diff --git a/release_instructions.md b/release_instructions.md
index 268ab7809..61ad1f7e8 100644
--- a/release_instructions.md
+++ b/release_instructions.md
@@ -306,3 +306,38 @@ For checking that the build process is ongoing as expected:
1. This pull request may take a minute or two to open.
1. Once it is open, make a comment containing the text "build bottle".
For further details, see the [README at osrf/homebrew-simulation](https://github.com/osrf/homebrew-simulation#to-build-bottles).
+ 1. A pull request was opened to
+ , where
+ `$VENDOR_PACKAGE` is the name of the Gazebo vendor package for ROS (see
+ )
+ 1. Ensure that the ROS CI build passes. Note that some builds have
+ warnings which show up as failures on the Github UI while the build
+ actually succeeded.
+ 1. For packages that are considered to be part of ROS core
+ (`gz_cmake_vendor`, `gz_utils_vendor`, and `gz_math_vendor`), start
+ additional CI tests using ci.ros2.org to build and test all ROS core
+ packages that depend on these Gazebo vendor packages.
+ * To do so, start a new
+ [`ci_launcher`](https://ci.ros2.org/job/ci_launcher/) build with the
+ following parameters:
+ - `CI_BRANCH_TO_TEST`: branch name of the PR (e.g. `releasepy/rolling/3.1.1`)
+ - `CI_ROS2_REPOS_URL`: If the vendor package is going to `rolling`, this can be skipped, otherwise use `https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ros2/ros2/$ROSDISTRO/ros2.repos` where `$ROSDISTRO` is replaced by the target ROS distribution.
+ - `CI_UBUNTU_DISTRO`: Pick the Ubuntu distro that matches the target ROS distribution
+ - `CI_ROS_DISTRO`: The target ROS distribution. For Harmonic this is `jazzy`, for Ionic this is `rolling` until `kilted` is released.
+ - `CI_BUILD_ARGS`: `--event-handlers console_cohesion+ console_package_list+ --cmake-args -DINSTALL_EXAMPLES=OFF -DSECURITY=ON -DAPPEND_PROJECT_NAME_TO_INCLUDEDIR=ON --packages-above-and-dependencies $VENDOR_PACKAGE` where `$VENDOR_PACKAGE` is the name of the Gazebo vendor package.
+ - `CI_TEST_ARGS`: `--event-handlers console_cohesion+ --retest-until-pass 2 --ctest-args -LE xfail --pytest-args -m 'not xfail' --executor sequential --packages-above $VENDOR_PACKAGE` where `$VENDOR_PACKAGE` is the name of the Gazebo vendor package.
+ 1. Once all of CI builds are successful, merge the PR
+ 1. Make sure you have the required permission by checking
+ .
+ If you're username is not there, follow
+ [these instructions](https://docs.ros.org/en/rolling/How-To-Guides/Releasing/Release-Team-Repository.html#join-a-release-team)
+ to get added to the release team.
+ 1. Follow the steps of releasing a ROS package to release the vendor
+ package
+ * Bump patch versions if the package has already been released for the target ROS distribution.
+ * Bump minor version only if the package is being released into a new ROS distribution.