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Youcef SKLAB edited this page Aug 22, 2019 · 62 revisions

Built-in Architectures

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Table of Contents

[fsm](#fsm), [parallel_bdi](#parallel_bdi), [probabilistic_tasks](#probabilistic_tasks), [reflex](#reflex), [rules](#rules), [simple_bdi](#simple_bdi), [sorted_tasks](#sorted_tasks), [user_first](#user_first), [user_last](#user_last), [user_only](#user_only), [weighted_tasks](#weighted_tasks), 



  • state (string): Returns the current state in which the agent is
  • states (list): Returns the list of all possible states the agents can be in



compute the bdi architecture in parallel













this architecture enables to define a behaviour using BDI. It is an implementation of the BEN architecture (Behaviour with Emotions and Norms)


  • agreeableness (float): an agreeableness value for the personality
  • belief_base (list): the belief base of the agent
  • charisma (float): a charisma value. By default, it is computed with personality
  • conscientiousness (float): a conscientiousness value for the personality
  • current_norm (any type): the current norm of the agent
  • current_plan (any type): thecurrent plan of the agent
  • desire_base (list): the desire base of the agent
  • emotion_base (list): the emotion base of the agent
  • extroversion (float): an extraversion value for the personality
  • ideal_base (list): the ideal base of the agent
  • intention_base (list): the intention base of the agent
  • intention_persistence (float): intention persistence
  • law_base (list): the law base of the agent
  • neurotism (float): a neurotism value for the personality
  • norm_base (list): the norm base of the agent
  • obedience (float): an obedience value. By default, it is computed with personality
  • obligation_base (list): the obligation base of the agent
  • openness (float): an openness value for the personality
  • plan_base (list): the plan base of the agent
  • plan_persistence (float): plan persistence
  • probabilistic_choice (boolean): indicates if the choice is deterministic or probabilistic
  • receptivity (float): a receptivity value. By default, it is computed with personality
  • sanction_base (list): the sanction base of the agent
  • social_link_base (list): the social link base of the agent
  • thinking (list): the list of the last thoughts of the agent
  • uncertainty_base (list): the uncertainty base of the agent
  • use_emotions_architecture (boolean): indicates if emotions are automaticaly computed
  • use_norms (boolean): indicates if the normative engine is used
  • use_persistence (boolean): indicates if the persistence coefficient is computed with personality (false) or with the value given by the modeler
  • use_personality (boolean): indicates if the personnality is used
  • use_social_architecture (boolean): indicates if social relations are automaticaly computed



add the predicate in the belief base.

  • returns: bool
  • predicate (546704): predicate to add as a belief
  • strength (float): the stregth of the belief
  • lifetime (int): the lifetime of the belief


add the belief about an emotion in the belief base.

  • returns: bool
  • emotion (546706): emotion to add as a belief
  • strength (float): the stregth of the belief
  • lifetime (int): the lifetime of the belief


add the predicate in the belief base.

  • returns: bool
  • mental_state (546708): predicate to add as a belief
  • strength (float): the stregth of the belief
  • lifetime (int): the lifetime of the belief


adds the predicates is in the desire base.

  • returns: bool
  • predicate (546704): predicate to add as a desire
  • strength (float): the stregth of the belief
  • lifetime (int): the lifetime of the belief
  • todo (546704): add the desire as a subintention of this parameter


adds the emotion in the desire base.

  • returns: bool
  • emotion (546706): emotion to add as a desire
  • strength (float): the stregth of the desire
  • lifetime (int): the lifetime of the desire
  • todo (546704): add the desire as a subintention of this parameter


adds the mental state is in the desire base.

  • returns: bool
  • mental_state (546708): mental_state to add as a desire
  • strength (float): the stregth of the desire
  • lifetime (int): the lifetime of the desire
  • todo (546704): add the desire as a subintention of this parameter


add the belief in the belief base.

  • returns: bool
  • belief (546708): belief to add in th belief base


add the desire in the desire base.

  • returns: bool
  • desire (546708): desire to add in th belief base


add the ideal in the ideal base.

  • returns: bool
  • ideal (546708): ideal to add in the ideal base


add the uncertainty in the uncertainty base.

  • returns: bool
  • uncertainty (546708): uncertainty to add in the uncertainty base


add the emotion to the emotion base.

  • returns: bool
  • emotion (546706): emotion to add to the base


add a predicate in the ideal base.

  • returns: bool
  • predicate (546704): predicate to add as an ideal
  • praiseworthiness (float): the praiseworthiness value of the ideal
  • lifetime (int): the lifetime of the ideal


add a predicate in the ideal base.

  • returns: bool
  • emotion (546706): emotion to add as an ideal
  • praiseworthiness (float): the praiseworthiness value of the ideal
  • lifetime (int): the lifetime of the ideal


add a predicate in the ideal base.

