I have learnt how to do data preprocessing.In this i learnt how to manage missing data and categorical data.
I have learnt simple linear regression and implement it.
Today I learned ploynomial regression and implement it in jupyter notebook using python
I have completed python for data science.I learnt it from the video avilable on Youtube.
I have completed learning of multiple regression algorithm which is classification type of suerwised learning.
Today I have learnt about classification and algorithm use for classification .Logistic regression is an algorithm which is use for classification problems.Though it is regression , it is not use for regression problems.
Today I learnt pandas and numpy from "python for data science and machine learning for bootcamp"
I didn't updated my logs from past 8 days.But now I am updating it.I have brushed up basic concepts of linear algebra,calculus ,probability theory.
I have learn tenserflow from videos of edureka and simplilearn youtube channel.
Spot out the difference between superwised and unsuperwised machine learning. I learnt theory behind clustering and association which are types of unsuperwised machine learning algorithm.
I have implemented k-means clustering algorithm in python.
Learnt the theory of hierarchial clustering.
Watched Andrew Ng videos of machine learning which are avialble on youtube. I have watched only linear regression ,polynomial regression videos and understand it therotically(gradiant descent,cost function,stochestic gradient descent).
I read some articles on deep learning from medium. and watch some videos of deep learning introduction to understand the term.
I have understood the difference between ANN(Artificial Neural Network) vs CNN(COnvolution Neural Network) vs RNN(Recurrent Neural Network)
Learnt about naive bayes classifier and therotical implementation of it.I haven't implement it practically but I will do it in upcoming days.
Learnt decision tree classification algorithm of superwised learning.
Implement apriori alogirhtm for making recommend system using a market based data
Only brushing up of probability concepts was not sufficient for me so I learnt it again from BloomReach channel of youtube
On this day I have learnt tree based modeling from scratch using python.
Learnt support vector machine algorithm of superwised learning and implement it.
Learnt support vector machine algorithm of superwised learning and implement it.
I learnt types of regression techniques present and how it works.
Started learning statistic from the book "All of Statistics".
Got introduced to reinforcement learning basics.
Got introduced to reinforcement learning basics.
Started Learning of Ensemble modeling
Read a blog from analytics vidya "Easy questions on Ensemble Modeling everyone should know"
Implement Ensemble Learning using Python Code.
Learnt how to find outliers from data.
Implement support vector machine algorithm using python in jupyter notebook
Started watching videos on machine learning by Andrew Ng.
Started learning Natural Language processing using deep learning
Learnt what is Recurrent Neural Network, Lont Short Term Memory(LSTM) in depth.
Started learning deep learning with Keras using deeplizard channel on youtube
Started deep learning videos series from deeplizard channel on youtube
Completed deep learning playlist from previous given channel of youtube
Learned keras and build a CNN to using sequential model. Also learned how to save model.
Use google colaboratory for classifying cat and dog images using CNN.I havn't updated works of 14 days but i will soon update it after tracking which topic i did each day
Implement kaggle dataset of and performed EDA but I kept kernel private :p.I will update them soon .
Tried adding database in google colaboratory for first time because and implement linear regression.
Use google colaboratory for classifying cat and dog images using CNN.I havn't updated works of 14 days but i will soon update it after tracking which topic i did each day
Use google colaboratory for classifying cat and dog images using CNN.I havn't updated works of 14 days but i will soon update it after tracking which topic i did each day
Started learning opencv from opencv official site and pyimagesearch.
Learning basic of image processing ,video processing and implemented some basic codes avilable on opencv official site
Implement the object tracking code from pyimagesearch and do some experiment by adding additional feature in code.
Implement face recognization and eye recognization from opencv official site and understood basic consepts and algorithm