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An add-on for farfetched, providing integration of Socket.IO, WebSocket, and Server-Sent Events (SSE) protocols for seamless real-time data transmission.


This library is at an early stage of development.

Table of Contents

Quick Features

  • Framework-agnostic
  • Comprehensive TypeScript support
  • Supports three protocols out of the box


Depending on your package manager:

# using `pnpm`
$ pnpm add gatefetched

# using `yarn`
$ yarn add gatefetched

# using `npm`
$ npm install --save gatefetched


Getting Started

Create an instance of the desired protocol:

import { io } from ''

// using
const instance = io('http://localhost:6868')

// using native WebSocket API
const instance = new Websocket('http://localhost:6868')

// using EventSource (SSE)
const instance = new EventSource('http://localhost:6868')

Utilize the createGateway method, which creates a wrapper over each protocol, providing a uniform API.

import { createGateway } from 'gatefetched'

const gateway = createGateway(instance)

createGateway automatically recognizes protocols and returns an object with listener and dispatcher methods, among other metadata.

// underlying implementation socket.on
const channel = gateway.listener('my-channel')

// callback with socket.emit
const sendMessage = gateway.dispatcher('send-message') //

// triggered upon arrival of a response for the 'my-channel' event
// latest response data


// dispatch is an effector event;
// call it manually wherever needed
  • listener creates a listening channel (similar to socket.on, ws.onmessage), adding farfetched functionality.
  • dispatcher creates an API for sending messages to another party (socket.emit, ws.send). Not available in SSE.

Public API

  from: socket,
   // Allows intercepting incoming and outgoing operations
  // Specify a set of methods 
  events: ['my-channel', 'send-message'] as const,
  response: {
    // All data in incoming transactions will be mapped
    mapData: ({ payload }) => payload

Most of the public API mirrors farfetched – contracts, validators, mapping, etc.

Refer to the farfetched documentation for a better understanding.

import { zodContract } from '@farfetched/zod'
import { declareParams } from '@farfetched/core'

const messageSent = gateway.listener({
  name: 'my-channel',
  response: {
    // Utilize contracts for validation and typing
    contract: zodContract(messageSentContract),
    validate: ({result}) => result.message.length > 0
  initialData: {
    id: null,
    message: null
  enabled: true,
  // Listening doesn't start automatically; 
  // manually call messageSend.listen event
  immediate: false,

const sendMessage = gateway.dispatcher({
  name: 'send-message',
  params: declareParams<string>(),
  // Modify instance behavior
  adapter: {
    withAck: true
  request: {
    mapParams: (message) => ({message})

Adapter API

You can also listen for the connect and disconnect methods using the adapter API. //
// Called upon connecting to the other party
gateway.adapter.bindConnect((msg) => console.log(msg))

// Called upon disconnection

Scoped Gateways

The library provides an attachGate method, accepting the old gateway and any effector gate, returning a new gateway. This gateway launches listeners and dispatchers only when the gate is open.

import { createGate } from 'effector-react'
import { attachGate } from 'gatefetched'

// Use any effector binding
const MyGate = createGate()

// Handlers and dispatchers are enabled only when the gate is open
const scopedGateway = attachGate(gateway, MyGate)

const dispatcher = scopedGateway.dispatcher({/* { ... } */})
// Calls queue up and execute only upon gate opening, 
// which occurs when the component is mounted.

const Parent = () => {
  return null

Public API


BaseCreateGatewayParams Interface

  • from: The protocol instance.
    • Examples:
      • io('localhost')
      • new WebSocket('localhost')
      • new EventSource('localhost')
  • intercept (optional): A callback invoked after any incoming or outgoing operation.
    • Type: (InterceptResponse) => void
  • response (optional):
    • mapData (optional): Serializes data globally. Each incoming message is transformed by this callback.

ProtocolGateway Interface

  • instance: The protocol instance.
    • Examples:
      • io('localhost')
  • adapter: The adapter selected depending on the instance type. Provides deeper control over the provided instance.
    • Examples:
      • IoAdapter
      • SseAdapter
  • listener: Method to create a listener API that listens to messages incoming from the other side.


BaseListenerConfig Interface

  • name (optional): Name of the event to listen. Default is ANY_WEBSOCKET_EVENT.
  • initialData (optional): Initial data. Default is null.
  • immediate (optional): If true, starts listening to the channel automatically. If false, manual call through the 'listen' event is required. Default is true.
  • enabled (optional): Indicates if the listener is enabled. If false, it stops accepting requests. Default is true.
  • response (optional):
    • contract (optional): Contracts from farfetched. Default is unknownContract.
    • validate (optional): Validate function from farfetched. Default is validValidator.
    • mapData (optional): Serializes incoming data. Default is identity.
  • adapter (optional): Adapter options for manual configuration of protocol instance behavior.

Listener Interface

  • $enabled: Indicates if the listener is enabled. If false, it stops accepting requests.
  • $status: Listener status. Possible values: 'initial', 'opened'. Default is 'initial'.
  • $opened: Store indicating if the listener is opened.
  • $idle: Store indicating if the listener is idle.
  • $closed: Store indicating if the listener is closed.
  • $data: Last data received from the other side. Default is null.
  • listen: Starts listening to the channel. Automatically triggered when 'immediate' is true.
  • close: Stops listening to the channel, changes $status to 'closed'.
  • done: Callback triggered upon receiving a message from the other side.
  • finished:
    • done: Event triggered when the operation is successful.
    • skip: Event triggered if $enabled is false during the call.
  • failed: Event triggered in case of any failure.
  • @@unitShape: Unit shape method providing a snapshot of the listener state.


BaseDispatcherConfig Interface

  • name: Name of the event to send data.
  • params (optional): Declaration of parameters for sending data.
  • enabled (optional): Indicates if the listener is enabled. If false, it stops accepting requests. Default is true.
  • request (optional):
    • mapParams (optional): Serializes outgoing params. Default is identity.
  • adapter (optional): Adapter options for manual configuration of protocol instance behavior.

Dispatcher Interface

  • $enabled: Indicates if the dispatcher is enabled. If false, it stops accepting requests.
  • $status: Dispatcher status.
  • $sent: Store indicating if data has been sent.
  • $idle: Store indicating if the dispatcher is idle.
  • dispatch: Sends data to the other side.
  • done: Callback triggered immediately after sending data.
  • finished:
    • done: Event triggered when the dispatch is successful.
    • skip: Event triggered if $enabled is false during the call.
  • $latestParams: Parameters at the time of the last call.
  • @@unitShape: Unit shape method providing a snapshot of the dispatcher state.


To better grasp its functionality, refer to the examples.