  • returns: bool
  • mental_state (546708): mental state to add as an ideal
  • praiseworthiness (float): the praiseworthiness value of the ideal
  • lifetime (int): the lifetime of the ideal


check if the predicates is in the desire base.

  • returns: bool
  • predicate (546704): predicate to check
  • strength (float): the stregth of the belief
  • lifetime (int): the lifetime of the belief


check if the predicates is in the desire base.

  • returns: bool
  • emotion (546706): emotion to add as an intention
  • strength (float): the stregth of the belief
  • lifetime (int): the lifetime of the belief


check if the predicates is in the desire base.

  • returns: bool
  • mental_state (546708): predicate to add as an intention
  • strength (float): the stregth of the belief
  • lifetime (int): the lifetime of the belief


add a predicate in the ideal base.

  • returns: bool
  • predicate (546704): predicate to add as an obligation
  • strength (float): the strength value of the obligation
  • lifetime (int): the lifetime of the obligation


add the social link to the social link base.

  • returns: bool
  • social_link (546707): social link to add to the base


adds the predicates is in the desire base.

  • returns: bool
  • predicate (546708): the intention that receives the sub_intention
  • subintentions (546704): the predicate to add as a subintention to the intention
  • add_as_desire (boolean): add the subintention as a desire as well (by default, false)


add a predicate in the uncertainty base.

  • returns: bool
  • predicate (546704): predicate to add
  • strength (float): the stregth of the belief
  • lifetime (int): the lifetime of the belief


add a predicate in the uncertainty base.

  • returns: bool
  • emotion (546706): emotion to add as an uncertainty
  • strength (float): the stregth of the belief
  • lifetime (int): the lifetime of the belief


add a predicate in the uncertainty base.

  • returns: bool
  • mental_state (546708): mental state to add as an uncertainty
  • strength (float): the stregth of the belief
  • lifetime (int): the lifetime of the belief


changes the dominance value of the social relation with the agent specified.

  • returns: bool
  • agent (agent): an agent with who I get a social link
  • dominance (float): a value to change the dominance value


changes the familiarity value of the social relation with the agent specified.

  • returns: bool
  • agent (agent): an agent with who I get a social link
  • familiarity (float): a value to change the familiarity value


changes the liking value of the social relation with the agent specified.

  • returns: bool
  • agent (agent): an agent with who I get a social link
  • liking (float): a value to change the liking value


changes the solidarity value of the social relation with the agent specified.

  • returns: bool
  • agent (agent): an agent with who I get a social link
  • solidarity (float): a value to change the solidarity value


changes the trust value of the social relation with the agent specified.

  • returns: bool
  • agent (agent): an agent with who I get a social link
  • trust (float): a value to change the trust value


clear the belief base

  • returns: bool


clear the desire base

  • returns: bool


clear the emotion base

  • returns: bool


clear the ideal base

  • returns: bool


clear the intention base

  • returns: bool


clear the obligation base

  • returns: bool


clear the intention base

  • returns: bool


clear the uncertainty base

  • returns: bool


puts the current intention on hold until the specified condition is reached or all subintentions are reached (not in desire base anymore).

  • returns: bool
  • until (any type): the current intention is put on hold (fited plan are not considered) until specific condition is reached. Can be an expression (which will be tested), a list (of subintentions), or nil (by default the condition will be the current list of subintentions of the intention)


return the belief about the predicate in the belief base (if several, returns the first one).

  • returns: mental_state
  • predicate (546704): predicate to get


return the belief about the emotion in the belief base (if several, returns the first one).

  • returns: mental_state
  • emotion (546706): emotion about which the belief to get is


return the belief about the mental state in the belief base (if several, returns the first one).

  • returns: mental_state
  • mental_state (546708): mental state to get


get the predicates is in the belief base (if several, returns the first one).

  • returns: mental_state
  • name (string): name of the predicate to check


get the list of predicates in the belief base

  • returns: list<mental_state>
  • predicate (546704): predicate to check


get the list of bliefs in the belief base containing the mental state

  • returns: list<mental_state>
  • mental_state (546708): mental state to check


get the list of predicates is in the belief base with the given name.

  • returns: list<mental_state>
  • name (string): name of the predicates to check


returns the current intention (last entry of intention base).

  • returns: mental_state


get the current plan.

  • returns: BDIPlan


get the predicates is in the desire base (if several, returns the first one).

  • returns: mental_state
  • predicate (546704): predicate to check


get the mental state is in the desire base (if several, returns the first one).

  • returns: mental_state
  • mental_state (546708): mental state to check


get the predicates is in the belief base (if several, returns the first one).

