- Close input stream explicitly awslabs#222
- Timeout retry stuck sdk client awslabs#219
- Adds in constructor for open stream information awslabs#223
- Fix Len = 0 and Insufficient Buffer behaviours for positioned reads awslabs#203
- Support audit headers in request awslabs#204
- fix: fixing jmh local build awslabs#205
- Add ability to dump configs awslabs#206
- Add JMH JAR generation to CICD awslabs#207
- Migrate to new Iceberg staging branch awslabs#208
- Improve the exception handling of the S3SdkObjectClient awslabs#210
- Improve the unit and integration tests awslabs#211
- feat: adding etag checking for stream reads awslabs#209
- fix: updating integ test to check at correct point awslabs#213
- add gray failure tests and FaultyS3Client awslabs#214
- Fixed a typo in the README by @oleg-lvovitch-aws in awslabs#180
- Remove unnecessary Maven publish step by @CsengerG in awslabs#182
- Move both Iceberg and S3A CICD to snapshot builds by @CsengerG in awslabs#186
- Split footer requests into two by @ahmarsuhail in awslabs#188
- Prefetch dictionaries and column data separately by @ahmarsuhail in awslabs#189
- Addresses review comments by @ahmarsuhail in awslabs#190
- Add support to seek beyond end of stream @fuatbasik (awslabs#192)