If you notice a bug, or think of a feature you'd like to add, please raise a GitHub issue using the appropriate template
Outstanding issues are a great place to start contributing. If you notice an issue that isn't in the tracker, please open an issue in the issue tracker and indicate that you're working on a fix by commenting on the issue. Once you've done this, the open source community has a chance to chime in and help out as well!
Requesting a feature is similar to filing a bug report. Simply check the issues tracker and see if the feature has already been requested. If it hasn't, open a new issue. Once we review your request, we will give you a timeframe of when we can begin implementation. If you'd prefer to begin implementation yourself, please let us know via a comment on the issue.
To get started with fixing an issue or implementing a feature, fork the repo and clone the fork, then create a new branch with the format issueNumber/issue-description
i.e. 1/increment-int-values
Once you believe the issue is fixed, make sure the tests pass (press cmd+u or go to the test target and click the "play" button next to the class name). Then open a Pull Request.
Once we receive your pull request, we'll review it, provide you with feedback, and potentially add it to the codebase!