  • returns: mental_state
  • name (string): name of the predicate to check


get the list of predicates is in the desire base

  • returns: list<mental_state>
  • predicate (546704): name of the predicates to check


get the list of mental states is in the desire base

  • returns: list<mental_state>
  • mental_state (546708): name of the mental states to check


get the list of predicates is in the belief base with the given name.

  • returns: list<mental_state>
  • name (string): name of the predicates to check


get the emotion in the emotion base (if several, returns the first one).

  • returns: emotion
  • emotion (546706): emotion to get


get the emotion is in the emotion base (if several, returns the first one).

  • returns: emotion
  • name (string): name of the emotion to check


get the ideal about the predicate in the ideal base (if several, returns the first one).

  • returns: mental_state
  • predicate (546704): predicate to check ad an ideal


get the mental state in the ideal base (if several, returns the first one).

  • returns: mental_state
  • mental_state (546708): mental state to return


get the predicates in the intention base (if several, returns the first one).

  • returns: mental_state
  • predicate (546704): predicate to check


get the mental state is in the intention base (if several, returns the first one).

  • returns: mental_state
  • mental_state (546708): mental state to check


get the predicates is in the belief base (if several, returns the first one).

  • returns: mental_state
  • name (string): name of the predicate to check


get the list of predicates is in the intention base

  • returns: list<mental_state>
  • predicate (546704): name of the predicates to check


get the list of mental state is in the intention base

  • returns: list<mental_state>
  • mental_state (546708): mental state to check


get the list of predicates is in the belief base with the given name.

  • returns: list<mental_state>
  • name (string): name of the predicates to check


get the predicates in the obligation base (if several, returns the first one).

  • returns: mental_state
  • predicate (546704): predicate to return


get the first plan with the given name

  • returns: BDIPlan
  • name (string): the name of the planto get


get the list of plans.

  • returns: list


get the social link (if several, returns the first one).

  • returns: social_link
  • social_link (546707): social link to check


get the social link with the agent concerned (if several, returns the first one).

  • returns: social_link
  • agent (agent): an agent with who I get a social link


get the predicates is in the uncertainty base (if several, returns the first one).

  • returns: mental_state
  • predicate (546704): predicate to return


get the mental state is in the uncertainty base (if several, returns the first one).

  • returns: mental_state
  • mental_state (546708): mental state to return


check if the predicates is in the belief base.

  • returns: bool
  • predicate (546704): predicate to check


check if the mental state is in the belief base.

  • returns: bool
  • mental_state (546708): mental state to check


check if the predicate is in the belief base.

  • returns: bool
  • name (string): name of the predicate to check


check if the predicates is in the desire base.

  • returns: bool
  • predicate (546704): predicate to check


check if the mental state is in the desire base.

  • returns: bool
  • mental_state (546708): mental state to check


check if the prediate is in the desire base.

  • returns: bool
  • name (string): name of the predicate to check


check if the emotion is in the belief base.

  • returns: bool
  • emotion (546706): emotion to check


check if the emotion is in the emotion base.

  • returns: bool
  • name (string): name of the emotion to check


check if the predicates is in the ideal base.

  • returns: bool
  • predicate (546704): predicate to check


check if the mental state is in the ideal base.

  • returns: bool
  • mental_state (546708): mental state to check


check if the predicate is in the ideal base.

  • returns: bool
  • name (string): name of the predicate to check


check if the predicates is in the obligation base.

  • returns: bool
  • predicate (546704): predicate to check


check if the social link base.

  • returns: bool
  • social_link (546707): social link to check


check if the social link base.

  • returns: bool
  • agent (agent): an agent with who I want to check if I have a social link


check if the predicates is in the uncertainty base.

  • returns: bool
  • predicate (546704): predicate to check


check if the mental state is in the uncertainty base.

  • returns: bool
  • mental_state (546708): mental state to check


check if the predicate is in the uncertainty base.

  • returns: bool
  • name (string): name of the uncertainty to check


check if the predicates is the current intention (last entry of intention base).

  • returns: bool
  • predicate (546704): predicate to check


check if the mental state is the current intention (last entry of intention base).

  • returns: bool
  • mental_state (546708): mental state to check


tell if the current plan has the same name as tested

  • returns: bool
  • name (string): the name of the plan to test


removes the predicates from the belief base.

  • returns: bool
  • predicate (546704): predicate to remove


removes the predicate from the belief base.

  • returns: bool
  • predicate (546704): predicate to remove


removes the mental state from the belief base.

  • returns: bool
  • mental_state (546708): mental state to remove


removes the predicates from the desire base.

  • returns: bool
  • predicate (546704): predicate to remove from desire base


removes the mental state from the desire base.

  • returns: bool
  • mental_state (546708): mental state to remove from desire base


removes the emotion from the emotion base.

