Releases: genesis-community/concourse-genesis-kit
- Bumped Concourse to 3.8.0 (
- Fixed bug where kit did not put github oauth organizations into a usable structure in the manifest.
- Bump to Concourse release 3.7.0
- Terminate TLS at the ATC instead of at the HA Proxy.
- Support load-balancing between up to 5 web nodes (instead of the sort-of kind-of 2 from before).
Bumped to Concourse 3.6.0
Bumped to HAProxy 8.4.2
Bumped to Garden RunC 1.9.4
new-postgres-migration subkit no longer does anything, but remains present to make transitioning from earlier kits smoother.
Upgrade Notes
If you're upgrading from a 0.2.x version of this kit (or Concourse 3.5), then you should know that this version requires a recreate of all of the workers because of the garden upgrade. This means that you will need to first deploy this version of the kit with
- name: worker
instances: 0
and then either delete that block, or return your worker instance count to the desired number and deploy again.
Fix prompt which would try to use a non-existent subkit
Bumped Concourse release to 3.5.0
Upgrade Path
This version of Concourse is required to upgrade to any further versions of Concourse because it switches the Postgres release which it uses internally.
To properly perform this upgrade, first deploy this release with the same settings which you have used for previous kits. After you have successfully deployed this, then deploy again, but this time add the subkit new-postgres-migration
. This will perform the migration to the new postgres (it does what it says).
In the period between these two deploys, the VM must not recreated. This means that you cannot perform a stemcell upgrade when deploying new-postgres-migration for the first time.
If this is a clean deploy of Concourse, please use the new-postgres-migration subkit right away.
The Concourse 3.6 release will be 1.0.0 release of this kit. Get hype. 🎊