This is a repository that holds all PRISM models extending the Task-Graph Scheduling problem to a concurrent stochastic game where the notion of Nash equilibrium is considered. These models were developed during my final year for my MSci Project. The models can be run using the PRISM-games tool which is available for download here.
The models developed are described as follows:
For these models one scheduler was used a variation of processors.
- The Basic 2 Processor Model
- tg_csg_basic2.prism
- The Basic 3 Processor Model
- tg_csg_basic3.prism
- The Basic 3 Processor Model, where P3 is faster
- tg_csg_basic3_faster.prism
- The Basic 3 Processor Model, where P3 is slower
- tg_csg_basic3_slower.prism
- The 3 Processor Model with Failure
- tg_csg_failure3.prism
- The 3 Processor Model with Failure, where P3 is faster
- tg_csg_failure3_faster.prism
- The 3 Processor Model with Failure, where P3 is slower
- tg_csg_failure3_slower.prism
- The 3 Processor Model with Faults
- tg_csg_faulty3.prism
- Properties for zero-sum models
- tg_csg.props
For these models another scheduler was introduced in the Basic 3 Processor Model, the number of tasks each scheduler has to complete was changed.
- Model with Three Tasks
- tg_csg_2sched_3tasks.prism
- Model with Four Tasks
- tg_csg_2sched_4tasks.prism
- Properties for nonzero-sum models
- tg_csg_2sched.props
The analysis and discussion for these models can be found here.