- How many small dams and reservoirs are located within the crown land?
- Can you identify all parcels on which one or more new farm dams or reservoirs have been developed in last year?
- How many of properties has been flooded in last 5 years?
- How many dams and reservoirs have increased in their size in last 5 years?
• What water bodies are represented with both point and polygon geometries?
• What are the persistent feature identifiers (PFI) of a specific water body that is represented with both point and polygon geometries?
• What is the persistent feature identifier (PFI) of a specific water body that has multiple polygon representations?
• What are the unique feature identifiers (UFI) of a specific water body that is represented with both point and polygon geometries?
• What are the UFIs of a specific water body that is represented with multiple polygon representations?
• Which authoritative and coincident water bodies have different feature type codes (for example one is water dam and other is lake)?
• On what date was a selected geometry generated?
• What is the list of water bodies that were updated in last 6 months?
• What is the difference in water area of a specific water body that is represented with multiple polygon geometries?
• What is the list of water bodies that experienced significant increase of water area in last 12 months (or since last update)?
• What organisation, person, or process is responsible for the creation of a specific water body geometry?
• Which water bodies have only an authoritative geometry representation, and which also have a machine-learned alternative?
• Which water bodies have no authoritative geometry, and appear only in the machine-learned data set?
• Which water bodies have no authoritative geometry, and appear only in the LiDAR data set?
• What is a positional accuracy of the authoritative water polygon data set?
• What is a positional accuracy of the authoritative water point data set?
• What is a positional accuracy of the machine-learned data set?
• What is a positional accuracy of the LiDAR water polygon data set?
• What is an attribute accuracy of the authoritative water polygon data set?
• What is an attribute accuracy of the authoritative water point data set?
• What is a completeness status (available for the entire Victoria) of the authoritative water polygon data set?
• What is a completeness status (available for the entire Victoria) of the authoritative water point data set?
• What is a completeness status (available for the entire Victoria) of the machine-learned data set?
• What is a completeness status (available for the entire Victoria) of the LiDAR water polygon data set?
• Is the authoritative water polygon data set publicly accessible?
• Is the authoritative water point data set publicly accessible?
• Is the machine-learned data set publicly accessible?
• Is the LiDAR water polygon data set publicly accessible?
• What is the list of the chronological history of updates (description and dates) for a specific authoritative geometry?
• What is the list of the history of updates to the attributes of a specific authoritative water body?