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265 lines (222 loc) · 11 KB

File metadata and controls

265 lines (222 loc) · 11 KB


I am no longer maintaining Pilgo. It was a fun experiment but its UX was flawed, and due to its design, it was also unfixable.

Taking that frustration into account, I developed a spiritual successor for Pilgo: Park. I consider it to be a lot simpler, easier to use, more unixy and a lot easier to maintain. If you were using or intented to use Pilgo, give Park a go!

That said, this repository is now archived, so if you like Pilgo, feel free to fork it! :-)


Linux, macOS and Windows Latest release License

  1. Overview
    1. Introduction
    2. Main features
    3. Roadmap
    4. FAQ
  2. Installation
    1. Download from releases
    2. Install using Go
    3. Linux
      1. Arch Linux
  3. Instructions
    1. Problem
    2. Solution
      1. init
      2. show
      3. config and scan
      4. check
      5. link



Pilgo is a configuration-based dotfiles manager. That means it'll manage your dotfiles based on what's written in a configuration file, more specifically, a YAML file.

It contains a set of commands to configure the YAML file and, of course, manage your dotfiles.

Main features

  • Everything is expressed via a configuration file
    • Flexibility to choose any directory layout for your dotfiles
  • Visualization of the configuration in a nice tree view
  • Atomic symlinking


Progress is being tracked using GitHub Projects. You can check the roadmap here.


The FAQ is part of Pilgo's Wiki. You can check FAQ here.


Pilgo is available to download via a few ways. If you feel Pilgo is missing from a specific repository from some OS, please, feel free to open an issue or a PR.

If you manage to publish it on an OS's repository, please, create an issue or a PR in order for the respective section to be updated.

Download from releases

There are binaries for Linux, macOS and Windows available as assets in releases.

Install using Go

You can install using Go 1.13 or greater:

$ go get -u


Arch Linux

pilgo on AUR pilgo-bin on AUR

Pilgo is available on the AUR:

You can install it using your AUR helper of choice.


$ yay -Sy pilgo



Imagine you organize your dotfiles with the following structure:

$ tree
├── alacritty
│   └── alacritty.yml
├── bspwm
│   └── bspwmrc
├── dunst
│   └── dunstrc
├── mpd
│   └── mpd.conf
├── mpv
│   └── mpv.conf
└── zsh
    ├── zprofile
    └── zshrc

6 directories, 7 files

You back up your dotfiles using Git and, when you clone the repository to restore them, you want to create symlinks of your dotfiles in the appropriate places. Also, you want it to be reproducible across anywhere you clone your dotfiles.



You can use Pilgo to create symlinks for you. If you were to use GNU Stow, you'd have to restructure your directory layout. That's not the case for Pilgo, because it is a configuration-based tool.

For that reason, you'll need to initialize a configuration file in your dotfiles directory:

$ plg init

Hint: Run plg init -h to check all options for init.

After running the init command, Pilgo creates a YAML file called pilgo.yml. It has read the dotfiles directory and listed all files inside it as targets to be symlinked:

$ cat pilgo.yml
- alacritty
- bspwm
- dunst
- mpd
- mpv
- zsh


After the configuration has been created, you can visualize it in a tree view:

$ plg show
├── alacritty <- /home/me/.config/alacritty
├── bspwm     <- /home/me/.config/bspwm
├── dunst     <- /home/me/.config/dunst
├── mpd       <- /home/me/.config/mpd
├── mpv       <- /home/me/.config/mpv
└── zsh       <- /home/me/.config/zsh

config and scan

If you have ever used Zsh, you'll notice that the configuration is not quite right. That happens because Pilgo creates the configuration file following sane defaults, that is:

  • It uses ~/.config (or the equivalent for other OSes) as the base directory for symlinks
  • It assumes symlinks have the same name as their targets

The nice part is you don't need to change your directory layout because of that. You simply fine-tune your Pilgo configuration using the proper command:

$ plg scan zsh
$ plg config -usehome -flatten zsh

With the scan command, Pilgo scans zsh to add its files as its targets. With the config command, we set two properties for the zsh directory:

  • -usehome sets it to use the home directory as the base directory (instead of ~/.config or equivalent)
  • -flatten skips adding the zsh to the symlink path, skipping directly to its children

