitu"
If you want to generate json files that are stored in the _metadata.json, use the command
npm run generate:fromMetadata
Put the _metadata.json
in the /assets/tool3/
folder. The json files will be exported in the /build/json/
So for example :
"name": "Test #1",
"description": "My description",
"image": "ipfs://NewUriToReplace/1.png",
"dna": "53253828be96096cb1a321e5a3bce241db6c067f",
"edition": 1,
"date": 1651315338049,
"author": "Fransjo Leihitu aka The Hangry Coder aka XperimentalConcept aka fransYOzef aka ThaLyric",
"attributes": [],
"compiler": "HashLips Art Engine , forked by fransyozef"
"name": "Test #2",
"description": "My description",
"image": "ipfs://NewUriToReplace/2.png",
"dna": "a9ab967c5e138cfb743a0d477aa4f827672eac99",
"edition": 2,
"date": 1651315339045,
"author": "Fransjo Leihitu aka The Hangry Coder aka XperimentalConcept aka fransYOzef aka ThaLyric",
"attributes": [],
"compiler": "HashLips Art Engine , forked by fransyozef"
will generate 2 json metadata files in /build/json/
Once you have uploaded all your images to Pinata / IPFS , you need to update the baseUri in the json files.
Open the config file in src/config.js
and change the baseUri
Put your json files in the /assets/tool4/
Next, in your terminal type
npm run updateBaseUri
This tool will generate your images by crossreferencing the /assets/tool5/_metadata.json
and the source image(s) in /assets/tool5/layers/
The images will be outputtted in /build/images/
First set the correct width and height output in the config.js
format: {
width: 512,
height: 512,
smoothing: false,
The command to run this tool :
npm run generate:fromMetadataJsonAndLayers
The HashLip generator creates metadata for example
"name": "Your Collection #1",
"description": "Remember to replace this description",
"image": "ipfs://NewUriToReplace/1.png",
"dna": "ffca094d38469d558fd8a442b847802d3ef3b42e",
"edition": 1,
"date": 1651601900137,
"compiler": "Metadata generator NFT by fransyozef",
"attributes": [
"trait_type": "color",
"value": "black"
"author": "Fransjo Leihitu"
You don't actually need all the keys.
Put all your metadata in the folder /assets/tool6/
In config.js
you can configure which keys you don't want :
removeMetaData : [
Then run the command in your terminal
npm run cleanMetadata
The new metadata will be in /build/json/
This tool will create the _metadata.json from the seperate generated json files.
Put your json files in /assets/tool7/
folder and run the command
npm run generate:combinedMetadataJson
The _metadata.json
will be generated in /build/json/