- Confirmed the operation of pmmp/PocketMine-MP with the latest release
of Minecraft: Bedrock Edition 1.16.20 release
- Translated by @VicoSilalahi: Added Indonesian
- Confirmed the operation of pmmp/PocketMine-MP with the latest release
of Minecraft: Bedrock Edition hotfix release
- Translated by @minijaham: Added Korean
- Confirmed the operation of pmmp/PocketMine-MP with the latest release
of Minecraft: Bedrock Edition 1.14.60 hotfix release
- Translated by @SuperAdam47: Modified Turkish
- Added
for each language - Translated by @SuperAdam47: Added Turkish
- Translated by @SuperYYT: Modified Chinese
- Translation by @SuperYYT: Added Chinese
- Translation by @No4NaMe: Added Russian
- Confirmed the operation of pmmp/PocketMine-MP with the latest release
of Minecraft: Bedrock Edition 1.14.0 release
- pmmp/PocketMine-MP is supported. Along with that, forks that do not follow pmmp changes will not work in this release
- Fixed #65
- Added support for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition The supported environments are listed below.
- MC:BE is supported. The supported environments are listed below.
- Abolished libform and switched to FormAPI. Therefore, FormAPI is required to run this plugin. You can download it from the link below. https://poggit.pmmp.io/p/FormAPI/1.3.0
- Added support for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition 1.12.0.
- License changed from MIT to UIUC (NCSA) - e256061
- API 4.0 support discontinued-f06394f
- Added setting to enable /txt to use only op - 08f4a29 (#51)
- Fixed issue with UnremovableFloatingText using non-existent properties - d6d4562 (#48)
- Fixed not to check if key exists - 9391c8c (#47)
- Fixed the bug that the type of value read from uft.json or ft.json does not match the type specified by FloatingText - d5b9cad (#44)
- Fixed a bug that floating characters emit smoke when the weather is raining-9ed5a4d (# 43)
- Fixed the bug that / txt remove command does not work properly.
- Fixed an issue where the format of ft.json would be broken if a dot was included in the name of FloatingText or the world name-7684786
- Fixed Core::checkPackaged()
- Delete /txtadm
- In-game language also changes from device language setting
- Removed time zone settings
- Renamed CantRemoveFloatingText to UnremovableFloatingText
- Fixed#33
- Fixed #31
- Support API version abolition 👍
- Response to scheduler specification changes
- Internal function organization
- #17
- Response to scheduler specification changes
- Internal function organization
- Fixed #11
- 3.0.0-ALPHA12 support
-#10 fix
- Support for Minecraft 1.2.13
- Fixed some bugs and type hints
- Fixed translation
- If you are using php7.0.x, please download from the legacy/php7.0.x branch build
- Support for API version 3.0.0-ALPHA11
- Major system changes
- Support for API version 3.0.0-ALPHA10
- Minor API changes
- Released on Poggit🎉 Download it here
- Data restored.