The Categorical Variation Representation Specification (Cat-VRS, pronounced "cat verse") is a specification developed by the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH) to provide a standard for the representation of categorical variant concepts in genomics knowledgebases, and improve genomic knowledge search, curation, and harmonization. The specification consists of a JSON Schema for representing classes of categorical variation, conventions to maximize the utility of the schema, and a python implementation that promotes adoption of the standard.
This repository is maintained by the GA4GH Categorical Variation Working Group. We are actively developing Cat-VRS, so much of the information contained herein is in an early state of development and should be treated as tentative and liable to change.
As such, the contents of this repository represents a very early draft version of Cat-VRS. First, this means that the schemas contained herein are not yet an officially-released version of the specification. Second, this means that the spec is expected to undergo frequent and potentially breaking updates until a more stable trial version is released. Caveat emptor.
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :includehidden: introduction getting_involved concepts/index impl-guide/index releases/index appendices/index