  • returns: bool
  • emotion (546706): emotion to remove


removes the predicates from the ideal base.

  • returns: bool
  • predicate (546704): predicate to remove


removes the mental state from the ideal base.

  • returns: bool
  • mental_state (546708): metal state to remove


removes the predicates from the intention base.

  • returns: bool
  • predicate (546704): intention's predicate to remove
  • desire_also (boolean): removes also desire


removes the mental state from the intention base.

  • returns: bool
  • mental_state (546708): intention's mental state to remove
  • desire_also (boolean): removes also desire


removes the predicates from the obligation base.

  • returns: bool
  • predicate (546704): predicate to remove


removes the social link from the social relation base.

  • returns: bool
  • social_link (546707): social link to remove


removes the social link from the social relation base.

  • returns: bool
  • agent (agent): an agent with who I get the social link to remove


removes the predicates from the uncertainty base.

  • returns: bool
  • predicate (546704): predicate to remove


removes the mental state from the uncertainty base.

  • returns: bool
  • mental_state (546708): mental state to remove


replace the old predicate by the new one.

  • returns: bool
  • old_predicate (546704): predicate to remove
  • predicate (546704): predicate to add
















  1. What's new (Changelog)
  1. Installation and Launching
    1. Installation
    2. Launching GAMA
    3. Updating GAMA
    4. Installing Plugins
  2. Workspace, Projects and Models
    1. Navigating in the Workspace
    2. Changing Workspace
    3. Importing Models
  3. Editing Models
    1. GAML Editor (Generalities)
    2. GAML Editor Tools
    3. Validation of Models
  4. Running Experiments
    1. Launching Experiments
    2. Experiments User interface
    3. Controls of experiments
    4. Parameters view
    5. Inspectors and monitors
    6. Displays
    7. Batch Specific UI
    8. Errors View
  5. Running Headless
    1. Headless Batch
    2. Headless Server
    3. Headless Legacy
  6. Preferences
  7. Troubleshooting
  1. Introduction
    1. Start with GAML
    2. Organization of a Model
    3. Basic programming concepts in GAML
  2. Manipulate basic Species
  3. Global Species
    1. Regular Species
    2. Defining Actions and Behaviors
    3. Interaction between Agents
    4. Attaching Skills
    5. Inheritance
  4. Defining Advanced Species
    1. Grid Species
    2. Graph Species
    3. Mirror Species
    4. Multi-Level Architecture
  5. Defining GUI Experiment
    1. Defining Parameters
    2. Defining Displays Generalities
    3. Defining 3D Displays
    4. Defining Charts
    5. Defining Monitors and Inspectors
    6. Defining Export files
    7. Defining User Interaction
  6. Exploring Models
    1. Run Several Simulations
    2. Batch Experiments
    3. Exploration Methods
  7. Optimizing Model Section
    1. Runtime Concepts
    2. Optimizing Models
  8. Multi-Paradigm Modeling
    1. Control Architecture
    2. Defining Differential Equations
  1. Manipulate OSM Data
  2. Diffusion
  3. Using Database
  4. Using FIPA ACL
  5. Using BDI with BEN
  6. Using Driving Skill
  7. Manipulate dates
  8. Manipulate lights
  9. Using comodel
  10. Save and restore Simulations
  11. Using network
  12. Headless mode
  13. Using Headless
  14. Writing Unit Tests
  15. Ensure model's reproducibility
  16. Going further with extensions
    1. Calling R
    2. Using Graphical Editor
    3. Using Git from GAMA
  1. Built-in Species
  2. Built-in Skills
  3. Built-in Architecture
  4. Statements
  5. Data Type
  6. File Type
  7. Expressions
    1. Literals
    2. Units and Constants
    3. Pseudo Variables
    4. Variables And Attributes
    5. Operators [A-A]
    6. Operators [B-C]
    7. Operators [D-H]
    8. Operators [I-M]
    9. Operators [N-R]
    10. Operators [S-Z]
  8. Exhaustive list of GAMA Keywords
  1. Installing the GIT version
  2. Developing Extensions
    1. Developing Plugins
    2. Developing Skills
    3. Developing Statements
    4. Developing Operators
    5. Developing Types
    6. Developing Species
    7. Developing Control Architectures
    8. Index of annotations
  3. Introduction to GAMA Java API
    1. Architecture of GAMA
    2. IScope
  4. Using GAMA flags
  5. Creating a release of GAMA
  6. Documentation generation

  1. Predator Prey
  2. Road Traffic
  3. 3D Tutorial
  4. Incremental Model
  5. Luneray's flu
  6. BDI Agents

  1. Team
  2. Projects using GAMA
  3. Scientific References
  4. Training Sessions


  1. Videos
  2. Conferences
  3. Code Examples
  4. Pedagogical materials
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