Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Id | long? | The unique identifier of this segment | [optional] |
Name | string | The name of this segment | [optional] |
ActivityType | string | [optional] | |
Distance | float? | The segment's distance, in meters | [optional] |
AverageGrade | float? | The segment's average grade, in percents | [optional] |
MaximumGrade | float? | The segments's maximum grade, in percents | [optional] |
ElevationHigh | float? | The segments's highest elevation, in meters | [optional] |
ElevationLow | float? | The segments's lowest elevation, in meters | [optional] |
StartLatlng | LatLng | [optional] | |
EndLatlng | LatLng | [optional] | |
ClimbCategory | int? | The category of the climb | [optional] |
City | string | The segments's city. | [optional] |
State | string | The segments's state or geographical region. | [optional] |
Country | string | The segment's country. | [optional] |
_Private | bool? | Whether this segment is private. | [optional] |
AthletePrEffort | SummarySegmentEffort | [optional] | |
CreatedAt | DateTime? | The time at which the segment was created. | [optional] |
UpdatedAt | DateTime? | The time at which the segment was last updated. | [optional] |
TotalElevationGain | float? | The segment's total elevation gain. | [optional] |
Map | PolylineMap | [optional] | |
EffortCount | int? | The total number of efforts for this segment | [optional] |
AthleteCount | int? | The number of unique athletes who have an effort for this segment | [optional] |
Hazardous | bool? | Whether this segment is considered hazardous | [optional] |
StarCount | int? | The number of stars for this segment | [optional] |