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Arthur Brugière edited this page May 8, 2022 · 121 revisions


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GAMA is a modeling and simulation development environment for building spatially explicit agent-based simulations.

Its latest version, 1.8.2, can be freely downloaded or built from source, and comes pre-loaded with several models, tutorials and a complete on-line documentation.

Multiple application domains

GAMA has been developed with a very general approach and can be used for many application domains. Some additional plugins had been developed to fit particular needs. The source code is available from the dedicated Github repository.

Example of application domains where GAMA is mostly present:

  • Transport
  • Urban planning
  • Epidemiology
  • Environment

Training sessions

Some training sessions about topics such as "urban management", "epidemiology", "risk management" are also provided by the team. Since GAMA is an open-source software that continues to grow, if you have any particular needs for improvement, feel free to share it to its active community!

Multiple application domains

High-level and intuitive agent-based language

Thanks to its high-level and intuitive language, GAMA has been developed to be used by non-computer scientists. You can declare your species, giving them some special behaviors, create them in your world, and display them in less than 10 minutes.

GAML is the language used in GAMA, coded in Java. It is an agent-based language, that provides you the possibility to build your model with several paradigms of modeling. Once your model is ready, some features allow you to explore and calibrate it, using the parameters you defined as input of your simulation.

We provide you a continual support through the active mailing list where the team will answer your questions. Besides, you can learn GAML on your own, following the step by step tutorial, or personal learning path in order reach the point you are interested in.

High level language

GIS and Data-Driven models

GAMA (GIS Agent-based Modeling Architecture) provides you, since its creation, the possibility to load easily GIS (Geographic Information System).

You can import a large number of data types, such as text, files, CSV, shapefile, OSM (open street map data), grid, images, SVG, but also 3D files, such as 3DS or OBJ, with their texture.

Some advanced features provide you the possibility to connect GAMA to databases, and also to use powerful statistical tools such as R.

GAMA has been used in large-scale projects, using a great number of agents (up to millions of agents).

Data-driven models

Declarative user interface

GAMA provides you the possibility to have multiple displays for the same model. You can add as many visual representations as you want for the same model, in order to highlight a certain aspect of your simulation. Add easily new visual aspects to your agents.

Advanced 3D displays are provided: you can control lights, cameras, and also adding textures to your 3D objects. On the other hand, dedicated statements allow you to define easily charts, such as series, histogram, or pies.

During the simulations, some advanced features are available to inspect the population of your agents. To make your model more interactive, you can add easily some user-controlled action panels, or mouse events.

Declarative User Interface

Development Team

GAMA is developed by several teams under the umbrella of the IRD/SU international research unit UMMISCO:

Citing GAMA

If you use GAMA in your research and want to cite it (in a paper, presentation, whatever), please use this reference:

Taillandier, P., Gaudou, B., Grignard, A.,Huynh, Q.-N., Marilleau, N., P. Caillou, P., Philippon, D., & Drogoul, A. (2019). Building, composing and experimenting complex spatial models with the GAMA platform. Geoinformatica, (2019), 23 (2), pp. 299-322, [doi:10.1007/s10707-018-00339-6]

or you can choose to cite the website instead:

GAMA Platform website,

A complete list of references (papers and PhD theses on or using GAMA) is available on the references page.


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YourKit supports open source projects with its full-featured Java Profiler. YourKit, LLC is the creator of YourKit Java Profiler and YourKit .NET Profiler, innovative and intelligent tools for profiling Java and .NET applications.

Creative Commons License
This page is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

  1. What's new (Changelog)
  1. Installation and Launching
    1. Installation
    2. Launching GAMA
    3. Updating GAMA
    4. Installing Plugins
  2. Workspace, Projects and Models
    1. Navigating in the Workspace
    2. Changing Workspace
    3. Importing Models
  3. Editing Models
    1. GAML Editor (Generalities)
    2. GAML Editor Tools
    3. Validation of Models
  4. Running Experiments
    1. Launching Experiments
    2. Experiments User interface
    3. Controls of experiments
    4. Parameters view
    5. Inspectors and monitors
    6. Displays
    7. Batch Specific UI
    8. Errors View
  5. Running Headless
    1. Headless Batch
    2. Headless Server
    3. Headless Legacy
  6. Preferences
  7. Troubleshooting
  1. Introduction
    1. Start with GAML
    2. Organization of a Model
    3. Basic programming concepts in GAML
  2. Manipulate basic Species
  3. Global Species
    1. Regular Species
    2. Defining Actions and Behaviors
    3. Interaction between Agents
    4. Attaching Skills
    5. Inheritance
  4. Defining Advanced Species
    1. Grid Species
    2. Graph Species
    3. Mirror Species
    4. Multi-Level Architecture
  5. Defining GUI Experiment
    1. Defining Parameters
    2. Defining Displays Generalities
    3. Defining 3D Displays
    4. Defining Charts
    5. Defining Monitors and Inspectors
    6. Defining Export files
    7. Defining User Interaction
  6. Exploring Models
    1. Run Several Simulations
    2. Batch Experiments
    3. Exploration Methods
  7. Optimizing Model Section
    1. Runtime Concepts
    2. Optimizing Models
  8. Multi-Paradigm Modeling
    1. Control Architecture
    2. Defining Differential Equations
  1. Manipulate OSM Data
  2. Diffusion
  3. Using Database
  4. Using FIPA ACL
  5. Using BDI with BEN
  6. Using Driving Skill
  7. Manipulate dates
  8. Manipulate lights
  9. Using comodel
  10. Save and restore Simulations
  11. Using network
  12. Headless mode
  13. Using Headless
  14. Writing Unit Tests
  15. Ensure model's reproducibility
  16. Going further with extensions
    1. Calling R
    2. Using Graphical Editor
    3. Using Git from GAMA
  1. Built-in Species
  2. Built-in Skills
  3. Built-in Architecture
  4. Statements
  5. Data Type
  6. File Type
  7. Expressions
    1. Literals
    2. Units and Constants
    3. Pseudo Variables
    4. Variables And Attributes
    5. Operators [A-A]
    6. Operators [B-C]
    7. Operators [D-H]
    8. Operators [I-M]
    9. Operators [N-R]
    10. Operators [S-Z]
  8. Exhaustive list of GAMA Keywords
  1. Installing the GIT version
  2. Developing Extensions
    1. Developing Plugins
    2. Developing Skills
    3. Developing Statements
    4. Developing Operators
    5. Developing Types
    6. Developing Species
    7. Developing Control Architectures
    8. Index of annotations
  3. Introduction to GAMA Java API
    1. Architecture of GAMA
    2. IScope
  4. Using GAMA flags
  5. Creating a release of GAMA
  6. Documentation generation

  1. Predator Prey
  2. Road Traffic
  3. 3D Tutorial
  4. Incremental Model
  5. Luneray's flu
  6. BDI Agents

  1. Team
  2. Projects using GAMA
  3. Scientific References
  4. Training Sessions


  1. Videos
  2. Conferences
  3. Code Examples
  4. Pedagogical materials
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