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The MeanShift class implements mean shift, a clustering technique. Mean shift models the density of the data using a kernel function (also called Parzen window), producing a number of clusters that represent the data density. Mean shift does not require the user to guess the number of clusters, and does not make any assumptions on the shape of the data.

mlpack's MeanShift class allows control of the kernel function used via template parameters.

Simple usage example:

// Use mean shift to cluster random data and print the number of points that
// fall into each cluster.

// Create random dataset with two separated 10-dimensional Gaussians.
arma::mat dataset = arma::join_rows(
    arma::randn<arma::mat>(10, 1000) + 3.0,  // 1000 points from N(-3, 1).
    arma::randn<arma::mat>(10, 1000) - 3.0); // 1000 points from N( 3, 1).

mlpack::MeanShift ms;                        // Step 1: create object.
arma::Row<size_t> assignments;
arma::mat centroids;
ms.Cluster(dataset, assignments, centroids); // Step 2: perform clustering.

// Print the number of clusters.
std::cout << "Found " << centroids.n_cols << " centroids." << std::endl;

// Print the number of points in each cluster.
for (size_t c = 0; c < centroids.n_cols; ++c)
  std::cout << " * Cluster " << c << " has " << arma::accu(assignments == c)
      << " points." << std::endl;

More examples...

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See also:


  • ms = MeanShift(radius=0, maxIterations=1000)
    • Create a MeanShift object that will use the default GaussianKernel to weight points for cluster centroid recalculations.

  • ms = MeanShift<false>(radius=0, maxIterations=1000)
    • Create a MeanShift object that will not weight points differently when recalculating cluster centroids.
    • Centroid recalculation will use all points within a distance of radius from the current cluster centroid, uniformly weighted.

  • ms = MeanShift(radius, maxIterations, kernel)
    • Create a MeanShift object that will use the given kernel object (a GaussianKernel) for weighting points during cluster centroid recalculations.

  • ms = MeanShift<true, KernelType>(radius, maxIterations, kernel=KernelType())
    • Create a MeanShift object that will use the given KernelType for weighting points during cluster centroid recalculations.
    • mlpack kernels or custom kernel classes implementing a Gradient() function can be used for the KernelType template parameter.
    • If kernel is not specified, a default-constructed KernelType will be used.
    • A list of usable KernelTypes supplied with mlpack can be found in the advanced functionality section.

Constructor Parameters:

name type description default
radius double Radius around each centroid for weighting during centroid recomputation. Larger means higher weights for faraway points. Values less than or equal to 0 mean that the radius will be estimated from data. 0.0
maxIterations size_t Maximum number of iterations of the mean shift algorithm to run. 1000
kernel KernelType Instantiated kernel object to use for density calculations. GaussianKernel()


  • A larger radius value will generally result in fewer clusters (e.g. a coarser clustering); smaller radius values will generally result in more clusters.

  • When MeanShift<false> is used, radius is the hard distance threshold for points to be considered in the recomputation of a centroid.


  • ms.Cluster(data, centroids, forceConvergence=true, useSeeds=true)
    • Cluster the given data, storing the resulting cluster centroids in centroids.
    • centroids will be set to size data.n_rows x numClusters, where numClusters is the number of clusters found by the mean shift algorithm.
    • The ith cluster centroid can be obtained with clusters.col(i).

  • ms.Cluster(data, assignments, centroids, forceConvergence=true, useSeeds=true)
    • Cluster the given data, storing the resulting cluster centroids in centroids and cluster assignments for each data point in assignments.
    • centroids will be set to size data.n_rows x numClusters, where numClusters is the number of clusters found by the mean shift algorithm.
    • assignments will be set to length data.n_cols; the assignment of the ith point can be obtained with assignments[i].
    • The cluster centroid of the ith point's cluster can be obtained with centroids.col(assignments[i]).

Clustering Parameters:

name type description default
data arma::mat Column-major matrix holding the dataset to be clustered. (N/A)
centroids arma::mat Column-major matrix that centroids will be stored into. (N/A)
assignments arma::Row<size_t> Vector to store cluster assignments for each point into. (N/A)
forceConvergence bool If true, forces convergence of every cluster, ignoring maxIterations. false
useSeeds bool If true, estimates of high-density regions in the dataset will be used as initial centroids, instead of the full dataset. true


  • It is recommended to leave useSeeds to its default value of true. When useSeeds is set to false, the entire dataset is used as the initial set of centroids. For large datasets, this can be slow!

  • Different types can be used for data and centroids (e.g., arma::fmat or any dense matrix type implementing the Armadillo API). The types of data and centroids must be the same.

Other Functionality

  • A MeanShift object can be serialized with data::Save() and data::Load().

  • EstimateRadius(data, ratio=0.2) returns a double that estimates a good value to use for the radius parameter. ratio (between 0 and 1) controls the percentage of the dataset used for the estimate.