Note that config modifies pilgo.yml for you. Here's how it is after the modification:

$ cat pilgo.yml
- alacritty
- bspwm
- dunst
- mpd
- mpv
- zsh
    flatten: true
    useHome: true
    - zprofile
    - zshrc

You can also visualize the new configuration:

$ plg show
├── alacritty    <- /home/me/.config/alacritty
├── bspwm        <- /home/me/.config/bspwm
├── dunst        <- /home/me/.config/dunst
├── mpd          <- /home/me/.config/mpd
├── mpv          <- /home/me/.config/mpv
└── zsh       
    ├── zprofile <- /home/me/zprofile
    └── zshrc    <- /home/me/zshrc

Hint: If you're not sure what has been configured, you can always run plg show or even open pilgo.yml and check its content.

However, we need to set one last thing. Both zprofile and zshrc need to have their symlinks prepended with a dot:

$ plg config -link=.zprofile zsh/zprofile
$ plg config -link=.zshrc zsh/zshrc
$ plg show
├── alacritty    <- /home/me/.config/alacritty
├── bspwm        <- /home/me/.config/bspwm
├── dunst        <- /home/me/.config/dunst
├── mpd          <- /home/me/.config/mpd
├── mpv          <- /home/me/.config/mpv
└── zsh       
    ├── zprofile <- /home/me/.zprofile
    └── zshrc    <- /home/me/.zshrc

You're done with fine-tuning the configuration. You'll probably not have to change it again for some time. You'll only need to fine-tune it again if you add files with restrictions similar to Zsh's.


Finally, you can link your dotfiles. But before that, you can also check whether your dotfiles are ready to be symlinked, which means there are no conflicts. You can check your files by using the check command:

$ plg check
├── alacritty    <- /home/me/.config/alacritty     (READY)
├── bspwm        <- /home/me/.config/bspwm         (DONE)
├── dunst                                          (EXPAND)
│   └── dunstrc  <- /home/me/.config/dunst/dunstrc (READY)
├── mpd          <- /home/me/.config/mpd           (ERROR)
├── mpv          <- /home/me/.config/mpv           (DONE)
└── zsh                                            (SKIP)
    ├── zprofile <- /home/me/.zprofile             (READY)
    └── zshrc    <- /home/me/.zshrc                (CONFLICT)

check is just a preview of how Pilgo will handle your dotfiles. We can note some changes in the output, specially after each symlink name.

Those are states. Each state means something different:

  • READY means the target can be symlinked without further issues
  • DONE means the targets is already correctly symlinked, that is, the symlink already points to the same target configured in your Pilgo configuration
  • EXPAND means a directory exists where Pilgo would create the symlink, but since the target is also a directory, Pilgo can expand it and then symlink files inside it
  • ERROR means there's something wrong with your target or with your symlink
  • CONFLICT means one of the following occured:
    • A regular file already exists where your target would be symlinked and it can't be expanded
    • A regular file already exists where your target would be symlinked and your target can't be expanded

Note that Pilgo doesn't solve conflicts automatically, since it could be a destructive action prone to user error. You have to manually resolve conflicts, which consists of removing files from where symlinks would be created.

Hint: You can have more details for errors by running plg check -fail.


Lastly, if there are no conflicts or errors, you can simply run:

$ plg link

Hint: The link command always checks all dotfiles before linking, so you don't end up with only half of them symlinked. If there are conflicts or errors, it will return an error status and abort.

And if you check again, you'll see:

├── alacritty    <- /home/me/.config/alacritty     (DONE)
├── bspwm        <- /home/me/.config/bspwm         (DONE)
├── dunst                                          (EXPAND)
│   └── dunstrc  <- /home/me/.config/dunst/dunstrc (DONE)
├── mpd          <- /home/me/.config/mpd           (DONE)
├── mpv          <- /home/me/.config/mpv           (DONE)
└── zsh                                            (SKIP)
    ├── zprofile <- /home/me/.zprofile             (DONE)
    └── zshrc    <- /home/me/.zshrc                (DONE)

You can commit pilgo.yml to your dotfiles repository and, since you have already configured everything, next time you have to symlink things, you just have to run plg link.