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</pre></div> <p>And bam! All installed. I just copied and pasted the text from the <a class="reference external" href=http://brew.sh/ >homebrew website</a>, so I did not even notice that I was using ruby. You gotta love *nix systems for having python and ruby installed by default. With brew, I made my first install:</p> <div class=highlight><pre><span></span>brew install pyenv
</pre></div> </div> <div class=section id=pyenv> <h3><a class=toc-backref href=#id5>pyenv</a></h3> <p>This allows you to manage different versions of Python with ease. Really useful if you want to work with different versions of python on the command line. Check it out <a class="reference external" href=https://github.com/yyuu/pyenv>here</a>.</p> </div> <div class=section id=sublime-text-3> <h3><a class=toc-backref href=#id6>Sublime Text 3</a></h3> <img alt="Sublime Text 3" class=align-center src=images/st3.png> <p>Wonderful text editor, I use this for small projects or a quick edit. For more intensive projects, I use pycharm. Although their website says that ST3 is still in beta, its been pretty stable for me, and the package manager for ST3 works very well. I suggest using ST3 because its starts up instantly, compared to ST2. If you're going to be using this, then I suggest you install the package manager as soon as you've installed ST3, <a class="reference external" href=https://sublime.wbond.net/installation>instructions here</a>.</p> </div> <div class=section id=pycharm> <h3><a class=toc-backref href=#id7>PyCharm</a></h3> <p>Well, I was bound to install this at <em>some</em> point. In my honest opinion, this is the Python IDE to beat. Just make sure you create the <code>charm</code> Terminal variable, through "Create Command Line Launcher" option:</p> <img alt="Creating PyCharm command line launcher" class=align-center src=images/commandlinelauncher.png> </div> <div class=section id=keka> <h3><a class=toc-backref href=#id8>Keka</a></h3> <img alt=Keka class=align-center src=images/keka.png> <p>This is for unpacking archives. Really simple to use tool. Its available on the Mac Store as well.</p> </div> <div class=section id=appcleaner> <h3><a class=toc-backref href=#id9>AppCleaner</a></h3> <img alt="App Cleaner" class=align-center src=images/appcleaner.png> <p>Simple app that completely uninstalls your installed apps. Works like a charm. Get it <a class="reference external" href=http://www.freemacsoft.net/appcleaner/ >on their site</a>. I recommend this as a must install since a lot of the times, your apps leave behind settings, that come back to bite you if you reinstall.</p> <p>And thats a wrap. You can find loads of other tools available, and <code>git</code> comes installed by default. If you want to install mercurial, then its a simple <code>brew install hg</code>.</p> </div> </div> <div class=section id=the-switch> <h2><a class=toc-backref href=#id10>The Switch</a></h2> <p>For me, it was <em>very</em> painful at first. The keyboard was just plain <em>wrong</em>, it had the <code>control</code> key in the <em>wrong</em> place. I say <em>wrong</em> because the standard keyboard for windows and Linux is very different. I just wish Apple had followed the general keyboard layout, it would make migration so much simpler. However, this was probably the only problem I had with my new Mac Book pro, and everything else is pretty neat. The best thing about Mac is that the platform had <em>many</em> apps for windows virtualisation. My pick would be Vmware Fusion, it allows you to run Windows apps as if they were mac applications.</p> <p>The only qualm I have right now is that I haven't been able to find a download manager that comes close to Internet Download Manager (IDM). I'm using the free version of Folx. It sucks. It looks nice, but it sucks.</p> <p>Other than that, I feel that a Mac was exactly what I needed since although Ubuntu is nice, it lacks some good commercial software for screen recording, which is something that I <em>really</em> need.</p> <p>If you make the switch to Mac, and you're an open source developer, I assure you that you won't regret it. Funnily enough, three days after I got my mac, my PC just died. I took it to the repair guy, and he told me that the motherboard was broke. I had just spend 50 bucks on repairs a week ago. The motherboard would cost me another $250.</p> <p>I won't my fixing my PC any time soon.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class=post-meta><span class=meta-type>Category: </span> <span><a href=http://nafiulis.me/category/programming.html>Programming</a></span> <span class=meta-type> Tags: </span> <span> <a href=http://nafiulis.me/tag/python.html>Python</a>, <a href=http://nafiulis.me/tag/mac.html>Mac</a>, <a href=http://nafiulis.me/tag/windows.html>Windows</a>, <a href=http://nafiulis.me/tag/apple.html>Apple</a>, <a href=http://nafiulis.me/tag/tools.html>Tools</a>, <a href=http://nafiulis.me/tag/pycharm.html>PyCharm</a> </span> </div> <div id=disqus_thread style="margin-top: 10px; margin-left: 20px; margin-right: 20px;"></div> <script type=text/javascript>
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