Logs location
Datomic config
Log configuration
Id’s are unique numbers for each entity. Ident’s are programmer supplied, human friendly names.
{:db/id #db/id[:db.part/db]
:db/ident :person/loves}
To create a database named dev-db:
(create-database "datomic:free://localhost:4334/dev-db")
To get the current db:
(->> db-uri db/connect db/db)
In Datomic, a schema defines a core set of attributes which effectively act as data types. An entity can possess any attribute without restriction.
Entity: A map of attribute/value pairs. Entities have no fixed shape; they can be comprised of any attributes defined in the schema.
Attribute: Name + data type + cardinality. Attributes themselves can be thought of as data types.
A datum is the combination of [entity] [attribute] [value].
To create a schema we create attributes.
Attribute Namespace: vendor
Attribute Name: name
This is meant to store the names of shops like ‘7-11’ or ‘London Drugs’, etc…
All entities created in a database reside within a partition. There are three default partitions:
Partition | Purpose |
:db.part/db | System, used for schema |
:db.part/tx | Transaction |
:db.part/user | User, application entities |
Create the following file: vendor-schema.edn
:db/id #db/id[:db.part/db] ; this creates a unique id
:db/ident :vendor/name ; specify namespace/name
:db/valueType :db.type/string ; field type
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one ; one or more values
:db/doc "I.e. 7-11, or London Drugs"
:db.install/_attribute :db.part/db ; installs attribute
In addition, every attribute must be installed, by creating a :db.install attribute reference from :db.part/db to the new attribute id. The example above takes advantage of reverse attribute navigation: the underscore in the name :db.install/_attribute reverses the direction of the attribute reference, creating the needed reference from :db.part/db to the new attribute.
An attribute of type :db.type/ref value must be a reference to another entity.
ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAilFQdaiHk
Query components: Variables, Constants, Where (data patterns, rules), Find, and In clauses
Begin with question mark (?). Eg: ?customer, ?product, ?email.
Can be prefixed with a namespace: :user/name. Mostly used to name attributes in the database.
Constrains the result returned, binds variables. Is a list. Can omit tail portion you don’t care about.
[entity attribute value tx]
[?customer :email ?email]
Here :email is a constant that constrains query to say: find me the datums that have the attribute :email. ?customer and ?email are variables that will be bound by the query engine, once for each matching datum.
Find the email of a specific entity:
[42 :email ?email]
What attributes does a given entity have. We’ve dropped the value portion so we’ll only get attributes, not values:
[42 ?attribute]
If you want those values do:
[42 ?attribute ?value]
Specifies which variables to return. Return ?customers that have the :email attribute.
[:find ?customer :where [?customer :email]]
If variable occurs more than once, it creates an implicit join:
[:find ?customer :where [?customer :email] [?customer :orders]]
In the above, every customer has an email but only some have orders. The above will retrieve those customers.
Allow you to provide inputs to variables, aka: parameterized queries.
:in $ ?email
$ means use the default database, which corresponds to the second arg of the query (q) function. ?email being second in the :in clause, is therefore the 3rd arg.
(q [:find ?customer :in $ ?email :where [?customer :email ?email]] db “[email protected]”)
Functional constraints can appear in a :where clause.
[(> ?price 50)]
Predicates can simply be dropped into a :where clause where they further constrain a :where clause.
[:find ?item :where [?item :item/price ?price] [(> ?price 50)]]
Can call a function in the middle of your where clause. Take bound variables and bind variable with output:
[(shipping-cost ?zip ?weight) ?cost)]
Example to find products whos total cost is dominated by the shipping cost:
[:find ?customer ?product
:where [?customer :ship-address ?addr]
[?addr :zip ?zip]
[?product :product/weight ?weight]
[?product :product/price ?price]
[(shipping-cost ?zip ?weight) ?ship-cost]
[(<= ?price ?ship-cost)]]
You don’t have to query against the database, the following finds out which system properties are path related:
(q '[:find ?v
:in [[?k ?v]]
:where [(.endsWith ?k "path")]]
Build named combination of query patterns.
[(relatedProduct ?p1 ?p2) ; rule head names the rule and establishes variable names
[?p1 :category :c] ; rule body
[?p2 :category :c] ; rule body
[(!= ?p1 ?p2)]] ; rule body
Each query pattern in the body must be true for the entire rule to be true. Can now use this where you’d normally use a simple data pattern.
Rules are passed to function q as simply another input
(q '[:find ?p2
:in $ %
:where [(expensiveChocolate p1)
(relatedProduct p1 p2)]]
Find all products related to expensive chocolate
Find all chocolate
[:find ?product
[(fulltext $ :description "chocolate") [[?product]]]]
% is placeholder for a collection of rules.
from: http://gigasquidsoftware.com/blog/2015/08/15/conversations-with-datomic/
'[:find [(pull ?dog [:dog/name :dog/breed]) ...]
:where [?dog :dog/favorite-treat "Cheese"]]
[{:dog/name "Fluffy", :dog/breed "Poodle"}
{:dog/name "Tiny", :dog/breed "Great Dane"}]