The unofficial mirror of Coryn Club, since Coryn Club can't handle too much bandwidth. Only for searching items, information on each item are as close to Coryn as it can get, but no visual display so we can add that once we have more time.
The project is dead.
Yes, I will no longer update this repo, but I will make a new website for contents entirely. The website link is also dead.
I have added a ton of functionalities to my website, come and visit.
Here is the link.
- Search monsters
- Search weapon
- Search monsters according to preferred levels.
- View skills trees ( currently working on)
Made manually, I would have scrapped if it wasn't illegal.
alt+shift+f to auto indent btw
Compile flag for dockerfile for render will probably break your build if you are not careful, so remove it, it is only used in deployment on Compile flag for dockerfile for render will probably break your build if you are not careful, so remove it, it is only used in deployment on Compile flag for dockerfile for render will probably break your build if you are not careful, so remove it, it is only used in deployment on Compile flag for dockerfile for render will probably break your build if you are not careful, so remove it, it is only used in deployment on Compile flag for dockerfile for render will probably break your build if you are not careful, so remove it, it is only used in deployment on Compile flag for dockerfile for render will probably break your build if you are not careful, so remove it, it is only used in deployment on Compile flag for dockerfile for render will probably break your build if you are not careful, so remove it, it is only used in deployment on
Enough about breaking codes, about the difficulty. How hard is it to type codes when having 3 tests per week?
Very hard
const childProcess = spawn('node', ['server/server.js'], { stdio: 'inherit' }); // The proxy server need this because the proxy server is now the one serving static files app.use('/images', express.static(path.join(__dirname, '../images'))); // The reason why we can run the excels as normal are because the resource itself is found by the child server, which then got rendered into raw html then sent to the proxy server
The proxy server allow you to control rate limit better and still allow the original server as a standalone, this helps with debugging and understanding the mechanisms of a standard network service.
The docker image support is NOT being moved to proxy server, it doesn't consume much more resources and allows additional sub servers, BUT CORS IS A BITC for deployment.
Scrapped from Coryn, delays of 9 seconds per website load to avoid DDOS.
Scripts used are in python folder.
Run all scrapping python scripts, and run 0_find_import, then use pip list and chatgpt to make requirements.txt if you want to deploy your own version on python.
On js, do the same thing by asking chatgpt what imports are used and reinstall the libraries.
Node version
npm install
# How to run
Important: Node version need linux, you can choose
Node version
node ./server/server.js
class="card-container" or "class="card-container-1" was how we scrape the data from the website, we used to use these names for the python scripts. now we crawl properly through each document
The metadata files inside of the database folder tells the server what to find inside of the database, generated from
We can also add google search index to allow others to visit our websites.
<!-- <% console.log(table) %> -->
by the way, data power also require to change the currently connected network on ethernet to ethernet.
If it works it works, now go and commit tax evasions.
// Endpoint to handle the dynamic rendering inside'/viewmagic2', async (req, res) => {
const { file } = req.body;
try {
const filePath = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'database', 's2', file + '.ejs');
if (!fs.existsSync(filePath)) {
console.log("Error finding EJS file: " + file);
res.status(500).send({ error: "An unexpected error occurred." });
console.log("Found "+file)
// Render the EJS file from the specified path
res.render(filePath, { layout: false}, (err, html) => {
if (err) {
console.log("Error rendering EJS file:", err);
return res.status(500).send({ error: "Failed to load content." });
res.send({ content: html });
} catch (error) {
console.log("Error handling request:", error);
res.status(500).send({ error: "An unexpected error occurred." });
Illegal waifus are invading the websites but hell, i fucking hate source control Updated version of the farming search We gonna deploy a secret See if this get detected, lmao fuck the SSH editing configuration
First of all, install the git inside the fucking wsl. Secondly, enter the fucking git path manually, inside remote settings.
docker image remove poc
&& docker image remove truclinhgm/poc:deploy-ready
docker compose build
docker tag poc truclinhgm/poc:deploy-ready
docker push truclinhgm/poc:deploy-ready