C++ code for controlling Raspberry Pi 2s in ENGR101 during 2017. Used for the AVC (Autonomous Vehicle Challenge) during the second half of trimester 1.
** Please add your personal tasks guys** Progress report due at the end of week 3 (Monday 22nd) and our goals are to have quad one and two completed
--as outline from our team plan
Jordyn, Zeze & Thobie: Write Methods section
Ethan & Gaby: Robot hardware
Ethan & Gaby/Jacob & Armaan: Figure out how to open gate
Jacob & Armaan: Refine quadrant 2 code
--suggested by GP
Everyone upload photos, design files (CAD),and notes on work they've done to progress report. I suggested we all work on it on our Github Wiki https://github.com/ZezeAli/AVC-Team-3/wiki/Summary-of-What-everyone-is-doing.-*Please-Update!*
Tuesday Lab: Gaby and Ethan complete camera and battery mount so bot is safe to drive and code can be tested
Jacob +Armaan's Code for Quad 1 : https://github.com/ZezeAli/AVC-Team-3/blob/master/lineFollower.cpp