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This terraform example demonstrates how to create a container based Linux App Service with secret management and monitoring.


  • Managed identity for authentication instead of credentials
  • Key vault references for accessing secrets from App Service
  • Email alerts for errors and failed availability checks
  • Random suffix for resources requiring globally unique name

Azure services


For storing container images

  • App Service pulls the image from the registry during deployment
  • Authentication using managed identity

For storing and accessing secrets

  • Access management using access policies

App Service plan & App Service

For hosting the application. App Service is created into the plan. If you have multiple App Services, it is possible to share the same plan among them.

  • The application's docker image is deployed from the container registry
  • Managed identity for accessing the Key Vault & Container registry
  • Deployment slot for high availability deploys
  • App service has a lot of settings that can be configured. See all of them here.

User for monitoring, metrics, logs and alerts.

  • The application should use Application Insights library (e.g. for Node.js) to instrument the application and integrate it with App Insights
  • Includes availability checks from multiple locations
  • Email alert for:
    • Failed availability checks
    • Responses with 5xx response code
    • Failed dependencies (e.g. database query or HTTP request fails)

Example usage


  • Azure account and a service principal
  • Resource group
  • Terraform Azure Provider set up
module "my_app" {
  # Required
  resource_group_name = "my-resource-group"
  alert_email_address = "[email protected]"

  # Optional (with their default values)
  name_prefix            = "azure-app-example--"
  app_service_name      = "appservice"
  app_insights_app_type = "other"
  app_service_plan_tier = "PremiumV2"
  app_service_plan_size = "P1v2"

We can create rest of the resources with terraform apply.

An example of a Node.js application can be found in ./example-app directory.

Building an image and deploying to the App Service


Name Description Type Default Required
resource_group_name Name of the resource group where the resources are deployed string yes
alert_email_address Email address where alerts are sent string yes
name_prefix Name prefix to use for objects that need to be created (only lowercase alphanumeric characters and hyphens allowed) string "azure-app-example--" no
app_service_name Name of the app service to be created. Must be globally unique string "appservice" no
app_insights_app_type Application insights application type string "other" no
app_service_plan_tier App service plan tier string "PremiumV2" no
app_service_plan_size App service plan size string "P1v2" no