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File metadata and controls

117 lines (83 loc) · 7.15 KB

Radarr Collection and People Manager

A Python2 script for checking your Radarr database against TMDB Collections and following People's work.

This downloads information directly from the Movie's TMDB page and Collections are strictly limited to sequels. For example, with Dark Knight (2008) in my database, this will look at the attached collection information, check the Radarr database for Batman Begins (2005) and The Dark Knight Rises (2012) and can either automatically add any missing into the database or save as a list for manual browsing. If you already have two or more of the movies in a collection, it will only check the collection once and skip the other movies.

People can also be monitored to automatically find missing Movies from their Acting, Writng, Directing, and / or Production credits as listed on their TMDB page.

Optional Features:

  • Automatically added into Radarr or save results to text file,
    • Add Monitored or Unmonitored,
    • Automatic search,
  • Follow People and grab everything with / by them,
    • People only mode - disable scanning collections,
  • Ignore wanted list - only check movies with files,
  • Save list of collection artwork URLs to text file,
  • Set blacklist of TMDB IDs to ignore,
  • Exclude results by minimum ratings and votes,
  • Single movie scan.


  • Radarr,
  • Your own TMDB API key,
  • Python requests module
    pip install requests

Getting a TMDB API key: TMDB offers free API keys to anyone with an account. Simply sign up and request a key via your account settings.

Setting up

Please rename to

Radarr settings

All values need to be in ""

  • Host and Port
    If running Radarr in a Docker or on a different machine, the host will need to be set to the IP address of the (virtual) machine running Radarr. Please use the same values as you use for accessing the web interface. Default for running on the same machine is "localhost" and "7878"

  • base_url - used for reverse proxies. Should be set as "off" unless needed, if used needs to have / included eg. "/radarr".

  • api_key - can be found under Settings > General

Other Variables

tmdbkey is where to paste your TMDB API key, also needs "".

monitored and autosearch can be set to True or False, need the capital first letter but do not need the ""
If using automatic adding, the first time you run the script it is reccomended to have both set to False. From a database of 1200 movies, this added 180 more on my first run and having it autosearch all of these is a bad idea, having them unmonitored makes them easy to filter in Radarr.


Is there a sequel that you just don't want? Simply find it on TMDB and grab the ID from the web address and add it to the blacklist. For example the web address for The Dark Knight Rises has the ID 49026 in it.

force_ignore should be a comma separated list of TMDB IDs in [   ] to ignore if missing from the database. For example, to ignore both other Batman movies and only keep the middle one, I would have: force_ignore = [272, 49026]

People Monitoring

Do you want everything by a certain Actor, Producer, Director or Writer? Grab their TMDB ID from their profile web address and using the template below, select which credits you would like to monitor.

profile is the TMDB ID of a Movie in your database that will be used to copy the Profile and Root Path from when adding movies via People Monitoring.

people needs to have {   } around the whole thing and each entry needs to be comma separated. The Name varaible is only for easy file management and not used by the script. Filter out certain roles by removing them from the monitor list.

Template: "<<TMDB ID>>" : { "name" : "<<NAME>>", "monitor" : ['Cast','Directing','Production','Writing']},

profile = 49026
people = {'15277' : { 'name' : 'Jon Favreau', 'monitor' : ['Cast','Production']}, 
          '138' : { 'name' : 'Quentin Tarantino', 'monitor' : ['Directing','Production']},


Download and extract the zip or clone with git to a location of your choice. Edit with your values then, in Command Prompt or Terminal, navigate into the downloaded folder and run python to initiate a scan.

After the initial scan, it will save a list of all the TMDB IDs in your Radarr database and all the Collection IDs discovered. Once this is saved, running the script again will run an update scan, only checking movies that have been added to Radarr since and then rechecking the monitored Collections and People for new additions.

Movies added into Radarr from Collection scans will use the same Profile and Root Folder Path for the whole collection. Movies added from People Monitoring will copy the settings from the declared movie.

Please be aware automatic adding does not currently work with Docker. [ Issue #65 ]


You are able to change the function and output by running as python [options]

Short Long Use
-h --help Displays this help.
-f --full Repeat initial scan, recheck all movies.
-s <num> --start <num> Specify start point, useful for big libraries if errors occur. (forces -f)
-t <num> --tmdbid <num> Check single TMDB ID for Collections.
-d --down Only search movies with files. Ignore Wanted list.
-p --people Disable all Collection scanning, only scan People.
-q --quiet Disables verbose logging in command line. Log file still created.
-n --nolog Disables log file creation. Verbose logging still visible.
-c --cache Disables automatic adding to Radarr, instead saves list of missing movies to text file.
-a --art Saves list of Collection artwork URLs to text file.

Multiple options can be passed in, in any order. python -d -q -f would work for example.

Additional Output Files

  • When running with the -c option, found_date_time.txt is the scan results file that lists the movies that have been found on that run. It is not created if 0 movies are found.

Total Movies Found: 2

From Collections: 1

The Dark Knight Collection TMDB ID: 272 Batman Begins (2005)

From People: 1

Quentin Tarantino - Directing - Director TMDB ID: 187 Sin City (2005)

  • When running with the -a option, art_date_time.txt is a list of every collection that has been checked along with the URL to the default collection artwork from TMDB to be easily pasted into Plex or other media apps.

The Dark Knight Collection