    • This function is called internally by Cluster() at the start of clustering to choose a radius, if radius is less than or equal to 0.
  • As an alternative to constructor parameters, the radius can be set with ms.Radius(newRadius), and the maximum number of iterations can be set with ms.MaxIterations() = newMaxIter.

  • ms.Radius() returns the current radius for clustering. ms.Radius(r) sets the radius to r.

  • ms.MaxIterations() returns the current maximum number of iterations for clustering. ms.MaxIterations() = m sets the maximum number of iterations to m.

Simple Examples

Perform mean shift clustering on the satellite dataset and print the average distance from each point to its assigned centroid.

// See
arma::mat dataset;
mlpack::data::Load("satellite.train.csv", dataset, true);

// Create MeanShift object with default parameters and perform clustering.
mlpack::MeanShift ms;
arma::mat centroids;
arma::Row<size_t> assignments;
ms.Cluster(dataset, assignments, centroids);

// Print the number of clusters.
std::cout << "MeanShift computed " << centroids.n_cols << " clusters."
    << std::endl;

// Compute the average distance from each point to its assigned centroid.
double sumDist = 0.0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < dataset.n_cols; ++i)
  sumDist += mlpack::EuclideanDistance::Evaluate(
      dataset.col(i), centroids.col(assignments[i]));
const double avgDist = sumDist / (double) dataset.n_cols;

std::cout << "Average distance from a point to its assigned centroid: "
    << avgDist << "." << std::endl;

Perform mean shift clustering with custom settings of radius and maxIterations on the wave energy farm dataset, using EstimateRadius() to set the initial radius.

// See
arma::mat dataset;
mlpack::data::Load("wave_energy_farm_100.csv", dataset, true);

// Create MeanShift object and set parameters.
mlpack::MeanShift ms;
const double radiusEstimate = ms.EstimateRadius(dataset, 0.2);

// Use 2x the estimate for a coarser clustering.
ms.Radius(2.0 * radiusEstimate);
// Use only 100 iterations.
ms.MaxIterations() = 100;

// Perform the clustering.
arma::mat centroids;
ms.Cluster(dataset, centroids);

std::cout << "MeanShift found " << centroids.n_cols << " clusters."
    << std::endl;

// Save the centroids to disk.
mlpack::data::Save("wave_energy_centroids.csv", centroids);

Perform mean shift clustering with no kernel (e.g. unit weighting of points in a centroid) on the cloud dataset.

// See
arma::mat dataset;
mlpack::data::Load("cloud.csv", dataset, true);

// Don't use a kernel for clustering.  This means all points within the radius
// are weighted equally.  Use a custom radius of 25.
mlpack::MeanShift<false> ms(25.0, 100 /* max iterations */);

arma::mat centroids;
arma::Row<size_t> assignments;
ms.Cluster(dataset, assignments, centroids);

// Print the number of clusters and the number of points in each cluster.
std::cout << "MeanShift found " << centroids.n_cols << " clusters."
    << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < centroids.n_cols; ++i)
  std::cout << " - Cluster " << i << " has " << arma::accu(assignments == i)
      << " points assigned to it." << std::endl;

Perform mean shift clustering with the triangular kernel on the cloud dataset, using 32-bit floating point matrices to represent the data.

// See
arma::fmat dataset;
mlpack::data::Load("cloud.csv", dataset, true);

// Create the MeanShift object using a TriangularKernel.
mlpack::TriangularKernel tk;
mlpack::MeanShift<true, mlpack::TriangularKernel> ms(50.0 /* radius */,
                                                     1000 /* max iterations */,

// Perform clustering.
arma::fmat centroids;
arma::Row<size_t> assignments;
ms.Cluster(dataset, assignments, centroids);

// Print the number of clusters and the number of points in each cluster.
std::cout << "MeanShift found " << centroids.n_cols << " clusters."
    << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < centroids.n_cols; ++i)
  std::cout << " - Cluster " << i << " has " << arma::accu(assignments == i)
      << " points assigned to it." << std::endl;

Advanced Functionality: Template Parameters

The MeanShift class has two template parameters that can be used for custom behavior. The full signature of the class is:

MeanShift<UseKernel, KernelType>
  • UseKernel (default true) is a bool parameter representing whether a kernel function is used to weight points during centroid recomputation. If it is false, then each point within distance radius of the centroid will be used (without weighting) to recompute the centroid. This strategy (with UseKernel = false) is also known as using a 'flat kernel'.

  • KernelType represents the kernel function (or Parzen window) to be used to weight points during centroid recomputation. Although many mlpack kernels are available, only those with Gradient() functions (described below) are supported. Available kernels for drop-in usage include:

Custom kernels for mean shift can be easily implemented, and must implement only one function (Gradient()):

class CustomKernel
  // Evaluate the gradient of the kernel function given the distance between two
  // points.  Specifically, given that the kernel function is K(t) (where t is
  // the distance between the two points), this function should return K'(t).
  double Gradient(const double t);